B2 NEWS-HERALD MIDWEEK, MARCH 26-27, 2014 | | COMMUNITY CALENDAR | | We welcome your submissions to the com- Scrapbook group Lenoir City AA next to Loudon United Methodist Church. munity calendar. Items may be edited for ● The Tellico Village Scrapbook Group ● An Alcoholics Anonymous group in Model sailing size or content. Submissions should include meets at 9 a.m. Fridays at Christ Our Lenoir City meets at 7 p.m. Mondays at ● The Model Sailing Club meets at 1:30 the time and place, contact information Savior Lutheran Church. Residents living Church of the Resurrection off West Lee p.m. at various locations in Tellico Village. and any additional details about the event. outside of Tellico Village are welcome. For Highway in Lenoir City. For more information, call Dick Hinze at Submit items to [email protected] for more information or to be added to the Church crafters 865-458-1946 or Don Sheill at 865-408- publication in the next available edition of group’s email list, call Donna Kessing at ● The Tellico Village Church Crafters 0291. the News-Herald. 865-458-4728. meets 9:30 a.m.-noon in the Christian Life Center at Community Church of Tellico THURSDAY, APRIL 3 THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Village. Garden Club EDA committee Benefi t yard sale ● The Tellico Village Garden Club meets ● The Loudon County Economic Devel- ● The Academy of Dance Arts Ensemble TUESDAY 12:30-2 p.m. the fi rst Thursday of the opment Agency Executive Committee will will be performing in June at Walt Disney month at the Yacht Club. The April 3 pro- Village Lions Club meet at 2:30 p.m. at the Williamson House, World in Orlando, Fla. While there, the gram, “Growing Vegetables in Small Spac- ● Tellico Village Lions Club meets at 9 274 Blair Bend Drive, Loudon. The meeting group will be attending a master class with es and Flower Beds,” will be presented by a.m. the fi rst Tuesday of the month at Clas- will be followed by the board of directors a Disney choreographer to learn about the Larry Doolittle of Greenback. Visitors are sico Italian Pizza and Pasta, 318 Lakeside meeting about 3 p.m. For more informa- audition process and to learn choreogra- welcome. For more information, call Linda Plaza, Tellico Village. The club also meets tion, call Stephanie Myers at 865-458-8889. phy from Disney stage shows. To help fund Schuessler at 865-657-9228 or visit http:// at 6:30 p.m. the third Tuesday at the res- AA for women the trip, dancers will be holding a yard sale www.tellicoclubs.com/garden. taurant. An Alcoholics Anonymous group 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Thyme for Herbs ● Kiwanis Club for women takes place at 5:30 p.m. the Academy of Dance, 265 Town Creek Road ● The Thyme for Herbs study group will ● Kiwanis Club of Tellico Village meets fourth Thursday of the month at Episcopal East, Lenoir City. For more information, meet at 9:30 a.m. at Chota Recreation Cen- at 11 a.m. the fi rst and third Tuesday of the Church of the Resurrection off West Lee call 865-988-3262. ter in Tellico Village. Ruth Shelton will give month at the Yacht Club in Tellico Village. Highway in Lenoir City. Church consignment sale a presentation, “Chocolate and Herbs.” DAV chapter Lenoir City Lions Club ● Dixie Lee Baptist Church, 14650 Old For more information, call Mary Garner at ● Loudon County Disabled American Lenoir City Lions Club meets at 6:30 Stage Road near Dixie Lee Junction, will 865-408-0337. ● Veterans Chapter 109 meets at 6 p.m. the p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of hold a children’s clothing consignment fi rst Tuesday of the month at the War Me- the month at the Episcopal Church of sale 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday and Saturday. morial Building in Lenoir City. MONDAY, APRIL 14 the Resurrection off West Lee Highway Items will include baby toys and clothes, American Legion in Lenoir City. For more information, call children’s shoes, accessories, puzzles, ABCs of Medicare ● American Legion Post and Auxiliary Kathleen Bailey at 865-408-9875. books, videos, ride-on toys, inside and out- ● Loudon County Senior Center is of- Unit 120 meets at 6 p.m. the fi rst Tuesday Sounds & Motion door toys and more. Proceeds go toward fering seniors the opportunity to sit down of the month at the American Legion post The Sounds & Motion dance group church ministries. with an experienced professional to review ● in Loudon. meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays at the War their Medicare coverage. Counseling will Masonic Lodge Memorial Building in Lenoir City. Dancing be available April 14 at the center, located SATURDAY Avery Masonic Lodge meets at 7 p.m. for beginners runs 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more ● at 901 Main St., Loudon. To make an ap- the fi rst Tuesday on the upper fl oor of the information, call 865-988-8043. Ruritan fi sh fry pointment, call the offi ce at 865-458-5445. United Grocery Outlet in Lenoir City. For Weight Watchers club ● Piney Ruritan Club will hold a fi sh fry more information, call Glen Savage at 865- A Weight Watchers group will meet 3-4 fundraiser 4-7 p.m. Saturday at the club’s ● 556-5539. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 p.m. at Chota Recreation Center in Tellico pavilion on Davis Ferry Road. Proceeds Ladies golf kick off Village with a new series. For more infor- will benefi t the club. Breast screenings Tellico Village Ladies Golf Association mation, call Sandi Pitcher at 423-884-3769. Dancing social ● ● The University of Tennessee Medi- 18-hole golf club will formally kick off the GriefShare support ● The Lenoir City Jubilee will take place cal Center’s mobile unit will be at Loudon season with 9 a.m. shotgun start at Tanasi GriefShare for people who have lost a 7-10 p.m. Saturdays at the War Memorial County Health Department 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ● Golf Course. Residents should be at the mate to death meets 10:30 a.m.-noon fol- Building in Lenoir City. All are welcome to April 16 to offer digital mammograms for course by 8:30 a.m. The competition will lowed by lunch at the Tanasi Golf Course attend the weekly dance event, which is qualifying residents. Residents must be be a nine-hole scramble from the forward clubhouse in Tellico Village. For more a year-round function. Festivities include 40 years of age or older, have no current tees, followed by a lunch at the Yacht information, call 865-458-9407 or visit music and refreshments. breast problems, no personal history of Chub. Residents must sign up for golf and http://www.griefshare.org/. Coffee club breast cancer and no breast implants. ● The Kahite Coffee Club meets at 9 a.m. lunch at the Toqua Golf Course pro shop. Insurance will be fi led for each patient. FRIDAY at the Tellico Village Kahite activity center. For more information, call Geri Denney at The health department is located at 600 For more information, call Chota Recre- 865-408-9725. Rayder Ave., Loudon. For more informa- Loudon Housing Authority ation Center at 865-458-6779. Computer Users Club tion or to schedule an appointment, call ● Loudon Housing Authority meets at ● The next Tellico Village Computer the UT Breast Health Outreach Program at noon the fourth Friday of the month at 24 MONDAY Users Club’s general meeting will be held 865-305-9753. Pathkiller Trail, Loudon. 7-8:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Yacht Club. The AA meeting Loudon County Republican Women program will be centered around the de- APRIL 23-27 ● Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 7 ● Loudon County Republican Women mise of Windows XP and other Microsoft p.m. Fridays at the Episcopal Church of will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the lower gym- software. Joe Solymossy will moderate the Lions Club carnival the Resurrection off West Lee Highway in nasium at North Middle School in Lenoir discussion. The TVCUC board of directors ● Loudon Lions Club will hold a carnival Lenoir City. City. The program will feature an opportu- meeting takes place 3-5 p.m. the second April 23-27 at Loudon Municipal Park just Duplicate Bridge nity to meet the candidates who are seek- Tuesday of the month in room D of Chota off Highway 72. Admission and parking ● The Duplicate Bridge club meets at 1 ing offi ce in the May 6 election. This event Recreation Center. Visitors are welcome are free. Tickets for individual rides can p.m. Fridays at Chota Recreation Center in is open to the public. For more informa- at both meetings. The club accepts used be purchased at the park or $20 armbands Tellico Village. The competition is sanc- tion, call Shirley Reno at 865-986-1256. computers, monitors, printers and related will be available for unlimited rides. tioned by the American Contract Bridge Dance group peripherals for refurbishing and distri- Carnival hours are 5-10 p.m. Wednesday- League. For more information, call 865- ● The Sounds & Motions dance group bution as part of the Technology Access Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and 5 p.m-close Sat- 387-8000. holds a line dancing event 10:15-11:45 a.m. Program. The club also is in need of empty urday and 1-9 p.m. Sunday. Loudon Lions Ballroom dancing Mondays at the Loudon County Senior ink cartridges.
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