Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-10-1909 Statesboro News Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Statesboro News" (1909). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4849. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/4849 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ----_ .. - UllliJatiliON PUOAI OU.'HDUS8TI1I'. The Southern Cross. Ooorglo 110011001, Ullooty. this Bouehern : Gunnlilill of Jft'rulln Proudly it tlonted, Photog�phs R. ":�'I'rIM', New York GretHl h/i<4 Ilppllt:ld till 1110 lor f\ .lIs· t'1'OS�, that ure A rtistio his gunrili!lIIdilip Or Henlin Pnotogrnpus � Ohftrtll:,frnUI 011 a tleld of ominous . Ul!Llly red, Philadelphia � and J'Icuslng, ns w�1I 'L� plain THE NEW SCREVEN I'; Ihl'rt'!cll'" I,() 1111 of valor CUn S1"'ATESBORO G���III� IInllf:,' (WI'. Lh'illg' symbol fn,ith, lind sin' pie, alwuys be bad 80118 I)Ol1flCrllt'tI \III IIle thvir nh.l'·I:tlolls, 1�1](1 Stained. with tho bloocl of 0011' Baltimore lit 0[11' ,'Llldio, If Ilny I,h�y h""t'. 011 or bL,rure i ne IIr,Bt -, Munday ill Bl"pt,. upxt'l "1 t' he will tcderuteI dcru.llI We lire in busiuoss to. please G, JAECKEL, btl frruu 11l;j Washington the thllt >1I'e 1'01' Manager. dl�l!hnrkl'd gllllrdlltl1Shlp, Now it an amulet people Iooking 1.00 A YEAR. a. I'CPo.'1('"S, deal', STATESBORO. GAo ·I,�"ed something to please the Purse 'fUEISDAY AUGUST 10. 1909 fur: .. r., Moon", Ordinary On the breasts of veterans today, as well lIS tho Eye, invites its friends in Bulloch and Oft tlmes ambaliued ill a 01' II sigh \I'e can SII\'U you money ou adjoining tear, Frames lind Portrui ts. counties to make their MORE PROTECTION MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY Georg'l, RUllo"h (Jounty. YOIII' headquarters at the AlaBAMA TO BE DRY heroes who WOI'C YOTE MAY I. hr IhRt M M By' the thcgray. f��HI NUI.lu. rehy giveu Chica,l(o OUR LEADER NEW SCREVEN while in BOlland, l'XI!Ollt,(lr Q( I he e8tKL� of the FOR GEORGIA GAME. Bank still to this WIU"WOI'n , City. Building SAVES HIS IEGK. of Jo!llIh II 01 hILS nn­ IJlingillg AS THE GREAT Statesboro, lIu1(l, deceased, Cincinnati By illlVillg your Photogruphs SAHARA: ed to th.· fur leave to plt ulidereiM'uf.'d cross, Illude here vou can get one en­ has been overhauled and ""II lond to id e.tot. thoroughly in first OOlollgloll' ... f�r uud for �E RECONSIDERED Senate Passes The BilI.- 5,000 Name's Are On The of Are widnws and maidens true larged hamed complete Statesboro, GiL. the purpose IhstrtbutlOt1 nnd SRIlI Indianapolis class Five Prohibitioll Measures All '11'111 he, heard before the the noble men shape. Table' hoard opplloalion 1'0 tho memories of $1.98., unsurpassed by 1'4ew Restrictions For Petition From Chatta· ,t.. m of i,t-. Oourt o:Orllldary I'1!rular Wbo died Cor their homcs and Chattanooga on Road Toward Law. to b. held on 1.1,. nrot Mondny In Capital, RUSTIN'S STUDIO, any. Come to see us When in STATE SENATE COMMITTEE, . $'75,000. S'pt. 1009, '111",2nll day "f A nllllst, youl Savannah. Dr Hunters. nooga. • 1900. S. I... MOORF.. Ordinary, Oppo.lte Oourt 11o,,"" ill ()r.-Oo,lU 'i.' Gullently, ever, this cross stood • Montgomery, AIL, A,UI. 1.- Surplus, $25,OOO.Od J5uildlllM'. Congress and Bull for Streets, Over In- Tht?re are DOW five Hard plo:libitiou , LItAVK 1'0 SKt.L LANI), right, Fight Coming LaGmnge, Ga., Aogult1.-Be OFFICERS: Memphis _ Atlantal, Aug. 7-Better proteo- In battles where brave men led, : came hi' mothel"s before tbe extra sesston J. I�. Goor,le, Bulloch Oeunty. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA.. crease in in tou for game birds and amlmals in birtbday illmeasures COLEMAN, Pres.' W. C. Appriations, the V Pres. More thun once it wus crowned St. Louis C .... lld,..n Cry / Aug: 13, tbe date set for hls Alabarra legislature. The PARKER, .. Notice 18 hereby given tt�nt Frett '1\ ' Ge>r!!11 II'IIS voted tbe SenatAl S. C. with : House. by Dr. J. 111. Elliott lir baste bill the GROOVER. Cashier. Lanter, 88 ftttlllinistrntor of tile -state might FOR FLETCHER'S Upper eutlon, to.day • 2t to and all effort ()al'n�ichael, o� of Renier U hus Birmingham t{l·day b;V 10, exe'loc Brannen, deOl'RSetl, up­ By tho blood of those who hied. A.tIBllta, Aug. 7.