r9e7l FULLERET AL.: NEV HETEROSPATHEFROM FUI Prircipes,4L(2), 1997, pp. 65-69 A NewSpecies of Heterospathefrom Fiii DvreN FuLLER,1,3JoHn L. DowE,2AND MICHAEL F. Dovrel rSouth Paeffic Regional Herbarium, Uniaersity of the South Pacifu, Sma, Fiii 218 Arnelia St.,Albion 410, Queensland,Australia Since the publication of Moore's (1979) treat- mon Islands, and Bismarck Archipelago (Uhl and ment of Fiji palms, extensive and more intensive Dransfield 1987), and Vanuatu (Dowe and Caba- botanical exploration has occurred in many areas lion 1996). The affinities of Fiji palms follows the of the Fiji archipelago.Even in locations close to same general pattem as the rest of the vascular developed areas, more thorough examination has flora-essentially a Pacific extensionof the Indo- revealed a number of novelties, including the new Malesian floristic region, although Polynesianand species of Heterospathedescribed in this paper. even Neocaledonianconnections exist. Within the The most recently described palms from Fiji, southwestPacific region and at the generic level, Alsmithia longipesH.E. Moore (Moore et al. 1982) the palm flora's closest relationship is with Vanu- and Gulubia microcarpa Essig (Essig 7982), atu (Dowe and Cabalion 1996). resulted from collections conducted in 1980. The remarkable endemism (IOO7o) of Fiji's These discoveries, along with recent field work palms suggeststhat there has been considerable (Fuller and Doyle, unpublished), indicate a sig- speciation within the group. Based on its oceanic nificantly larger palm flora than previously recog- geologic origins (Rodda 1994), presumably all nised. indigenous taxa in Fiji were dispersed by means The indigenous palm flora of Fiji is relatively of short-distancedispersal from adjacent islands, rich in taxa and includes ca. 30 species distrib- or by long-distance dispersal from other floristic uted among the following 13 genera: Alsmithia, sourceareas. The fruits of many Fiji palms appear Balaka, Calanntn, Clinostigma, Cyphospenna,Het- to be bird dispersed, although at least one taxon erospathe, Gonioclad,us,Gulubia, Metroxylon, (Metroxylon)may be water dispersed.Fiji's oldest Neoueitchia, Ph.ysokentia, Pritchardia, and Veit- terrestrial rocks range from about 14-17 million chia. The common and widespread Cocos was years old (Rodda, personal communication).The probably an early aboriginal introduction into Fiji, age of the islands, combined with their insular and as such, is excluded from the above list. nature both in terms of isolation from other islands were Although three of the 13 generalisted above as well as locally occurring topographic barriers mono- previously consideredbs Fiji endemicsand (e.g., mountain ranges) has undoubtedly contrib- (Alsmithia, Goniocladus, and Neoueitchia), typic uted to the high level of endemismof palms within the recent discovery of a new species of Neoaeit- the Fiji Islands. Many, if not all, of Fiji's native chia from Vanuatu (Dowe and Cabalion 1996) palms probably are the result of speciationevents reduces the number of endemic monotypic genera in situ (neoendemics),as opposedtb being relict to two. All native palm speciesfrom Fiji are con- species (paleoendemics)which had once wider sidered endemic to the island group. Most Fiji distributions and are nor{ only restricted to single palms are inhabitants of tropical moist forest, pri- or few localities. marily occurring as subemergents. While some taxa Veitchia aitiensis (H. The genus Heterospathe was not previously [e.g., Wendl.) H.E. Moore and Balaka longirostris known to occur in Fiji, although its presence is Becc.] are common, several species Cyphos- not surprising basedon its westem tropieal Pacific le.g., perrna tanga (H.E. Moore) H.E. Moore and Het- distribution, which includes the Philippines, erospathephillipsii sp. nov.] are very rare and con- Micronesia, eastem Indonesia, New Guinea, Solo- fined to single or only a few localities, with some potentially threatened from logging or other land 3Presentaddress: The Natural Historry Museum, Cromwell use activities. At present, only one palm species Road. London SW7 5BD. UK. from Fiji fNeoueitchiastorcltii (H.WendI.) Becc.l is PRINCIPES [Vor..4l internationally recognizedas endangered(Gorman branches with prominent pulvini; peduncle to 30 q4d Siwatibar 1975; Lucas and Synge 1978). cm long, elliptic in crosssection, 2.5 cm wide by Because of the diversity and high endemism of I cm thick at the base,to 1.5 cm wide by 0.8 cm Fiji's palm flora, combined with increasingthreats thick below attachment of first branch; prophyll to their habitat, efforts must be taken to both doc- 50-60 cm long, fully encircling peduncle at ument the occurrence of taxa present as well as attachmentodorsiventrally compressed,marginally develop conservationstrategies for their long-term