Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 25 JUNE 1913 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Adjournment, [25 JUNE.] Address in Reply. 133 WEDNESDAY, 20 JUNE, 1913. The SPEAKER (Hon. \V. D. Armstrong, Lockyer) took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. QUESTION. INSPECTION OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mr. LEN::'\fON (H' rbert) asked the Secre­ tary for Railways- " 1. Are all trains carrying pa:-sengers on the r-aih;·ays of the State regularly inspected as to their fitness for such servicB? "2. Are such trains supplied with tho \Vestinghouse brake; and when and how often is same inspected? "3. What are the qualifications of the men charged with the dut~· of such inspection I "4. Do all, or any of thmn, possess certifi('ates of co1npetency ?" The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS (Hon. W. T. Paget, Mackay) replied- ~,"1. Yes. "2. Yes-every -ix months. _Every locomoth·e depot 1s a place of Inspec­ tion. "3. The mechani~' engaged Dn inspec­ tion -work at the various CDntres are specially trained under the Westing­ house brake foreman in the Ipswich workshops before being sent out. "4. Formal certificates of competency arc not issued. The Westinghouse brake foreman reports as to the efficiency b~[ore the men are allo\Hd to take up th(; work of inspection.'' SUGAR GROWERS BILL. I":rRoDuc:riON AXD Fms:r READING. On the mDtion of the TREASLIRER (Hon. W. H. Barnes, Rulimbl•), this Bill, which had been initiated in Committee, was read a first time, and the secDnd reading made an Or-der of the Day for to-morrow. SUGAR Cl:L'I'IVATION BILL. INTRODUCTION AND FIP.dT READING. On the motiDn of the SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC IJ\'STRUCTIO::'\f (Hon. J. W. Blair, Ipswich), thi' Bill, which had been initiated in Conuuittec', \Vas rr-\ad a first time, and the second reading n1ade an Order of the Day fDr to-morrow. ADDRESS IJ\' REPLY. RESUMPTION OF DEBATE. Mr. COY::'\fE (Walngo) said: I do not intend to spce k at omy l<mgth on tho AddrebS in Reply, as 1t is a, thing 'vithont f:lb.;;tance. I notice-' that on t!1e first page of tlv: :Speech the Gov<ernor ref''', to llw fact that there is ample scope fo:· further p:,•-toral dovelop­ lUent. Every hon. 1ncrnh0r will :::greo that the \Yay to rnakc th-:, t ci ,,-c :opu1c•nt succ,_::-, ~­ fnl is by thro,ving or;}n to grazing S'~lection the large areas th-at aro r-esumable. I am speakinv now, of conr!'(?, of the \Vestern parts of the Sht", to which the Gove-rnor was referring. A great de:tl more could be done in this connection near towns, for instance, where there is a number of young­ men who are willing to take up country if Mr. Goyne.) 134 Address in Reply. [ASSEMBLY.] Address in Reply. that country wer<' made available for them. which I would like to r<'fer is that on the That should be done by the Lands Depart­ line between Goondiwindi and Tha!lon there ment. I know. uf an irl3tance where I is a number of le•tgthsmen who are en, guarante-ed there would be more applicants titled to the extra allow~nce, but it has not for Cf'rtain land than th.~re \vould be por­ yet bf'cn given to them. In viflw of the tions faT tho..:11, and that land has not been fact th1,t the extra allov ..tnce only aTnounts: thro,,n opPn yet. It i•· a pity that that has t.d 6d. a day, and in vie Y of th,, way in not t:..:en done. In looking ov,2r the Speech ,,-hi~h th,, cost of living has been going fron1 tl.1~ '.rhronc I notic.D, a, other han, up, I hope the Secretary for Hai!wa:lB will nternber:j haYe done \Vho hav8 spoken bf£oro take not" of this and ,ce that thio, little 1ne, that there i.:; a rofcn~nc~ in it to tho n1easure of juPti~-e is rncted out to those Llannnr in \vhich thP FLderal eledions \vere rnen. Th.. other day, wh~n the hon. mem­ conductNL I do liOt think that we ever had ber for Fac-.iforn was spo"king, h,·, told 1'1& a State election in Queensland whe;·e cor­ that the railwa:; policy of the present Go­ rupt T~ractirr.<~ have not been indult;0d in; VE-rnn1ent is n lef: ,_, cv inhoritPd fro1n the ;; nd I Vf'nLue t J <·T th ~ in ninety- r.;:_idE".7').t G .. -.·'" ! ne. 'L, --:\~.