AfanvaDiBlIrMall MUBi TWINTT-FOUR TUESDAY, MAY 27, I960 T T ie W e a t h e r iKancbrBtrr En^ning Fair and mild tea| tomperaturas in lew president, stating that oopiea of Little League 15,590 m r o M EA Picks the MBA’s and board’s briefs wann. H%h In the MB. are being filed arlth the ABA’s City of VUHogm Charm reglanal office, and requesting HoAorg Conran - It to "commence 'the admlnls- A ibitrator O VfXL LZXXVm, NO. 103 (VB n iTT-Tm PAGE&-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTES, CONN., VlTEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1969 an Bhgn BB) PRICE TEN CENTS •Bio,, lo BOOT opw tratian of the arbitration forth­ ’Die first dance of the 1969 k n o ih WodDMktay w ith." LNtle League was held Satur­ ft, to IB, te tte Ihe 'M’snriieoler Bdueatlon OMEGA day night wt the American Le­ flo o r o ( U m wnUom B dasorlsflon asd Board o f Bdu- MBA adverUaementa have stated five money Hems resolv­ of Bt. ICaiy*" Bpi*- eoMoa are one third o f the aray gion Home in honor of Mir. and P o rk S t ed In medlatlan should not be Mrs. Thomas Conran. toward aitttratlon — but only arhitrated. These were basic Conran, who retired as presi­ iM oproMkH, o poront of o modhaaattoaUy. A meeting of h o f OBor, OBd « pmfoooloBol salary sdiedule, health staff dent of . the litU e League at the ' orooBhaad to toOc minds as to what will be arW- aalarlee, BA plus 16 hours sal­ end of last season after many Ex-Postal Official tratad Is anolliar matter. ary srtiedule, non-degree teach­ years service to the boys of A letter from kCra. Bemtce ers schedule, and department Manchester, Is now commission- head compensation. er of (he Rookie League M. Mailer, ohalrman o f Ole The board’s position la that The event opened with a buf­ MBA perooimel poHdea com- .the entire package shotdd be fet dinner. A I Ouaon and his Charged in Bribery mlttoe and nsgwHoflng team, arbitrated, the five mediated is­ band played for dancing. Mike You can wear the same watch our astro­ has Informed the board of the sues, along with longevity, sick Nlmlrowrtd, president of the nauts wear on space flights— the first watch leave and severance pay, ad­ WASHINGTON (AP) — A Itor- bureau of tactllliaa imder Iba a new main poat offlea in Police Log MBA*o appointment of Atty. league, arse hi charge o f the to go to the moon! It’s the Omega Speed- mer top levrt Boat Offloa Do- admtoMroiUoti Of former Frnd- Ralph P. Dupont o f Dupoirt and ministrative salaries, non-teach­ event. master 4-dial 2 push-button chronograph portmant official waa indtotod dm t Lyndon R Johmnn. si (sefttUra to ] Dupotd, Now liowdon. to repre­ ing administrative and super- The next LdCfie League dance stopwatch with t^hym eter dial. Stainless by a federal gnaid Jury today Tbe Indtohnert cbntged Dob- Tbs todio sent the teachera In arbitratloa viaory salaries, teacher facili­ is planned for fall. steel with bracelet, $185. hb^rtwigw of teibeiy, comp- erty wMh ai eking and agreeing Dolo B. DttnDto, a, of » proceedinga now pending be­ ties, teacher aides, two weeks’ that Dotasrty went to woifc for ttouand ooafUot of totoreat to accept a $20,000 bribe (ram □ottaco at., ehorvod with opor- tween the MEA and the board. extra work and compensation PIneel to June llto aftra ro- lA S Y PAYM ENTS INVITED AUy. Oera John N. MltoheU Dotntafc Fireooi fir^ a Baltl- ifpting from Bra Port Offlea Ds- Bttoa o motor Yohlclo whUe bla for elementary school prin­ ‘2 Per Cent o f 7 Million* < R now remains tor the board * artd Joaepft P. Ooberty wua ao- more bidlder, and (be Plraocl pertmmt and, to (he haw poof- UeoBoo w ar undor lusponalaa. to seleot Its euMtrator, and for cipals, and a clarification of Ooort date to today In Baat the health benefit plan. Cause College PrvAlems cuaed in a ntaie-aewit Indiotmant Oonatruction Cb. o f «»-«*«—- r tt tiOQ, uoad hia Infiiiwaw to Ow the two to agree upon a third. returned by a epad al grand The hxMcbnent aakl Doberty, portal system on behalf of the Hartford. In his letter. Von Deck quot­ HARTFORD (A P ) — Sen. Ihat hkUlng, an appeal arlll be Jury In Deftlmore. in return tor (be money arxl n ed from Section 10-16Sf of the t > : Batthnore buUdro. made to the American Arbltra- Thomas J. Dodd says the tov Doherty aetvad an eaoaMitlve promlaa of future emptoyment, Tlmotliy J. DoBabiM, 16, o f a tton Association (ABA) to ap­ Ooim. General Statutes, that cent dbRtqitlonB on the coun-^ The iiMUctment aakd D otorty If eertetanf to (be and Want poat> agreed to uae Ma Influenoe to entuelly received Watanit at, charrod with Ur- point the third p a ^ member. where agreement Is not reach­ $6,000 o f tfta