LAO PEOPLE'SDEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity -----===000=----- 1\- I . ::3-~--+- cJ..M .,- .. :-1 _V_ie_t_lt_iat_l_e_p_r._o_v_in_c_e -+li ---!I ~LUnbel 7~RMg'll'OlvRE-v J P ~ I Provincial Agriculture an<iHForestOf?ce ; 'v lentlatle ProvInce, dated: UdllL2017 I I Forestry Resomce Management SectlOn _L I . ___l Environment Protection Fund LENS2 Sub-project Application General Instructions: Please refer to The Project Implementation Manual (PIM) Volumes j /0 5 for subproject design, implementation and monitoring/evaluation (AI&E). In summary: III Applications should be submitted in both Lao and English to fiPF Office. Translating the application is SDA 's responsibility. It can befinanced by the subproject preparationfacility, ifsuchfacility has been mobilized, or pre-financed by EPF - IJ Applications must demonstrate that the subproject meers the following eligibility criteria: (a) supports a Government ofLao PDR policy, strategy and or an official plan; (b) contributes 10 at least one outcome indicator and at least one intermediate outcome indicatorfrom the LENS2 results framework; (c) fu« into either the PIC!:' or CBI Ei'Ffundtng windows: (d) excludes activities front the negative check-list in the PIM, and (e) aligns with project's geographical scope which includes {he national/central level and the following provinces: Bolikhamxay, Khammouane, Houaphan, Xiengkhouang. Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, Vientiane and Xaysomboun. e Applications for protected area and wildlife sub-projects must demonstrate that the subproject meets an additional eligibility criteria: contributes to a regional or global outcome such as cross-border cooperation, knowledge transfer or prevention ofillegal wildlife trade. • Sub-projects are approved for their proposed duration. However, implementation requires the prior annual approval of an Annual Work Plan and Budget (A WPH). EPF has the possibility (O cancel an approved subproject ifthe annual performance is consistently unsatisfactory and the achievement of its objective has become unlikely. • An SDA can only implement one subproject at a lime although additionalfinancing ispossible. I Subproject Proposal Code: 11. Sub-project delivery I Vientiane Forest Resource ~lanagement Section (PFRM: VTE) I agency (SDA) . , Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) I (name/address) Phonemy-Muangkao Road Nonesavang VilJage Viengkham District I Vientiane Province. I I Tel: 023431024,02022250151; Fax: 023431626 r-! --·-....-·---·--..-----------.-- .-+I-- ----..-...-----------~.---------.---.--.-----.-----.---. ---.-- -..-..-----.----------.. ------. - ..- ..-------.- ---I I 2. SDA focal point ! Mr.Ounehouane Keophomma I , (name/function/contact I Direc~or Provi~cial Forestry Resource Management Section I details) I I Vientiane Province . I Tcl.:023431024; Fax:023431626 i Mobile Phone: 02022250151, E-mail: [email protected] 1 I Mr.Bounphet Duangdod I- Technical Staff Provincial Forestry Resource Management Section. I I Vientiane Province ' Tel.: 023431024, Fax: 023431626 ) Mobile Phone: 020 22340593 II Email: [email protected] ~.-.--.--.-.-- -- --.- - .- ··-···j·-[;-it~t~~~l-a-.-.ti~~~_-..--'"- ----..-.--.--..--- -----.--.-.---,------.--..-.-'- .-------1 13. Geographic scope J 0 Central/National Level. -> I I (can be more than one 0 Pr~vi~~i~l/?ist:ri~t, _~l~a:e,i:ndica,t,e,~argetprovi~lce~ Vientia?e. ~ro~i~ce . I I option) I 0 Protected Area: Please mcucare 1,1''-JrA,protection wrest, ana hamer YOOD ! I Meud - Phon San Kheuan Provincial Protected Area (PMPSK-PPA or i PMPSK). ! -.-.-...-...--.- ..--....-...-..-..---.- ..-...--.----.-- ..-.----- ..-. ...-....-...---.-- .----- ....---.."..-. ---- ....-..------.-..------...-.-. ·--·..--1i Community-Based Management of Phon Meud - Phou San Kheuan i Provincial Protected Area (PMPSK-PPA) of Vientiane Province 1 I _.._." .- _._ _ _--_ - _..-----,,- _-_.- .--~ .~~;,~. ~:;-~:~:~::;~:·~:;~:~:j;~-- ::;E~hM~~-_.---~--- -.-:.~-~·(P[CEj window (piease check only 0 Community Biodiversity Investments (eBl) (Please check if cHF' is I J)!·1.e_.!_V!!'!{9.~t1_.-.-.-.--.---.------. __CiP_J!!.ie_~L -----...---.----- .-- ..-.----------------..-- ._--...-. .-.----.------ .------------- ------------- .... --1 1.Project Development To strengthen the conservation of protected areas, the enforcement of I Objective' wildlife laws, the monitoring of environmental and social impact of I investment projects and the integration of environmental policy in I .-.--------.-.------.----..---- ---.......-.-.-..-....deve-.---.-l-.opment..::.--.-.- :planning- .....-.-...-::...---.- .....---..--.-.--..- ..-.....---..----,,-------------...--.-.-.-.....--·-·------ ..·----..·....