~Len ·dw Lon. rncm­ nine out of every hundred case:s tl?e b~r has beCca a iittle !o_Jger in this Hous0 off<'nders have bek•nged to the ~upporters of he will learn that the nresent Government the opr-ositc party. But when we tell bk"' credit for all the good Acts that have the Con1monwealth Parliament that they been placed on the statute-book at the in­ nnl>:,[ do something-·in fact, vee com..: stance a-nd support of the party sitting on kan<l them to do oNtain thingc-it i'• cer­ this shle of the House. For ·all the measures. tainly "' piec" of gros:, impertinence on the th 1t are so beneficial to the pco;Jlc of Queens­ pnrt of thi_., Hou.-c-. The oth.-or daY the land which wo were ·instrumental in placing Common' oalth asked the TrC'amrer for CPr­ on the statuto-book the Government claim the tRin d.~t~'- in conn;'ction with tho Government cr·t·dit, and they di::~l~i1n an:. re~1Jonsibility Saving,& Ba:1k, and the hon. gentlcn1an got £or anythihg th ..1t may be con,idored a·s into high dudgeon O\ U' it, and probably he opposed to the mtore,ts of the people. If ·was quito justified. But look at the "other ih~ hon. nwmber will cast his mind back, he side of the picture ! Is not the Common­ v ill find that the GoYernment claim credit wealth justified in casting aside with scorn for such legLlation ae tho amendment of any cmntnand th,1t 1nay issue fron1 this Par­ the Elections Act, which gav<' universal liainent to thr, Parlia.n1Pnt of the Com:n1on­ suffrage to Quo,onsland, 1md which gave wealth? Before dealing with the Address women the vat<'. He will see that they in Reply, I would like to refe" to " matter claim credit for the -\\'ages Boards Act, for that I h;,y.. , rcfcrrc d to on manv occasions H>P Machinery and Sc'lfl:olding Act, for the in this Roue,,, and which is nm; becoming Old-age Pensions Act, the Workers' Com­ a public scandal,~ and ''Thich I hope 'vill be pGnsation Act, the \Yorkers' Lien Act, and re-medied at the carlieot nossible mom'"nt. the. Constitution Act Amendment Act, by I refer to the fe.ct that some of the oldest '1.rhich this 1-lous!_~ is frLT~ d, to smnB extent~ and n1o"'t vvorn-out passRngcr carriages in from the operations of another plaoe. The Que0n;land are used on the Western Rail· party on the Government side to-day wer-e. way a,; far as Cnnnamulla. It is nothing in oppo,ition when these measures were short of a :;caudal tlwt '':>men and children pas,.,-·d. When the Premier was speaking the shoulc! be huddled up in these obsolete other day he said that if the Labour platform carriage: and eon11.'.Ued to ctav in them would help the primary producer he would· right through the- 'vhole journe ,· of 600 place it on the statute-book; but he never mil(_,_ It is a sh;~In~. 11 n1u:. not be quite said one word by way of argument against so hH-1-and yery oft,;n it i:~ not q'IiL: bO what the leader of the Opposition said with bad-bz:'h.,._f,.,n Charleville and Cunnc:unulla, regm'd to those planks in the platform which becan.:-'n there tlH.-.y ,{ 1-11 1_:h tnge carriages; riu apply to the prins.ar:· producer. As but f1 Dm h<:·rc to Charlc :'ille it i,, nothing he did not u~\~ any arr,umorrt a[:dnst them, short of a cliep .. :,ce. I UJC r1erstood that \H"' n1ay reasonably a"'"'u1ne that he is in when the prerent Cmnmissionor tooL:: oVE.T fa 1 our of thp '11, and, if he c"1n adhere to hr.J o:Jcc he und0rh~Jk lo haYe pn alteru­ his promise, then we may expect that he tion nutde. but nothing hc1s so far been will bring in son1e 1neasur0- duri11v this ses­ den.-:. There .Jwuld not be a single car­ sion that will imProve the pc-...ition of the ria~e on that lone; journey 1vithout lavato1'v p1 imary producer- on t};e ]{nos laid down acCOll'h10datioJJ. '.nd it is to the discredit in the 1,latfo;m of thi, party. With regard ot the Government tlu.t they allow c'u­ to the wineral oil that is going to be pros­ riagcs to nm on tho Western Railv·ay with­ pectPcl for in tho Roma district, there was, out la~ . .:1tory acconln::odation. I also re­ a hint given that that would b0 a Govern­ fcrr<'d ]act ye:J,r to the fact that it would ment monopoly. or, at lea,t, that the prevent a great deal of inconvrnience to Government :ere goin~ to work it in the pas,eng-ers, and aho Hn -e a great deal of fir ;t plac-'.
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