8 OUT ON-LINE Lesbian Lives on the lnternet Amy Goodloe For many lesbians today, the Internet has played a key role in the coming out process, either by providing access to resources that answer commonly asked questions or by offering ',virtual com- munities" in which women can feel free to explore and discover their identities. The Intemet also plays an important role in promoting lesbian rights and visibility, providing activists with the abil- ity to exchange information quickly and broadly, and offering the mainstream population a glimpse into "real" lesbian lives that they might otherwise never see. But the Internet is just a tool. And it is the work of hundreds of lesbians, devoted to provid- ing information and resources to lesbians around the wodd, that has made the Internet such a pouerful tool for promoting lesbian visibiliry This chapter focuses on the work of these women, highlighting a wide variety of on-line resources that covers everything from news, information, and history to personal life stories to venues for "real time" interactions between lesbians. Resources appear in the following categories: 'Activism and advocacy . Lesbian hot-lists and collections ' Arts and entertainment . on-line meeting places ' General queer sites . Pfoducts and services ' Health and sexuality . publications and literary links ACTIVISM ANDADVOCACY Wbat Foundation Group 71522 Drttch Organization for Lesbian and Bisexual Women How V'eb Wbere h t t p : / /www. cybe r comm. n L / - L onys Comments "Foundation Group 7152 ls a Dutch organizationfor lesbian and bisexual women. Its goal is to suppon these women during the awakening of their feelings toward women and accepting them. Moreover it offers possibilities for meeting each other. Every woman, young or old, married or not, can become a contributor of Group 7152. The privaq of the contributors is optimally protected.,' Wbat InteffrationalLesbianlnformationService Hou Web .l')t . .l The Resources Wbere http: //www. he L s i nk i .t i /-k r i s_ntk/ i I i s. htm L Comments The ILIS is an international network of lesbians working toward lesbian rights .I:; five basic ILIS demands are: We have the unconditional right to control our ci;,':. bodies; we have a right to education that is not sexist or heterosexist and rr'hr::- includes positive information about lesbian lifestyles; we need the right to selti:E - nization; all governments must repeal legislation which criminalizes us or drsc:::::- inates against us. Therefore, all governments must pass human rights legislairc:- : , protect individuals against discrimination based on color, class, creed, ser. r.nc >:.,- ual preference." Shana Penn: What kinds of on-line information would be valuable for lesbians? Amy Goodloe: I'd especially like to get more lesbian studies information on the Net, to make thi5 infsra;,;r- 3,3i,. able to academics everywhere, and I'm encouraging those teaching such courses to get their studei-r= :: s-rr-. work for publication on Lesbian.org, lt'd be great to offer space to pubtish the works of women who a=- i :-:lr ready to be published in academic iournals, but whose research would be of great interest to maF:d rE3:F-= Wbat Lesbian Avengers NewYork City Chapter How Web Wbere http: //www- cc - coLumbia.edu/-vk20/ Lesbian/avenger. htm I -. Comments "The Lesbian Avengers is a direct action group focused on issues vital to lesbi':- . - vival and visibility. Direct action means turning our ideas into concrert .::- - Lesbian Avenger actions have ranged from invading a hate-mongering radlc' >- .: and taking over the airwaves to demand an end to their racist and homc::, : attacks, to sending lesbophobic politicians turkeys on Thanksgiving. \\'e h".. --. developed the Lesbian Avenger Civil Rights Organizing Project (LA CROP ;.. : - has organized against homophobic legislation in Maine and Idaho. and rhe F!;: '; ' project which is fighting for lesbian and gay cMl rights right here in Ne*- \b:-< :- :: Wbat Lesbian Avengers San Francisco Chapter How Web Wbere http: //www. Lesbian. org/sf avengers/ San Francisco a 1r Comments "The Lesbian Avengers of is direct action group of lesbian. -"=-. - -. and transgendered women focused on issues vital to our survival anC r':::: Wbat Lesbian Caucus of the Hellenic Homosexual Society How Web Wbere h t t p : / / w w w . c y b e r z i n e . o r g / h t m L / G L A I D S / C o L o r / g r e e k L e s b i a - : . - - r Comments "The Hellenic Homosexual Community (EOIQ has formed a Lesbian Ca'.i;-. -' -- the aim to address lesbian issues and help lesbians solve problems relareci : - :,:' -.: .1.) { ._.