The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.” VOLUMN XLIV. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1942 NUMBER 3 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Much Prayer Discouraging Should Be Punished little Stingers. Seen Aleng Main Street Rev. Walter E. Isenhour. Hiddenite. N. C While farmers, city folks and all Washington is orodding all of us From Tbe Yellow Jacket By The Street Rambler. Whal Wat Happeniog In Dane Much prayer is going up to Al­ other classes of people are asked to search the premises for every A Massachusetts subscriber oooooo' Before The New Deal Used Up mighty God on the part of the A- and all other classes of people are hunk of scrap that may be found. thinks our expression, “To Hell Young lady walking up street merlcan people in behalf of our sol­ asked and begged to scrap up every Rubber is being stressed, of course, with Hitler” is a llttlebit impolite. carrying black dog in her arms— The Alphabet, Drowned The diers, and for the cause of Ameri­ piece of old metal from a razor but the various metals now wasting Now, if the Brother will kindly Miss Wishon alighting from Mt. Hogs and Plowed Up The can liberty. We believe the Uni­ blade to junked cars a United in out of the way places are just suggest a more appropriate place to Airy bus—Misses Ruth Boger and Cotton and Corn. ted States is the most wonderful States Senator, “Happy” Chandler as essential to the war effort, and wish him then we will make the Dora Bowles mailing arms full' of nation on earth, even in spite of of Kentncky builds himself a 60 the government is just as insistent change to suit the occasion. letters—Haines Yates busy greet­ (Davie Record, July 30, 1919) Uie fact that there has been a sad foot swimming pool at his Ken­ that they be herded together and In supporting the war we are not ing old friends—Large crowd tell­ R. L. Wilson and Jake Hanes and deplorable drifting away from tucky home with reinforced con­ put to use. 1 endorsing the New Deal blunders. ing big bunch of Davie men good­ were in Wiiiston Salem Thursday, the principals of our forefathers, crete, which required FIVE TONS And while everybody is feverish. Washington desk warmers are not bye as they board bus for concen­ J. L. Sheek is on a business trip from the church that has been the of steel and several hundred pounds Iy trying to comply by combing fighting this war. It’s our boys at tration camp—Joe Grahamwalking to Charlotte. spiritual lighthouse of our nation, of brass metal, both very percious the highways and hedges'for scrap the front—and they’ll win, and we up town with coat on his arm — Two of Rev. Floyd. Fry’s child' and from the blessed old Bible that things these days, to complete the metal of all kinds, there is the me must support and sustain them. Sheek Bowden distributing cigars ren are ill with iever. has brought to us our enlighten­ job. mory that back yonder junk dealers We are in full agreement with to friends—Four girls sitting at ta­ Dr. E. P. Crawford made a bus­ ment, and has lifted us out of the The swimming poor is the gift of were just as feverishly gathering in Everett Ketchum who says we have ble in cafe, eating, drinking and iness ttip to Chrrlotte last week. mire and clay of sin, and far above a large contractor friend of Senator the scrap to ship to Japan where it been permitted to have pretty much smoking—Wade Smith carrying a Miss Loyce Blaylock, of States­ the dense ignorance of heathenism. Chandler, whose opponents claim could be turned into weapons to its own philisopby, its own religion, big handful of gas rationing books ville, is the guest of Miss Mary Thank God for His goodness, and it was given him in return for favors strafe our soldiers. Newspapers its own politic sand its own way of to his' office—Miss Irene Horn on Campbell. may His praises be glorious from This Senator Chandler denies. His and individuals continually warned going to hell about as fast as it bas her way to Cooleemee—Geo. Row­ Miss Dorothy Meroney returned onr hearts. opponent in the coming election, against it, but officlcials-in Wash­ a mind to. land working on second-hand bi Sunday from a month’s visit to re- However, it is high time for A- John Young Brow‘t, is telling the ington for some reason closed their We looked thru the window of cycle with thermometer heading to­ lativeo in Lenoir. merica to pray, repent and get back people of Kentnckyfrom the house­ eyes, and of course