Heredity 87 (2001) 220±226 Received 23 March 2001, accepted 10 May 2001 What causes inef®cient transmission of male-killing Wolbachia in Drosophila? GREGORY D. D. HURST* , FRANCIS M. JIGGINS à & SARAH J. W. ROBINSON Department of Biology, University College London, 4 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HE, U.K. and àDepartment of Genetics, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EH, U.K. Sel®sh genetic elements that distort the sex ratio are common in arthropods. Theory predicts they will invade and spread to ®xation if they are vertically transmitted with perfect ®delity, potentially leading to host extinction. For inherited microorganisms that distort the sex ratio, inecient vertical transmission or incomplete sex ratio distorting ability is required for host persistence. However, the relative roles of genetic and environmental factors in permitting the survival of male hosts and preventing parasite transmission are poorly understood. We examined the causes of transmission in®delity and male survival for a male-killing Wolbachia strain in Drosophila bifasciata. Under standard laboratory conditions (18°C), in its standard genetic background, males are produced very rarely, and no case of reversion has been observed in 20 generations of laboratory rearing. To investigate the role of host genetic factors, Wolbachia was crossed into 27 dierent inbred lines of D. bifasciata, but in no case was reversion observed at preferred environmental temperatures. The role of elevated temperature in inducing inecient transmission was examined. Whilst vertical transmis- sion was perfect over three generations of maintenance at 23.5°, transmission in®delity was observed at 25°. We conclude that there is no evidence for the presence of either ®xed or polymorphic host genes that repress transmission at standard environmental temperatures. However, severe tempera- ture treatment does make vertical transmission imperfect. We suggest that the case of Wolbachia in D. bifasciata is one that is naturally balanced, the population being maintained polymorphic without the evolution of host resistance genes. Keywords: Drosophila, male killing, parasite resistance, sel®sh genetic elements, Wolbachia. 1997). Second, there are strains of both Wolbachia and Introduction members of the Microspora which alter the sex deter- It is now recognized that a large number of arthropods mination of their host, promoting female development are host to sel®sh genetic elements that distort the sex of hosts that would otherwise be male (Rigaud, 1997). ratio (Hurst et al., 1996). These are of two types. First, Lastly, there are a number of bacteria that kill male there are the cases of meiotic drive associated with sex hosts during embryogenesis (Hurst & Jiggins, 2000). chromosomes. Here, one of the sex chromosome gains a Hamilton (1967) recognized that sel®sh genetic ele- transmission advantage during male meiosis, such that it ments that distort the sex ratio are in an interesting is inherited by more than half of the progeny of a male evolutionary position. If the ecological and biological (Lyttle, 1991). Second, there are cases of maternally circumstances permit, they may become ®xed within the inherited agents that have evolved to distort the sex ratio population and cause the extinction of both themselves of their host away from the production of male ospring and their host. Indeed, ®xation of Wolbachia that induce (which cannot transmit them) towards the production of host parthenogenesis is known, whole species being female ospring (Hurst et al., 1997). Three dierent converted to asexuality (Zchori-Fein et al., 1992). For a types of cytoplasmic sex ratio distorters are known in microorganism that distorts host sex ratio rather than arthropods. First, strains of Wolbachia are known which sexuality, this situation would correspond to host induce host parthenogenesis, through doubling the extinction. chromosome complement of haploid males in haplodip- Evolutionary biologists have therefore asked what loid hosts (Stouthamer & Kazmer, 1994; Stouthamer, factors prevent sel®sh genetic elements that distort the sex ratio from going to ®xation, that is to say what factors maintain these elements balanced within the *Correspondence. E-mail: [email protected] 220 Ó 2001 The Genetics Society of Great Britain. TRANSMISSION OF WOLBACHIA IN DROSOPHILA 221 population (Carvalho & Vaz, 1999). Two types of transmitted in each of 10 inbred lines he maintained in scenario are envisaged. First, there are cases in which the the laboratory. sel®sh genetic element is naturally balanced. That is to In this study we extended Ikeda's (1970) observation say, the element remains polymorphic in the population by testing a further 27 inbred lines. Following this, we without host evolution. In the case of