W0 J FM 1-40 DESP ARTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL ¿A/ J- x ATTACK HELICOPTER GUNNERY \ THE ARMY LIBflARY. \ WASHINGTON, D. C. DTti HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF TH^E ARMY JUNE 1969 TAGO 20006A FM 1-40 *C 2 Changes in Force: C 1 and C 2 CHANGE ] HEADQUARTERS l DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 2 J WASHINGTON, D.C., 30 September 1971 ATTACK HELICOPTER GUNNERY FM 1-40, 20 June 1969, is changed as follows: 1. New or changed material is indicated by a star. 2. Remove old pâ ges and insert new pages as indicated below. Remove old pages-T? Insertt Tipptn§ ] i and ii i and ii •' 1-1 through 1-4 _ 1 1 through 1-4 ' 3-1 through 3-3 3-1 through 3-4 X 5-1 through 5-4 _ 5-1 through 5-4 ^ 7-1 and 7-2 7-1 and 7-2 ^ . 9- 1 and 9-2 9- 1 through 9-5 10- 1 through 10-3 10- 1 and 10-2 12-3 12-3 / A-l through A-4 . A-l through A—4 B-l through B-3 . B-lthrough B-3 r E-3 and E-4 E-3 and E-4 S y F-9 through F-12 F-9 through F-12 r H-3 and H-4 H-3 and H-4/^ K-l and K-2 K-l and K-2 ^ L—15 and 1^16 L-15 and L-16 L-23 and L-24 L-23 and L-24^V M-5 and M-6 M-5 and M-6 ' s M-15 and M-16 M-15 and M-16 ' ✓ 0-3 through 0-6 0-3 through 0-6 * Index-1 through Index-6 Index-1 through Index-6 3. File this change sheet in the front of the manual for reference purposes. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: W. C. WESTMORELAND, General, United States Army, Official : Chief of Staff. VERNE L. BOWERS, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution : To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31 requirements for all Rotor Wing Aircraft for Operator and Crew (qtjyfrqr block no. 77). *Thi$ change supersedes FM 1-110, 8 July 1966. THE ARMY LIBRARY WASHINGTON, D. C. TACO 3103A t « FM 1-40 *C-1 CHANGE HEADQUARTEÏIS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 1 WASHINGTON, D.C., 15 July 1970 ATTACK HELICOPTER GUNNERY FM 1-40, 20 June 1969, is changed as follows : 1. New or changed material is indicated by a star. 2. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. Remove old pages Insert new pages ^ i. andd .n. / i and ii ^ I- 11-1 through 1-4 XX through 1-4- * 3-1 and 3-2 </ X 3-1 through 3-2.2 X 5- 15- through 5—4 »''/ 1 through 5-4 ^ s 6- 36- through 6-6 K 3 through 6-6.1^ 7- 17-1 and 7-2.1 X and 7-2 X , II- 111- and 11-2 X 1 and 11-2 12-1 and 12-2 -X 12- Í 1 and 12-3 13-1 and 13-2 13-1 and 13-2 X^ / A-l through A-4 X A-l through A-4 r / B-l through B-3 ^ B-l through B-3, X C—1 and C-2 •X" s C-l and C-2 X ^ C-29 through C-AQ >X C-29 through C-jjX X K-l and K-2 X y K-l and K-2 X^ L-17 and L-18 X L-17 and L-18 L-23 ^X L-23 and L-24 *X / M-15 X M-15 and M-16 X 0-1 X . 0-1 through 0-6 y Index 1 through index 3 X Index 1 through index 6 8. File this change page in the front of manual for reference purposes. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: W. C. WESTMORELAND, General, United States Army, Official : Chief of Staff. KENNETH G. WICKHAM, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution : To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31 requirements for Organizational Maintenance for all Rotor Wing Aircraft (Qty Rqr Block #78). THE ARMY LIBRARY . *Thii change supercedes applicable portions of FM 1-110,/ 8 July 1946. WASHINGTON, D. C. TACO 8889A C 2, FM 1-40 *FM 1-40 FIELD MANUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 1-40 WASHINGTON, D.C., 20 June 19G0 ATTACK HELICOPTER GUNNERY Paragraph Page PART ONE. GENERAL CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Section I. General 1-1—1-6 i-i II. Types of Armament 1-7—1-10 1-3 CHAPTER 2. FUNDAMENTALS OF ATTACK HELICOP- TER GUNNERY Section I. Elementary Ballistics 2-1—2-4 2-1 II. Dispersion 2-5—2-8 2-5 III. Attack Helicopter Gunnery Firing Data 2-9—2-14 2-6 PART TWO. ATTACK HELICOPTER PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES ★CHAPTER 3. ATTACK HELICOPTER CLOSE AIR SUPPORT MISSIONS Section I. General 3-1—3-3.1 3-1 ★n. Preplanned Close Air Support 3-4—3-7 3-3 ★in. Immediate Close Air Support 3-8, 3-9 3- 3 CHAPTER 4. CARDINAL RULES FOR ATTACK HELICOPTER EMPLOYMENT __ 4-1—4-13 4- 7 ★5. TARGET ACQUISITION