ANK •// OtWE XXXIV. NO. 26. RED BANK, N." J.*, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1911. PAGES 1 TO 12. CHMCTKAS. XK BAJPTX8T ORUB.GB. Booletjr Will *»w a Celebmtlon Knt LIFE OF A MISSIONARY. nr Tork Artirta to Hender "In a Per- •lon auin" at Ben Bank. Mona.y Mlrht. UB.VSM OXW TBXIS OI The Christmas entertainment of the "In a Persian Garden," by Liza Eintrucht society wilt be held in the sxroanraoxB xm jehmann, will be given in the First society's rooms on Christmas night baptist church of Red Bank on TUCB- at eight o'clock. ' Vocal and instru- Klit Mary Lov«tt, Dau»it«r of Join T. lay night, January 16th, under the mental music and recitations will be XiO»«tt of Little Silver, in Kir I.«tt«r« uspices of the Metropolitan bureau given and a number of children will SMorlbti H«r Work u>d Condition. •t New York. This is an old favorite Jr EUGENE FIELD take part. Willy Kleinachmidt, Flor- Among- tha Rlndna. I ith music lovers and its revival ence Kunow and Louise Gordon are Friends and relatives of Miss Mary should prove an event of note in the among the performers. Santa Claus Lovctt, daughter of John-JT. Lovott musical circles of Red Bank and vicin- AS I was going to Bethlehem town has promised to be present and make f Little Silver, have received a num- ity. A concert by noted singers and the children happy. The arrange- ber of letters from her in which she musicians from New York will pre- / V Upon the earth I cast me down ments arc in charge of Jacob Degen- describes her life as a missionary in cede the presentation of "In a Persian ring. India. She sailed for India last iarden." Alfred G. Robyn, who con- All underneath a little tree Edmund September, and she is a teacher of a lucta the meetings of the Philharmonic school for orphan girls at .^ategarh lociety of Red Bank, has arranged the That whispered in this wise to me: in North Central India. ntire program and will direct the Clarence A NEW DOUBLE HOUSE. When she was a little girl Miss iffair. "Oh, I shall stand on Calvary ' Lovett's greatest desire was to be- KA2TT AIiTGBATtOnS BStXO KA.DB come a missionary in India, As Bhe And bear what buithen saveth theel" Stedman TO THE BORSOBSBB KOMXITEAD. grew older this derire became stronger, and ehe writes home that MPROVING HIS HOUSE. As up I fared to Bethlehem town It la On* of th« Larftit Dwrtliiif • »t her pleasant anticipations of her work B«d Bulk »n4 It Owctl t>j Tcitnk in that country are realised) She isMAHT CHANars BBIHa MASS TO I met a shepherd coming down, Hamon—Iht Curt of tn» ImproM- interested in her work, likes her com- H. H. O&AflSSN'B raoFEBTy. m.nti Will t» Abont f 5,060. panions and has gaineg d in health a . Thee And thus he quoth: "A wondrous sight Frank Mflneon is making many-fm- life of an IndaIndiaIdni missionaryiiryiy} } is } muc chh Improvement*- Coitlaf t8,0oa sr« Belur provements to the Schroedor home- more pleasanlt t tthah n in ththe pafit. TheTh y Male to Mil Roam M Hath spread before mine eyes this night. tend on Peters place, which he bought receive the best.medicnlattention, and Oround* t* Ii*. dTAiH, uni Oatrlma a short time ago. The house is one of their. comfort and. safety a. looked Bonae M&ie l»to Otttfi. An angel host most fair to see, tho largest at Red Bank and was built after by a missionary board. H. H. Classen of Bed Bank is mak- about 35 years ago. It Is 40x60. feet. The country.where Mies j/»vett is ng a number of improvements to his That sung full sweetly of a tree Originally it wn« located back from living is very flat. Lumber s scarce ouse on the west side, of the Red Broad street, a long driveway leading and manure is used for jCuel At the Bank road »t Shrewsbury. He mar- That shall uplift on Calvary from the street.to tho house. ' This orphanage the girls or*, tatif ht about ied Miss Enola Curtis of Red Bank was .before Potors place was cutthe same lessons as the children of ast Rummer, and al Boon as the What burthen saveth you and me.