The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan eetptk Thans. Iqpid. Soc. Japan 59(3): 243-250, June 2008 Moths from Great Tit nests in Japan, with descriptions of immature stages of Martyringa ussuriella Lvoysky (Oecophoridae) and autapomorphies for the genus koshitsugu NAsu`'* and lbsihiga SAiTo2) i' 153-2, Nakado, Hashimoto, Wakayama, 648-O023 Japan i' 2-8-16, Terijin, Ikeda, Osaka, 563-O031 Japan Abstract 7Viditinea bar.yspilas (Meyrick) (Tineidae) and Mart>'ringa ussurietta Lvevsky (Oecephoridae) developed frem Great Tit nest boxes after breeding in Japan. The former larvae fed on down and fur ln the bottorn of the nest box, and the latter on bryophytcs of nest materials. The immature stuges of M. ussttrieUa are described for the first time. Autapomorphies fbr the genus Martyringa are proposed on the basis of larval and pupal characters. Key words IViditinea baryspilas (Meyrick), Martyringa ussurietta Lvovsky, immature stages, au- tapomorphy, nidicolous fauna. Introduction Moth fauna associated with bird nests have been well studied in Europe and North America, and 13 families and over 55 species listed (Hicks, 1959, 1962). In contrast to the situation in the West, the moth fauna of Japanese bird nests has not been well inyestigated; seven tineids, one oechophorid and three pyralids from the nests of six farnilies and seven species of birds, e.g, Tree Sparrow Ptisser montanus (L.) (Ploceidae), House Swallow Hirundo rus- tica L. (Hirundinidae), Great Tit PtirLts mcijor L, (Paridae), Goshawk Accipiter gentilis CL.) and Ural Owl Strix uratensis Pallas have hitherto been recorded (Accipitridae)rlbmioka (Strigidae), (Kiritani, 1959; & Nakamuru, 2000; Nasu et al,, 2007a, b, 2008). !n 2007, we reared one tineid and one oecophorid moths from Great Tit nest boxes in Japan. In the present paper we record these species as nidicolous moths, describe the immature stages of the oecophorid moth, Mdrtyringa t{ssurieUa Lvovsky, l979, and propose autapo- morphies for the genus. Materials and methods The present study is based on specimens reared from the nest materials of Great Tit nest boxes and some 1arvae of Martyringa xenaula (Meyrick, 191.0) collected from a chicken yard at Ydshino-cho, Nara Prefecture, in 1981. All specimens are preserved in the private collections of the authors, Nest materia]s from the bottom of seven Great Tit nest boxes at Sennan-shi, Osaka Prefecture, from which young birds bad fledged in 2006, were collected. The nest materials were collected on February 24, 2007. They consisted of numerous drjed fragments of bryophytes, much fur and chemical fiber, and down that the birds had gathered as nest materials. The identified bryophytes were 14 species of mosses (Hypnum, Entodon, 71hudium, etc.) and four species of liverworts (F}'ullania, Hletensc)tphus, etc,), All identified moth 1arvae were reared in cases (ht 7 cm, dia, 14 cm), with the nest materials, under labo- ratory conditions. 'i:Correspondingauthor:fwik6205@mb,infbweb.ne.jp NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 244 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Tosihisa SAn'o Larvae were slit lengthwise laterally and macerated for about 5 min, in 10% KOH heated in a water bath, and after washing, stained with acetocarrnine for examining the larval mer- phology. Irnages of adults and immature stages were obtained using a digital camera, Olympus E-500. Illustrations ofimmature stages werc drawn using a drawing apparatus at- tached to a binocular microscope, Leica MZ12, Digital images of adult and larya were en- hanced using Microsoft Photo Editor and Adobe Photoshop software. Scientific names of birds and bryophytes follow the Committee fbr Check-List of Japanese Birds (2000) and Nakamura et al, (2002), Moths frem Great Tit nest boxes Family Tineidae IViditinea baryspilas (Meyrick, 1937) 71nea bar.vspilas Meyrick, 1937, Exot. Microlepid. 5: 112. Niditinea bar)rspiias: Moriuti, 1982: 1: l68, 2: 187; Tomioka & Nakamura, 2000: 102; Oku, 2003: 12; Nasu et aL, 2007a: 608; Nasu et al., 2U07b: 93. Material examined. Adult. jAPAN. Osaka Prefecture, Sennan-shi, 1 X, emerged 5. iv. 2007 (Y Nasu leg.), 1 ?, emerged 11. v. 2007 (Y Nasu leg.). Distribution. India, Middle Asia; Japan (Honshu), Biology. Adults scampered about on disturbance, and burrowed into the nest materials, Larvae fed on fur and down in the nest materials, According to Nasu et al, (2007a), larvae fed on fur and feathers in the nest box detritus of a Ural Owl nest box. and constructed a long, tube-like 1arval case of fine wood chips, Pupation took place in a spindle-shaped co- coon of fine wood chips. The pupa protmded from the cocoon before emergence. The moth is cemmon indoors and adults have been collected from April to June and in October (Moriuti, 1982). This species has also been reared on dried bonito (Moriuti, 1982), chicken droppings (Tbmioka & Nakamura, 2000) and pellets of Accipiter nisus (L.) (Accipitridae) (Nasu et aL, 2007b). Family Oecophoridae Mai:tyringa ussurietla Lvovsky, 1979 (Fjgs 1-6) Martyringa "ssurieUa Lvovsky, 1979, Trud.y vses. ent, Obshch, 61: 111; Moriuti, 1982: 1: 2S1, 2: 205; Oku, 2003: 37; Nasu et al., 2007a: 610. Maro,ringa uss"riella kuritensis Lvovsky, 1979, 7)'"cb' vses. ent. Obshch. 