Coshocton County Expense Audit Trail Report Accounts: 001-0110-510100 to 600-9999-500000 From: 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 Include Inactive Accounts: No Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount 001-0110-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIALS PR2019100001-013 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $5,745.03 $0.00 PR2019100002-049 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $5,745.03 $0.00 001-0110-510100 Total: $11,490.06 $0.00 001-0110-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019100001-024 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $4,534.00 $0.00 PR2019100002-044 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $4,534.00 $0.00 001-0110-510200 Total: $9,068.00 $0.00 001-0110-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019100043-077 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-27 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_68933 $1,427.85 $0.00 EJ2019100043-251 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-13 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_69643 $1,439.05 $0.00 001-0110-511000 Total: $2,866.90 $0.00 001-0110-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019100002-139 10/04/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000182-13 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_69640 $142.16 $0.00 EJ2019100018-003 10/18/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000189-41 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_70309 $142.16 $0.00 001-0110-511500 Total: $284.32 $0.00 001-0110-520000 SUPPLIES EJ2019100030-093 10/23/2019 Supplies from 61952 - BILL RU CK0000363105-01 PO2019062423 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVA 8055894048 $51.96 $0.00 001-0110-520000 Total: $51.96 $0.00 001-0110-526000 Contract Services EJ2019100030-1155 10/23/2019 Gov Deal Sales from 61952 - B CK0000363023-01 PO2019061856 GOVDEALS INC 3792-092019 $237.46 $0.00 001-0110-526000 Total: $237.46 $0.00 001-0110-530000 TRAVEL EJ2019100006-331 10/09/2019 travel from 61032 - 10.9.19 bill CK0000362606-01 PO2019061338 ALVERSON, BROOKE 09262019 $74.58 $0.00 EJ2019100030-1207 10/23/2019 travel from 61952 - BILL RUN 1 CK0000363170-01 PO2019061338 MARY BECK 10042019 $48.95 $0.00 001-0110-530000 Total: $123.53 $0.00 001-0110-540000 OTHER EXPENSE EJ2019100006-747 10/09/2019 Misc Expenses from 61032 - 1 CK0000362663-01 PO2019062253 DERWACTER & ASSOCIAT 19-06-24-Aa $960.00 $0.00 EJ2019100006-757 10/09/2019 Misc Expenses from 61032 - 1 CK0000362727-01 PO2019062253 MARY BECK 09302019 $57.27 $0.00 EJ2019100006-1029 10/09/2019 Misc Expenses from 61032 - 1 CK0000362758-01 PO2019062253 ONSOLVE INTERMEDIATE INV54661795112 $734.85 $0.00 EJ2019100030-407 10/23/2019 Misc Expenses from 61952 - BI CK0000362998-01 PO2019062253 DESIGNS BY MICHELE LLC 30919 $260.00 $0.00 EJ2019100030-469 10/23/2019 Frame for donated picture by B CK0000363011-01 PO2019062688 SHARA DAWN PRINDLE 955945 $498.00 $0.00 11/1/2019 8:05 AM Page 1 of 121 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount EJ2019100030-481 10/23/2019 Investment Portfollio from 6195 CK0000363093-01 PO2019062073 MEEDER PUBLIC FUNDS 09302019-3rdQuar $2,500.00 $0.00 EJ2019100030-485 10/23/2019 Misc Expenses from 61952 - BI CK0000362947-01 PO2019062253 STYX ACQUISITION LLC 1672886 $45.16 $0.00 001-0110-540000 Total: $5,055.28 $0.00 001-0110-540001 Other Expense-Port Authority EJ2019100030-535 10/23/2019 Port Authority 1st Quarter from CK0000362981-01 PO2019060471 COSHOCTON CITY/COUNT 10072019-4thQuar $15,000.00 $0.00 001-0110-540001 Total: $15,000.00 $0.00 001-0110-540002 Other Exp.-Wireless Tower Rent EJ2019100033-007 10/23/2019 WOSU tower rent from 62034 - CK0000363226-01 PO2019062148 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSI 36400 $400.00 $0.00 001-0110-540002 Total: $400.00 $0.00 COMMISSIONERS Totals: $44,577.51 $0.00 001-0120-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019100001-045 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $2,618.09 $0.00 PR2019100002-047 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $2,618.09 $0.00 001-0120-510100 Total: $5,236.18 $0.00 001-0120-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019100001-038 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $7,191.10 $0.00 PR2019100002-002 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $6,447.17 $0.00 001-0120-510200 Total: $13,638.27 $0.00 001-0120-511000 P.E.R.S. EJC2019100001-001 10/03/2019 VIP85 OPERS rounding adj err $0.00 $0.05 EJC2019100002-001 10/03/2019 VIP85 OPERS rounding adj err $0.05 $0.00 EJC2019100003-001 10/07/2019 VIP85 OPERS rounding adj err $0.00 $0.05 EJ2019100043-103 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-24 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_68933 $1,317.20 $0.00 EJ2019100043-123 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-33 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_69643 $1,373.28 $0.00 EJ2019100043-203 10/30/2019 2019/10/30 OPERS Match Adj. CK2019000192-01 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 2019/10/30 OPER $0.03 $0.00 EJ2019100043-231 10/30/2019 2019/10/30 OPERS matching a CK2019000192-01 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 2019/10/30 OPER $0.00 $0.01 001-0120-511000 Total: $2,690.56 $0.11 