South African National Plant Checklist Report on additions and updates made to the South African National Plant Checklist during the period 10/2013–3/2018 Contents Names added ..............................................................................................................................2 Taxonomic status change: accepted names that became synonyms ................................... 123 Taxonomic status change: synonyms that became accepted names ................................... 175 Publications incorporated ..................................................................................................... 185 Report compiled on 28/3/2018 by Dr Ronell R Klopper SA National Plant Checklist Co-ordinator Biosystematics & Biodiversity Collections Division South African National Biodiversity Institute Pretoria 1 Names added ACANTHACEAE ACANTHODIUM DELILE Acanthodium capense (L.f.) Nees var. a Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 276 (1847) = Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(1): 180 (1806) Acanthodium capense (L.f.) Nees var. b Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 276 (1847) = Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(1): 180 (1806) Acanthodium capense (L.f.) Nees var. integrifolium Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 277 (1847); Type: South Africa, Cape Province, "montis Konabshooyde inter Konab et Vischrivier". Not traced. = Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(1): 180 (1806) Acanthodium capense (L.f.) Nees var. leucographum Nees, Linnaea 15: 361 (1841); Type: South Africa, Ecklon & Zeyher 99.12 (S, lecto.; BOL, O, S, W, isolecto.). Designated by Vollesen, Blepharis a taxonomic revision: 72 (2000). = Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(1): 180 (1806) Acanthodium capense (L.f.) Nees var. villosum Nees, Linnaea 15: 361 (1841); Type: South Africa, Ecklon & Zeyher 44.5(S, lecto.). Designated by Vollesen, Blepharis a taxonomic revision: 72 (2000). = Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers., Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(1): 180 (1806) Acanthodium carduifolium (L.f.) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) = Acanthopsis carduifolia (L.f.) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 200 (1890) Acanthodium dipsaceum E.Mey., Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Docum. (Drège): 92 (1843), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis disperma Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) Acanthodium dispermum E.Mey., Cat. Pl. Afr. Austral. (Drège): 2 (1837), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis disperma Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) Acanthodium diversispinum Nees var. a Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 275 (1847) = Blepharis serrulata (Nees) Ficalho & Hiern, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2(1): 24 (1881) Acanthodium glabrum Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) = Acanthopsis glabra (Nees) H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 104 (2017) Acanthodium glaucum E.Mey. ex Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 277 (1847) = Acanthopsis glauca (E.Mey. ex Nees) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 201 (1890) Acanthodium plumolosum E.Mey. ex Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847), orth. var., nom.nud. = Acanthopsis horrida (Nees) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) Acanthodium plumosum E.Mey., in Drege, Catalogus plantarum exsiccatarum Africae australioris quas emturis offert: 2 (1837), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis horrida (Nees) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 278 (1847) Acanthodium spathulare Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 277 (1847) = Acanthopsis spathularis (Nees) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 201 (1890) ACANTHOPSIS HARV. Acanthopsis carduifolia (L.f.) Schinz var. glabra (Nees) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 200 (1890) = Acanthopsis glabra (Nees) H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 104 (2017) Acanthopsis dispermoides H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 219(1): 23 (2015); Type: South Africa. Western Cape: Little Karoo. Eastern foothills of Warmwaterberg, 21 August 1971, Boucher 1560 (PRE 40576) (PRE0129553, holo.; NBG0274662, iso.) Acanthopsis dregeana H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 244(2): 155 (2016); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District, NW of Eksteenfontein, 16 September 2010, Steyn 1822 (PRE0861475-0, holo.; NBG, iso.) 2 Acanthopsis dregeana H.M.Steyn subsp. dregeana Acanthopsis dregeana H.M.Steyn subsp. longispina H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 295(3): 210 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District, N of Buffelsrivier, 11 October 2015, Steyn 2141 (PRE0866195-0, holo.; NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis erosa H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 244(2): 155 (2016); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Calvinia District, SW of Kaggakammaskloof, 20 August 2011, Steyn 1874 (PRE0861469, holo.; KMG, iso.) Acanthopsis glabra (Nees) H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 104 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Little Namaqualand, Kamies Bergen. [Am Berg bei Kasparskloof, fide Drège (1843)], 19 August 1830, Drège s.n. (K000394342, lecto.) Lectotype designated by Steyn & Van Wyk, Phytotaxa 324(2): 104 (2017). Acanthopsis gladulopalmata H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 113 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District. On track between Anenous/Kosies to Umdaus in Wyepoort River Valley, 25 August 2012, H.M. Steyn 1890 (PRE0861467, holo.; NBG01461963, iso.) Acanthopsis insueta H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 115 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District. Richtersveld National Park. Vyftienmylberg; on track to top of mountain, 7 September 2010, H.M. Steyn 1805, (PRE0861485, holo.; NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis ludoviciana H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 219(1): 10 (2015); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Richtersveld National Park, Helskloof Pass, 3 September 2012, M. Koekemoer 4370 (PRE0861488, holo.; KMG, NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis nitida H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 111 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District. Anenous Pass, S of road, 9 October 2015, H.M. Steyn 2129, (PRE0866187, holo., NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis tetragona H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 295(3): 212 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District, Richtersveld, 8 August 2011, Steyn 1848 (PRE0861471-0, holo.; NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis tetragona H.M.Steyn subsp. pedunculata H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 295(3): 214 (2017); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District, NW of Eksteenfontein, 11 October 2015, Steyn 2144 (PRE0866198-0, holo.; NBG, iso.) Acanthopsis tetragona H.M.Steyn subsp. tetragona Acanthopsis tuba H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 219(1): 8 (2015); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Little Namaqualand, Steinkopf District. Flats at Anenous, 20 August 1925, Marloth 12222 (PRE0129530, holo.; PRE0863286, NBG0274649, iso.) Acanthopsis villosa H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 219(1): 14 (2015); Type: South Africa. Northern Cape: Namaqualand District. Boesmanplaat, along a turn-off to the west of the road between Gamoep and Platbakkies, 16 August 2013, M. Koekemoer 4398 (PRE0863486, holo.; NBG, iso.) ACANTHUS L. Acanthus carduifolius Thunb., Cat. Pl. Afr. Austral. (Drège) 2: 2 (1837), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis carduifolia (L.f.) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 200 (1890) Acanthus carduifolius Thunb. ß spica villosa E.Mey., [name written on specimen] sensu Drège 2433 (P) = Acanthopsis villosa H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 219(1): 14 (2015) Acanthus flamandii De Wild., Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 4: 427 (1914); Type: Congo- Kinshasa, Kiamohanga, Flamand s.n. (BR, holo.) = Acanthus polystachyus Delile, Cent. Pl. Meroe: 72, t. 62, f. 2 (1826), Vollesen's spelling of the epithet as "polystachius" is considered a correctable error. Acanthus glaber E.Mey., Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Docum. (Drège): 67, 161 (1843), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis glabra (Nees) H.M.Steyn, Phytotaxa 324(2): 104 (2017) Acanthus glaucescens E.Mey., Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Docum. (Drège): 95 (1843), nom.nud. = Acanthopsis glauca (E.Mey. ex Nees) Schinz, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 31: 201 (1890) 3 ADHATODA MILL. Adhatoda betonica (L.) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. (Wallich). 3: 103 (1899) = Justicia betonica L., Sp. Pl. 1: 15 (1753) Adhatoda capensis (Thunb.) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 396 (1847) = Justicia capensis Thunb., Prodr. Pl. Cap. 2: 104 (1800) Adhatoda cheiranthifolia Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 387 (1847); Type: South Africa, Gauteng, Magaliesberg, n.d., Burke 327 (K, holo.) = Justicia betonica L., Sp. Pl. 1: 15 (1753) Adhatoda eylesiii S.Moore, J. Bot. 48: 253 (1910) = Isoglossa eylesii (S.Moore) Brummitt, Kew Bull. 40(4): 787 (1985) Adhatoda fasciata Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 402 (1847); Type: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Umgeni Rover, 1837, Drege s.n. (K, lecto.) Lectotype designated by Vollesen, Fl. Zam 8(6): 179 (2015) = Justicia flava (Vahl) Vahl, Symb. Bot. (Vahl) 2: 15 (1791) Adhatoda incana (Nees) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 393 (1847) = Justicia incana (Nees) T.Anderson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 7: 42 (1863) Adhatoda lupulina Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 385 (1847); Type: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Umlozi Rover, 1837, Drege s.n. (K, lecto.) Lectotype designated by Vollesen, Fl. Zam. 8(6): 185 (2015) = Justicia betonica L., Sp. Pl. 1: 15 (1753) Adhatoda odora (Forssk.) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 399 (1847) = Justicia odora (Forssk.) Lam., Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 1(2): 629 (1785) Adhatoda protracta (Nees) Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 390 (1847) = Justicia protracta (Nees) T.Anderson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 7: 41 (1863) Adhatoda tubulosa E.Mey. ex Nees, Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 11: 392 (1847) = Justicia tubulosa (E.Mey. ex Nees) T.Anderson subsp. tubulosa Adhatoda variegata Nees var. pallidior Nees, Prodr. [A. P.
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