-Contrary to reeelved a resplte of thirty daJs prehlbltton scheme, will he signed _ ttl tne ned ror to CASTORIA I will now be made to the bill plied unduraig . � get I�I\\'� Gov. Brown. Tho Itell "lilt! helollglllg to 3UHI c,jtltLe tor Gaines' Kansas City expectatious, the general tax bill b�v pro. Ohicknmaugu, ]\'[UIJI��S[IS, �«o:o»�H-%·HeX�HeX�H-X� through the House at the present coustit.ullional the purpose or dt'bl8 A hibltlon ,bIll III the house pllyillg Il!ltI was uot reported b ick to the petitiou bearlng 5,000 signa III�o��ay. passed tl i Ii t rib II ,t i () II 1\ n d S 11 I II Mitl, s esslon, FOR OR this should reach tho senate Tues, will be henrd tile the the SALE REliT: sCllate aud there will be tures, u.�king ex'tensiou until by npplil'oliull ber(lr� Oh, death struggle, vic· today, I:'everal were made iu fl'rlll ur th ' Oourt 01 charges thc rcg1lhlr Unlilltlry A fa rill of 1.56 ncl'cs; 35 aer'cs i II allothor of the comlllitt!c Prlson Board might act on the day. 1��-=.C••J.I::••JCI::*.JCE•.'til tol'ics WOII- meeting . '0 be helll nn t.he first 111 the oue of tbe most :. 'CI:�CI::lDI::lDI:� MOIJlIuy • bill, iuterest· st'lte of clIl ti abou t certain case eame from tbe The prohlbltron of locker clubs " llel,t, 111011, Where the b'lIIncrcd it� mis· For all of the above high I'litioll; • to condider additiollal Obattanooga cross, points, iug beiug the of au '��'il�, �;',����t. ���I' adoption old of ltllliot. 'bill l\nd tbe Fuller �,:u:;;. sloll to bhl'ee lIIiles from lkooklet, Oil R. F. IlIlIendlllcllts which will be offered. llOlIIe 12,OOO·word Jill, nnd IUliny other, ameudmeut by Sellator N HaneH, Bliiott went to bill, for conUs. whon the D. route No, lllnd ou IIIl1in public �"'�I.I.I.%.�I.OHeX«O%liX«O%§XoH-X�E W C A It hILS bcp.u suggested that a tax LaGmnge from providing raiding, Triumphantly stood, which makes it a Gl·orrin. 1\IIII0l..:h Oounty. for catiou . lIIaCoIJ last summer of contm. w'.� I'o'ad: good dwelling and outbuild· 011 lIutomobiles whicb WILS misdemean�r Cluly aud JI'<l LurtJ 1111 Bulluch Superior <lilY clonol THE llCl'Sou whetber he owns It or .and dcst.ruction SOUTHERN ki!led IIny band Will Vlt >Ullllrt, UO(jobH Terlll, with tenant house and lot the should be IOto opeued lilt establishment as a irqllors, be takcn up in Bllt, cnlcined sorc, wn.� the sol· ings by put not to b"it a Ueld with }�thel [I Lortl 111011, .. grain to J hou�e the house 110 lator thau or convellicllttoschoollllld ' lhe bill. 'I he proposal IS to offer veternary surgeou, styling himself 'J'ues1ay N otic!.! or Pl'lIi tlion to Uemove llier's hopo, RAILWAY builLlillgs; 'I:.,:; a tract doves and othel' My fl'iends in FE::. game "Dr." Bulloch aud He WBS DlsnlJililli�::I. with mail ser\'ice. I IIlI to tax each Bliiot. sue, Weduesday. fairly His gleaming sword, his bCIII't, Ichlll'ch; daily adjoining whicb al'e then shot dowu a",ellclm�lIt bit'ds, The bili 'fo �:thel II 1.ot'd : For counti(:s are oWlled 111 the state *5. cesaful.. is to control un'ol'ds mostcollveniclltschcd· tel'llls, &c., adell'css, cordially invited to call un me bile There the Yuu 8rl' lIotilled t.lillt his,shlcld, by thoasand. !Ifth Oh� lIerchy I hnve He and soft (1I'1II1t wh.eh hl\8 uot I N. ilL F" ,,,'0 foUl' of them owned his wife were stands, fll�d Illy Hppliwltion in t.hu Ulerk'8 ill thc shadow of Dixie's when visit the a,utomo'j Senlltor boarding For, I Slatel' of er'08s, ules c\'el' ofl'el'ed. they city. have a nice .thousaud I otlll..:C tlf 1!he ::iuJleriur.Court or Bulloch Ga" opened ill the. �irst, at the home of G. L. RiveJa alld yet committee. Delld Iny OUI' cause ou a Brooklet, 011ered an amendment to �n rt�rtwoutof Clulilltiy Lo the October 'l'crlll, IUU!I, lor bloody at No. 416 eirmlUate place near Georgia.. Elliot became the that the the or R F, D. No, 1, Box 80. Libpl'ty West, the It WIIS reported also tbat insanely jealous IJllrJlllse relJlove,1 lihe /lclu! �:OO "wild duck" ' Ev�deDclUg hllving from the .bt>lief .wheu provisiou3 Carmichael bill di:'Rhililit.'s I1IU Ctntral meets Uivcl'S.
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