the junkmen our sanctum and saw a big beer ward the 100 mark—Miss Sarah ' Miss Wenona Poole, of Clayton, to God, the church and Bible prin­ tops about Chandler’t private swim­ were not expected to overlook their beer truck roll by mounted on new Meroney eating ice cream George spent last week In town the guest cipals. Only as we obey God’s ming pool. profit tires all around. Across tbe street Hendricks gazing skyward watch, of. Miss Janet Stewart. holy Word, love and worship God It is discouraging, down right so, And some of these government a .preacher was trying to patch ing army planes soar over town— Miss Ruth Rodwell spent the in the beauty of holiness, stand to read of such- things as this. officials ' re now the loudest in the up his tires so he could get to his HHaty Meronev resting on running week end in Statesville, the guest firmly for the truth, for honesty Why should five tons of much clamor for prompt response to the appointment. Slop a-rolllng and board of auto on hot morning. of Miss Hattie Fowler. and right, and for the principals needed metal go into the swimming call for scrap. They .profess to be Salvation halted by the power of Miss Pauline Horn returned Fri­ upon which out Government is pool of a big shot when it is so vital greatly disappointed in the volumes the New Deal. Cougratulates The day from an extended visit to rela­ founded, shall we continue as a free to the war effort. If Chandlerwas turned in and charge it to public Speaking of things, are we what tives and friends in Statesville. and independent nation. When we offered a gift he should have told complacency. These officials ought we thing we are, any more than Editor ' Miss Sadie Ripple, of Welcome, sacrifice the right for wrong, truth his friend to put it in war bonds to be punished, think the Charlotte Matter itself is what the old fash­ Dear Bro. Stroud:—Just received was the week-end guest of Misses for error and falsehood, the Bible and after the war convert it into Observer, and suggests that the ioned alchemist thought it was? last issue of Record, and its hard to Thelma and Margaret Thompson. for evolution and modernism, the the swimming pool. That would proper punishment would be to And if we be not what we always realize that it has been forty-three Mrs. C. F. Meroney and daugh­ church for pleasure, honesty for make sense. 'compel them to doff their swallow­ thought we were, then what on years since the first issue came from ter Miss Helen, and son Thomas, old Washington Press. Guess I have money, principal for party, right­ While Americans are tightening tail coats, put on overalls and pick earth can we possibly be? We a- and E. E. Hant, Jr., motored to been reading The Record for about eousness for unrighteousness, sal­ their belts, denying themselves up scrap twelve hours a day And wait an answer. Lenoir Sunday. forty years. And you are due com­ vation for fleshly gratifications, luxuries in order to buy bonds, this it would help to take, away their We’ll wager that, ten years from Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Starrette pliments on the way you have con­ then shall we sink never to rise a- is close to huv bonds, this is close gasoline cards. If they need gaso­ now. every voter who casts his or and children, of Charlotte, came up ducted the paper since it has been in gain. Every American citizen needs to an outrage and I hope Senator line cards. If they need gasoline her vote to re-elect New Deal Con. Saturday to spend a few days with your hands; to say nothing of the to wake up to these startling facts. Chandler gets beat in the coming let them apply to Hiroto, asking re­ gressmen and Senators will be run­ splendid way in which you have al­ relatives and friends. Indeed it is high time to pray. vote. He should be.. Then he turn of- some of the millions of gal­ ning around trying to hide his or ways been prompt and on time with C R. Horn and sisters, Misses A mighty volume of earnest, hon­ might learn that the boys on the lons America sold him just before her face, or looking for somebody each issue. Ivey and Edna, and Mrs. Ollie est, sincere prayer ought to ascend battiefront needs guns and tanks the war.” with a big enough hoof to kick him I always find something interesting Stockton and daughter, Miss Mary, to the God of our fathers from the and planes worse than be needs a And that would catch some of the or her.
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