![Esllz Bafnjk Irfkj Jfed Lgdkjh Lalfkk E;Kz- Lqok[Ksm+K] Rglhymob.: 9425441311 Tkon Ftyk Uhep ¼E-Iz-½ 458330](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Reg. No. 811 dated 06/03/1997 Phone : 07420-237220 esllZ bafnjk iRFkj Jfed lgdkjh laLFkk e;kZ- lqok[ksM+k] rglhyMob.: 9425441311 tkon ftyk uhep ¼e-iz-½ 458330 Letter No. 27/2021 /3 Date: 22/02/2021 To, Member Secretary Expert Appraisal Committee (Non Coal Mining) Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Vayu Wing 2nd floor Indira Paryawaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi – 110 003 Sub: Environmental Clearance for Expansion in Mining capacity of Flag Stone, Khanda, & Kattal Mine (minor Mineral) from 4500 m3/year (11700 Ton/year) to 100000 m3/year (260000Ton/year) in the lease area of 117.532 ha. at Village Suwakheda, Distict Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh. Submission of additional Details Ref.: 1. Proposal No. IA/MP/MIN/18520/2012 2. File No. J-11015/348/2008-IA-II(I) 3 . Email alert to proponent dated 22/01/2021 Respected Sir, This is with reference to the above we are hereby submitting the following additional details sought by the concern member secretary 1. DSR of Neemuch District Reply : the copy of DSR Neemuch is enclosed as Annexure – 1 2. List of Schedule -1 species dully authenticated by Concern Department Reply : Letter No. 1203 Dated 18/02/2021 issued by DFO Neemuch is enclosed containing the list of all species found in Neemuch District. Kindly refer Annexure -2. Ours are manual mine hence no adverse impact anticipated in surrounding area. 3. Annexure –III as per the agenda Reply : Enclosed as per Annexure -3 4. Affidavit as per Ministry OM dated 30/05/2018 Reply : Enclosed as Annexure – 4 In view of the above submission and in consideration of minor mineral manual mining of cooperative society of workers, kindly grant the EC for expansion at your earliest. Thanking you, Yours truly, Indira Patthar Shramik Sehkari Samiti, Mydt. Amrit Lal Yadav Secretary Mob. No. 9425441311 Gmail - Additiorial Information to PP 2t2012021 singh shailendra <bigsinghl 980@9mail'com> N# ffisrytmi$ Additional Information to PP 2 messages Fri, Jan 22,2021 at 6:57 Ptt, pankaj.verma@nic,in <pankaj'verma@nic' in> To: bigsingh 1 [email protected] Cc: [email protected], monitoring-ec@nic' in r. aooition"t details are sought bv-concerned ,r",, ;r;o;;"";, Meeting Member","i Secietary after', ""r, consideration of proposal in EAG by the Member A proposal for EC, as per the details given below has been examined Secretary details sought The said proposal has not been accepted on account of the Additional upload the Additional as per the statement uploaded on the portal of Ministry' Please details sought by Member Secretary' 1. Proposal No. : ltuMP/MlN 11852012012 2. File No. : J-11 01 5/348/2008-lA-ll(l) 3. Gategory of the ProPosal : Mining Projects 3. Name of the ProPosai : FLAG STONE MINING 4. Date of submission : 05 Dec 2020 PP has not submitted complete information as sought by EAC in 25th EAC meeting' PP needs to suOmii following; Documents not found/EDS: species 6. Details Sought : . DSR of Neemuch ' List of schedule-1 duly authenticated by concerned department' Annexure lll as per the agenda ' Affidavit as per Ministry OM dated 30'05'2018 7. Name of the Proiect proponent along with contact details Shakari Samiti a) Name of the ProPonent M/s Indra Pathar Shramic b) State Madhya Pradesh c) District Neemuch d) Pincode 458330 Fri, Jan 22,2021 at7:021 singh shailendra <bigsinghl 980@Omail-com> To: Mukesh Kaore <mukeshkaore@gmail'com> [Quoted text hidden] 15391 145&simpl=msg-f%3A16895936B30" https://mait.google.com/nrait/u/0?ik=e615e609126y;s,(v=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A16895936830 Bdl 6f.fqq F.g.) Email-modgmnee @m p,gov.i n qq-q,fuqrc ll$o7 uftq / zott i el / oa / zon 3Te4&T, gRiT q-€r{ sTfro qafil$ q-{€rT qtqitra, gErd-sT, it{{fid utcrc fu-dT frq-q fu-dT irfa"r ffi-J r{Fr oEi erqq I sTrrlch-T r]-d frqm rc / oa / zott --oo-- sq-$-f,d lrilvqr<.fr. A-s t fr qrqd rRT fu-dT q{detoT ffi-d q'l qfr qr$ .d q-a q+a.q * t ar) d s+rpr t t €dq:- sqQqal5€t-i I Ulri $c4ldfr qiR"ry? f,a{r E*ft"tr{ ,.)---- r., ,, r {ll'.1t{'1 i"J.y./ :rt-Jt. gft"d qTrqq i .il q-{gn qrqf, flqq: fih-,fi ff{eT"r sftn-_fi iF{+ I qsf'{ti {r3.{ {Jlrri fA'+lrr @T e{T?:r @qro 7s4/2016/12--1 }n!rd fiqri, i: i,l ?a a2.2016 I slR}"tr Hqfff, antqi d qRqTdq .1 iirmT frra gq fh-ci qe**q or 'a_q q' iit-ol e-de{q qha-fi *qT{ rfrQ-c rhTS q-{de € i r.rd Grqsq-m EEild -*" tg nr+r ildn I rTilq w*rnntEm t n4;.