SSStttooonnnyyy BBBrrrooooookkk UUUnnniiivvveeerrrsssiiitttyyy The official electronic file of this thesis or dissertation is maintained by the University Libraries on behalf of The Graduate School at Stony Brook University. ©©© AAAllllll RRRiiiggghhhtttsss RRReeessseeerrrvvveeeddd bbbyyy AAAuuuttthhhooorrr... La buena educación: Public Education, Nation, and Literature in Argentina (1884-1929) A Dissertation Presented by Lucía Reyes de Deu to The Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philsophy in Hispanic Languages and Literature Stony Brook University May 2011 Stony Brook University The Graduate School Lucía Reyes de Deu We, the dissertation committee for the above candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, hereby recommend acceptance of this dissertation. Paul Firbas - Dissertation Advisor Associate Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature Román de la Campa – Co-Dissertation Advisor Associate Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature Kathleen Vernon – Chairperson of Defense Associate Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature Adrián Pérez Melgosa – Committee Member Assistant Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature Benigno Trigo – Outside Reader Professor of Spanish, Vanderbilt University This dissertation is accepted by the Graduate School Lawrence Martin Dean of the Graduate School ii Abstract of the Dissertation La buena educación: Public Education, Nation, and Literature in Argentina (1884-1929) by Lucía Reyes de Deu Doctor of Philosophy in Hispanic Languages and Literature Stony Brook University 2011 This dissertation examines the interconnections between the creation and expansion of the public educational system, and the concomitant development of the modern nation in turn of the century Argentina. It explores the fictional representation of schools and teachers as metaphors for the nation and its citizens by analyzing the literary works of three representative authors who were also linked to the administration of the system: Miguel Cané, Manuel Gálvez, and Herminia Brumana. In addition, the influences and ideas that shaped the modern conception of citizenship in relation to the right to access a formal education are analyzed. This study looks at both the reactions of the established elite towards immigrant women who acquired a higher status through public education, and the ways in which these new groups strategically maneuvered their ways into the Argentine literary scene. iii The introductory chapter surveys the conception and expansion of the formal educational system in Argentina. I look at the pivotal role of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, and the connections between public education and the needs of both a liberal democracy and liberal economy. The second chapter focuses on Miguel Cané’s Juvenilia, a collection of vignettes centered on the narrator’s experiences at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires. I argue that Cane’s privileged position as an intellectual of the Generación del 80 permeates his conception of the pedagogical relationships within the fictional classroom. The school is a metaphor for a nation struggling for leaving its barbaric past behind in order to legitimately enter Modernity by receiving a French oriented education. The third chapter provides an analysis of the role of the female teacher through the reading of La maestra normal by Manuel Gálvez. This text presents a critique of the non-religious education supported by the previous Generation, and the negative impact of the working woman. The novel is an expression of the anxieties about the changing society as a result of immigration and Modernity. In the last chapter, I examine the impact of the expansion of public education on female participation in the production and consumption of literary texts through an analysis of Herminia Brumana’s literary production. iv Table of Contents Introducción ……………….........................................................................…….1 Marco teórico y estado de la cuestión ….............................................................…4 Justificación y delimitación del corpus .................................................................10 Organización de los capítulos ...............................................................................12 I – Consideraciones preliminares ......................................................................14 Escuela y cambio social.........................................................................................16 Escuela y campo intelectual ..................................................................................20 El sistema educativo en la Argentina ....................................................................22 Educar al ciudadano: escuela y democracia...........................................................25 Educar para el trabajo: modelo económico y escuela............................................29 La nación y la enseñanza primaria: Escuela-Iglesia-Estado hacia 1880 ...............31 Jurisdicciones administrativas: centralismo versus federalismo ...........................34 Magisterio femenino: Hacia una feminización del trabajo docente ......................38 Conclusión .............................................................................................................47 II- Juvenilia de Miguel Cané. Educación, literatura y nación..........................49 Los 80s ...................................................................................................................52 Buenos Aires y la Generación del 80 .....................................................................56 Educación media hacia 1882 ..................................................................................67 Liberalismo y laicidad ............................................................................................71 Generación del 80 y el modelo de intelectual .......................................................73 Educación, familia y nación ..................................................................................78 Civilización y barbarie ..........................................................................................80 Argentinos e inmigrantes .......................................................................................83 Género y educación. La mujer en Juvenilia ..........................................................87 Conclusión .............................................................................................................91 v III – La maestra normal ...................................................................................93 Manuel Gálvez y campo intelectual ....................................................................93 Sistema culto y sistema popular ..........................................................................99 La cuestión femenina ..........................................................................................102 Magisterio y literatura .........................................................................................106 Maternidad republicana ......................................................................................114 La cuestión religiosa en la novela .......................................................................116 Religión como redención en La maestra normal ................................................121 Feminización de la sociedad en La maestra normal ...........................................125 Cancelación del modelo de la maestra como la segunda mamá .........................128 Normallismo y progreso .....................................................................................134 Escuela y herencia ...............................................................................................137 Conclusión ..........................................................................................................141 IV – Herminia Brumana. Magisterio, mujer y escritura ..............................143 Autonomía docente y escritura ..........................................................................149 Maestras y campo intelectual ..............................................................................152 Revistas educativas ............................................................................................156 Feminismos .........................................................................................................162 La Encuesta feminista argentina ........................................................................165 Catecismo laico y discurso nacional ...................................................................174 La construcción social del “alumno”: Niñez y escuela .......................................179 Escuela y nación………………………………………………………………...185 Conclusión ..........................................................................................................289 Reflexiones finales .............................................................................................191 Bibliografía ........................................................................................................195 vi Introducción El germen de esta tesis, como pienso sucede con todos los trabajos de investigación, tiene diferentes y dispares instancias. En mi caso, los textos que puedo identificar como generadores de las preguntas que intento contestar a lo largo de la tesis no forman parte del corpus de la misma, pero subyacen como un subtexto, y como una
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