** through from Broad street to Maple America.. Miss Lovett d««ribeB -them changes an made th« couple will avenue. as toll, lithe and dork" and 4s beauti- move in the house. Hie house was And as 1 gat to Bethlehem town, The house has been turned around ful as tho girls of America. No at-built 26 years ago by R. and W. L. so that it faces Peters place. It will tempt is made to teach them .any cus- Borden, and Mr. OUMh bought it toms which will cnjb.arr.nB . them in from the Borden estate. Lo, wise men came that bore a crown. be converted into a double house with their life when they leavj) school. eleven rooms on each side. Each part Table manners in India are very dif- The porch on the east side of the "I« there," cried 1, "in Bethlehem will have a bath room. The house ferent from those of America^ In the louse is being, enlarged, and on the will be provided with hot air heat, orphanage the girls sit on the floor louth a porch, sun parlor and porte- A King shaj] wear this diadem?" electricity, gas, hot and cold water and eat out of one large dish. No ochere are being built. The basement and other comforts and conveniences. forks, knives or spoons are Used, the will be used, as a laundry, and the "Good sooth," they quoth, "and it is ho An addition of 35x20 feet is being carrying all the food to their outhwest room of the first floor will built on the north end of the house. mouths in their fingers. >e enlarged and made into a kitchen That shall be lifted on the tree A new front porch is being built, ind butler's pantry. Large fireplaces and a number of new windows have They do this very daintily, being with brick mantels will be in the liv- And freely shed on Calvary been put in the house. The rooms on very careful not to spill anything on ng and dining rooms. The living the first floor wlll.be greatly changed, the floor. The teachers do not under- oom will be improved by an open What blood redeemeth us and thee."* but on the second floor very few alter- take to change the table manners of stairway on the south side. Between ations will be made. The house is Ihe girls because this wo\il3 unfit them the living room and the hall and be- 1 for their native Indian life,' No chairs ween the hall and dining room will Unto a Child in Bethlehem town one of the most substantially con- are in the orphanage and the pupils be openings with: commns. structed at Red Bank, and when the sit on the floor. The . heat is in- The wise men came and brought the crown, changes are made it will be converted tense, and in the open air men and An old bathroom wilt be taken out into two handsome residences. The women wear large cork, hats with if the hall, and a window scat will And, while the infant smiling slept. cost will be^about $6,000. The barn cloth coverings. be made. Bathrooms will be built on on the place is being remodeled and he second and third stories, and Upon their knees they fell and wept, will be made into a garage. The greatest pests in the orphanage now stairway will be made from the are white ants. The religion of the ftchen to the second floor. Hardwood But with her babe upon her knee. Indiana makes it a crime to kill these floors will be laid on the first story , BVILDima A LOO CABOT. insects, and for this reason the ants and in the hall of the second story. Naught recked that Mother of the tree have things pretty much their own The house will be provided with elec- |Where the winter frost Ivo Bed $lank Boyi £ook Forward to away. Miss Lovett writes that the ricity, steam heat and hot and cold That should uplift on Calvary Orefct ^lme When it is Vinlihea. walls of the orphanage are covered ivater. Ashbel W. Borden is the con- iThey are soulless elves, wh Five Red Bank boys are building a with them, and that they are the most tractor, and Howard Frey of Red What burthen saveth all and log cabin for a clubhouse in Welling- destructive pests she has ever seen. Bank is doing the plumbing work. me. i, and laugh at our _ __^ ton W. Kennedy's woods on the Ridge They will eat most anything, even The house will be repainted by George .Ring fleetly, chimes! Swiftfs\vift,*mp load. The boys have cut down a num- tho books and papers which are used Curtis nf Little Silver. The appear- Again I walk in Bethlehem town ber of trees, and the logs are in place. in the,school. ance of the building will be materially They are made .of_cb.e mocking misf Boards will be nailed to the inside of The people of the section where Miss :hanged.
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