4 June 1986 PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 99(2), 1986, pp. 218-224 SYSTEMATICS OF THE GORGETED WOODSTARS (AVES: TROCHILIDAE: ACESTRURA) Gary R, Graves Abstract. —Acestrura heliodor (sensu Peters 1945) forms a superspecies com- posed of two allospecies: A. astreans Bangs of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; and A. heliodor (Bourcier) of the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, and northeastern Ecuador. Acestrura h. meridae Zimmer and Phelps is synony- mized with A. h. heliodor. Acestrura h. cleavesi Moore of northeastern Ecuador is a valid subspecies. Wing and tail lengths are positively correlated with latitude in the heliodor superspecies. Gorget color in males is subject to postmortem change. The diminutive woodstars of the genus Acestrura heliodor heliodor (Bourcier) Acestrura of the Andean region in western Ornismya heliodor Bourcier, 1840:275. South America are poorly known, under- "Bogota." represented in museum collections, and are Acestrura heliodor meridae Zimmer and frequently misidentified. Acestrura ber- Phelps, 1950:1, Paramo Conejos (4000 lepschi, A. bombus, and A. mulsant are cur- m), Merida, Venezuela. rently considered to be monotypic. A fourth species, A. heliodor, exhibits considerable Characters. — Male: Upperparts and Hanks geographic variation that is recognized at are green and the gorget purple. The formula the subspecihe level (Peters 1945, Zimmer of rectrix length in closed tail is: 3 > 4 > 1953): A, astreans of the Sierra Nevada de 5 > 2 > 1 (retrices numbered from the in- Santa Marta, Colombia; A. h. heliodor of side outward). The width of rectrix 4 is the Eastern, Central and Western Cordil- greater than '/> the width of rectrix 3 and leras of the Colombian Andes: A. h. meri- nearly intermediate in width between rec- dae of the Venezuelan Andes; and A. h. trices 3 and 5 (Fig. 2). Females: The chin, cleavesi of northeastern Ecuador, throat, breast, and flanks are rich buffy cin- The purpose of this paper is to re-evaluate namon. In adult females, the tail is rufous the taxonomy of woodstars in the A. helio- with a broad black band across the center, dor complex, incorporating data from pre- A trace of green occurs just proximal to the viously unreported series of specimens col- band on the central rectrices. The lower lected from 1946-1952 in Colombia by M. rump and upper tail coverts are rufous; a A. Carrikcr, Jr. and deposited in the Na- few feathers have a green central spot. tional Museum of Natural History, Smith- Distribution.— Scattered localities in the sonian Institution (USNM). Differences Andes of Venezuela, and the Eastern, Cen- among populations in plumage color in both tral, and Western Cordilleras of the Colom- sexes and tail configuration in males suggest bian Andes (Fig, I). The reported occur- that the Acestrura heliodor (Fig. 1) is ac- rence of A. heliodor at Cana, Cerro Pirre, tually composed of two allospecies: A. as- Panama (Wetmore 1968, Ridgely 1976) is treans (Santa Marta Woodslar) of the Sierra based on a misidentified specimen of Cal- Nevada dc Santa Marta, and A. heliodor liphlox mitchelli (Robbins et al. 1985). (Gorgeted Woodstar) (A. h. heliodor and A. Specimens examined. —VENEZUELA: h. cleavesi) of the main Andes. Pinos (USNM 1 <3); "Merida" (USNM 1 3, VOLUME 99, NUMBER 2 219 Fig. 1. Distribution of the Acestruru helivdor superspecies based on specimens examined in this study. Some symbols represent two closely spaced localities. Squares = Acestmra astresw, circles — A. h, heliodor, dia- monds = A. h. cleavesi. Hatching indicates areas above 1000 feet elevation. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON (FMNH 1 2).-"New Grenada" (USNM I 3, 1 2; AMNH 2 66, 2 29). None de Santan- heliodor der: Buenos Aires (USNM 7 66, 3 22).— Ocana (USNM 1 3).-Ramirez (CM 3 SS, 1 2; ANSPl2).-Cachiri(CM 1 2).-Las Yen- tanas (CM 2 52). Caldas: Laguneta (ANSP 1 3, 3 22). Huila: San Agustin (USNM 4 dd, 2 22; AMNH 1 3; ANSP 3 66, 2 22).- Belen (USNM I 3). Cauca: El Tambo (FMNH 1 3; WFVZ 1 3).-Tijeras (FMNH 1 3).— Moscopan (USNM 1 2). Acestrura heliodor cleavesi (Moore) Chaetocercus cleaves: Moore. 1934:1. Cu- c leaves! yuja, Ecuador. Characters. — Male: The formula for the Length of rectrices in A. h. cleavesi is: 3 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 1, instead of: 3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 1, as in A. h. heliodor and A, astreans. Rectrices 4 and 5 arc similar in width, and much narrower than rectrix 3. Female: Sim- ilar to A. h. heliodor but more richly colored on chin and throat and with rump more astreans extensively rufous. Distribution. —Known only from the Amazonian slope of the Andes in north- eastern Ecuador. Specimens examined. —ECUADOR; Baeza (MLOC 3 66, 6 22; USNM 1 6, 1 2; AMNH 1 3).-Cuyuja (MLOC 1 3. 1 2).- Pallatanga (MLOC 1 2).