Confined 30th "November 1923; child 3 lbs., alive. Died 10th December 1923. CsjtfC'"No. 9.?G., Hindu, 23 years, 2nd gravida; ad- .m'ftted 18th December 1923. Haemoglobin 30 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,000,000: confined 19th December 1923; child 2 lbs., still-born. Died 19th December 1923. Case No. 10.?K. P. B., Hindu, 18 years, 1st gravida; admitted 23rd December 1923. Haemoglobin 15 per cent.; R.B.C.'s confined 24th December THE ANiEMIA 1,000,000: 1923; child oFr ??rvAC4SES.C. 5 lbs., still-born. Died 28th December 1923. A STUDY OF FORTY-THREE Case No. 11.?R., Hindu, 35 years, 1st gravida; ad- mitted 10th January 1924. Haemoglobin 30 per f.r.c.s.i., cent.; B-v s. A. McSWINEY, b.a., m.b., B.ch, R.B.C.'s 1,750,000: confined 10th January 1924; child Died 13th 1924. MAJOR, I.M.S., 41 lbs., alive. January Case No. 12.?Mrs. D.'C., Anglo-Indian, 22 years, 2nd j ^ Resident Eden Hospital for Diseases of u/c Surgeon, Resident admitted 24th January 1924. Haemoglobin 30 '"cn and Calcutta: late Second gravida; Children, cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,000,000: Wassermann reaction nega- General Hospital, Calcutta. per u>geon, Presidency tive; confined 25th January 1924; baby 6 lbs., alive. Left against advice 8th February 1924. he; is a condition anaemia of pregnancy Case No. 13.?Mrs. O., Anglo-Indian, 24 years, 6th en- vv^lch so little is known that I am gravida; admitted 11th February 1924. Haemoglobin co R.B.C.'s confined 20th uraged to publish my investigations into forty- 30 per cent.; 2,000,000: February foetus 1 lb. 14 ozs., died soon after birth. Dis- lree cases which came under notice during 1924; my 3rd May 1924. e two I was Resident charged and a half years when Case No. 14.?Mrs. B., Anglo-Indian, 23 years, 6th u?geon in the Eden Hospital, Calcutta. gravida; admitted 19th July 1924. Haemoglobin 40 per extbooks of obstetrics scarcely mention it; cent.; R.B.C.'s 3,000,000: confined 19th July 1924; child jn 4 7 ozs., alive. Discharged 26th August 1924. e literature I can find only two references* lbs., ar Case No. 15.?C. D., Hindu, 19 years, 3rd gravida; se are not available in unfortunately admitted 27th 1924. Haemoglobin 35 per cent.; In 1' them July -!a- * propose, however, to study R.B.C.'s 1,500,000: confined 30th July 1924; foetus 1 lb. vv| fresh 1924. am on ^eave 111 Europe and if any 4 ozs., dead. Died 30th July licrj1 ^OUnc^ have been thrown on the sub- Case No. 16.?N., Hindu, 22 years, 3rd gravida; ad- ie c byi'S these I hope to publish mitted 4th August 1924. Haemoglobin 12 per cent.; investigators R.B.C.'s 500,000: confined 24th August 1924; child 4 lbs. "Copses as a continuation of this article, 6i ozs., dead. Died 25th August 1924. ^ f'le I mean a con- anaemia ?f pregnancy Case No. 17.?S., Hindu, 40 years, 8th gravida; ad- dif can anaem'a f?r which no obvious cause mitted 17th September 1924. Haemoglobin 30 per cent.; be kala- confined 17th 1(fnound?such as haemorrhage, malaria, R.B.C.'s 1,500,000: September 1924; foetus ^ still-born. Left advice leukaemias, etc.; any case 3j lbs., hospital against 29th ^kylostomiasis, September 1924. siio-1' of these conditions was excluded *>gestiye Case No. 18.?T., Hindu, 25 years, 1st gravida; ad- 0111 *his of cases. group mitted 23rd September 1924. Haemoglobin 15 per cent.; Wassermann reaction ?^rs- Jewess, 4th gravida; aged 25; R.B.C.'s 500,000. strongly posi- admfff E., Died 26th 1924?not confined. ^ June 1923. Haemoglobin 30 per cent.; tive. September Red ti Case No. 21 years, 2nd ad- : confined 20th June 1923; child 19.?H., Hindu, gravida; r 10th October 1924. 50 health '^s. 4 ozs. YVassermann reaction negative. mitted Haemoglobin per cent.; Wassermann reaction 30th June 1923. R.B.C.'s 1,050,000. negative. 24th October child 4 lbs. 13 alive. ^harged 2-?K- Hindu, aged 15, 1st gravida; ad- Confined 1924; ozs., 1st November 1924. 1923. Haemoglobin 35 per cent.; R.B.C.'s Discharged 2 Snn nrv! 20.?Mrs. 26 6th 0 ? child 2 lbs. 2 ozs., Case No. E., Anglo-Indian, years, (jjpj confined 29th July 1923; soon after birth. Died 8th August 1923. gravida; admitted 23rd October 1924. Haemoglobin 40 8th R.B.C.'s confined 24th October ^0" J- Mahomedan, 30 years, per cent.; 2,750,000: Rrav'ff admitted 1923. 25 per 1924; foetus 3 lbs. 81 ozs., died after a few hours. Left cent 24th July Hasmoglobin '?r>' 25th 1923; child hospital against advice 3rd November 1924. 5 1,500,000: confined July jl"R-B.C.'s? 1923. ? 