1184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 1, 1984 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, February 1, 1984 The House met at 3 p.m. money and finance and transportation and minute and to revise and extend his The Reverend Lene Milo, Fagatogo to improve the United States Code; and remarks.) Methodist Church, Pago Pago, Ameri­ H.R. 3969. An act to amend the Panama Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, last week can Samoa, offered the following Canal Act of 1979 to allow the use of prox· ies by the Board of the Panama Canal Com­ we were told America is back. Today prayer: mission. we receive the fiscal year 1985 budget Father of all nations, we give You proposal which if approved would thanks for this great Nation to which most certainly set America back in we belong. THE REVEREND LENE MILO terms of fulfilling its commitment to Guide and strengthen us so that we <Mr. SUNIA asked and was given its poor, needy aged, and mentally ill. I may show forth Your praise, not only permission to address the House for 1 only hope we reject it as we did the with our lips, but with our lives. Grant minute and to revise and extend his fiscal year 1984 version. that as individuals and as a nation we remarks.) One particular budget item upsets may be an example for good to those Mr. SUNIA. Mr. Speaker, our guest me and I will vigorously oppose it who in any way look to us, or depend chaplain today is Rev. Lene Milo, should it be offered as a bill. This is to on us. pastor of the Methodist Church in the "block grant" title III of the Older To this end we pray for the Presi­ village of Fagatogo, American Samoa. Americans Act. The net effect would dent of the United States of America, I lived in that village for many years be to eliminate separate funding now that as he bears the heavy burden of before coming to Congress, and Rever­ reserved for both congregate and leadership, he may know that inner end Milo's church is four houses away home delivered meals. Instead States strength and peace which comes to from mine. It is indeed a rare privilege would have the option to spend these those who seek the guidance of an for one's neighbor to be a guest chap­ funds on services other than nutrition. ever-present God. lain in the House of Representatives, There is an old saying-if it not And to all the chosen representa­ and I feel very, very proud and wish to broke-why fix it? Title III as a cate­ tives of the people, Senators and Rep­ extend my appreciation to you sir, and gorical program clearly works. It pro­ resentatives, grant the gifts of under­ to Chaplain Ford for the gracious invi­ vides millions of senior citizens with standing, patience, and the right judg­ tation. one hot meal a day in centers and in ment in their personal lives, as well as Reverend Milo is one of Samoa's re­ their homes. We need to do more to in their work as leaders and upholders ligious leaders. He is a former presi­ find and serve those aged in the great­ of peace and justice. dent of the entire Methodist Church est economic or social need. A block Finally, our Father, we ask that in Samoa; with branch churches in grant could keep us from ever finding your Holy Spirit will teach us all how Hawaii and California. them while also jeopardizing our com­ best we can serve You and our fellow For a career in the ministry, he was mitment to those presently served. men, as we meet here today. Grant trained at the historical Piula College this, for the sake of Your Son, our where a congressional delegation was Lord, who lives and reigns with You recently received in ceremonies by the and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. government of western Samoa, and REAGAN IS SENDING HIS BILLS Amen. where ministers are trained for the TO OUR KIDS-THEY CANNOT work of the Methodist Church in the VOTE Pacific. He received further training in <Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was THE JOURNAL Australia and also studied theology at given permission to address the House The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ the Garrick Biblical Institute, Evans­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend ton, Ill., in the United States. He is at­ her remarks.> amined the Journal of the last day's tending the National Prayer Breakfast proceedings and announces to the tomorrow before returning to the ter­ Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, let House his approval thereof. ritory. us make it perfectly clear that the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the budget that has been delivered to our Journal stands approved. offices today really heavily mortgages ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE our children's future and if we do not SPEAKER ON CALENDAR do something, really their future is SUNDRY MESSAGES FROM THE WEDNESDAY going to be drowned in Reagan's red ink. PRESIDENT The SPEAKER. The Chair would Sundry messages in writing from the like to ask, if there was a motion made For years I listened to President President of the United States were to do away with Calendar Wednesday Reagan preach all over this country communicated to the House by Mr. by a Member, would there be an objec­ about the Democrats and how all they Saunders, one of his secretaries. tion? did was tax and spend and tax and The Chair is• informed that there spend, but he always had that punch would be an objection. line that brought a laugh. He would say, "Among all this bad news, there is MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE a little bit of good news and that is, at A message from the Senate by Mr. least we don't get as much Govern­ Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced THE 1985 BUDGET PROPOSAL ment as we paid for." that the Senate had passed without SETS AMERICA BACK IN COM­ But when he got into practice, he amendment bi!Lc; of the House of the MITMENT TO POOR, NEEDY put this into reverse. He got that tried following titles: AGED, AND MENTALLY ILL and true line wrong that won him the H.R. 2727. An act to codify without sub­ <Mr. BIAGGI asked and was given Presidency. Now he is giving us way stantive change recent laws related to permission to address the House for 1 more Government than we are paying 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. February 1, 1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1185 for and sending the bills to the next agenda, he is practicing the biblical by giving the veteran the benefit of generation. admonition that the first shall be last. the doubt, while the scientific commu­ Well, the President got elected Through unfair tax cuts, slashing of nity continues its efforts to study the preaching, but for the last 3 years he education and health moneys, and problem. The time has come to pro­ has been practicing and keeps right on foolish defense spending, he is writing vide help, without conditions, without preaching. He gets an "A" for his a multitrillion dollar I 0 U to our chil­ blame, and without prolonging the preaching, but he gets an "F" for prac­ dren. This is intergenerational theft. misery of those most seriously affect­ ticing in these last few budgets. It mortgages our children's future for ed. I think our children cannot afford to our hedonism. It is just plain immoral. For too long a time we have neglect­ let us live at this standard. And for those who say it is good poli­ ed the special medical needs of the tics, remember what a wise lawmaker Vietnam veteran. While we are not, as once said: "That which is morally 0 1310 a nation, without compassion, many wrong can never be politically right." find it difficult to accept the notion THE ADMINISTRATION'S BAL­ that it is possible for a solider to carry ANCED BUDGET APPROACH: AND NOW, THE HEARING secretly, deep inside himself, a medical THE NUMBERS AND THE RHET­ IMPAIRED? time bomb capable of showing its ef­ ORIC DON'T ADD UP <Mr. BONIOR of Michigan asked fects at a time and place far removed <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was and was given permission to address from the battlefield where it may have given permission to address the House the House for 1 minute and to revise been planted. The more victims we for 1 minute and to revise and extend and extend his remarks.) see, the more it becomes apparent that his remarks.) Mr. BONIOR of Michigan. Mr. certain weapons and chemicals possess Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, last Speaker, the President, in his state of consequences that, while never intend­ week, in his state of the Union ad­ the Union address, said: ed or expected, have severely effected dress, President Reagan called for two Our most precious resources, our greatest the health of these veterans. constitutional amendments: One tore­ hope for the future, are the minds and For all these reasons, the degree of quire a balanced Federal budget and hearts of our people, especially our chil­ our responsibility to these people one to give him a new tool, never avail­ dren. should never be measured by such in­ able to previous Presidents, to strike Now, just 1 week later, the adminis­ tangibles as the popularity of the war individual line items from appropria­ tration proposes to end the Nation's or whether or not we were victorious.
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