Uoices of Prayer and Praise HYMNS AND POEMS K enneth Sylvan G uthrie THEOSOPH1CAL PUBLISHING CO 344Lenox Avenue, YORK CITY London: L uzac & Co, 36 G t Russel S t., W.C. Digitized by The above Cut was drawn by the writer, and for years served as heading for his Magazine T he Prophet in which many o f the hymns and poems in this volume appeared. The symbolic picture on the next page was designed and drawn by the writer. The symbolic picture on the next page represents the Narrow Path leading from the City of Darkness, through the Desert, up the steep side of the Mountain of Serene Abode to the Temple» passing through the Three Gatee o f Consecration, Conservation, and Attainment. ' Copyright, 1905, by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie. All Rights Reserved Entered at Stationers’ Hali. Digitized by I am no Artist, but an Artisan Who may have stumbled into harmonies; I worked by rule, according to some plan; My deity was e'er Utility. My best was done by what most men call Chance When suddenly the Lord would have me serve; I worshipped Beauty to extravagance, But had no time her favors to deserve. I threw my children o ff as soon as born, Oppressed by life's irregularities; I gather roses, leaves, roots, stem and thorn— Voices of Worship, Prayerf and hnmble Praise. Digitized by Google The Second Prophet Tune Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie — = £ - f = :— 1 3T--------- j. J -g —m — —\ ---- 4-------- 1 ------^ hsH r- J-T9J /SN . 0 * « * men. ---1■c^.. “ Æ -JL^2__ {■ 1 J — Digitized by Google Invocation O father, deign to enter here, In tender love, and power austere. O make this room Thy san&uary; The Owner Thou, the priests are we Let fire from Heaven fall on it, And burn our souls till they are lit. O speak to us both oft and clear, That we may oft, obeying, hear. When we forget Thee leave not Thou, But call to mind our broken vow. Fear not to chasten oft and sore To make us live forevermore. ‘O F ather, come, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. Enable with perpetual light The dulness of our blinded sight. Anoint and cheer our soiled face With the abundance of Thy grace.’ Pursue us with Thy Heavenly love, Till we grow worthy it above. Digitized by The Fhvt ’'Prophet' Tune Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie. i,V-t -G- O - #-■ # t í * : â p -g-- P-W- & i O ^ f g ^ r - 1 i j- 1 ffr\ y ' Ijg J i g A m O, OJ g* I f ^ ^ 7g 1 ■ *■ h a .• « ~ ~ ______~ _____ r v __i_____ rH I 1 ■ 1 I 1 ^ ^ i • I __L __ . _ — r g jffi ’- r 1 V------------- -4— 1— (— --T- t---T r - J Digitized by Google WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL Angel, with whom I ’ ve wrestled all the night, Still sealed those lips that can the blessing speak? I will not let thee go with morning’ s light; Strong is my soul, though hands and feet be weak. I will not let thee go: speak thou to me, And lead me till I clasp my Father’ s feet; I hold thee firm until his Face I see, And hear Him say, ‘And is it thou, at last? ‘ And is it thou, for whom I ’ ve waited long? Listening if ever thou would’ st turn this w ay, T h y slightest prayer to hear, ’ mid seraph throng?’ Dear Angel bless me; ’ tis the coming day! THE PRAYER OF CONSECRATION O Heavenly Pilot, leave me not alone Amidst these tides and currents all unknown: For, while I row, I cannot forwards see, So, facing backwards, fix my gaze on Thee. ’ TisThou alone canst tell if with the goal I keep in line, while on the waves I roll: 0 H oly Helmsman, shining and serene, 1 have but Thee on whom my life to lean! O steer my bark with all T h y heavenly skill In strift conformity unto T h y Will. When I forget, oh call me back to Thee, That I may reach those Towers I fain would see Those Heavenly Towers wherein doth dwell Thy light, And souls are blest with beatific sight. O Holy Helmsman, shining and serene, Forsake me not, on Thee alone I lean. Digitized by C j O O Q l e The Fifth "Prophet’* Tune Keanetfc Sylvan Gathrie r \ m;¡o -fg» ^ hP ÜT7 W i s 8g-g-A—y= ^ = p - —g j-g —g — i " l "I è : i z ¿ 3¿ = g ^ Digitized by L i O O Q l e V The Prayer for a. Mejv&ge * i Hast Thou no Message left to send me, Hast Thou not even one? Is there not something Thou couldst be doing For my soul’s welfare, ere set of sun? a Perhaps if Thou shouldst now assist me, I might yet find Thy Face; So in this moment, now, opportunely, Inspire my efforts with heavenly grace. 