12 ozs., healthy. Discharged 4th August Case No. 21.?A., Hindu, 30 years, 5th gravida; ad- 5th f-?Mrs. S., Anglo-Indian, 25 years, mitted 1st November 1924. Haemoglobin 20 per cent.; gravid admitted 9th 1923. Hsemoglobin 20 per R.B.C.'s 1,000,000: confined before admission, still-born. cent ? aA August -?-C.'s confined before admission? 18th November 1924. still V! 1,250,000: Discharged orn. Died 13th August 1923. Case No. 22.?Mrs. B. Indian Christian, 30 years, ad- S., ?S., Hindu, 20 years, 2nd gravida; 4th gravida; admitted 3rd November 1924. Haemoglobin thituff cent. ; September 1923. Hsemoglobin 25 per 50 per cent.; R.B.C.'s Wassermann reaction RRn> twins. 3,000,000. .'s 1j500,000: confined 7th September 1923; negative. Confined 18th November 1924; child 4 lbs. Vp" Discharged lQft,vvi,ns :?3 lbs., alive, and 5 lbs., still-born. 54 ozs., alive. Discharged 28th December 1924. September 1923. 7? 7th Case No. 23.?Mrs. P. S., Anglo-Indian, 24 years, 2nd ^T?- ?Mrs. 28 years, ?ra,a-!f R., Anglo-Indian, 24 gravida; admitted 3rd November 1924. Haemoglobin ' admitted 21st October 1923. Hemoglobin nPt. 40 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 2,750,000: confined 3rd November R-B-C.'s confined 23rd October 1923; chiMCe4U;: 840,000: Died 1924; foetus 5 lbs. 14 ozs., alive. Left hospital against ?' alive died 28th October 1923). 31 st rf (but advice 7th November 1924. October 1923. ^ 4th Case No. Hindu, 20 years, 4th gravida; ad- ^?- ^??Mrs. G., Anglo-Indian, 22 years, 24.?S., mitted 4th November 1924. Haemoglobin 25 per gra^vf admitted 1st December 1923. Haemoglobin cent.; 3o R.B.C.'s Wassermann reaction nlda! R-B.C.'s confined 1st December 1,300,000. strongly posi- ,c-ent-; 1,750,000: November foetus 2 l9P?er' 1923. tive. Confined 4th 1924; lbs. 12f child 4 lbs., still-born. Died 12th December ozs., admitted still-born. Discharged 29th December 1924. 8.?S., Hindu, 20 years, 1st gravida; 30ti1(7j?\-/y<;- 32 ^ovember 1923. Haemoglobin 25 per cent.; Case No. 25?K., Hindu, years, 3rd gravida; ad- g p s negative. mitted 22nd November 1924. 18 ^ 1,500,000: Wassermann reaction Haemoglobin percent.; R.li.C.'s 1,000,000. Wassermann reaction negative. ?* Confined 25th November foetus. ..13 ozs. Dis- Mens, d'obsl. ct dc 1918, 1924; V?i ^a^erson.?Arch. Gyn., 20th December 1924'" <>* %\ vn. 1?21. charged c.sch. Zentralbi.' f.' Gyn., 1921,- 341^345. 488 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE. [Sept., 1927. Case No. 26.?N., Hindu, 22 years, 1st gravida; ad- Case No. 42.?R., Hindu, 22 years, 2nd gravida; ad- mitted 28th November 1924. Haemoglobin 35 per cent.; mitted 10th September 1925. Hremoglobin 55 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,750,000: confined 28th November 1924; foetus R.B.C.'s 2,500,000. Wassermann reaction doubtful. 2 lbs., macerated. Died 6th December 1924. Confined 15th October 1925; foetus 3 lbs. 14 ozs., alive. Case No. 27.?Mrs. E., Jewess, 25 years, 3rd gravida; Discharged at own request 2nd November 1925. admitted 1st December 1924. Haemoglobin 30 per cent.; Case No. 43.?Mrs. C., Anglo-Indian, 20 years, 1st R.B.C.'s 1,500,000: confined 25th December 1924; foetus gravida; admitted 30th September 1925. Haemoglobin 4 lbs. 82 ozs., alive. Discharged 7th January 1925. 35 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 2,000,000: confined 30th September Case No. 28.?K., Hindu, 19 years, 2nd gravida; ad- 1925; foetus 3i lbs., alive. Discharged 20th October 1925. mitted 3rd December 1924. Haemoglobin 35 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,750,000. Wassermann reaction negative. Incidence. Confined 3rd December foetus 3 lbs. 31 ozs. 1924; (died These cases occurred between the 1st in 7 days). Left hospital against advice 12th January June 1925. 1923 and 30th September 1925. During that time Case No. 29.?Mrs. A. P., Indian Christian, 23 years, 2,544 maternity cases were admitted, so that 3rd gravida; admitted 9th December 1924. Haemoglobin the incidence works out at 1-69 per cent. 30 R.B.C.'s Confined 11th Decem- per cent.; 1,750,000. Without actual for the pur- ber 1924; foetus 3 lbs., still-born. Died 16th December having figures 1924. pose of comparison it is not safe to dogmatise, Case No. 30.?T. B. D., Hindu, 17 years, 3rd gravida; but one's own impression is that the disease is admitted 18th December 1924. Haemoglobin 25 per cent.; much commoner in Calcutta than in England. R.B.C.'s Wassermann reaction 1,250,000. negative. yonr will inform us as Confined 19th December 1924; foetus li lbs., still-born. Perhaps correspondents to its in other of India. Discharged 3rd January 1925.
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