-•I,. ...I '•-1. 10 - March 7,1991 - Union County Classified CHEVROLET m n ii iiiiniiiiii HUH MITSUBISHI ontc u FRANCHISES HYUNDAI SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper Vol. 98 No. 11 Published Eveiy-Thiirsday Thursday, March 14,1991 TJSPS 136 800"SecbndClass —*- JEEP Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS AT THE EAGLE Township Committee considering ISUZU In brief NEW ROUTE 22 ! Changes police, fire under safety director By Cheryl Moulton will go down the tubes if this is a "better control" Cranford Chamber of Com- .., political appointment down the Robinson-said, "Timing in life is merce is changing its Citizen The majority ruled Tuesday -"road." everything," stressing "no one of the Year format this year to night when Township Committee • Aschenbach had a two-fold ob- likes .change," but "we have to the Pride of, Cranford Award. menibers made the decision to go jection to the consolidation, main- have the courage to do new Page A-5. ' . • •forward with plans to consolidate taining the morale problems of things." He suggested . after the the police and fire departments the police and' fire departments concerns have "been laid to rest," under a public safety director. would create pressures which and all problems worked out, he Staff cuts The "second step" decision en- "would not enhance but seriously did not see morale problems in- ables the mayor's. Public Safety detract from our public safety." terfering in implementing the The Board of Education will Department Research Committee He farther.submitted alternative consolidation. take action in the next month to proceed past the preliminary cost-saving measures which addtid Commissioner of Public Safety POTAMKt on proposals to. cut five teach- work, they have done. While any up to $230,000, or equal to the say- (police and fire) Bilger said "Alot LEASING TRUCKS ers, one supervisor and an of- final decision on going forward ings netted by consolidation of the of work has gone into this,, and it fice manager. Page A-2. with ah ordinance would require r a first and second reading as well two departments. •'.• -•:-*&• is not set in stone," indicating all as a public hearing, according to Aschenbach also said, "I getthe questions of' the police-.and Mayor Ed Force, only three votes signs this whole thing is more set firement need to be answered. Funddrive would be required to push the in stone than I. thought" According to one member of the Force said the "sum total of mayor's Public Safety Department A fund drive has been new concept through, since the ordinance does not involve the ex- their (police and firemen) conResearc- h Committee, although launched to aid a 29ryear-old penditure of money. - corns was if there was going to be five and one-half months were Cranford man being treated spent investigating if the concept The informal vote by the govern- a chief." A strong advocate of the for leukemia, Page A-13. ' consolidation, Force said; he be-of consolidation could work in ing body was split along political lieved the concept would work Cranford, it would take "less than CHEVY T party lines, with Republicans well, with "one person sending a month" to implement the Force, Ed Robinson and Barbara G 4 ^-'should—the—governing - Bilgei voting in favor, and Demo- to the rank and file." rriaidng for body decide to go forward." •.'.. Borough yoters will have a crats .Carolyn Vollero and Dan field of eight school board can- Aschenbach voting down going didates for four seats in the forward, _?; ::.••."....•. BRAND NEW'91 CAVAIIER BRAND NEW "91C0RSICA LT BRAND NEW'91 PKK-UP BRAND NEW'91 S-lOBUZER BRAND NEW 1991 EXCEL BRAND NEW 1991 SONATA Vollero.whUe indicating "I think Hyundai *Or 8adan, 24L Efl «VI BM. April ..election.!.A vote is ex- Regisfr o>«nM w*. vi coup., a^ . 3.1L cnwida sio o,um 4«i era, Mod Hyuncla) 3O( Hath. 1UEn«Ctl Eng, 4- yi r 8ada, MfTO, PW Sang 1 Brakaa, Ml. fWO. Onau. 8pd Mm Tra, P»r BraM Man Son. WD. Cro wiiM *m,rwoSi/ pected nexi week on a contro- it can happen," stressed concern Ena, S-Spd Han Yra»a, tNrr 8WH1I Brakaa. Conada, TK TKUaaa, afcl PotamMn 8*. Man Ttana..PMr IIHIII, Man Banrj. Drank, Rr Datog. R»d Fft« Bad. SU, IVS Mdga. Fold CCnltuul ,O or w< Cargo tar, Dandi Bt, T/Oaac. «cl Pota- ^vut.a!; s&& BooPH .M OUWa Can, ,TO at, tR Pottmk> h •at.Mai.VIM. - Unregistered voters have until April 1 to sign up ai the township •Ji/TA*-. aid Man**, TS. ««.