5150 YEARSS 11 E O B S E R V E R SAINT MARY’S Thursday, October 20, 1994* Vol. XXVI No.40 G n o t r e d a m e - i n S THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Cinema impacted apartheid ^STUDENT SENATE By MICHAEL DAY News Writer Senate shoots down Hollywood’s great effect on cultures throughout the world watchdog committee has helped reveal the unbeliev­ able parallels that exist By G W ENDOLYN NORGLE and approved by a majority of between Apartheism of the past News W riter the Senate, they would serve 50 years and Nazism of the until the April of their gradua­ 1940’s, according to Peter The mandate for the for­ tion year, stated Matzzie. Davis in his documentary “In mation of a “watchdog” com­ “There’s no mention of rights Darkest Hollywood: Cinema and mission of the office of Student in DuLac,” Matzzie said before Apartheid.” Affairs was voted down at the the resolution was voted upon. Davis, a leading producer and Student Senate meeting last He said “that is my attempt director of documentary films night. with this resolution” - to have over the last decade, spoke at Interim Freshmen Class the rights of Notre Dame stu­ DeBartolo Hall last night The Observer/Brian Hardy Council President Thomas dents recognized and to have following the showing of his lat­ Peter Davis addresses Hollywood’s influence on apartheid in MatzzieSouth presented his resolu­ the authority of the office of est documentary depicting the Africa during a viewing of his film last night in DeBartolo. tion once again, which called Student Affairs checked. cinema’s influence on apartheid for a mandate by the Student After Matzzie presented the as a people,” said novelist “They (the Africans) viewed it in South Africa. Senate for a “watchdog” com­ changes to his resolution, mem­ Lewis Nkoski in Davis’ film. as some kind of miracle to see Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, mission that would be “inde­ bers of the Senate followed “Because of the cinema, a black actors on the stage,” said Roy Rogers, and Betty Grable pendent of the authority of any with a number of questions and whole new world opened up to Nkoski in the documentary. have long been household Student Government Adminis­ comments. the Africans. For the first time “They loved the white actors names in America, according to tration and under the direct au­ “Student Government is too they had the opportunity to they had seen in the 1940’s and Davis, but few would realize thority of the Student Senate.” big,” according to Senator view other cultures and develop ‘50’s, but there is no describing that the black culture of South The commission would keep Brian Foley, an understanding of a greater the emotion they felt when they Africa treated these actors as watch over the Office of “You’re going against the world.” first saw performers of the idols in the middle of the Student Affairs and its depart­ wishes of the student body who Movie viewers all over the same color as themselves.” Twentieth Century. ments, which is “virtually voted for (Student Body Vice world were able to see the hor­ The cinema truly was a way This is all because of the unchecked in its authority over President and President) Matt rors of apartheid in South for the blacks of South Africa to tremendous effect that the cin­ all aspects of student life,” (Orsagh) and Dave Africa for the first time in Alan forget about the cruelties they ema had on the South African according to Matzzie. (Hungeling),” he said to Baton’s film “Cry, The Beloved faced every day in the system of life style during the 50 years of Matzzie submitted his reso­ Matzzie. “You’re making Stu­ Country.” Baton’s production apartheid, according to Davis. the apartheid’s existence. The lution with changes from the dent Government bigger.” provided an effect similar to the They used it as an outlet and blacks of the country welcomed first resolution he presented at “Couldn’t we put this (com­ one that Harriet Beecher altered their own way of living anything that would provide the Student Senate meeting two mission) under the jurisdiction Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by what they viewed on the big fantasy and a break from the weeks ago. of th e CLC (C am pus Life had in the United States, said screen, he added. rigors they faced daily in “I took input that members Council) or the legal de­ Davis. As a result of how vividly and apartheid, according to Davis. of the Senate presented at the partment instead of creating an Hollywood’s influence on the accurately the films created In his two part film, Davis last meeting," he said. entirely new body?,” Off South African culture peaked in during the 1960’s depicted the illustrated not