*6.\r' 9J-fb -s-"dr ({fr'{ q-r:ffi) '18_*4_?S16 qEr51-i5 si}fiffifuq q-.n- rfiffii t cqr !s# qirqldq, r"?r-E (q s ) ry**l o.r,r;!', r,, r", "f {/:' t4:<: ; I- } -W;€, i..* *Gtttt'"-,r#, KWffi lqqa';,)'- - --\re! y.s"::- .;,;:' i-. ;ii €: ';r i t., %4rry. aa &W4?p. 4i;);i,i, r *,* **t;irir4 q.g. aJc.'rq s?ffii:, ?, {+&,r{ u \r:ttt. &,*'\6 * :- n *. "^ *.,:-.-E+P*t \r.r.r ?"6 i 1-k \45\ t 6\\L, Iq')]'J 1B "(*11 (.\*"4\815 $.rrr: +rt ii'lf L1x-.i'l- t*hoad q' f 4] H v, l-_\, r\ n i.! t r " f. q.l, 'i -rl k3"r"rt* i,ir:a\ S- br{L ' ft*[a,-$fu. E 1 M'P fr'mis of f",o'*io and h4ining W z*n*\ *illt**, irt**r* *E=EE=CT SURV=Y ===*ffiT ffiES€'RICT ruEEffiACH fuTADHYA PRADES${ qrrgr-rgfi F:li, r ararn;rl :: a tl a: 1i DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING MADHYA PRADESH BHOPAL (M.P.) a 1-: INTRODUCTION Neemuch district, spreading over an area of about 4256 knr: ,cs :r lhe northwestern parl of the state of priorio Madhya Pradesh. independence o:,^: a . .,,as : part of Ujlain division, M.P. Govt. has declared Neemuch as a seperate drsrric: as :- : _:^ June 1998 Earlier, it was a part of the Mandsaur district. Three tehsils of uir,.:=: Mandsaur district fall under this new district namely Neemuch, Jawad and Manasa. Tr= district is bounded by Mandsaur district on the southeast and Rajasthan state on the northeast' The district lies between Norlh latitude 24o14' and 2so02, and East longitude 74o44', and 75o33" falling in survey of lndia part of toposheei No. 45Ll1 3,14,15 and 45P11,2,3,6&7' Neemuch is well connected with ali parts of country by Rail and roads. lt lres on Ajmer-Khandwa main railway line. Mhow Neemuch state Highway passes through the district. As per 20'11 census, the population of Neemuch district is about 8,25,g58. For administrative purposes the district is divided into 6 tehsil (Neemuch, Jawad, Manasa' singoli, Jiran and Rampur) and 3 blocks. lt has only one city (i.e. district Hqr Neernach), two towns (Manasa & Jawad) and 678 villages. The district comprises of vast resources of sandstone, shale and limestone belonging to Vindhyan super Group of rocks of which Flagstone is one of the most imporlant dimensional stone existing in singoli and Jiran areas in the district. , Neemuch district forms the northern projection of Madhya pradesh state. The district is fatrly good in communication. The district head quarter Neemuch is well connected by railway and road. Previously it. is situated on western railway meter gauge line of Khandwa-Ajmer section via Ratlam, which is now converted to broad-gauge section lt is well connected by road from lndore and Chittorgarh through lndore- chittorgarh state highway. All the tehsil headquarters are also well connected with district headquarter Neemuch by tar road. The climate of the district is generally dry except during the monsoon season. The winter season is from December to February. The average annual rainfall in the district is 797 96 mm' The flora of the district falls under the central lndian mixed deciduous type. MINERAL POTENTIAL Total Mineable Boulder(MT) mineral Boulder(MT) ential(MT Huge as malority It is associated li is found mainly Huge, immense Huge as majority of the district is with river sand in Chambal and except sand as of the disirict is occupied by the Retam river. most of the district occupied by the minor minerals i.e. is occupied by minor minerais i.e. basali and resources as per minor minerals basalt and sandstone. But as their area in the which include sandstone. But as per figures district is very per figures received from small, the sandstone and received from District Mining production of sand other stones as District Mining Section 994643 and bajri is 4030 road metal and Section 994643 soil. Thus mineral tu13 of stone/giitr M3 in zolq4s M3 of stone/gitti potentials are and 390'16 M3 of immense. and 39016 M3 of f lagstone and flagstone and 14882 M3 of 14882 M3 of murum was murum was produced in 2414- produced in 2014- .15 IJ ANNUAL DEPOSITION 4030 M3 of sand have been produced ln the financial year 2014-15, but as per the information provided by District Mining office Neemach, due to unavailability of sand in the river beds, no sand mine have been declared and auctioned in the year 2015-16. The district is drained by Ganjali, Gambhir, lrda and Retam etc., these are small tributaries of I Chambal river and originates in the district.
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