61: 114: Moriuti, 1982: 1: 251, 2: 206 (as a synonym of ussuriella). Material examined. Adult. JAPAN. Osaka Prefecture, Sennan-shi, 3 8 1 ?, emerged 21. iv-27, v. 2007 (T. Saito leg,), 2 82 \, emerged 11-19. v. 2007 (ill Nasu leg.). Egg. 12 exs, fixed on 25. iv. 2007 (T. Saito leg.). Larva. 6 exs, fixed on 22. iv-6. vi. 2007 (T. Saito leg.), 3 exs, fixed on 27. ii, 2007 (Yl Nasu leg,). Pupa. 3 82 \, fixed on 9. v-5. vi. 2007 (T. Saito leg.). All materials were reared from Great tit nest boxes, Descriptions of immature stages Egg (Fig, 2A), Milky white. Long oval in shape; the major axis about O.5 mm, and minor axis O,33 mm; small rectangular patterns of fine raised ridges showing oyer the surface. Mature larva (Figs IC, 2-5). Max length 20 mm. Head brown. Body light brownish white; thorax somewhat darker than the abdomen; on prothorax, prothoracic shield brown, pjnacu- NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheLepidopterologicalSociety Lepidopterological Society of Japan Moths from Great Tit Nests 245 K 'f 1 -?. Fig.1. Martyringa ussuriella Lvovsky.A, Adult, B.Adult,resting posture. C,Maturelarva. D. Pupa. / Fig. 2.Egg and mature larva of Martyringa uss"riella Lvovsky. A. Egg. B. Head, frontal view. C. Ditto, lateral view. D. Ditto, ventral view. E, Labrum. F. Left mandible. G, Left protho- racic leg, postero-ventral view. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 246 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Tosihisa SAiTo D2 ・lE,i,g,] Kl .IDI x-- ' ?pore sD2 pore vet]e sDl - L2 -- L2 ,wt N-- ' 'L]'1' ttkls,ttts L]-. 11'1 /-tuax.,]svii1 svi ll li 4.F, L3V ,, ts.V ts!!s-..f. ' 1 S" t-lh,ei Mv 5 t>5IL!;y,I vi,,,-,/ttL MIM i ,,2 A IJiil.\y, 1t11't' tt / tif,.-,?, O.25mm "r,IIIIIIIIII".-tri:,,-.,i.,,os,,2xtiMlirs.;i-rD;`-----Li hr'],,'' nij ! SD2 I" -. NsDi i' k ,e - pore ' SDI ig Qsp A H.7i ante. D O,5mm' f ftftt, O,125mm 1,it025mm lm . .k-N)k -i- ilig$ k x Clli,astw tT -fim L 2 .--) dorsal dorsal E F Fig. 3. Lat"val chactotaxy ofimrtyf'inga ush'"riella Lvovsky. A. Thorax, B. Ist and 2nd abdominal segments, C. 6th-9th abdominal segments. D. 8th abdoininal segment. E. Crochets on left ventral proleg of 6th abdominal segment. F. Crochets on right anal proleg. G, Anal shield, la of L and SV setae groups brown; anal shield brown, scattered with somewhat paler small dots (Fig, 3G); peritreme of spiracles blackish brown; thoracic legs brown, with claws blackish brown (Fig. 2G), Adfrontal areas not reaching epicranial notch (Fig. 2B); six stemrnata arranged in a semi-circle, stemma I and II often fused together, stemma Ill and IV very close to each other (Fig, 4A). A submental pit horseshoe-shaped, opened in posterior margin, situated on the ventral side of the head (Fig, 2D). Mandible with one tooth as illus- trated in Fig, 2E Labrum as in Fig. 2E. Ventral prolegs with biordinal crochets arranged in a complete circle, 56-62 in number (Fig. 3E). Anal prolegs with biordinal crochets arranged in a semi-circle, 54-61 in number (Fig, 3F), Chaetotaxy (Figs 2-5). Cranial setae as shown in Figs 2B, C; Fl long, located at middle of frontoclypeal region; AF2 longer than AFI; Pl very long, slightly above level of AF2; P2 above the leyel of Pl; Pb located between Pl and P2, and closer to Pl than P2; A3 very long, s]ightly below the level of Pa; S1 located outside stemmatal area; S2 yery long, equi- distant from Ll and S3, Thorax (Fig. 3A): on prothorax, L group trisetose, Ll closer to L2 than L3, or equidistant from L2 and L3 (Fig, 5A), MV3s extremely c]ose together, on a NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 247 Moths from Great Tit Nests / ,s・i ,ssi 9, 9, x 9 9 ,KSSi o SboOM S sbb9tEir 0IV g,.g.o,gt.,u9 " 7oW >. , vw , v vr 7oo V N・;[ 7po N,l E・ l / " i g,$ 9・ gts.g'sl.?, "] 9 ptiR.,, 9, Dv ffv 9g, N{ v[ A B stemmatal area of spp, ussuriella xeraula Fig,4. LarvaL Mttrtyringa A. M. Lvovsky. B. M, (Mcyrick). ' t ',・`>{Ntlr>L3tt ,ssS7El}> ' /r iwtL2rtll)rt-[L3 ,' /XL3 , Ll E L2 tt ,, isli/rt7F,A B Fig, 5. Larval prothoracic L setae of Martyringa spp. A, M. ussuriella Lvovskv, " B. M. xeraula (Meyrick). common pinaculum (Fig. 3A), femur of prethoracic leg with a short, thick seta on its an- tero-inward surface (Fig.
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