, Cohutta Springs by Roger Morton "0 Lord, God . May your eyes be opened toward this temple night and day." s this dedicatory prayer as- cended from the heart and lips of Solomon more than A 3, 000 years ago, so on April 26 another leader of God's people, Neal C. Wilson, president of the Gen- eral Conference of Seventh-day Ad- ventists, presented in dedication another distinctive edifice designed to reflect the Providence which has brought Cohutta Springs Adventist Center into existence. Seldom, if ever, has a group of con- stituents from a local conference set about to erect an architectural monument of such magnitude. This convention complex is to symbolize the atmosphere and inspiration of Adventist philosophy. It provides a setting reflective of the simplicity yet noble quality of the Adventist life style, a retreat where physical, men- tal, and spiritual renewal can take Newly opened convention facility at Cohutta Springs Adventist Center. place. It is to serve the 18,000 mem- bers who comprise the Georgia- ity offers limitless convention and in- lounge areas, plus outdoor decks and Cumberland Conference, the larger structional opportunities with its crea- patios, are all juxtaposed together Adventist family throughout North tive utilization of space and practical with such harmony and beauty that America, as well as the many non- arrangement. Its main auditorium, spirits are lifted and quietude re- member guests which church- with a seating capacity of 600, offers a stored. sponsored programs will bring two-sided view capturing the verdant A 70-foot observation tower pierces through its doors. grandeur of God's woodland artistry. the Georgian sky, making the Center Nestled within the embrace of a Nine additional conference rooms of visible miles away. On the opposite tranquil lake, this Bavarian-style facil- varying sizes, several lobby and side is a dining room accommodating 2 ■ Southern Tidings June, 1987 A Dream Alive America, construction management President Neal Wilson added his con- division, provided general contractor gratulations, "What a memorable services. Center Director Wolf weekend this has been! I've had the Jedamski deserves commendation privilege in my travels around the for serving as construction liaison for world to visit perhaps 130 to 140 the conference. Backing them with countries and I've seen some really high levels of involvement also has spectacular monuments erected in been Conference Treasurer and God's cause. But from an aesthetic chairman of the Building Committee point of view, I don't think this build- Errol Eder. ing can be excelled!" Elder Neal C. Wilson, General Conference presi- High point of the opening weekend Wilson went on to say, "Truly, the dent, was the featured speaker for the Cohutta Springs Development Associates retreat and was the ribbon-cutting ceremony, glory of the Lord rests upon this grand opening ceremonies. Sunday, April 26, when the Cohutta Center. My brothers and sisters, I Springs Development Associates, hope that the glory of the Lord always 330 diners with a tasteful decor joined by pastors and church mem- rests here. Historically, you recall the "stunning enough to make any meal bers from throughout the conference house that was built in Solomon's there a culinary delight," as one guest territory, heard local dignitaries laud day —a beautiful building, magnifi- put it the weekend the Center opened. Adventists for this dream come true. cent in architecture — yet there came a Needed to underwrite the develop- time when the Lord had departed. I ment of the entire complex was 350 hope that never happens here." units of financial support represent- And so another building is dedi- ing $5,000 each. While some Cohutta cated to the glory of God. Another Springs Development Associates facility is open for spreading and en- have committed to more than one hancing His message of hope and unit of support, when the 350th unit truth to others. The Georgia- was pledged just days before open- Cumberland Conference salutes its ing, more than 200 donors were in- visionary and energetic Associates volved. Responsible for the success- who made the dream come alive . ful recruitment of this support, Ed alive, to the honor of God . alive, Reid has worked closely with As- inviting His presence to dwell here sociates President Winton Preston, . alive, praying that it will never de- Conference President William A Geary is pre- who has overseen the project from its sented with the golden key to the new Adventist part! beginning. Many have played vital Center complex by Cohutta Springs Develop- This is the dream. This is Cohutta roles in the multitude of details essen- ment Associates President, Winton Preston. Fu- Springs Adventist Center! ture development also includes a Health and Fit- tial to the construction of such a com- ness Center and additional lodging