ii jit;11 icmui idi I 'volume. J, Nurober 4 — August, 1974 Tl)e> da]?in©t Clarinet Society LQEQDQQQ [cnnnnnn □□□□□□□ [ouanuaa ;55d55*" nanna [□3QBQ 1I1B The Chalumeau and Two-Keyed Clarinet History (See Article On Page 11) Page 2 THE CLARINET August, 1974 The International Clarinet The) clarcinot Society Department of Music Idaho State University President, Ramon Kireilis, School of Music, University of Pocatello, Idaho 83209 Denver, Denver, Colo. 80210. Telephone: 208-236-3636 Vice President, Leon Russian off, 12 Pine Ridge Road, (Official magazine of the International Clarinet Society) Greenvale, New York 11548 Secretary-Treasurer, Robert Schott, Department of Music, Editor: Kansas State College of Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 DR. LEE GIBSON Editor, Lee Gibson, School of Music, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas 76203 Publisher: DR. JAMES SCHOEPFLIN Publisher, H. James Schoepflin, Department of Music, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho 83209 (208) COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING 236-3636) Advertising Manager, Robert Luyben, Luyben Music Co., General Advertising rates: 4318 Main, Kansas City, Mo. 64111 (816) 753-7111 Inside Front Cover: $110.00 Editorial Associates, James Gillespie, (Editor of Reviews), Inside Back Cover 110.00 Department of Music, Northeast Louisiana University, Full Page 90.00 Monroe, La. 71201 Two-thirds Page 66.00 Half-page 50.00 Mary Jungerman, 2030 Spruce, No. 8, Boulder, Colo. 80302 One-third Page 34.00 Bruce Bullock, Amarillo College, 2201 S. Washington, One-fourth Page 25.00 Amarillo, Tex. 79101 One column-inch 6.00 H. James Schoepflin (address above) Richard Gilbert, 201 E. 21st St., No. 15-L, New York, N.Y. A 10% discount will apply for two or more consecutive 10010 entries of the same advertisement. Research Library, Robert Schott (Coordinator); address Circulation Information: above. (a) Rates based on 700 copies Vacancy Service, Harold Ashenfelter, Director, 607 W. (b) Character of circulation: Clarinet teachers, students, Washington St., New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 & professionals; College music departments & libraries Regional Chairmen, Northeast: Frank Stachow, Lebanon (c) International circulation Valley College, Dept. of Music, Annville, Pa. 17003 Camera-ready Commercial ads may be sent to: New York City: Richard Gilbert (address above) Southeast: F. Gerard Errante, 1444 Melrose Parkway, Editor Lee Gibson Norfolk, Va. 23508 School of Music North Central: Glenn Bowen, 1925 Kendall Ave., Madison, North Texas State University Wis. 53705 Denton, Texas 76203 South Central: James Gillespie (address above) Publisher James Schoepflin Northwest: Cecil Gold, School of Music, University of (see classified info, for address) Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843 or Southwest: L. Charles King, Department of Music, Califor¬ Advertising Manager nia State University, San Diego, Calif. 92115 Bob Luyben National Chairmen, Eastern Canada: Avram Galper, 679 4318 Main Coldstream Ave., Toronto 19, Ont., Canada Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Australia: Nevolle Thomas, 36 Bishop Ave., Randwick, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Sydney, Aust. 2031 Austria: Roger Salander, 1180 Vienna, Oesterreich, Rates: 15 cents per word, with a 10% discount for the same Messerschmidtgasse 2-6-1-3 ad placed in two or more consecutive issues. England: Jack Brymer, Underwood, Ballards Farm Road, South Croydon, Surrey England Closing Dates: January, April, July, & October 1 Mexico: Christie Lundquist, National Orchestra, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Four issues per year: Fall (October), Winter (January), Contributing Members, G. Leblanc Corporation (Vito Spring (April), Summer (July). Pascucci, President), Kenosha, Wis. 53141 Buffet-Crampon Div., Chicago Musical Instrument Co. Classified Ads should be sent directly to Publishei: (Ken Yohe, Marketing Manager), 7373 N. Cicero Ave., H. James Schoepflin Lincoln wood. 111. 60646 Department of Music C.G. Conn, Ltd. (Donald M. Hogue, Director of Marketing Idaho State University Development), 616 Enterprise Dr., Oak Brook, 111. 60521 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 August, 1974 THE CLARINET Page 3 Table of Contents Proposed Constitution of the ICS Page 4 Confessions of a Clarinet Teacher Page 6 by Leon Russianoff About our Secretary/Treasurer Page 8 Current and Germane Page 8 The Rose Thirty-Two Etudes: Page 8 By Larry Maxey Clarinet Embouchure Control Through Use of the Upper Lip Page 9 By Thomas Gerbino Claranalysis Page 10 By Lee Gibson The History and Literature of the Chalumeau and the Two-Keyed Clarmet with Bibliographies Page 11 By Albert R. Rice New Music Review Page 21 By James Gillespie and Mary Jungerman Book Review Page 23 New Music Review Page 24 By Henry Gulick Music Review Page 24 By Lee Gibson "Going on Record" Page 24 By Richard Gilbert Record Review Page 25 By James Gillespie Letters Page 26 A Selective Discography of Recent Music for Clarinet Page 27 By F. Gerard Errante International Clarinet Society List of Members Page 29 Page 4 THE CLARINET August, 1974 performing position a Vacancy Notice