- t 0ut 0n-Line gay move- a lesbian in modern Greece. We are women relatively experienced in the ment and other afenas of social.activism but we have a lot to confront." wbat Lesbian.org How Web Wbere http: //www. Lesbi an.org/ Comrnents Lesbian.org is a IJ[eb site dedicated to promoting lesbian visibility on the Internet by offering free w'eb space to lesbian not-fof-profit and activist groups' publishing les- a wide range of lesbian news, resources, and information, and sponsoring five bian mailing lists. Wbat National Lesbian Politicd Action Comrnittee Hou Web Wbere http: //www. Lesbian.org/nLPac/ Comments The mission of the NLPAC is to "provide a continuous forum for women to work with women on lesbian issues on a political level; help lesbians identiff and strengthen their priorities; make lesbian issues visible at the national level; unite and energize lesbian activists; educate our national leaders; inspire new leadership; influence the political process and make a difference." Wbat NOV-Lesbian Rights How Web Wbere http: //now.org/now/ i ssues/ Lgbi / Lgbi . htmL Comments "NOW is committed to fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation in all areas, including employment, housing, public accommodations, child custody, and military and immigration policy NOW' asserts the right of lesbians and gays to live their lives with digniry and security." The site contains information about NOW's policies, history and recent actions, and you can search the whole site by the key word "lesbian" to learn more about other ways that NOW works toward lesbian rights. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Wbat Derivative Duo How r$(/eb Wbere http: //www.nwLink- com/-rai nier/duo. htm Comments "The Derivative Duo wreaks havoc on the classical music scene. Their outrageous opera parodies illuminate the pressing social issues of our day: PMS, gays in the mil' itary, catpsychology. Once you've heard the Derivative Duo, opera will not be the same. Listen to their original songs on the Intemet using Real Audio. (A modem con- nection of 28.8 or better is essential to fully enioy this site')" ,).):.,-'l The Resources Wbat DYke Street Hou Web uk/wo r Ld/ukgay/ukg000f ' h tm l- i were h t tp: / /wwu. demon. co. CommentsDykestreetisaninteractivesoapoperaontheweb.Readersareencouragedogt: in each month for a oc gest new characters or plot twists' and they can tune episode.Previousepisodesarearchivedonthesiteforthebenefitofnewcooc* on Dyke Street' making it easy to get up to speed with what's happening Wbat Dyke TV Hottt Veb Wbere http: //www.dYketv.org .DykeTvisahalf.hourweeklytelevisionpfogramproducedbylesbians,ftr1c'. Colnrnents bians.wemixnews,politicalcommentary'thearts'health'sports'andmucht|xe topresentlesbianlives_inallourvariety_withintelligenceandhumor."TbesiE TV airs, as well as contact infwe contains information on when and where Dyke tionforvolunteers.Andtheopeningpagefeaturesareallyniftyanimatedgnpnc a lavender TV with changing images on the screen' Wbat LadYsliPPer Records Hottt Web Wberc httP: / /wwu ' IadYs I i PPer ' org primary pu{pose is to heighteo pr# Comrtents "Iadyslipper is a nonprofit organization whose and musicians' and to e-rE Il lic awareness of the achievements of women artists thescopeandavailabilityofrecordingsbywomen.''Fromthesiteyoucanordcr music,requestafreecatalog,orlearnmoreaboutfeaturedwomenartists. Wbat Lesbian and Bisexual Actresses How Veb Vberehttp://l.lHw.bLarg.com/-dhua/fiIms/women/actressesl.htmI or thought to be lesbian or bises{ comtnents Interesting list of actresses who are known to be Wbat Lesbian-centeredEuropeanFilrns How Veb i i Im htm I' Wbete http: //www ' he L s i nki ' f i /-kr s-ntk/f ' Co/nrnertts Long list of European films with a sapphic slant' Wbat Sweet Muslc: Slsters on Stage How V'eb / Dykest{or Ld/ swee tmus i c ' htm I Wbere h t tp: / /www ' qwo r Ld ' org CommentsContainsinformationonandlinkstowebsitesaboutlesbianmusiciansaroundthe world,lovinglycompiledbylndinaBueche.AccordingtoBueche,thisis.noorxiE ,JZ6 Out 0n-Line list,"asallthemusiciansshefeaturesarepubliclyopenaswomen-lovingwomen' Thelistisdelightfullylonganddiverse,andinternationalinscope' GENERAL QUEER SITES wbat Comrnunity United Against Violence (CUAV) How Veb Wbere http : //www. xq. com/cuav/ addresses and prevents hate vio- Comments CUAV is a fifteen'year-old nonprofit agenry which persons' CUAV also lence directed at lesbians, gay men' bisexuals, and ffansgender cIIAV offers crisis provides sefvices to gay men who are battered by their partners. justice system' sup intervention, short-term counseling, advocacy with the criminal portgroups'andatwenty-four-hourCrisisline.Inadditiontodocumentingand publicizinganti-lesbian/gayviolence,CUAVoffersspeakersforschoolsandcom' .we routinely distrib. m.,,'iry groups and safety monitoring for community events. as preventative ute safety information, and provide whistles and self'defense classes measures." wbat Dtgital Queers (DQ) How u(eb Wbere http
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