www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, August 14, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, AugustJune 2, 14,2017 2020 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 33 22 PM: 40025701 New Tourism Fund Boosts Local Attractions, page 5 China’s BRI Is An ‘Instrument Of Blackmail, page 6 Brush Up On Mississauga’s Trail Etiquette, page 11 Ontario Budgets $30B In COVID-19 Plan First Quarter Finances Released; Minister Phillips Highlights Hospital Capacity, LTC Homes TORONTO: The Ontario government vent and contain the spread of COVID-19 said it is continuing to support the prov- in long-term care homes, ramp up testing ince’s recovery from COVID-19 over the and purchase personal protective equip- long-term while delivering on its commit- ment and critical medical supplies. ment to transparency and accountability An increase of $7.3 billion for a total of with the release of 2020-21 First Quarter $11.0 billion to support people and jobs, Finances and an update to Ontario’s Action which supports investments in a tempo- Plan: Responding to COVID-19. rary pandemic pay for more than 375,000 The government continues to invest eligible frontline workers totaling over and budget for further contingencies in $1.5 billion, $4 billion in targeted fund- the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, ing to help municipal partners and transit including providing support to families, agencies to continue to deliver critical ser- businesses, workers, municipalities, long- vices, and temporary immediate relief for term care homes and those on the front- residential, farm, small business, industrial lines of the pandemic to protect the health and commercial electricity consumers. and economic well-being of the people of The government is now projecting a Ontario, an official statement said. Ontario Minister of Finance Rod Phillips. Pic: Twitter deficit of $38.5 billion in 2020-21, which These investments bring the govern- incorporates the most up to date economic ment’s COVID-19 response action plan to to do whatever was necessary to protect demic, the government is making addi- information and additional supports for the a projected $30 billion, up from $17 bil- the people of Ontario from this pandemic tional investments in the fight against CO- pandemic recovery period and the safe re- lion announced in Ontario’s Action Plan: and support them as they deal with the un- VID-19, including: start framework. Private-sector forecasts, Responding to COVID-19 on March 25, precedented impact on their lives.” An increase of $4.4 billion for a total of on average, project that Ontario’s real 2020. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, Since announcing the first steps in the $7.7 billion to provide ongoing support for GDP will decline by 6.6 per cent in 2020, sid: “From the very beginning, we chose government’s response to the global pan- health care to build hospital capacity, pre- Continued on page 2 Accelerated LTC Build Trump Brokers Historic Program Gets Underway Israel-UAE Peace Pact WASHINGton: In a major Israel will suspend declaring breakthrough for peace in the sovereignty over areas outlined Mississauga To Get Two New Facilities In Pilot Project Middle East, US President Don- in President Trump’s vision of ald Trump has brokered a his- peace and focus its efforts now TORONTO: The Ontario gov- toric agreement between Israel on expanding its ties with other ernment announced that a new and the United Arab Emirates for countries in the Arab and Muslim long-term care home will be built full normalization of relations be- world.“After 49 years, Israel and at Humber River Hospital’s Finch tween the two countries. the United Arab Emirates will site in months, not years. The Trump announced this through fully normalize their diplomatic project is part of the province’s a joint statement from US, Israel relations -- This is a truly historic Accelerated Build Pilot Pro- and the UAE. “President Donald moment,” Trump said. gram. By working with Humber Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the deal rep- River Hospital and Infrastructure Netanyahu of Israel and Sheikh resented a “historic day” for his Ontario, the province intends to Mohammed Bin Zayed, Crown country. This is the first peace build up to 320 new long-term Prince of Abu Dhabi and Depu- treaty between Israel and an Arab care beds at this site by the end ty Supreme Commander of the country in 25 years. of next year. UAE spoke today and agreed to The pilot program is part of full normalisation of relations be- the government’s plan to create tween Israel and UAE,” the state- new long-term care beds across ment said. the province that include features Doug Ford with Minister Fullerton and Mayor John Tory at the Humber River Hospital Finch site. - Pic: Twitter The breakthrough happened