Aurelii are one of the three major Human subgroups within western Eramus, and the founders of the mighty (some say “Eternal”) “At the sight of the city utterly perishing Aurelian Empire. They are a sturdy, amidst the flames Scipio burst into tears, conservative group, prone to religious fervor and stood long reflecting on the inevitable and philosophical revelry in equal measure. change which awaits cities, nations, and Adding to this a taste for conquest, and is it dynasties, one and all, as it does every one any wonder the Aurelii spread their of us men. This, he thought, had befallen influence, like a mighty eagle spreading its Ilium, once a powerful city, and the once wings, across the known world? mighty empires of the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, and that of Macedonia lately so splendid. And unintentionally or purposely he quoted---the words perhaps escaping him Aurelii stand a head shorter than most unconsciously--- other humans, but their tightly packed "The day shall be when holy Troy shall forms hold enough muscle for a man twice fall their height. Their physical endurance is And Priam, lord of spears, and Priam's legendary amongst human and elf alike. folk." Only the Brutum are said to be hardier, And on my asking him boldly (for I had and even then most would place money on been his tutor) what he meant by these the immovable Aurelian. words, he did not name Rome distinctly, but Skin color among the Aurelii is quite was evidently fearing for her, from this sight fluid, running from pale to various shades of the mutability of human affairs. of brown, and their hair similarly can be Another still more remarkable saying of his I anything from white-blond to pitch black. may record. [When he had given the order The Aurelii are a cosmopolitan people, and for firing the town] he immediately turned so despite emphasis on their most noble round and grasped me by the hand and and ancient bloodlines, a certain level of said: "O Polybius, it is a grand thing, but, I adaptive breeding have made Aurelii stock a know not how, I feel a terror and dread, lest mighty and capable sort. someone should one day give the same order about my own native city.” ---Polybius Aurelii are sometimes seen as obstinate and Aurelii are simply possessed with a sort of obsessive to a fault. Once an Aurelian takes wanderlust. A need to seek out the edges of hold of an idea, he shall never let go of it the map and conquer them. Glory to oneself until proven wrong beyond all and one’s family will often drive both contradiction. In war, once a decision is Plebian and Patrician to seek out adventure made the entire Aurelii moves with one wherever they can. purpose, one resolve. Aurelii tend to argue up to the point of insubordination, and do respect those who speak their minds, but will always fall into line once a course has been set. Aurelii place great significance in names, and so take great care with them. One’s Yet despite this pig-headed appearance, rank in society is traditionally shown the Aurelii enjoy many more intellectual through the number of names one pursuits. Philosophy and Religion dominate possesses. The Patrician class utilize three their daily lives in a way that can make names, the Praenomen, Nomen, and them look like utter fanatics, though a Cognomen. The Plebeians make due with preponderance on the way of the Gods two names, the Praenomen and Nomen, makes sense when you follow a pantheon while slaves and non-citizen freemen are as diverse, fractious and capricious as their accorded a single name. Praenomen are own. personal names mostly used by family and close friends, while Nomen are used to show what “clan” one belongs to, and when a Cognomen is used it is a “public name”, sometimes inherited, sometimes earned The Aurelian Empire stretches across the through a deed or some physical quirk or known world, from the western ocean to the personality. Most confusingly however is great Yaga Sea in the east, from the cold the fact that many of these names can be mountains of Istar and the warm sea of interchangeable. Summersky to the baking deserts of Shannar. But the Aurelii will always love Male Praenomen: Agrippa (Agr.), Aulus their homeland of Tyranium for its rolling, (A.), Caeso (K.), Decimus (D.), Faustus (F.), rock-covered hills and the swift and Gaius (C.), Gnaeus (Cn.), Hostus, Lucius