--·--i! I S. Sub-project related Overview: : sectoral and institutional Vientiaue Province (about 15,610 km") is located in the central region of I I context, challenges and Lao PDR, north of the Vientiane Capital. It shares borders with Luang II I priorities Prabang Province to the north, Vientiane Capital and Loei Province of I j (Describe role ofSDA, Thailand to the south, Xaisomboun and Bolikhamxay Provinces to the east, I I current capacity and ..and Saiyaboury Province to the west Vientiane is a large province and is i activities related to divided into 11 districts with a total population of about 419,100 people i PA/wildltfelenv. and social (207,700 are women) in 2015 and comprising three main ethnic groups, I safeguards, challenges and namely Lao Loum (70%), KUllUl1U (251%), and Hmong (5%). The principal I Ipriority needs and I towns are Phone Hong district (provincial capital) and Vang Vieng district I J approach proposed to which is famous for tourism. Although tOtHl.S111 has grown rapidly, most rural } address priority people still depend upon rice farming and agriculture for their livelihoods. I needs/gaps). i Vientiane province is mountainous and rich ill forests, water resources, I and other natural resources. Several kilometers to the south ofVang Vieng is I I Nam Ngum reservoir which was created for the operation of the Nam Ngum I J hydropower project; it receives water from the Nam Ngum River before i discharging into the mainstream of the Mekong. The Nam Ngum reservoir is I also famous for tourism activities and fish farming. The Nam Lik,Nam Song, I I Nam Ngum, and Nam Xan are the main rivers flowing through the province! I and connecting to the Nam Ngum reservoir. The Nam Lik flows along the I ~--------------------~I------------west border and--------- connects to the Nam Song before joining the NaIll Ngum 1 1 To be implementedaccording to the rule as set in the documentof Community Participation framework (eEF) be ensured that venous details of subprojects related to the implementation of CEFPfftparatiolJ, tasks,indicators and budget are included in the related heads of proposed subproject(project output frame, Budget, Tasks,Monitonng & Evaluation) 2 Tills PD~ is being proposed for LE1\lS2 during the midterm reviewed in f"l.prH2017 and is expected to he effective in late 2017. 2 I river below the discharge from the Nam Ngum reservoir (see map) while the 1Nam Song flows through Vang Viang town before joining the Nam Uk and also connecting to Narn Ngum reservoir.The Nam Xan is a smaller river / flowing from the cast to Nam NgWl1 reservoir. There are five existing j hydropower projects in operation (i.e. Nam Ngum 1, Nam Ngum 2, Narn Lik I 1, Nam Lik 2, and Nam Song) and additional hydropower projects are I planned (see concept map 1). ! Within the province there are portions of two National Protected Areas31 I (NPA) i.e. Phou Phanang NP A (24,4,00 ha) and Phou Khao Khouay NPA i I (62,014 ha); three National Protection Forest Areas (NPFA) comprising the Nam Lik (104,155 ha) NPFA, the Nam Feuang - Pha La1( NPFA (20,660 ha), and the Nam Mee-Nong Daeng-Phou Monk 1\.rpFA (64,121 ha); and I three National Production Forest Areas comprising Phou Nheuy, Nang Pet, I and Houay Siad with a total area of 205,431 11a. At the provincial level, ! there are five Provincial Protected Areas (PPA), namely Phou Pou-Phou 1 Nhai (56,016 ha), Phon in Thin (42,214 ha), Phou Meud-Phou San! Kheuan (PMP"(]K) (24,307ha), Phon Thrun Khoun Lang (30,.558 ha), and I Pha Ka (13,585 ha); three Provincial Protection Forests (PPF) comprising I the Nam Uk 2 - Phon Nheuy PPA (24,145 ha),Phou Khi Saud PPA (8,841 I ha), and the Phou Ngeun-Phou Kham (6,382ha). At the district level, there I are five District Protected Areas (DPA) (18,338 ha) and seven District I Protection Forest (DPF) (6,319 11a).P]\;IPSK has been selected as the target I area for this subproject. I PMPSK-PPA was established during 1996-1997 with a total area of about I 24,307 ha. At the beginning, only Phou Mend was established with an area I of about 13,700 ha while Phou San Kheuan (10,607 ha) was added later that I year. PMPSK-PPA is located about 50 km from the Vientiane Capital and is I adjacent to the Nam NguiH 1 Reservoir in the HuitJi (Vang Vieng District I area), the Nam Lik River in the south, the Nam Ngum River in the east (Keo I' Udom District Area), and the Route 13 (North) in the "vest (see map in ES1V.fP).PMPSK-PPA covers four districts, comprising Keo Udom, Phone' I H011g,Hin Heup, and Vang Vieng. ! ! PMPSK-PPA is one of the mall watersheds for the Nam Ngum I I hydropower 1 dam and is an important for wildlife conservation, especially II I for the gam Bos gaurus, which is a vulnerable forest cattle species in the Prohibited List of Lao PDR. Protection of this large herbivore is considered i important fur Vientiane Province as well as for the country. i I j I There are 18 villages with a population of 15,000 people living around the I I PMPSK while no villages are located within the PMPSK -PP A itself I I These comprise nine ethnic villages in Hin Heup district; two villages in I I I V,an~_~~eng ~s~~ct ~0n.g the ::orthw'est, .t~·ee v~~~ages(a?out ~:?~~}of I i Pltone Hong d.IStr1C'( 1il me soutnwesr, anc tour viuages (aoout _;uU Hl-l) of I Keo Udom district in the south .. Rapid development in Vientiane Province i during the past five years, especially for tourism development in Yang Vieng I and the Nam Ngum reservoir have increased pressures on the forests, I I I wildlife, and natural habitats of the PP A.
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