'X - . ar (Inn V .11 1 if u n n Hi' 'J IP 4 Ml r E r Katabllihed Jalr a, 1853. VOL. XIX., XO. nOXOL,UL,U, IIAWAIIAX ISL.AXDS, WEDXESDAY. MAKCH 11, IS94.; PRICE: 5 CENTS. Xtasincss vTarite. Business CarDs. time opened wide to send nut a llash THE LIFE OF PESTALOZZi, of lightning, at another were half closed as if engaged ou what was go- ing on within; his features now ex- HAWAIIAN M. E. Grossman, D.D.tf. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., pressing a profound sadness, and now The New Jewelry Store again the most peaceful happiness; HARDWARE, One of the Greatest Teachers of his speech either slow or nurried. 503 Fort Street, either oft and melodious or bursting Abstract and Title Co. Cutlery and Glassware the World. forth like thunder; imagine the man ARK PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE ANY 307 Fort Street. and you have him whom we used to THING IN THEIR LINK. call our Father Pestalozzi. Such as 1 3575-l- y have sketched him for you wo loved N"0. MERCHANT 8T. DENTIST, Souvenir Spoons ! him; we all loved him, for H. DAVIDSON, HARD STRUGGLE FOR RECOGNITION. he loved us all; we loved him a specialty. Also, on hand & fine stock J. 93 so warmly that when some time HONOLULU, U. I. EOTXL STRUT of imported passed without our seeing him we were quite troubled about it, and Attorney ind Ccunsellor-at-La- ir. when he again appeared we could not SST'OmcM Hotras 9 a. ac. to 4 p. x. JEWELEY. A 1'aper by l'rofemor II. S. Townieud, take our eyes off him." Love and iVERVTnn'G IN TUG LATE8T DESIGNS. m. of Lahainaluna The Life of a Swlaa faith, then, lie at tho very foundation r. tiatcn President of - - Vtre-Prriide- ni Office 36 Merchant Street, Pedagocue A Lecture at a Recent Pestalozzlan theory and practice. Cecil Croirn Island orders promptly attended to. again: dook DR. R. I. MOORE Teachers I'uhllc Meeting on Maui. Pestalozzi "If I back J. F. Brown, Treasurer.! ilanRfjsr P. O. BOX 2S7. and ask myself what I have real re- W. Y. Krear 4nditor F. M. WAKEFIELD, done toward the improvement of ele- MUTUAL TELEPHONE 46S. mentary education, I find that iu DENTIST, Attorney and Counsellor at Law recognizing observation as the abso- The following is the conclusion lute basis of all knowledge I have J? Temporary Office with C. W. ABhford, established the first and most impor- This Company u prepared to search of the article on Pestalozzi, the tant principle of instruction." And rocord3 and farr:L;h abstracts of title to E. A. JACOBSON Merchant Street, Honolulu. property tn the Kingdom. Swiss pedagogue, which was begun again: "Observation is the absolute all real 3394-l- y basis of all knowledge. In other : Parties pi to: a loioiun.or contenipiat-i- n Officii Arlington Eouss, Hotel St, Pirlor 2. in yesterday's issue words, all knowledge must proceed the purchase of real estate will find it Man OhoDg Restaurant from observation ami must admit of company WILLIAM C. PARKE, In this case we have do fault to find to their advantage u coasoit the UkLF history which we read on a being traced to that source." B"t the In regard to title. Gas Administered. BSTHXL STREET, HONOLULU. with the English word observation very inade- - AT -- LAW tombstone. Pestalozzi was completely - ATTORNEY quately represents the German word y All orders attended to with prompt- 12 1 dominated by his overwhelming love OrrxcK Hocks : 9 to and to 4. BKTWEKN KINO AND HOTEL STREETS. AKE auschauuug, lor which it here stands. ness. for humanity. This determined the I should use the word intuition, but Telephony 25; P. O. Box 3271-l- m Agont to Uks Acknovrlodgcaomw. motive of his life, and of his philoso- Bell phy of education, if he may be said to this word, in English, seems to be 13 losing very meaning obser- Tie Best 2 Meal in Town ! ryici Ko. Kaab.uinanu Street, Hono have had a philosophy of education. tho which C. BREWER & CO., L'I "SANS SOUCF HOTEL lain, H. I. Stung by the degradation of the poor, vation expresses, and that is an essen- and wrongs which they sufiered, tial part of the meaning of QSEEf STK3KT, HOSOLULU, II. I. j.SS"'Fovl in season on Tuesday, Fri- LEWERS COOKE, the anschauung. takes both English SEASIDE RESORT, day every a he set himself to devise means of It and Sunday; Broiled Chicken conclusion words to express the meaning of the AGENTS FOR : Sunday Morning. (Snccsatari to Z.ewera & Dlckioa) helping them. And his "WAIKIKI, XiOOLXJIU. : to poor one German word. Ix?t us take, In Hawaiian Agricultural Co. was "If we desire aid the connection with this, on aphorism Onomea Sugar Co. TICKETS FUR 21 MKAL8 i:n?orler ! i u Laiuhei man, the very