unpredictable rivers that course between (L.), Manius (M'.), Marcus (M.), Nonus, them. They are mountain and hillfolk by Numerius (N.), Octavius (Oct.), Opiter nature, and often look for the heights when (Opet.), Paullus, Publius (P.), Quintus (Q.), constructing new cities elsewhere. Septimus, Sertor (Sert.), Servius (Ser.), Sextus (Sex.), Tiberius (Ti.), Titus (T.), The Empire is, in point of fact, a Vibius (V.), Volesus (Vol.) Republic. The Speaker serves as a sort of Executive of the Assembly (CPQA), as well Female Praenomen: Appia (Ap.), Aula as head of state, military, and often (A.), Caesula, Decima (D.), Fausta (F.), Gaia religious functions. The Assembly (C.), Gnaea (Cn.), Hosta (H.), Lucia (L.), membership is drawn exclusively from the Maio (Mai.), Marcia (M.), Maxima, Nona, Old Houses of Aurel, but the plebs also Numeria (N.), Octavia (Oct.), Paulla, have a say in the function of government Postuma (Post.), Prima, Quarta, Quinta through their Tribunes. (Q.), Secunda (Seq.), Septima, Servia (Ser.), Statia (St.), Tertia, Titia (T.), Tiberia (Ti.), The Empire/Republic is seen as a Tulla, Vibia (V.), Volusa (Vol.), Vopisca religious figure itself, holy and sapient in its (Vop.) own right. Nomen: Antonius, Aufidius, Barbatius, Baebius, Caelius, Cassius, Didius, Duronius, Epidus, Equitius, Fabius, Fulvius, Galerius, Gavius, Helvetius, Hirtius, Icannus, Junius, Julius, Laelius, Imperious Imperials Licinus, Marius, Maximius, Naevius, Aurelii like to be able to group other people Numerius, Octavius, Oppius, Pompeius, into a simple Friends vs Foes dichotomy, if Pontius, Quinctius, Rufius, Rutilius, only so they know who they can rely on and who they must destroy. Aurelii prefer group Scribonius, Septimius, Tanicius, Tullius, players and professionals, and will generally Umbrius, Valerius, Vibius, Vorenus disapprove of lone wolves and those who don’t take their work seriously. Cognomen: Augustus, Aurelius, Bellus, Duanii. “A people of legendary skill with Bubo, Censorius, Corvus, Dio, Draco, the forge and the bloom, their smithing rivals Eborius, Eliphas, Felix, Fortunatus, our own. A people who understand the strong Gallenus, Gracchus, Hadrianus, must rule, even as they resist our Honoratus, Ignatius, Indus, Lepidus, inevitability. Still, useful enough. At least, as Lucan, Magnus, Maximus, Narses, Nero, fodder.” Opimius, Otho, Pastor, Proceus, Quintilius, Isemanni. “A dangerous new threat to Regulus, Rufus, Seneca, Severus, Tacitus, civilization. Some can be turned towards the Tyranus, Ursinus, Valens, Varro, Zeno light of civilization, but most should be treated with suspicion until proven.” Halhvannen. “True friends and allies. While they while away their time with music and magic, there is no doubt when in the heat of battle that they shall have our back. Steel Aurelii possess many traits which define and Sorcery together are stronger than apart.” them as a people. Brutum. “A mighty folk, divided between those who love and serve the Empire, and Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution those who hate it and all the good it brings. increases by 2, and your Intelligence No better nor steadfast an ally is there in the increases by 1. entire world.” Age. Aurelii mature in their late teens and Elves. “Not the most trustworthy, but can live just over a century. Their hardy certainly skilled. Wouldn’t trust one with your nature keeps them active until very late in daughter, but perhaps with guard duty, or going up the siege ladder first.” their lives. Alignment. Aurelii are Lawful Neutral. They are very social and family orientated, and will judge the world around them as more or less “Civilized” than themselves. Size. Aurelii are Medium creatures. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. Imperial Training. Due to the militant nature of their society, Aurelii of every rank receives some amount of military training. You gain proficiency in Short Swords, Shields, and Javelins. 1,000 Gods. In a world where the Gods are powerful, everywhere, and only looking out for those who know how to ask them, it’s advantageous to know your prayers. You gain Proficiency in the Religion Skill. Frontline Fighter. You know that allowing an enemy into one’s interior is death. Creatures within 5 feet provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach. .
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