Section I. Aerial Acquisition 5-1, 5-2 5- 1 ★II. Targets Acquired by Ground Observers 5-3—5-7 5-2 CHAPTER 6. SIGHTING AND ENGAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Section I. Sighting Techniques 6-1—6-5 6-1 II. Engagement Techniques 6-6—6-11 6- 3 CHAPTER 7. NIGHT ATTACK HELICOPTER SUPPORT Section I. General 7-1—7-4.4 7- 1 II. Natural Illumination 7-5—7-8 7-2 III. Artificial Illumination 7-9—7-12 7- 3 CHAPTER 8. HOSTILE FIRE COUNTERMEASURES 8-1—8-3 8- 1 PART THREE. FIRE CONTROL ★CHAPTER 9. ATTACK HELICOPTER CALLS FOR FIRE AND FIRE ADJUSTMENT Section I. Calls for Fire 9-1—9-9 9-1 11. Attack Helicopter Fire Adjustment and Flight Leader Coordination Procedures 9-10—9-14 9-3 ★CHAPTER 10. ATTACK HELICOPTER FIRE COMMANDS AND EXECUTION 10-1—10-13 10-1 PART FOUR. ATTACK HELICOPTER TRAINING CHAPTER 11. AIRCREW TRAINING 11-1, 11-2 11-1 12. COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT Section I. General 12-1, 12-2.3 12-1 II. Care and Handling of Ammunition 12-3—12-7 12-1 •This manual supersedes TC 1-24, 37 Jr'July 1967; TC 1-25, 27 August 1964;■ TC 1-30, —v 6^- September 1966, Including all changes; and TC 1-33^7 July 1967. AGO 8108A i C 2, FM 1-40 Paragraph Page CHAPTER 13. RANGE FIRING Section I. Range Operation 13-1—13-11 13-1 II. Range Scoring 13-12—13-14 13-3 III. Range Safety 13-15—13-18 13-4 APPENDIX A. REFERENCES A-l B. HELICOPTER ARMAMENT MODEL NUMBERS AND DEFINITIONS B-l C. 7.62MM RIFLED-BORE ARMAMENT SUBSYSTEMS C-l D. 7.62MM RIFLED-BORE AND/OR 2.75- INCH ROCKET ARMAMENT SUB- SYSTEMS D-l E. M22 ANTITANK GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM ON UH-1 HELICOPTERS E-l F. M5 40MM RIFLED-BORE ARMAMENT SUBSYSTEM F-l G. XM18 and XM18E1 ARMAMENT PODS G-l H. ATTACK HELICOPTER ARMAMENT SYSTEMS H-l I. OTHER AVAILABLE OR PROPOSED WEAPONS SUBSYSTEMS 1-1 J. DOOR/RAMP MOUNTED ARMAMENT SUBSYSTEMS J-l K. HELICOPTER ARMAMENT AMMUNITION K-l L. RECOMMENDED HELICOPTER RANGE FIRING AND SAFETY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES L-l M. DOOR GUNNER RANGE FIRING M-l N. CHECKLISTS, REPORTS, AND SEQUENTIAL OPERATION ORDER N-l O. ARMAMENT DATA 0-1 INDEX Index-1 ii ▲GO 810SA C2, FM 1-40 PART ONE GENERAL CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section I. GENERAL 1—1. Purpose and Scope +6. Paragraphs 1-5, 4-5c, 6-11, and 10-8 are a. This manual explains helicopter gunnery in- the subject of an international air standardization cluding practical applications of the science of agreement, ASCC Air Standard 44/34, Tactical Formation Flying by Helicopter. ballistics and other procedures essential for the timely and accurate delivery of fire by attack heli- copters. It includes techniques and procedures for ^1-2. Recommended Changes the employment of attack helicopters (1-series Users of this manual are encouraged to submit TOE only) in support of ground tactical opera- recommended changes and comments to improve tions. the manual. Comments should be keyed to the spe- b. This manual is a guide for attack helicopter cific page, paragraph, and line of the text in unit personnel, aviation staff officers, and com- which the change is recommended. Reasons will manders of supported tactical units. It does not be provided for each comment to insure under- cover all helicopter gunnery situations. Local standing and complete evaluation. Comments modifications of the methods and techniques de- should be prepared using DA Form 2028 (Recom- scribed herein may be necessary but should be mended Changes to Publications) and forwarded made only when based upon firsthand knowledge direct to the Commandant, United States Army and experience of the aircraft commander as Aviation School, ATTN: ATSAV-DL-L, Fort measured against the state of training of his per- Rucker, Alabama 36360. sonnel. Any such modification should result in a gain in either accuracy or speed of response, or 'Ar1—2.1. Definition both. Modifications which might result in a degra- Close air support is air attack against hostile tar- dation of accuracy or speed of response should be gets which are in close proximity to friendly seriously questioned.
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