lowest among the peo- $4.50! Ialert ple, can be done in one way only, from his "Evening Hour of a Honoma Sugar Co. "7 desire to find no quieter haven And all Klcdi of Bclldicg this Hermit": "Nature develops all 3517--tf Mter'.l. is by changing his schools into the Wailuka 8agar Co. than the 'Sans SoucV, and may well --y"TryitI that human faculties by practice, and their Waihee Sugar Co. add with the poet: No. 83 FOBT BTI1EET, Honolnlu. true places of education, in which the phj'sical pow- growth depends on their exercise." Makee Sugar Co. a more sacred or Fequestered moral, intellectual and (iertrude Chil- Co. In bower. ers which God has put into our nature In "How Teaches Her UaleakaJa Ranch Nor nymph nor Faunas haunted.' K. W. SI'CHXSNSi M. A W. dren," he says education Kapapala Ranch. Criterion Saioon J. T. M'CEl may be drawn out, so that the man that cousist STEVENSON." 32i Clay St., S. z 40 Queen St, Hono. may be to live a life such as in "a continual benevolent superin- Plantars' Line San Francisco Packets. ROBERT LOUIS enabled tendence with the object of calling & Line of Boston P. C. Advertiserj Oct. 7, 1S93. M. W. McOHESNEY & SONb, a man should live, contented in him Chaa. Brewer Co.'s people. Thus, forth all the faculties which Provi- Packets. self and satisfying other dence has implanted." Kamsaucr, of Wliolcania Grocers, Commission Mer- and only thus, does the man, whom Agents Boston Board Underwriters. A. of first a pupil, then an assistant, gives Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri- T. Simpson, Another Invoice the celebrated and in God's wide world nobody helps and 3523-l- y MANAGER. chants Importer. nobody to help him- us a glimpse of Pestalozzi's method of ter!. can help, learn applying these principles in the JOHN Wl ELAND EXTRA PALE Qeeu fiit., Konoiuiu. self." With this view of his life, we cannot cry "cant!" when he tells us, school room. He says: "Tho exer- List or Officxbs: C. B. RIPLEY, "For thirty years my life was a des cises in language wero the beat we had, Hon. J. O. Carter, President & Manager & perate struggle against the most especially those which had reference George II. Robertson - - Treasurer LEWIS CO., frightful poverty. More than a thous- ftb tho wainscoting of the school E. F. Ciehop - - - Secretary ! Lager Beer and times I was obliged to go without room. He spent whole hours before 2nl. '.V. Allen - - - Auditor ARCHITECT that wainscoting, very old and torn, F. Also, a fresh Invoice of dinner, and at noon, when even the Ciiai M. Oooie ) Office New afe Deposit Building, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, poorest were seated around a table, I busy in examining the holes and renta ?.-- rec;-.rs- . respect to form, position 11. Warho.H3 KOHOL.ULC. H. I. CALIFORNIA OYSTERS devoured a morsel of bread upon the with number, H. C. Alltsn Esq. J highway; and all that I might minis- and color, and in formulating our ob- Plana, tipeciS cations, and Superintend" FOB- - 111 FORT STEEE'l. ter to the needs of the poor by tho servations in sentences more or less ence given for every description of Build- realization of my principles." It is developed. Then Pestalozzi would ing. OYSTER COCKTAILS wholesome to contemplate such a ask us:- - IJoys, what do you see?' " Iron Works BuiMing.-- . see a hole in the wainscoting.1 Old sjccsfuUy remodelled character. 4'I and enlarged. BEAVEK SAL00K, Very well, repeat after me: I see a , Designs for Interior Decorations. HIS PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. hole in tho wainscoting, and soon.'" QUEEN STIiKKT, Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, L. H. DEE, - Proprietor. r r street Opposite tvilder A co.' Fichte tried to make a philosopher Vuillemin tells his children that "at and Blueprinting. 3406 H. NOLTZ, FBOl'BOTOB. of Pestalozzi, but he can scarcely be Yverdun language was taught by the Between Alakea and Richard Streets. J. aid of intuition (observation)"; we COP" for or Newspapr ii-cl- to succeeded. Drawirps Boio ri M LuncDnt Served vith. Tos, CofTea said have His heart learned to see correctly, Illustration. Eoda Water, G'agtr A3 a or JiCtli.. was better than his head. In fact his and through CASTLE & COOKE heart ruled not only his hands but also this very process lo form for our- mUK UNDKKSIGXFD ARE PRE-J- L Open From 3 a.m. till lO p. his head. Speaking of his "Researches selves a correct idea of the rela- pared to iaak all kind of Iron, JL.lh'JU AN"! 7"Saolier ' Btq olsitea a Specialty on the Course of Nature in the Devel- tions of things.
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