meiotic drive in looked for evidence of environmental eects on trans- Drosophila pseudoobscura, for instance, the eect of mission ®delity. We show that exposure to elevated increased requirement for sperm that follows from temperatures reduced transmission ®delity when tem- female-biased population sex ratios is considered to perature was maintained above 25° over all life history impose selection on male virility and prevent the driving stages. The lack of resistance genes, and the potential for X chromosome (which reduces sperm production) elevated temperatures to induce transmission in®delity becoming ®xed in the population (Policansky, 1979). suggest that this system is balanced by environmental For inherited microorganisms that distort the sex ratio, factors rather than by polymorphic host genes. These natural balance may follow from inecient transmission results are discussed in the context of other sex ratio of the element due to environmental in¯uences on distorting inherited microorganisms and sel®sh genetic microorganism survival. A variety of studies have elements in general. demonstrated elevated environmental temperature reduce either the transmission eciency of Wolbachia Methods or the penetrance of its reproduction manipulation phenotypes (Homann et al., 1986; Stevens, 1989; General methods Rigaud et al., 1991; Pintureau et al., 1999; van Opijnen & Breeuwer, 1999). Other studies have suggested a role Drosophila bifasciata were collected from Japan in 1998 for naturally occurring antibiotics in reducing Wolba- as described in Hurst et al. (2000). Eighty isofemale lines chia transmission rates (Stevens & Wicklow, 1992). were established, ®ve of which were observed to bear Second, there are cases where natural balance is lacking. male-killing Wolbachia. Members of the other 75 lines Here, the element would become ®xed were it not for were pooled into a population and maintained at high host evolution. It is selection for host genes preventing population size (>1000 ¯ies) to prevent loss of genetic the action or transmission of the element that maintains variation. These ¯ies were bred on modi®ed corn-meal the element polymorphic in the host population. Genes agar, as in Hurst et al. (2000). that repress the distorting ability of driving X chromo- somes are well known in a variety of systems, and Establishment of host environmental resistance to driving genes is more common than temperature `natural balance' for genes inducing drive (Carvalho & Vaz, 1999). The optimal conditions for ¯y development were As yet there are insucient case studies to assess the reasoned to be those at which development was quick relative frequency with which inherited microorganisms but mortality low. To ascertain the optimal temperature, that distort the sex ratio are balanced by environmental outbred ¯ies were allowed to oviposit at 21°C, and and host genetic factors. Whilst it is clear that genes replicates of 25 1st instar larvae picked to vials main- preventing parasite transmission are important in cer- tained at 18°,21°,25° and 27°, and at 70% RH. This tain cases (Cavalcanti et al., 1957; Rigaud & Juchault, was repeated for four dierent groups of ovipositing 1992), there is little data on the extent to which `natural females. Time to emergence and survivorship to the balance' exists. We therefore examined the causes of adult stage were scored. inecient transmission of the male-killing Wolbachia in Drosophila bifasciata (Hurst et al., 2000). Drosophila Genetic variation for parasite transmission bifasciata is a temperate zone ¯y that breeds predom- inantly in sap ¯uxes. The bacterium is present in The genetic variation present in our outbred population between 0 and 7% of females from wild populations of ¯ies was converted into between-line variation (Ikeda, 1970), suggesting that the factors inducing through inbreeding. In brief, virgin females were taken Wolbachia loss will be of detectable magnitude. Initially, from the outbred Japanese population, crossed to a we looked for evidence of polymorphic host factors single male and allowed to produce ospring. The new preventing the transmission or action of this bacterium. generation was then established from individual bro- Laboratory study of Wolbachia in D. bifasciata has ther±sister crosses over a period of six generations, such shown it to be transmitted with perfect ®delity on the that over 50% of heterozygous loci in the original pair standard host genetic background (Ikeda, 1970). Ikeda of ¯ies were converted to being homozygous. Overall, (1970) further noted that the bacterium was faithfully inbred lines from 25 founder pairs were constructed, and Ó The Genetics Society of Great Britain, Heredity, 87, 220±226. 222 G. D. D. HURST ET AL. these were augmented
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