001-0120-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019100002-121 10/04/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000182-35 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_69640 $139.04 $0.00 EJ2019100018-011 10/18/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000189-01 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_70309 $129.18 $0.00 001-0120-511500 Total: $268.22 $0.00 001-0120-520000 SUPPLIES EJ2019100006-127 10/09/2019 ADD ROLL MONITOR WIPES CK0000362768-01 PO2019061954 QUILL CORPORATION 9966817 3172661 $77.88 $0.00 EJ2019100006-239 10/09/2019 suzi bennett notary stamp from CK0000362797-01 PO2019061954 SPRINT PRINT INC 8760 $10.20 $0.00 001-0120-520000 Total: $88.08 $0.00 001-0120-527000 ADVERTISING EJ2019100006-083 10/09/2019 prelim ad delinquent from 6103 CK0000362723-01 PO2019060701 MARK D FORTUNE 72809 $76.00 $0.00 EJ2019100006-085 10/09/2019 prelim ad delinquent from 6103 CK0000362723-01 PO2019060701 MARK D FORTUNE 72808 $76.00 $0.00 11/1/2019 8:05 AM Page 2 of 121 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount 001-0120-527000 Total: $152.00 $0.00 001-0120-530000 TRAVEL EJ2019100006-367 10/09/2019 FUEL W&M from 61032 - 10.9. CK0000362685-01 PO2019060691 HAHN OIL INC 1368 $76.82 $0.00 EJ2019100030-1285 10/23/2019 CAAO/NEOAA MTG REIMB fro CK0000363168-01 CHRISTINE R SYCKS CAAO/NEOAA MT $121.77 $0.00 001-0120-530000 Total: $198.59 $0.00 COUNTY AUDITOR Totals: $22,271.90 $0.11 001-0130-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019100001-085 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $1,915.88 $0.00 PR2019100002-089 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $1,915.88 $0.00 001-0130-510100 Total: $3,831.76 $0.00 001-0130-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019100001-056 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $3,327.13 $0.00 PR2019100002-055 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $3,329.13 $0.00 001-0130-510200 Total: $6,656.26 $0.00 001-0130-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019100043-093 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-03 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_68933 $745.48 $0.00 EJ2019100043-321 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-47 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_69643 $734.02 $0.00 001-0130-511000 Total: $1,479.50 $0.00 001-0130-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019100002-145 10/04/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000182-50 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_69640 $71.36 $0.00 EJ2019100018-019 10/18/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000189-49 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_70309 $71.38 $0.00 001-0130-511500 Total: $142.74 $0.00 COUNTY TREASURER Totals: $12,110.26 $0.00 001-0140-510100 SALARIES - OFFICIAL PR2019100001-081 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $4,868.35 $0.00 PR2019100002-059 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $4,868.35 $0.00 001-0140-510100 Total: $9,736.70 $0.00 001-0140-510200 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES PR2019100001-014 10/04/2019 Gross: 2019/10/04 $8,682.20 $0.00 PR2019100002-009 10/18/2019 Gross: 2019/10/18 $9,012.20 $0.00 001-0140-510200 Total: $17,694.40 $0.00 001-0140-511000 P.E.R.S. EJ2019100043-023 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-14 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_69643 $1,897.09 $0.00 EJ2019100043-209 10/30/2019 Matching for OPERS PENSIO CK2019000192-12 OHIO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Inv_68933 $1,890.79 $0.00 001-0140-511000 Total: $3,787.88 $0.00 001-0140-511500 MEDICARE TAX-EMPLOYER EJ2019100002-043 10/04/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000182-14 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_69640 $188.68 $0.00 11/1/2019 8:05 AM Page 3 of 121 V.3.7 Expense Audit Trail Report From: 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 Journal ID Date Transaction Description Source Doc. Invoice# Debit Amount Credit Amount EJ2019100018-051 10/18/2019 Matching for MEDICARE (MED CK2019000189-09 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER Inv_70309 $193.47 $0.00 001-0140-511500 Total: $382.15 $0.00 001-0140-520000 SUPPLIES EJ2019100006-221 10/09/2019 Miscellaneous Office Supplies f CK0000362767-01 PO2019062442 QUILL CORPORATION 8678468 $119.99 $0.00 EJ2019100006-225 10/09/2019 Miscellaneous Office Supplies f CK0000362767-01 PO2019062442 QUILL CORPORATION 8678468 $62.22 $0.00 EJ2019100006-237 10/09/2019 Letterhead and Envelopes from CK0000362797-01 PO2019061732 SPRINT PRINT INC 8749 $120.00 $0.00 EJ2019100006-241 10/09/2019 Letterhead and Envelopes from CK0000362797-01 PO2019061732 SPRINT PRINT INC 8761 $255.00 $0.00 001-0140-520000 Total: $557.21 $0.00 001-0140-540000 OTHER EXPENSE EJ2019100006-509 10/09/2019 Miscellaneous Expenditures fr CK0000362773-01 PO2019061781 REGINA L BRYANT 0000281 $129.50 $0.00 EJ2019100006-731 10/09/2019 Miscellaneous Expenditures fr CK0000362622-01 PO2019061781 CDW GOVERNMENT INC TXM1189 $26.80 $0.00 EJ2019100006-749 10/09/2019 Matrix Monthly Subscription Fe CK0000362729-01 PO2019061621 MATRIX POINTE SOFTWAR COSHOCT-OH-20 $1,250.00 $0.00 EJ2019100030-729 10/23/2019 Miscellaneous Expenditures fr CK0000363068-01 PO2019061781
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