WEDNESDAY, JOLT 1,1S8& AVBBAOB DAILY OBOtTLAnON lHanrI|»0trr JEttraitto ferallt far toe Moato aC Juas. 1988 The board o f admin letratlon of Trolley operators and bus drivers Mr. and Mrs. Frsd Patton vlaltad A number o f the members o f S t Mlse Marjory and Mias Dorothy Thq Norton Shoe Company, which A marriage Ueenee was applied 5,868 the Emanuel Lutheran church will employed by the Connecticut Com­ Margaret's Clrele, Daughters of relativaa and friends In town today. Cheney of Hartford Road will apend has been located In the Rubtnow Member of toe Audit meet thia evening, the truateea at pany in the Hartford divisloa y ^ Mr. Patton, a former reeident, haa Isabella, w llr attend the mtuisi the montb of July In Keene Valley, for last night by Mrs. Nellie Sylves­ 7 o’clock, the deaoona at 8 and the terday and today bid to tuna. The banquet o f Sacred Heart Circle, of building vacated early thla morning ter, wldbw.nf 199 Oak steet, and Bureau of Obroolatoma. attained fame as a concert and N . T . and thu plaoa la to be occupied by J 'Vnmm, xarnttv t i Hanche*- Joint board at 8:80. chango win go Into effect on 8tm- Metropolitan Opera singer. He Is Rockville, tonight. Sylvester Mossuekl o f 99 Harblaon day. another chain shoe store coon, al­ avenue, Hartford, employee of the MANCHESTER -- A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM : Otanga haa caUed a apeclal professor of music at Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa F. kelley though no effort has been made on j o f tba oflloera for thlaaevs- State College at Baat Lansing, and The Alptna society will bold Its of Dreseber road and sona, Thomaa Hartford Bnectrlc Light eomptmy. VOL. LV„ NO. 234. Roae Ctampany No. 9 o f the Man- Fred FItchner who haa been local the part of the company that la to widower. Mrs. Sylveeter's eon. Adverttotog ea Pago 18.) « 8 o’doek, at 447 Center cheater lire mpartment haa aet July manager of the Maneheator Oaa Is at present a baritone with a regular meeting tonight at 8 o’clock and David, will apend the eummer occupy the place to vacate fee atore AIANCRESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1936. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) FlaBB for the anmial picnic Chautauqua circuit. >• in the Norman street clubhouse. Joseph Sylvester, was married Islat PRICE THREE CBf 19 aa the data for Ita outing at Company alnoo the company was in esmp at Holdemeaa, N. H. they aro now occupying. Saturday morning. ’ ba aiada and other bualBi Rocky Point, R. L purchased from Cheney Brothers was today offldaUy auccseded ^ Mary C Keeney T ent Daugbtera Charlea W. KlmbaU aa ths manager Stricken Morgan’s Return Home beheatair bGffier tfiopi wlU of Unkm Veterana of the ClvU War, of the Manchester offioe. POPE PIUS ORDERS FARLEY TALKS open until 0 o'clock Friday will meet tomorrow evening for a and will he elooed aU day Bat* bualneaa meeting and social with Nutmeg Forest, TsU Csdars of C eieB R A T e - baforc—the—fourth — — — — R0RA6ACK TO Mrs. Beatrice Manning o f 47 Maple Lebanon, wlU hold Its outing WITH FDR ON street. and elambaka at Oaano's cottrgs on MOVIE CENSORSHIP Bolton Lake, Sunday. July 98. AU members planning to attend should AT HEAD OF G. 0 . The committee In charge of the notify Clarence Chambers of Ford THE W A I G N Memorial h«qdtal's benefit perform­ street, who la chairman o f the tick­ ance of the Jitney Players reoueats et committee for the affair. Encycli(»l Letter Is Ad­ that those who have not made re­ NAUOirS OUTGO turns for their tickets do so aa soon M ay Determine Cahinel IN SPITE OF RUMOl Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dunlop, who dressed Directly to Bish­ aa possible making checks payable have moved from Clinton atreet to to the Manchester Memorial hospi­ their recently purebaaed homa on OVER TWICE AS ta l the QuarryvlUe road, Bolton, have ops in United States for Member’s Fotnre Status; aa their guests for the month of Conn. State Chairman July, Mri. Samuel Patteraon and U. S. gifITED £ r oonjunettoa with a radio Hamilton Describes Dem aoD Russell of Brooklyn, N. T, First Time in Y ears. MUCH^INCOME broadcast by the Tidewater Oil Be Active Leader of I company, J. W. Adamy of Adamy'a Service station, local representative r. and Mrs. Oeorgs B. Keith of ocratic Parley as ‘Hooey’. TO JOIN MOVE Lewis street have left for White of the company, will apeak from Vatican City, July 2.— (A P )— Norgenthaa Reports Year’s paign fo r Landon; RnaMii Station WDRC tomorrow at 7:45 Bands Beach where toey plan to Pius today ordered a world remain the rest of the summer, B athing Suits ’ eensorahlp on movies under the di­ Washington, July 1.