Service. Notice to members and subscribers of the (e) To publish a quarterly journal, The Clarinet, to be International Clarinet Society: distributed to all members. (f) To conduct a yearly general meeting at which Society business will be voted upon. Our supply of the first issue of the new Clarinet, Vol. I, No. 1, has been exhausted. This issue was in fact mailed to every college and university music department in the U.S. ARTICLE IV The Society will appreciate the return of extra copies to our Powers publisher so that these may be sent to members and subscribers. It was the announced intention of the Society Section 1. to apply all issues of our Vol. I to new members and The Society shall have the powers necessary and proper subscribers; in order to retain a uniform expiration date for to the achievement of the aforementioned purposes for memberships and subscriptions we must make the follow¬ which the Society is organized. ing stipulation: Section 2. If by Aug. 31,1974 you have not received an issue of The Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, Clarinet (following due notification to the publisher of its the Society shall not carry on any activities not permitted non-delivery), your fee for renewal of membership of to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal subscription for the 1974-75 year, which begins on October income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue 1, may be reduced by 20%. The Society expects to be able to Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United supply all succeeding issues to members and subscribers. States Internal Revenue Law). Section 3. No part of the net earnings of the Society shall inure to Proposed Constitution the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers, ofthe or other private persons, except that the Society shall be International authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensa¬ tion for services rendered and to make payments and Clarinet Society distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article III hereof. No substantial part of the activities ofthe Society shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the ARTICLE I Society shall not participate in, or intervene in (including Name the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. This organization shall be known as the International Section 4. Clarinet Society, incorporated under the laws of the State This Society may hold real estate, and own copyrights of , as a non-profit organization. and property. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Society and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in ARTICLE II its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Executive Location Committee. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. The headquarters of the Society shall be in the United Section 5. States. The initial registered office of the corporation is This Society may accept outright any unrestricted gifts, , , and its registered agent at such grants, or endowments that may be presented by any address is - The address of the person, firm, or corporation, and such gifts, grants, or registered office may be changed from time to time by the endowments shall be placed on the general funds of the Executive Committee of the Society. Society to be used, as directed by the Executive Committee, for the aims and purposes of the Society. ARTICLE III Objectives and Purposes Section 6. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of The objectives and purposes of this Society are: money, notes or other evidences if indebtedness issued in (a) To foster communication and fellowship of the name of the Society, shall be signed by the Treasurer. clarinetists on a world-wide basis through the Society. The President shall have this authority in the event that (b) To establish a research library providing all Society the Treasurer is unable to attend to his duties. All funds of members an extensive bibliography of materials per¬ the Society not otherwise employed shall be deposited from taining to the clarinet. time to time to the credit of the Society in such Banks, trust (c) To support projects which will benefit clarinet perfor¬ companies or other depositories as selected by the Ex¬ mance; providing opportunity for the exchange of ideas, ecutive Committee. materials and information among members; fostering the composition, publication, recording, and distribution of Section 7. music for the clarinet; encouraging the research and Dues from the membership will support the activities of manufacture of a more definitive clarinet; avoiding com¬ the Society, as well as providing for subscription to the mercialism in any form while encouraging communication annual journal and a newsletter. and cooperation among clarinetists and the music industry. Section 8. (d) Providing to all members seeking a teaching or The fiscal year of the Society shall be the August, 1974 THE CLARINET Page 5 ARTICLE V remove from office any officer who is unable to attend Membership meetings and is unable to attend to the duties of his office when, in the opinion of the Committee, the effectiveness of the Society is impaired.
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