3 Thou art my Guide, my Strength, my Wisdom, Thou art my Holiness; Strive with me further, still without ceasing, And it may be I shall grow through stress. 4 I will wring pity from Thy justice By my self-discipline; Thou shalt not have the heart to forsake me Ere I have managed to leave my sin. 5 O let not this dear day be added To those sad, silent days, W hen I was forced to lie down in slumber W ithout one Message, to wake my praise! Digitized by L i ooQle GSg^The Twentieth "'Prophet* Tune.t^E) Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie. / • a • A — u-— 1------ |------ i----- H ------ r f t - H r | j 1 1 " --------1 f i j u - t - !iasfcjz gtz* l & J J l I l l JL I p - - - »1/» — e r—— __4 f2 . a p" l. * _i __ 1 7 5 1 F i { IT -1! p 7 5 — 1 L / . xLj2 JL » • a l s l— w I 1 1----- pr----pr- . s J L b P L 1 p - -------- 1 -------- 1------ 1------ 1------ r m p • i i /TN. i * \ m /CN L y — ____ |___ I ____i____ i ------ 1 J__ l l ? __ ____ m M.a_______LL_L__ 1___ t J jm r lyrgnti i t J u i 1_ * l FI . m u * ^ — t ------ 1 V U a n i J b i b F tjj• r a r ^ Hb_i ■ a f r " ^ r l * IT v m m & • ar~ & -M S l - -r----- • \C\. -I-. i h r r FI F M 4 r 7 5 T l ^ - ! . I1 £ b 1__L___r _ J f 1 _ 7 ^ 1 CZ b fj i g .... r ■ _ r l l m___A LV i-1 1 \ . .. .r. J q : : ------ ------------------j—L_-M — t — i - r AN INVOCATION FOR PEACE There shall be perfeft peace tonight within this san&uary, That God may come in spirit-might to bless this family. N o earthly voice shall dare to rise in harsh or selfish tone; 1 N o frown or laugh shall shame our eyes that shall be heavenward thrown. N o wandering thought shall desecrate our sacrament of prayer; Nor shall there rise the least debate, nor frowardness whate’ er. There shall be perfeft peace tonight within this san&uary, For God shall grant us heavenly light, and bless us while we pray* Digitized by ( ^ . o o Q l e 0 The'•Prophet’* Lord V Prayer. 0 Octave lower till heavy bar. Prayer recited on F monotone. * ----------------- k » --------- g b a ^ ~ I m JSfL Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; —«.— ----- ------------------------- — i s ■ rv—T ~~U -1h i "d---- j1i-- __ • J i iT} _ ^ i a Cr - ’ ' I W:Mm r\r • • mJ W> r— vU J r #I * %y • - - [-• ^ ^ e those our bread^ and for-give ut our C* 1 A# forgive who l ^ tre!■ pa«- ««», ---- • L 1 ; • (F~• s • - c/ 1 1 ? • Ä.. !• S*• l*--- — 2-3 • L—- • J-6^5--- L« 4— ---------- j j - r ~ . u - t — — f~ ■ U - M ■ » T J - W f i w ^ 4 >ad u# not in-■ to temp- t alien» B u t de- lir ver ! trespass a- gainst; us. 7^r-------- H— 9 0 - 0 - * + - r|># j -j- J?* ■ •feg » r r r ^ r -r r r - h r - -frj-fj Pr-[---- —r p P —p- s ± 5 d -1 Ö T E*È = m £ —i— i— i— h- — BË Digitized by Google The Thirteenth ‘‘Prophet*’ Tune'-gE}’ Kenneth Sylvin Guthrie Digitized by Google V The Likening Song X refrain: Oh listen, listen, listen—oh listen patiently; Oh listen to the Voices that seek to reach to thee! O thou who seekest comfort why listenest thou not Unto the Voices in thyself That thou hast quite forgot ? The Voices of the midnight, they plead, tney follow In vain! For thou art too engaged [thee; In seeking sympathy. O thou who lackest wisdom why lookest not within Why call’st not on thy Inner Self To keep thyself from sin? The Voices of the morning, they plead, they follow But while thou look’s for outside help, [thee; Thou fail’st their help to see. O thou who seek’st companionship, oh lift thine Unto thy unseen Heavenly Friend [eyes in prayer Who, though forgot, is there. The Voices of the noon-day, they plead, they follow While busied with thy loneliness [thee, Thou’rt lost in misery. O thou who seek’st instru&ion in heavenly mystery Why list’nest not to Voices sent From th’Inmost Sandhiary ? The Voices of the evening, they plead, they follow In vain attempt to teach to thee [thee The Path of Destiny! Digitized by Google G^pThe Seventeenth •‘Prophet” Tune.r^Z ) Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie.
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