— (A P )— New AUOISrWAIIS Spending Leares Deficit o f Retirement A re Mrs. A. P. Lydall and her daugh­ rection of his bishops. Deal tactics in the campaign wars I ter, Miss Irene Lydall o f Hudaonl The order was Issued in an encyc were up for dlscusaloh today street are at York Beach, Maine for Get a JANTZEN for Figure Control f ileal letter addressed directly to the Far Aboye Four KDions; President Ronseveit summoned Na­ Veteran RepnhRcai I bishops and archbishops of the Netherlaods Envoy at tke two weeks. On Friday Mlaa Beatrice tional Chairman James A. Farley to July 9, 1988 and Miss Bernice LydaU wHl Join Roman Catholic church in the Adjusta-Bra Model United States. Points to an important conferenoa at the tain Deeply h tc PINEHURST them and remain for a two weeka' Bra-Tuck Model White House. Leagne Session A sb AD vacation. The church head also ordered the with Skirt hubops throughout the world to ob­ The talk was invested with addi­ rPinehiirst Will Be Closed AH Day .Saturday, July 4th. tain from the faithful annually re­ tional importance because it was ex­ Success of Lands Washington, July 2. — (A P ) pected to determine Farley’s futurs Non-Members to Partid- Open Thnrsday. newable promises “to abstain from Making a report to the nation’s witnessing bad films.’’ status in the New Deal's high com­ lic k e L $4-95 -t was the first time in recent “stockholdera’’, Secretary Morgen- mand. Recurrent reports led many pate in Talks. ’ p^hMJoa Wrapped Oenecoos Stoe Mackerel, lb. 12Vi* $ 5 - 9 5 years the Pope has published an than figures that government ’ ex­ in the Capitol to believe that Farley encyclical addressed directly to might soon announce that hs was penditures during the past 12 Hartford, July 2 llJIM B PATTIES Haddock Filets American bishops. months were more than double the stepping out as postmaster-general Geneva, July 2 — (A P ) — The — either permanently or temporarily Henry Roraback will Bra-Lace Model His Holiness ordered the estab­ receipts, but emphasizes that the Netherlands foreign minister, D. A. cony: Filet of Sole lishment of motion picture review fiscal picture li improving. — to concentrate on hia duties as (hll campaign aa Republh Democratic chairman. D. DeGraeff, made an open bid be­ 1 4 2 9 * with Skirt offices under the supervision of the The Treasury secretary, in a radio chairman and will not n Fresh Salmon bishops and said these officers report of federal finances for the In preparaUon for the big oratori­ fore the League of Nations Assem­ jxirta to the contrary rtot |j;CJalvcs* U v e r . would inform laymen what pictures year ended June 30, placed receipts cal engagements ahead, leaders in bly today for adherence of the B n tterflsh . .Ib. 21< the Democratic and Republican United States and other Geneva they may or may not see. at $4,116,000,000 and expenditures, tTUs fact was ascer_ ^ Ground Beef LOUIS S. JAFFE The Pope ordered that a per­ camps devoted themselves to an as­ sentees. 891 Main S t Phone 8899 exclusive of debt retirement, at 88,- ^ the Hartford Hmea i H alibut manent national reviewing office be sault on each other's party plat­ He advocated the elimination of , ' Lean $6-95 500,000,000, leaving the year’s net forms. tfgaUon of persistent r ^ set up in each country and sug­ deficit at $4,884,000,000. ail sanctions from the League's the man who has led U « j Clam s :>eaca machinery and suggested Registered In Aqua - Melon - Maize - Navy - Brown - Green gested It be entrusted to the head­ A t the same time ha declared' the OsUed ‘‘Mnnibo-Jambo’* 30 years wea preparing I f Shoulder Lamb Chops Tansformatlon of the Covenant into Boston Blaeflsh„l quarters of the Catholic Action or­ nation “may derive real encourage­ Describing the recent Democratic soon. and Combinations._________________ convention aa marked by "Mumbo- an agreement of a purely consulta­ 1:^ Assorted Cold Cuts lbs. 25e ganization and dependent on the ment and satiafaction" from hia re­ RMponsible party load. Optician bishops. ^m bo," Republican Chairman John tive type. Mr. Roraback was grsatly port of a rise in national Income, an His proposal, which created a stir p H Ib .2 3 c Cod PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Forest Mills He urged the exchange of infor­ increase in federal revenues, a de­ D. M. Hamilton told the Ohio Re­ ed In the success of the publican convention last night that In the Assembly chamber, aupple- W e have a eeleotlon of the new­ mation between the offices in all cline In federal spending and a con­ Knox ticket and he ext countries to "achieve a unit outlet the platform adopted at Philadel- mentod the Idea that the only landslide against President^ ■- r-— ■— ---------neu Hasp- est style frames.
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