Floor, Vedra “Hleera Plaza”, 4th Near Telephone Exchange, Central Avene,EP - 440 008Oe onto “we MALU PAPER Web _ : malupaper.com email; [email protected] Cee CIN No. : L15142MH1994PLC076009 Date: 22-06-2020 To To —— The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. The National Stock Exchange of India BSE Listing Center NEAPS Mumbai -400 001. Mumbai - 400 051. Security Code: 532728 Symbol: malupaper Sub : Submission of Newspaper copies of Board meeting Notice. Sir/Madam Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, we are enclosing herewith a copy of the Notice of the Board Meeting published in Loksatta, a Marathi daily newspaper in Maharashtra and Indian express - The English newspaper published in Nagpur. The Notice for the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on 27" June, 2020 is also available on the website of the Company at http://malupaper.com You are requested to kindly take the same on record and inform all those concerned accordingly. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Malu Paper Mil MayuriAsawa Company Secretary Mem. no: A50891 Unit II : Village Borujwada , Nagpur Saoner Road, Taluka-Saoner, Dist.: Nagpur - 441 107 Unit III: Village Heti (Surla), Saoner Industrial Area, Taluka-Saoner, Dist.: Nagpur - 441 107 Scanned by TapSeanner SST 2 Ferra Seay PATE, STA BALA.B19 Wea ay ever eeeeens_wananrag sninde.par WA, OH &+3=8 TA Sard eres Sirsa siren I j09, Serer SAAT ATER 309 dent | weie A. 909, 3 Foret flesh auitqar steea, APTN Fea, sft. 28,30,000,00 | 43.09.2090 | 03.00.209¢ | 49,00,000.00 | hema, sel sree, eae eens, Pe Aafia ger| ea4. 209, Hh. we a. ve. wea 928, Ht] afgergeneise aferenreras PRAT Uleet § ae yet AIST Sse aA TTR WAN, Alef siaRent ts, STREAM | SEN qprret ae gels Aarne Toa et WWROIEOE HAA, S SIT Ye Sra rcbrer frasaen ae -7 veal sree ara 309 dent arsint féror te, on. feo fr. arvgy (art ar afederet sea, sta ar SHASTA & 00 Tr fireadier, smréte, aren tame,Pre Rai yer 830,00 a.m.) SATS Gee AT HIE «RUTAT Saray ‘Say’ gz TAR, Alef siarentte, HaRSt Ary Bia, Ararat shores ga sister 3 sere sae ar WR qaaT aRTaY, cass sax SAT RSS HS ¢ cer ig FAM oo WT! Be Ore are oF vet deter do aa, ay ; fereter gaara y- sitsten yftaaqa at sire Ws, ereishtfH. aerate SISter feise Be, Hiseen ame. ast at farerar In/sites/default/fi les/corpbank-page-files/tender/tejomaya_ventures_lip_01 -pdf SPATT-4 SiS o Bet Taq aret stare Tor y-y siren. "oa, SMP SAAT ARTA 309 Beat |yeie F. 392, 3.8 Aste falesit duimar sieear, APTER Fea, aff. 28,30,000.00 | 43.09.2099] 03.00.209¢ | 494,00,000.00 were; Saft Sar forage SF SATA VOSA Bt Boma, afef sTeHe, FACT ease, Fre afin get | deaa. 209, fh. va. a. ve, was. 928, Hhst] ofeergene siser aftresreras FARS-C SHS 0 Vet aq ‘Say’ weraspat, Sareea ATT WAR, Alef siarentts, dared ary FSM quer a ws danse Tea ay O2¥ZoIGoIrx™E | eat sree arTax 309 dept STShrt fEeroT Vs, a. for PH, aa (art as Tarirar art eeu farat Uoa Cea SRT IT frwarerar HATCH, BACT ctaMwe, Me fakerGar | ¥30.00 tH. ) SeTe Geet = Wa eae ata. art Garett ws wigs wortand warirsia ent WR GaaT ARTY, cass Aex WMHS STRAY Mera. yarchiar BART SRA Soa Ore are oF watt dele do ane, a4 serene,sere SpE sea ane. US, Teich fr. serrate RS-< sien sere «, https://www.youtube.co Uisites/default/files/corpbank-page-files/tenderitejomaya_ventures,lip_02 pdf WRT 2, saftr m/channel/UCujcDs_Xxo aang ‘ oaea H. 9 - a anf feedin Panne ma TTR FEI, At. | 3¢8,43,000.00] 03.0¢.2040] 49.99,204¢ 3,90,000.00 freer woes us sta ¢ cet CivNNQANrtAwQ lero HK AH GE (FI) FN A. 230/9, veo as Dieapar tse oiferemreras foieret Adie. ere Zz 2 ( SRE farsa, Cras, Nls, a5 FATE] 2.0¢ VaR Oh as 0.49 Se ah de WWYoorx~e va creat Taras, ) Gest afer ste Tat FT . 230/98as daex ferrrax wire panja@demic 2.9¢.0 SIR 0.84 Ge IT SIAR G. 0.190t. SaCH &. 2 - ferries ma Gong (Sra) aefter We A. 23¢, VEU 8s Fale 2.00 ame A ag MALU PAPER MILLS LTD. 0.8¢ We ant cle geet afs de gaat a. Registered Office : Heera Plaza, 4th Floor, Near Telephone Exchange, Central Avenue, Nagpur, Ph: 91 - 712 - 2760308 Fax 291 - 712 - 2760310 23¢/2 OF BIE 0.98.0 aI 0.4 BE at Email : [email protected] Website: www.malupaper.com STARB, 0,93 4, CIN : L15142MH1994PLC076009 SIH w. 3 ~ faeries ma Gong (gra) defer WE4. 