The Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Schloenbachia leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Cragin U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1641-A The Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Schloenbachla leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Crag in By William A. Cobban Description and illustrations of an important zonal fossil from Texas Contributions to Paleontology U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1641-A DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WILLIAM P. CLARK, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cobban, William A. The Lower Cretaceous ammonite Schloenbachia leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Cragin. (Geological Survey bulletin ; 1641-A) Includes bibliographical references. Supt of Docs no.: I 19.3:1641-A 1. Schloenbachia leonensis. 2. Paleontology Cretaceous. 3. Paleontology Texas. I. Title. II. Series. QE75.B9 no. 1641 [QE807.A5] 557.3 s [564'.53] 84-600321 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1985 For sale by the U.S. Geological Survey 604 South Pickett Street Alexandria, VA 22304 CONTENTS Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Systematic paleontology References cited 3 PLATE 1. Mortoniceras equidistans. FIGURES 1. Whorl section of Mortoniceras equidistans (Cragin) 2 2. External suture of Mortoniceras equidistans (Cragin) 3 Contents III CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY The Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Schloenbachia leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Cragin By William A. Cobban Abstract Young (1967a, p. 67-69) recorded M. equidistans (as Pervinquieria equidistans) as a zonal index for many Schloenbachia leonensis var. equidistans Cragin was areas in Texas (south-central and north-central Texas, based on one or more specimens from the Duck Creek Forma­ north Texas, High Plains, upper Concho and Llano river tion of Texas. Cragin briefly described the species, but did not drainages, and Fort Stockton area). In addition to these, illustrate it, and the whereabouts of his type or types is un­ M. equidistans has been recorded from Trans-Pecos Texas known. Only one specimen in the Cragin collections at Colorado in the Kent area (Brand and DeFord, 1958, p. 381) and College, Colorado Springs, Colo., fits Cragin's description, and farther southwest in the Eagle Mountains (Underwood, this specimen is assumed to be the type. Cragin's variety has 1963, p. 9, 10). been elevated to species rank and usually assigned to Pervin- Mortoniceras equidistans has been found at three quieria or Mortoniceras. The species is widely distributed in Texas and New Mexico, where it is a guide to one of the upper localities in New Mexico. The species occurs in the Smel- Albian ammonite zones. tertown Formation of Strain (1968, p. 82; 1976, p. 78, 79) at Sierra de Cristo Rey across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Tex. Specimens from this area were described by Bose (1910, p. 63, 78) as the new species Schloen­ INTRODUCTION bachia whitei and S. trinodosa. Farther northwest, in the Cooke Range near Deming, N. Mex., M. equidistans oc­ The holotype of Mortoniceras equidistans (Cragin), curs in calcareous beds below the middle of the Sarten an important guide fossil to one of the late Albian ammo­ Sandstone. In the Tucumcari area in northeastern New nite zones of Texas, was never illustrated or adequately Mexico, Stanton (1928, p. 407) recorded M. equidistans described. Cragin (1893, p. 241) merely named it as a (as Pervinquieria equidistans) from beds now assigned to variety of Schloenbachia leonensis (Conrad, 1857, p. 160, the Purgatoire Formation. Collections made later from the pi. 16, figs. 2a,b). Cragin briefly described his new form Mesa Rica Sandstone include excellent examples of M. as having "the general proportions of the typical leonen­ equidistans and Eopachydiscus marcianus. sis, but the ribs bear three coarse, equidistantly placed Outside the United States and Mexico, M. equidis­ nodes: umbilical, intermediate, and ventro-lateral, of tans is known from England and Nigeria. Spath (1923, which the last-named is particularly large and prominent p. 76; 1932, p. 408) recorded the species from the middle and, with the corresponding nodes of other ribs, gives part of the upper Albian of southern England first under to the venter a decidedly squarish, instead of the ordinary the name of Inflaticeras kiliani (Lasswitz) and later as rounded appearance." Young (1967a, p. 67-69; 1967b, Mortoniceras (Pervinquieria) kiliani. The species de­ p. 27) raised Cragin's variety to species rank and assigned scribed by Lasswitz (1904, p. 245, pi. 19, fig. 1; text it to the genus Pervinquieria. As noted by Wright (1957, fig. 6) as Schloenbachia kiliani is a synonym of M. p. L406), Mortoniceras Meek (1876, p. 448) is a valid equidistans, as noted by Young (1967b, p. 27). Reyment genus, and