try’s coUegs campusss wsre ™ rter $ra>eral In charge of the help Plraocl oMafii a centraot to amount be waa A cony. Oourt data Juno t. The decision of the arUtrators ed in mediation, "Bither pcuty caused by only 2 per cent of legal to taaoe demanded. w ill not be binding upon either may submit the unres(Sved Is­ the 7 mfillon ooOege studenta Howard Pbananp, a, of a party. sue o r Issues to an Impartial in the nation. Each of the eight of JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 bribery end ooRuptlon to tbe ke- Baotao at., charrad with allow- The board has earlier ex­ board of three arbitrators." Speaidng Mkaiday to a lunch­ D0WMT09VM M A W ^B B T B R , 8M MAIM ST. dtotment cantos a io f a doB to roam. D o f Warden pressed Inrtlgnslinn arlth news­ At the board’s May U meet­ eon meeting of the Hartford Ro­ penalty of 16 yaon in patoonaad Uae Ptacehla reported that paper advertisements of the ing, Roger Bagley pointed out tary Club, Dodd said the altua- a $20,000 fine. It convicted on Phanoap’o doc knocked a slx- MBA, accusing the board of that a ground rule In the Dec. tlocv was one In which a email $2.6 Billion Asked the confitot Interast ooiafi, yoaroM boy oft hia bleycle and bargaining In bad faith. The 4, 1968 mlniftea stipulated that minority, is "denying the reet at btt him on the chin. Um araund feeUng was accentuated last no form al agreement would be of the deoent opportunity to Dobarty could grt a $6,000 ftos •raa dooed arlth seven stitches night upon receipt of a letter made until the whole package study and work and learn some- For Foreign Aid and a one year aintiiini a kCanehester M em orld Hos- from Robert Von Deck, MBA is negotiated. IhliW.’ ’ Read Herald Advertisementg ’Hla InfletmMnt ooM Doherty pttal'a emergency room. Oourt WASHINOTON (A P) — Ptssl- Ben. John J. Spertonsil, D- agraoirto aooept the $20,000 “on date June 6. or about’’ Merab 16, 1 9 « In Bol- dent Nixon asked Oongrera to­ Ala., floor manager of last year’s foreign eld bUl, said Inno- ttmora At that thne, on rroderick W. Tedford, M, of day tor $2.6 billion in foreign aid rtUI a pootol oswetsi —some $900 million more than vettons in the new proposal a i aprtng at., charged arlth might lessen pressure for redno- In Ida port offtoe Job^ DohHty alloaring a dog to roam. Ted- waa voted last year—saylnf thq tlcns. He described Nixon’s ro- waa tbe top wdvtaar^to the aft ford’s dog reportedly bit a pa­ sum is "necessary to mart es­ queat as "what we might reas­ afrtant portaneatar gh m a l on per boy who eras delivering sential requlremento now.” onably eoepeot.’ ’ matters ivilotlng to now OBft- morning papers yesterday at "Foreign aid must be viewed Bparkman mentlened tbs atruottoii. aboitt 6:90. Oourt date June 8. as aa Integral pert of our over­ stress on tschnlcsl ssslataiioe He also saroed aa iba pifnei- all effort to aohieva a world or­ and administration sasunnoes pal oontart with rnmi ias. top Bruce Famen, 17, of 12 der r t peace and Justlee,’ ' Nheon of an emphasis on multilateral government "sa ***!- raid the Ridgefield Bt., charged with sahTin sending iq> his first for- foreign asristaaca programs. budnara eommuntty on post of­ larceny. Court date June 9. elfn aid twywtmtti. fice pngrom a fo r nequhtog now The $2.6 bUUon inoludea $2. Asst Benste Republican Lead­ er Hugh Soott seld^the pRqwsal facUtttas, moderateaHon.. o f old bUHon tor UB. economic essiat- Bdward Sheppard, 46, of Sono- "Is moderate, n e o e W y dor n ft rtm, Calif., charged with Intox­ aiMe to developing oountries tloital wettare and poodtla of oepital around the worid, $876 miithm ication.'Court date June 9. enactment to this Congnara.’ ’ UP Plntrtax) for arms aid abroad and $78 The todlotiwant diarged trim mlllloa to help start a ptfidlo In what he termed hU "fnah Robert L. Oofmler, 22, of Crew of ‘10’ Apollo 10 flight commander, Tom Stafford, center, with using his toOusnoe "dtoaob- oorporafion to promote private approach" tor the time being, ly and Indhwctly" on bahaV of Baat Harttad, chstgisd on n re- Nixon propoeed: gives a pat on the back to command module pilot inveabnent In developing lands. the Plraocl lixm. strert warrant wkfa two oounla —Creation of an "overeeas The Nixon program for the Because of Doherty's arttooh of trauihflent lame of checks Begins Help John Young, as lunar module pilot Eugene Cernan private investment ooipora- and two ommlB o f otatainlng Troops Quit Ap Bia, new fiscal year, starting July 1, the todtotoient alleged, (bs Plr- Is about $68 mllllan IMtm what tton." money under 6Hae pretenses.
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