-Rio Hollin Fig. 2. Tail patterns of Acestrura h. heliodor, A. h. clearest and A. astreans. Males on the left, females on (MLOC 1 9).- Rio Oyacachi Abajo (AMNH the right. Color of rectrices: stippling = green: un- 1 3, 3 92).-Rio Tigre (MLOC 1 3, 3 22).- marked = rufous or rich hutf; shaded — black. 1.8 x Tumbaco (MLOC 1 2). natural size. Acestrura astreans Bangs Acestrura astreans Bangs, 1899:76. San Se- 2 22; AMNH 19 33.9 22).-Conejos (USNM bastian (6600 feet), Sierra Nevada de San- 1 2; AMNH I 3 type "meridae," 1 £).- ta Marta, Colombia. Tambor (USNM I 3, 4 22; AMNH 9 33, 2 22).—Escorial (AMNH 4 33).—Tierra Characters. —Mate: In adults, the back, (USNM 1 3). COLOMBIA: (unspecified lo- rump, upper tail coverts, and flanks are me- calities) "Bogota" (USNM 4 33,222; AMNH tallic blutsh-green, instead of green as in A. 24 66 including type of A. h. heliodor, 9 h. heliodor and A. h. cleavesi. The gorget is 22).-"Lower Magdalena" (USNM 1 3, 1 red or reddish-purple, depending on the an- 2).-"Colombia" (MLOC 3 66; USNM 4 66, gle of reflection, not purple as in A. h. he- 2 22; AMNH 2 33). -"Santiago" near Pasto? liodor. The formula of rectrix length is the VOLUME 99, NUMBER 2 221 same as in heliodor. Rectrices 4 and 5 arc gets than more recently collected specimens very narrow, less than '/z the width of rectrix from the Eastern Cordillera. For example, 3. Female: Adult females differ from those specimens from Buenos Aires, Norte de of A. heliodor in having the upper tail co- Santander, taken in 1946, have slightly more verts green instead of rufous. The central purplish, less pinkish gorgets than speci- rectrices of A. astreans are green, instead of mens collected in 1916 at Ramirez, Norte rufous with a black band like the other rec- de Santander. In turn, the "1916" speci- trices, as in A. heliodor (Fig. 2). The venter mens have gorgets that are more purplish, of A. a.s//*ra/w is lighter, not as richly colored less pinkish, than those of pre-1900 "Bo- as in A. heliodor. gota" specimens. Specimens collected at ap- Distribution. — Restricted to the Sierra proximately the same time in the Eastern Nevada de Santa Marta. Specimens have Cordillera and the Venezuelan Andes are been taken on the western, eastern, and indistinguishable in gorget coloration. Aces- southern slopes at elevations between 2700 trura h. meridae Zimmer and Phelps, 1950, and 6600 feet (ca. 825-2010 m). should thus be considered a synonym of A. Specimens examined. — Sierra Nevada de h. heliodor Boucier, 1840. In another ap- Santa Marta: San Sebastian (USNM 2 22).— parent example of postmortem change from Chinchicua (USNM 4 22).-Vista Nieve shorter to longer wave lengths, the gorgets (USNM 1 a. 2 22).-Cincinati (ANSP 1 6, 1 of specimens (USNM 333521; MLOC 7015. 9).-El Mamon (AMNH 1 6). — No further 7016, 7023, 10367, 10377) included in the locality data (USNM 2 % AMNH 1 un- type series of A, h. cleavesi) arc presently sexed). matched closely by Rose Color (capitalized names from Ridgway 1912), instead of Variation in Male Gorget Color Rhodamine Purple (Moore 1934). Gorget color in the Acestrura heliodor su- The magnitude of postmortem change pers pecies exhibits significant geographic observed in specimens collected from a sin- variation. In contemporaneously collected gle locality equals thai of the contempora- specimens from the main Andes, gorget col- neous geographic variation found among the or varies clinally from pinkish-purple in Colombian populations of A. h. heliodor. northeastern Ecuador to purple in the East- The gorgets of birds from the Central (Be- ern Cordillera of Colombia and the Vene- len, Tijeras, Laguneta) and Western Cor- zuelan Andes; specimens from the Western dilleras (El Tarn bo) are pinker, less purplish and Central Cordilleras are intermediate. than those of contemporaneously collected The Santa Marta population is character- (1942-1957) specimens from the Eastern ized by a dark red gorget. Cordillera, but match those of older speci- Zimmer and Phelps (1950) separated the mens from the same region. Venezuelan (A. h. meridae) populations These observations suggest that there are from those of Colombia on the basis of "a some discrete differences among heliodor darker, more purplish, less reddish throat" populations. The lack of contemporaneous- in males. Unfortunately, assessment of this ly collected series from key populations, character is hampered by previously unrec- however, prevents the subspecifie partition ognized postmortem change in gorget color. of A. heliodor on the basis of gorget color They compared their Venezuelan series, alone. collected mostly between 1903 and 1921, Size and Shape Variation with a large series of pre-1900 "Bogota" specimens, most of which were probably Wing length is positively correlated with obtained from the Eastern Cordillera.
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