A Newspaper Devoted " Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially 'Each Week VOL. XVI—NO. 3 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 12, 1953 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness Work Starts to Aid Avenel Pedestrian Safety Yule Clubs and '53 Total Light $355,000 Junior By CHARLES E. GREGORY Woodbridge Bank to Pay There are a few people who Today, Fords After Nov. fake \ to worrying a,boiit me 18; Both Show Gains pn'ihfrequent occasions^ and WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge Township residents who have ; they are concerned now over Christmas Clubs in the Wood- \jny vigor in urging an equal- bridge National Bank and. the Nicklas Sees ization of assessments. They Fords National Bank will have fare convinced my only suc- approximately $355,000 to spend 3,300 Pupils for Christmas gifts this year if cess will be represented in they so desire. •; the establishment of myself Fred P. Buntenbach, cashier of me • as an unmitigated, upper- the Wood-bridge National Bank, case heelv < . V reports that checks, dated Novem- WOODBRIDGE—As the result ber 13, are in the mail and should of a warning by Superintendent of I must tell them here that be received this morning. Even Schools Victor C. Nicklas, Monday, if this is really the case, then though the checks are dated for which shows that 3,300 pupils in tomorrow they will be honored to- the elementary schools will be on '•vie. must take that chance. I day. The Woodbridge National double session by 1956 unless new • -am dealing, in this situation, Bank Club amounts to $155,000 buildings are provided, the Board hot; only with a principle but with 1,300 members. Last year the of Education has passed a resolu- with stark necessity—and it club had 1.200 members and to- tion favoring erection of an ele- is not my custom to flinch taled $150,000. mentary school in Iselin and a when two such elements are As the Fords National Bank, Junior High School in Colonia as involved. I never expect to Theodore Brichze, cashier, says soon as possible. The cost was not As members of the police department ana Committeeman George Mroz looked on Monday, work- his bank will mail club checks on j estimated. be showered with love and men of the State Highway Department began wo k making adjustments at the light ait the inter- Wednesday, November 18. The . The resolution, introduced by affection for my efforts, par- section of Route 1 and Avenel Street to provide greater safety for pedestrians. Left to right are club amounts to $200,000 with Commissioner Leon E. McElroy ticularly when:: they run Mr. Horner, foreman; Sgt. Kenneth Van Pelt, MJ% Mroz, Patrolmen Robert Govelitz and Joseph 1,450 members, approximately the and seconded by Commissioner counter to majorities, so in Donibroski. same as last year. Edward C. Casey, requires the this endeavor I am benefited In preparation for the cashing, Board to place the proposition be- by the conditioning of many of Christmas Club checks, local fore the State Board of Education, storekeepers have already re- and to follow this action up with ;years. I never like to give my Town 'finally Prevails on State Police Reserves \ ceived their Christmas merchan- a petition to the Department of i friends cause -for. concern, dise and have it on display. They Local Government. Commitments but I am confident they must : suggest shoppers buy early and already have been made for a Roll'Increases have a large selection from which grammar school in Colonia and a see the virtue of this crusade- ..':'.To Adopt Avenel Safety Step to choose. and: that they will join me "WOODBRIDGE — After months of letter-writing and new senior high school. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Bank heads say investigations The Board will also invite As- in it-rather than seek to dis-conferences by Police Chief George E. Keating, B. of E. Twenty-nine new members were made in previous years shows that sistant Commissioner of Education courage me. Attorney Andrew D. Desmond, and members of the Town sworn in by the Raritan Township most of. the money is used to buy Woodbury to meet with them to * * * * Committee, the State Highway Department, Mcfnday, Christmas. gifts or some desired show him the true picture of the started work on adjustments for the traffic light at the Police Reserves at a meeting held article of furniture for the home. Since, at the moment, I Tuesday in Oak Tree School. situation as it exists in the Town- intersection of Route 1 and Avenel Street, to afford in- Next in line are the folks who use Above is the first of a series of road signs being erected by Rari- ship and to ask his advice. will not divulge the names, Plans were made to