accommo- plex structure. Life Care Centers of dations. COVER PHOTO ROGER MORTON State Representative Tom Ramsey here addresses the crowd prior to the ribbon cutting. Left to right, Dave Shen-il, (First Tennessee Bank), Ross Howard, (Haley Er Howard Architects), Wolf Jedamski, (direc- tor of operations), Tom Ramsey, Winton Preston, Ed Reid. Volume 81 SOUTHERN TIDINGS (USPS 507-000) Number 6 June, 1987 Published monthly by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box 849, Decatur, GA Southern Tidings ■ 3 30031. Second-class postage paid at Decatur, Ga., and additional offices of entry. Subscription rate—five dollars per year. POSTMASTER: send changes of address to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. ide, gently sloping beach- es. Plantations. Moss- covered trees. Fancy res- Wtaurants. Dinner parties. Twenty-three golf courses. More than 300 tennis courts. Plus, the most re- cent body of believers in the Carolinas to be organized as a church. Welcome to Hilton Head Island. Hilton Head Island is the scene of the latest successful outreach by the Carolina Breakthrough Committee into previously unentered territory. The work began in earnest the first part of 1986 when Bert Elkins, a re- tired worker, was sent to the island. The challenge from the Carolina Breakthrough Committee was sim- Bert Elkins, pastor of the Hilton Head Island church, reads the baptismal vows to the youngest member, Jody ple: find all the Adventists who had Vermilyea, who was baptized the week before. moved to, or near, Hilton Head and organize the work, with the intent of tional facilities, has resulted in 20 areas) have guards at the gates. They having a church on the island as soon members being organized, April 25, allow only property owners and as possible. of this year, as the Hilton Head guests to enter, plus an occasional Elkins discovered there were church. Benny Moore, Conference tour bus. people living in the Hilton Head area secretary, and Herman Davis, assist- Such exclusivity makes visitation who were driving as much as 50 ant to the president, presided over the difficult on Hilton Head. Without prior miles, one way, each Sabbath to at- occasion. arrangement personal visitation is tend the Beaufort, South Carolina, or Elkins, when asked how the job was impossible. Savannah, Georgia, churches. They accomplished, stated, "Visitation and Another difficulty for the recently indicated they would be happy to more visitation. Most of the members' organized church was finding land of have, and support, their own church. homes I've visited three times, some their own on which to build a By April, 1986, nearly three months as many as 10." sanctuary. With Hilton Head being a later, the Hilton Head company was Hilton Head Island is an exclusive famous resort area the cost of land is organized with 12 members. They resort area. It is the largest island be- prohibitive. A small lot for a patio began meeting in the Central Oak tween New Jersey and Florida. Hilton home sells for $30,000 to $35,000. Grove Baptist church on Matthews Head is located approximately 40 The price of a lot for an 1,800- Street. miles north of Savannah. The island is square-foot home in one of the plan- After the initial thrust of locating all 12 miles long and up to five miles tations ranges from $50,000 to the Adventists, it was time to begin wide. $100,000. Oceanfront lots, if availa- reaching out to the community. El- Almost all the homes on Hilton ble, start at $500,000. kins conducted Revelation and health Head are situated in 10 plantations There was also the challenge of seminars. The meetings were held in with such exotic names as Sea Pines, securing land that would permit the private homes and medical offices of Port Royal, Spanish Wells, and Pal- building of a church structure. No the members. metto Dunes. The largest, Hilton churches are allowed in the individual This outreach among the affluent in Head Plantation, has more than 3,000 plantations, the land is reserved for the southernmost coastal section of homesites. residential use only. That left only the South Carolina, famed for its recrea- Most of the plantations, (residential areas outside the 10 plantations. The 4 ■ Southern Tidings June, 1987 Work Among the Islanders by Herb Crawley search began. Herman Davis, church Street" for the new church. The tour the island. When the Lord pro- development director for the Carolina purchase price was $58,000. Almost vided the land, He also provided an Conference, was called in by Elkins directly across the street will be the excellent location from which to for assistance. In addition, church Hilton Head Museum. A lagoon will be spread the Gospel. members Jim Vermilyea and Ed Har- built beside the new church property. Why in such an area of wealth would den combed the island.
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