(. VW.. #2M, Vtt.fMEtoMOt. MSW"; *12.T02. Total tin. Vta, fob Doai IV SIMM Wtai. Ooxn Ht M. Bd PolamUn M. ««7. VM J> versial class trip to Washing- over "unclear answers," to many- ' MCTIMUO. MS** WoW, Total d pymtl ol Pyrrta J12.O4O. UIOO Do«n. «24S Da- im. ToW H nti* M7J2. utga Dwn MU00M7I. USBP: Mtia ToUl ol Fynti MBUinilT. IWP: run. Tott d Pin*- fat* (1000 MFD MaM. tlW ftatjndatla • ML aid ntarrtki Stt. «««. VM.MU180UI. •10,7*0. MM* boon flnela tiOM WR clerk's office in the Municipal Building to be eligible to vote in WTW. I3U0 Do»n «nctt (400 MFR IHU«). ftjndabk* Sao Dapoak. I337S Purohaaa Opt MSRP: - 110,014. ToW of Pymb 117.400. (J»40. (1«00 IXnn (Mdl (790 MFR Raba») ton, D.C. Pages A-8 and A-9. •' questions, and a need to put in •IN MnMU BaaOapoal. Oise FW- Puohaaa Prtca txda MOO 1at Tkna Buy* Sac Oapr»>. can Puttaaa OOL PUKMM (1» IMnWia 8«. bipodl (11M n>- mhala). UT* fcahmfabla BM. r $wm oJJS (M. (ino MRTIMM*). bes IDH Piachaaa Opt «• on. ru*a«a Wo.>» wo t« Tim. CMOKCk>aaad. •MOM ltdi MOO <« IVn. Suyar Cnon II 0pt COUNTY. FIASCO: A county crevy removes the unauthorized writing the safety director posi- the April 30 Board of Education election. .•uy«Crarja«Oua*a<<. RaUndaMa Sao CMpoM. (««as Pur*»»a Opl extension of Riverside Drive the county DPW laid" down in tion should be filled by someone °April 1 also is the deadline for changes of address. DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY December, Grass, bushes and trees will be. planted instead. coming up through the ranks. The deadline for applying for absentee and military ballots for R NLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY Girl Scouts Flatly stating the "hopes and aspi- the school election is April 23. The ballots.must be returned by YOU /° ° YOU YOU Cranford Girl Scouts are rations of the police and firemen Election Day. An application for an absentee ballot is available '149 OWN IT OWN IT '265 OWN IT OWN IT marking their 79th anniversary from the town clerk or from County Clerk Walter Halpin, Union FOR ONLY FOR ONLY PER •><. FOR ONLY FOR ONLY PER FOR ONLY this Girl SCout Week. Pdge A- County Court House, Elizabeth 07207. PER S •N-'K UINLT MO. 15, ' • .• •' ; .•••'. Despite objections of rank and file ^10,499, ^12,995 10,145] Sports preview elders to proceed on safety post Spring sports previews for Cranford and Brearley High By Cheryl Moulton tee stated from the start the At one point a detective of long- Schools can be found on Page The Township Committee voted meeting, was called to present the standing challenged Force asking, '/EAGLE B-l;.- •:' •• ', '• .•.•"•:• 3-2 Tuesday to continue efforts to- interim or preliminary report and "Obviously we have questions that ward/combining•'police and fire obtain ,"input" .from the police arc not being addressed^ What do IGruisp wiiiner^ into a singlp publtc Safety depart- and firemen on their concerns re- you want from us at this 'meet? ment, despite strong objections garding the implementation of a ing?" "••••r-,-'l-.:- • "•*---"-:: Winners of the "Summer from the rank and file. safety department, frustration In answer Force said, "Tonight BRAND NEW 1991 PICK-UP BRAND NEW 1991 TROOPER Gruisin''^'contest. vv/ere an- Although police' and firemen mounted when the committee was wo vvdnt to hear your concerns:" BRAND NEW'91 ECLIPSE BRAND NEW'91 GAUNT BRAND NEW'91 WRANGLER BRAND NEW 1991 TALON nounced at. St Michael's gathered March 6 to hear the re- unable to provide answers to Skepticism on,the part of the HtaubUl M» Sport Coup* ML CH 4-Cy( . MtaubaM MX Sarjan. «. tin 44M. Mod Schooi. Page A-14. questions concerning changes in Uan Tram, Pat Stud. I BraVaa. AM, FWO, JMO ^S" 4WD SoMop. Ul MPI 4«)l B<a S- sults of a five-month long investi- rank and file brought about a se- Ena Mod ManifSnt, Pw amg I Bakm. SpdlMn.tmvPwBttnp» On*a^P»a» a. • «JC fWO. AWFW surao. TA3kH. Rr DPIOO. AM/FM a Caaa. T/OHa, (V Daloo. FUTWH FM BoU «ov ItaoMk Wl PDMMI at. gation into the possibility of creat- the line of command. Of great. ries of emotionally charged < ques- CoMote, Ml VIN 0«. Fold Do»n Br St. Elcl Cm, Conada, dock, BIS Mktga. Bet Pot* iwa M y. mkln Bar. aw VM. fUZmnC-aniV: #IOT. VKMUIoaau. MOV: (1< 421Ton PolwiUn Ok, #247. VM. .MEOM7DO. MSRP- VW. #MB)«7»». MSBP: »14,1441TjW «l ing a public safety department,, concern to both police and fire- tions which aired many concerns (1!v4H. TOUI d lyi* $IOJ«. (1400 Oam. (1U01. Total Ot Pwiit HOAX), »IN» ; ol Fyr«l«lii4a |»go Do»v »2« Hf- PynO »1oSo7. 0293 Down (tnckj (700 MPP. U40 WunglbU BR D^J* (4021 FU Down.
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