winged, persistent, outer surface with numerous preservation. punctiform scales, inner surface glabrous, disin- tegratingto fibrous strands;peduncular bract.J, Heterospathe phillipsii Fuller and Dowe Sp. nov. greatly exserted from apex of prophyll, attached ca 5 cm above attachment of prophyll, to 1.8 m Palma usque 12 m alta. Folia pinnis latis laxis long, tubular, fully enclosinginflorescence in bud, semipendulismedio folii 4.5 cm latis. Inflorescen- apex dorsiventrally spathulate, splitting longitu- tia ramosain 4 ordines. Flos staminatus6 stamina dinally along adaxial surface prior to dehiscence, ferens.Fructus ellipsoideus usque 13 mm longus, caducous,outer surfacewith numerouspunctiform vestigio stigmatis apicale excentrico. Semen scales,inner surfaceglabrous; rachillae 15-25 cm vadoseruminatum. Typus: Fiji, Viti Levu, Veiva- long, white-cream,terete in cross-section,slightly tuloa District, Namosi Province, B km NW of flexuous,longitudinally striate, sparse brown Navua, Natural Forest ManagementPilot Project scalesmost densenear triads. Flowers in triads in (NFMPP) Reserve,c. 150-200 m altitude, 14 proximal portion, paired or single staminateflow- Nov 1995, Fuller 299 (holotypus SUVA; isotypi ers in distal portion, spirally arranged, sessile, BH, BRI). (Figs. r-3). subtended by liplike bracts. Staminate flower Solitary palm to 12 m tall. Trunk erect, to lB white-cream, slightly asymmetric in bud, sepals cm DBH, green to brown in upper portion, becom- imbricate to I mm long, petals valvate to 3 mm ing grey with age in the lower portion, base long, stamens6, anthers dorsifixed, latrorse, ver- expanded; leaf scars closely spaced, raised, satile; pistillode to 3 mm long, columnar, tapered Leaves 10-12 in a compactcrown, to 5 m long, toward the apex. Pistillate flower white-cream, arching to curved below the horizontal, 48-52 pin- symmetrical, to 3 mm long, sepals imbricate, to nae per side, leaf basesnot forming a crownshaft; I.5 mm long, petals imbricate to 3 mm long, new leaf usually reddish/bronze;petiole 30-50 cm stigma trifid, protruding at anthesis. Fruit ellip- long, green, concave adaxially, convex abaxially, soid,to 13 X 7 mm, stigmaticremains prominent, glabrous;rachis ridged adaxially, convexabaxially eccentrically apical; epicarp smooth (drying peb- in lower portion becoming flat in distal portion, bled), red at maturity, mesocarp thin, fibrous, glabrous; pinnae lax to semi-pendulous, in one endocarp thin, crustaceous. Seed ellipsoid, plane, glossy dark green on adaxial surface,paler attached laterally, to 7 X 4 mm, hilum elongate, green on abaxial surface, widely and evenly extending the length of the seed, raphe branches spaced along rachis, lanceolate,apex acute, mid- anastomosing,surface with shallow grooves,endo- leaf pinnaeto 75 cm long, 3.5-4.5 cm wide; mid- sperm shallowly ruminate; embryo basal. Eophyll rib prominent adaxially and raised only slightly pinnate. abaxially; secondarylateral ribs 2-3 on either side Distribution: FIJI. Known from one locality on of midrib, most prominent on adaxial surface, Viti Levu, B km north of Navua in forest that has positioned unequally between midrib and mar- been selectivelylogged. This samepalm species ginal rib; ramentaon abaxial midrib sparse,absent was originally reported (in 1976) from a separate from distal one-fourth of pinnae, basifixed. Inflo- disjunct area near NaimasimasiVillage, Province rescence interfoliar, to 1.8 m long, branched to of Tailevu, some 60 km NE of the extant popu- four orders, axes white-cream, all branches lation. A tree from this disjunct population is pres- straight, major branches angular in cross sectiono ently growing in the garden of Mr R.H. Phillips minor branches terete in cross section, bases of (Zona 642). The palms in this area could have l. Heterospathephittipsii.A pinnae, ada,rial view; B. Staminateflower at anthesis;C. Pistillate flowers, at receptivity, uttu"h"dj rachilla; D. Fruit attachedto rachilla; E. Fruit (full and transected)and seed (hilum view) (.Fuller 299). Illustrations by Nicole Jelicich 19971 FULLERET AL.: NEW HETEROSPATHEFROM FUI 3cmt 68 PRINCIPES [Vol. 41 2. Heterospathephillipsii, habit, inland from Navua, Viti Levu. 3. Leaf and inflorescenceof Heterospathephillipsii been destroyedwhen the area was clear-felled for palm heart is edible and the immature seedsare planting Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). A eaten: they are reported to taste like coconut. search in 1994 found no trace of the Heterospathe Conseraation'Proposed as Threatened:The palms (R.H. Phillips, personalcommunication). population consistsof an estimated400-500 adult SpecimensExarnincd: FIJI. Viti Levu, Veivatu- trees in a single population along a 5 km section Ioa District, NamosiProvinceo
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