organize a the money to pay taxes or other ian Township Chamber of Commerce at strategic points through- creased safety for the pedestrian. out the Township. Left to right, Mayor James Forgione, Charles Mr. Nicklas's recommendations I will not be breaking any The Highway Department is in- drum and bugle corps and instruc- bills and third are the club mem- mclude the adoption of the confidence when I say that tion in judo and baton was given bers who deposit at least part of Shoemaker, chairman of Board of Directors; James H. De La- stalling two pushbuttons nearer the checks in their, savings ac- Plaine, president of Chamber of Commerce, and Anthony Fer- K-6-3-3- organization (Kinder- every single person in our the sidewalk which, when pressed Mayor to Protest by Sgt. Joseph Merker of the police count. rullo, a member of the sigrn committee. gartne, six grades of elementary, municipal government with by pedestrian or officer on duty, department. The scrap that was three of Junior High and three of will give seven additional seconds collected in the recent police re- Senior) to replace the present whom I have discussed the Detour Conditions K-8-4 organization, (eight grades subject, has agreed with me. to .cross the highway while, the serve drives will be sold Saturday of elementary and four of High In even simplest honesty, light remains red on the highway. WOODBRIDGE —• Mayor Hugh! morning at 9 A. M, It Is located Auxiliary Plans School.) He suggests that the plan they could do nothing else— Pedestrians will now have 28 sec-B. Quigley announced yesterday on the property of Walter Seredy toe put into effect when the new and yet, somehow, I am wary onds to cross instead of 21 seconds. be will meet with engineers of on New Durham Road. For Yule Party high school is completed and oc- Two. additional signal lights will the Parkway,; contractors, and the cupied. of any ultimate translation of The organization also voted to RARITAN TOWNSHIP —At a be installed on the center safety County Board of Freeholders., to Cites Iselin Need opinion into; action.;JC am not bp|iilnarth aiwj soiJith' of Ave- purchase an American flag and a RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ar-meeting of the Board of Commis- demand., immediate improvement police reserve flag. Alex Melko, lo- rangements for a Christmas party Other recommendations are as •ixnmindful, -: either^- of \ the hef Slreei.: "'.. '.: -V,.••' '"•'''" " ' "' of conditions at the detour at Jer- sioners last night—to - a session difficulties inherent in break- cal Civil Defense director, compli- to be held December 8, and to fea- which lasted but one hour—an or- •rant follows: "Erect a new elemen- Two signal lights will be erected sey and Erin Avenues and Wil- mented the work of the police re- ture a gift exchange, were made dinance was introduced on first tary school in the Iselin area. If ing old habits even when near the firehouse below the drive- liam Street, Hopelawn, necessi- serves Halloween night, which he at Tuesday's session of the Ladies.' reading amending an original ordi- the site under jurisdiction of the they are bad—but when sur- way, so that when traffic stops lor tated by the canstruction of the Auxiliary of Raritan Engine Co., nance authorizing an addition to Permit Issued Board of Chosen Freeholders is the light it will not interfere with said" was instrumental in keeping vival is at stake temporizing new Parkway bridge. vandalism and rowdyism in this No. 2, in the Amboy Avenue fire- the Municipal Building. secured by the School District of the movement of; fche fire appa- Mayor Quigley expressed andig- house. Mrs. Onder presided. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — A Woodbridge Township, then the is an ungallant expedient. ratus in case of fire. The Highway township at a minimum. The orginal measure authorized nation at the condition of the Mrs. John Kalman and Miss a new wing of approximately building permit for..a $1,000,000 proposed school should be located Department is also installing a Helen Madger were named co- building to be used as a ware-- on this site. This school should be push button in the firehouse and streets and the inconveniences 30 by 50 feet. The amended ..ordi- Let us look again at the caused to local residents. THEFT REPORTED chairmen of a theater party set nance authorizes an addition on house and office building by the •built to house pupils in Kinder- is-focusing, one of the lights into WOODBRIDGE — Richard for January 9, with Mrs. John garten to grade 6.. ^realities of W o o d b r i d g e the firehouse, so the driver of'the "On William Street," the mayor the- side of 32 by 51 feet and an W.
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