Pervinquieria Bohm (1910, p. 152) is a (1955, p. 33, pi. 5, fig. 3) figured a small specimen under synonym. the name of Mortoniceras (M.) kiliani from Nigeria. In north and north-central Texas, Mortoniceras Cragin's type or types of his Schloenbachia leonen­ equidistans occurs in the lower part of the Duck Creek sis var. equidistans have not been located. Some of his Formation. The species first appears with the ammonite invertebrate types, which were at the Bureau of Economic Eopachydiscus marcianus (Shumard), but ranges higher Geology, Austin, Tex., are now at the Texas Memorial than that form. Young (1967a, p. 67-69; 1967b, p. 27) Museum, Austin. A few of his invertebrate types are at noted this overlap, but recognized two zones, a lower of Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo., where large Eopachydiscus brazosensis [sic] and an upper of Pervin­ collections of Cragin's fossils are housed. Others of his quieria equidistans. Eopachydiscus brazoensis (Shumard, types are at the National Museum of Natural History, 1860) is a synonym of E. marcianus (Shumard, 1854). Washington, D.C. Introduction 1 The Cragin collections at Colorado College include 1932. Mortoniceras (Pervinquieria) kiliani (Lasswitz). Spath, about a dozen ammonites from Texas from rocks now p. 408, pi. 38, figs. 1, 2; pi. 42, fig. 1; pi. 47, fig. assigned to the Kiamichi, Duck Creek, and Fort Worth 1; text fig. 140. Formations. Only one specimen fits Cragin's description 1934. Prohysteroceras (Goodhallites) whitei (Bose). Spath, p. of his Schloenbachia leonensis var. equidistans. This 446. 1940. Pervinquieria kiliani (Lasswitz). Breistroffer, p. 75, specimen may be the holotype, but it has neither a label 138. nor a number. The preservation indicates a Duck Creek 1940. Pervinquieria kiliani var. alstonensis Breistroffer, p. source. Because of the importance of M. equidistans as 138, 139. a guide fossil, the single extant specimen in the Cragin 1940. Pervinquieria fallax var. kilianiformis Breistroffer, p. collections is assumed to be the type and is herein rede- 140. scribed and illustrated. 1942. Pervinquieria kiliani (Lasswitz). Haas, p. 94. The present study was made possible by the loan 1947. Neoharpoceras (Goodhallites) withei [sic] Bose. Breis­ of Cragin's specimen from Dr. Andy Cohen, Geology De­ troffer, p. 66. partment, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Dr. 1947. Pervinquieria kiliani (Lasswitz). Briestroffer, p. 66. Keith Young, Department of Geological Sciences, Univer­ 1955. Mortoniceras (Mortoniceras) kiliani (Lasswitz). Rey- ment, p. 33, pi. 5, fig. 3. sity of Texas at Austin, kindly gave advice on other possi­ 1957. Pervinquieria kiliani (Lasswitz). Young, p. 3 ble locations of Cragin's original specimen. 1957. Goodhallites whitei (Bose). Young, p. 19. 1967a. Pervinquieria equidistans (Cragin). Young, p. 67-69. 1967b. Pervinquieria equidistans (Cragin). Young, p. 27. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY The probable type is an uncrushed, well-preserved internal mold of an adult that has nearly half a whorl Family BRANCOCERATTDAE Spath, 1934 of body chamber. Diameter of the shell is 169 mm, and Subfamily MORTONICERATINAE Spath, 1925 that of the umbilicus is 71.7 mm (ratio of 0.42). Whorls Genus MORTONICERAS Meek, 1876 are higher than wide, with a rectangular section (fig. 1). Greatest width is at the mid-flank tubercle. A prominent, Type species. Ammonites vespertinus Morton, 1834. narrowly rounded keel is present. The umbilicus is steep and has a narrowly rounded shoulder. Mortoniceras equidistans (Cragin) Ornament consists of trinodose prorsiradiate ribs Plate 1, figures 1-3, text figures 1,2 that are narrower than the interspaces. On the penultimate whorl, ribs are slightly sinuous, and most originate in 1893. Schloenbachia leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Cragin, p. 241. pairs from prominent umbilical bullae. A few umbilical 1904. Schloenbachia kiliani Lasswitz, p. 245, pi. 19, fig. 1; bullae give rise to single ribs, and an occasional secondary text fig. 6. rib arises low on the flank. There are 35 ribs on the penul­ 1907. Mortoniceras inflatum (Sowerby) var. kiliani Lasswitz? timate whorl and 22 umbilical bullae. Twenty-five ribs Pervinquiere, p. 246. and 22 umbilical bullae are present on the outer whorl. 1910. Schloenbachia whitei Rose, p. 63, pi. 1, figs. 6-9. Ribs are straight but very prorsiradiate. On the younger 1910. Schloenbachia trinodosa Bose, p. 78, pi. 9, fig. 4; pi. 10, figs. 1-4. 1922. Inflaticeras [Subschloenbachia] kiliani (Lasswitz). Spath, p. 102. 1923. Inflaticeras kiliani (Lasswitz). Spath, p. 76. 1925. Schloenbachia (Inflaticeras) trinodosum Boese. Diener, p. 139. 1925. Schloenbachia (Inflaticeras) whitei Boese. Diener, p. 139. 1925. Gauthiericeras kiliani (Lasswitz). Diener, p. 153. 1925. Inflaticeras kiliani (Lasswitz). Spath, p. 183. 1925. Inflaticeras trinodosum
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