280/94, Yep OF aafer VER ¥.42 Se TE 9.08BE (0.03 + 0.26 Se) Are ered NOTICE is hereby given that “1/2020-21” meeting of the Board of femétc 4 chet fearrndt dadet om, Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Saturdaythe 27" day of June 2020 at 5.00 PM through video conferencing or other audio wat ts anf dle gadt afa dic gost =. visual means due to COVID-19 Pandemic inter alia, to consider and take 280/98 85 GEX 0.89.0 SIR 9.09 we ant on record the following: SOR&. 9.40 4. wet men 4. 98 3 owas 1 Audited financial results of the Company for the quarter and year ended on Gee oH anf 20 ae a March 31, 2020 along with the statement of assets and liabilities as on VEU AT VER 9.33 March 31, 2020 and cash flow Statements for the year ended on 31" March goo the. ome. aera fedin, 2020 and to take on record the Auditor's report thereon. dn, doe aA 2 Anyother business with the permission of Chairman. tram, fae, starts By Order of the Board /sites/default/files/corpbank-page “fi les/tender/bansal_udyog_0.pdf Sd/- Date : 18/06/2020 Mayuri Asawa '&S : qv | 2020, w. 99.44 a § 9.95 (90 Ahtere arraféte sitet verter) Place : Nagpur Company Secretary & Compliance officer, feu : ae snsicx, aaa acura gaat arer a int aif aes, Rvtonwaa (4) feafies (ania aa - fe siganwate feftite) acactama, wiz4, 882, Yoo & Rod, Trae Fahizae Ufa, actatt ) AMR8% oc 3 ONT wie. 4, a4, featde ez, ver ae, sia 3. be de Wag ¥oo oR. eat BATH : RRoVEG/EoGoo HAW-geLAALo, WET wraheTe : Ce 7. $e R32, Ache seftzwer oft, were, wet Ha¥-voossto, AH: 0e- ORR oRo; Ha : 092-20Eaz000. Ut wTateTa : Ta ; () fates (anid aa - fe seer waain fais) wd ras hin, Bat aprespt sree sie: Fareat FERN Tae ie titer ml ardent Meare:Bt ae Meee:@°ee fier pate * (*tamat.@ sregErHeat Sarat are ame.) R Lok: Satta, RNI. No. MAHMAR/2006/18851.0ff sfeaa waka f -WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THE SUNDAY EXPRESS, JUNE 21,2020 MALU PAPER MILLS LTD. Registered Office : Heera Plaza, 4th Floor, Near Telephone Exchange, B da 31m aster Bank of Baroda SYMBOLIC POSSESSION NOTICE (frinnovaieopty on) ~ Central Avenue, Nagpur. Ph: 91 - 712 - 2760308 Fax : 91 - 712 - 2760310 Whereas, The undersigned being the authorised officer of the Bank of Baroda under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Email : [email protected] Website : www.malupaper.com Security Interest (Second) Ordinance Act, 2002 and in exercise of powers conferred under Section 13(12) read with rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, CIN : L15142MH1994PLC076009 2002 issued a demand notice dated mentioned on below column calling upon the borrower/guarantors & mortgagors to repay the amount mentioned in the notice being and interest thereon at contractual rate plus costs, charges and expenses till date of payment within 60 days from-the date of receipt of the said notice. The borrower & guarantors having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the borrower/guarantors & mortgagors and the public in general that the undersigned has taken Possession of the property described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him/her under Section 13(4) of the said Ordinance Act io NOTICE is hereby given that “1/2020-21” meeting of the Board of <5 Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Saturdaythe 27" read with rule 8 of the Security Interest Enforcement Rules, 2002. The borrower/guarantors & mortgagors in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not day of June 2020 at 5.00 PM through video conferencing or other audio to deal with the property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of the e-Vijaya Bank (Now Bank of Baroda) Mohannagar, Nagpur for an ae amount and interest thereon.The borrower’s attention is invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act in respect of time available to redeem the visual means due to COVID-19 pandemic inter alia, to consider and take ox secured assets. i, on record the following: 1 Audited financial results of the Company for the quarter and year ended on Sr. Name of Borrower’s/ inti i Date of Demand Notice Date of cm) No.| Guarantors & Mortgagors Desceigton 6t he lsenevabie Fiano Demand Notice Amount 0/s. (Rs.) Possession C4 March 31, 2020 along with the statement of assets and liabilities as on March 31, 2020 and cash flow statements for the year ended on 31° March 1.| Mr. Bidyut Dey, Late Sudhir Dey | All that unit named as “ VEDAKRUTI” bearing no 297/A situated on the plot} 13-01-2020 Rs. 15,43,554.19/- 18-06-2020 Foe 2020 and to take on record the Auditor's report thereon.
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