such as air conditioning and pri- over a phone call between the vate or semi-private rooms, be- ment in long-term care, we are are targeting completion of the three leaders. The Israeli Prime ginning immediately. The pilot getting shovels in the ground project by the end of 2021, years Minister’s Office released a brief program was launched on July faster and delivering on our com- faster than the traditional timeline statement that Prime Minister Ne- 21, 2020 in Mississauga where mitment to build 30,000 long- for long-term care development. tanyahu, from his office, spoke by two new homes with up to 640 term care beds over the next de- Humber River Hospital will work telephone with the US President new beds will be built, and fol- cade,” said Premier Ford. “We’re with Infrastructure Ontario to and Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince. lowed up with another project an- working with innovative partners manage the day-to-day construc- “The historic breakthrough nounced on July 28, 2020 in Ajax like Humber River Hospital and tion and commissioning over- will advance peace in the Middle where 320 new beds will be built. Infrastructure Ontario to help get sight. East region and is a testament to Details about the new project our seniors off waitlists and into “Now, with our experience of the bold diplomacy and vision of were provided this week by Pre- modern rooms, so they receive COVID-19, it is more important the three leaders and the courage BROKER mier Doug Ford, Dr. Merrilee the quality care they deserve than ever that we realize our gov- of UAE and Israel to chart a new BROKER Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term sooner.” ernment’s vision to build a 21st path that will unlock the great Care, Barbara Collins, President Through the use of hospital century integrated long-term care potential in the region. All three REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE and CEO of Humber River Hos- lands, and a range of accelerating system that provides our most countries face common challeng- pital, and John Tory, Mayor of measures such as modular con- vulnerable with safe, high-qual- es and will mutually benefit from Toronto. struction and rapid procurement, ity, resident-centred care and a today’s historic achievement,” “After years of underinvest- the government and its partners Continued on page 2 Trump’s Twitter account said. Police Getting More Tools to Combat Crime TORONTO: The Ontario gov- “In light of recent episodes of es and communities can recover safe, bring violent criminals to ernment is looking to partner violence, it’s absolutely critical from the impacts of COVID-19 justice, and ensure people can re- with police services across the that we give our police the tools without fear of crime,” said Pre- build their lives in peace.” province to expand the cover- and resources they need to keep mier Doug Ford. “This invest- All municipal and First Na- age of closed-circuit television people safe and ensure business- ment will help keep our streets tions police services, as well as (CCTV) systems, a key tool in the Ontario Provincial Police, the fight against guns and gangs have been told to apply for fund- and other criminal activity. ing for the first year of the CCTV The investment of $6 million Grant cycle (2020-21). over three years will be made “Surveillance systems are an available through the Ontario important part of our partnership CCTV Grant, a new program with police services to combat designed to further support po- gun and gang violence. We are lice services in their efforts to confident this investment will enhance public safety and hold help municipalities expand their offenders accountable as part of CCTV capacity and ramp up the Ontario’s Guns, Gangs and Vio- local fight against crime,” said lence Reduction Strategy. Pic: ontario.ca/Twitter Continued on page 2 A-2 | Friday, August 14, 2020 National www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF There Are Signs Of Economic Recovery: Phillips Bala Menon Continued from page 1 ment determined that putting CONTRIBUTING WRITERS down significantly from when the public health first not only would Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) March 2020 Economic and Fis- save lives, but was the smartest Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu cal Update was finalized. Total economic policy,” said Phillips Harj Chaggar revenue is projected to be $150.6 “The faster and steadier the Amitabh Saxena billion in 2020-21, $5.7 billion progress to contain the outbreak, lower and program expenses the sooner restrictions can be Graphic Design are projected to be $13.1 billion lifted so customers can return to Tamarind Tree higher than forecast in the March businesses and employees can get 2020 Fiscal Update.
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