only the unbe­ The resolution he presented Campus Co-President Matt Reh the 1960’s despite the increase horrors of apartheid, a world­ lievable suffering that the last night included information asked. in violence and the constant wide sentiment for the blacks’ blacks faced during the time concerning the members of the “Why do the same people segregation the blacks faced suffering in South Africa grew period, but also the “amazing “watchdog” commission. need to be there for three during the decade, according to dramatically during the next influence the movies had on the he commission would consist years?,” Rich Palermo, co- the film. For the first time, decade. African culture during the of three members of every class chair of the Hall Presidents Africans emerged as the promi­ Ironically, the white South apartheid rule." who shall be selected during Council, asked. nent actors in the films, and the African government turned to “It (the cinema) influenced their sophomore year, accord­ “If you vote against it, let it response they received was fashion, behavior, and the way ing to Matzzie. After being unbelievable. the Africans viewed themselves see APARTHEID/ page 5 appointed by the Chairperson see SENATE/ page 5 Former dean dies at age 79 By NANCY D U N N Culliton from Harvard Business influential change was the dra­ Assistant News Editor School as the new dean. Culli­ matic improvement in faculty, ton was to institute reforms according to Milani. “He estab­ Thomas Murphy, former dean that would turn Notre Dame’s lished the foundation for a of the College of Business of business school into a first- quality College of Business Administration died Sunday in class, modern institution. Administration,” said Milani. Sydney, Australia after a long Culliton started the Program Murphy earned his bache­ illness. He was 79. for Administrators (PFA) as a lor’s and master’s degrees from Friends and colleagues at the pilot program for a limited Boston University and taught at University remembered Murphy number of students within the Aquinas College in Grand as someone who was a pleasure system. Murphy served as di­ Rapids, Mich., from 1939-42. to work with and be with. rector for the PFA for two years Then he entered the Navy and “Tom Murphy’s leadership and inherited the deanship served in the South Pacific dur­ enabled the College of Business when Culliton left. Under ing World War II as a lieu­ Administration to move to a Murphy’s leadership, Culliton’s tenant commander on the USS productive blend of teaching, limited reforms were applied to O’Bannon. He received two research, and service while the entire college and made a citations from President maintaining high ethical and requirement for all students. Roosevelt and subsequently professional standards,” said “Murphy was instrumental in was graduated from the Naval friend, neighbor, and colleague engineering the change from W ar College in Newport, R.I. Ken Milani. trade-based curricula to cur­ After the war, he taught for a “Much of the excellence of the riculum based upon year at Holy Cross College in program today is due to his ef­ administration and manage­ Worcester, MA., then joined the forts years ago,” said Father ment,” said John Malone, emer­ Notre Dame faculty in 1946. Theodore Hesburgh, University itus faculty. Malone and Dean Murphy was the first di­ president emeritus. Appointed Murphy worked together for rector of the London MBA pro­ dean during his presidency, twelve years. Hesburgh called gram, a post he assumed in Murphy made great efforts to them “twins working for the 1977. upgrade academically the col­ betterment of the college.” Murphy specialized in busi­ lege of Business, according to As dean in 1967, Murphy ness finance and investments Hesburgh. played an integral role in the and had expert knowledge of “He was a marvelous profes­ inauguration of the master’s of the stock market, both theoreti­ sor. I have heard many former business administration pro­ cally and practically, said Mal­ students say he was the best gram, the dedication of Hayes- one. professor they ever had,” said Healey Center two years later, In addition to his University Fr. Hesburgh. and the ceremonies marking duties, Murphy was a member After World War II, the direc­ the 50th anniversary of busi­ of the President’s Export Ex­ The Observer/ Brian Hardy tion business school curricula ness education at Notre Dame. pansion Council, an advisory should take became a major is­ His contributions to the Uni­ group to the U.S. Secretary of Going once . sue, according to Malone. Fr. versity could be measured sole­ Commerce, and served on the Notre Dame Security held an auction last night to sell confiscatedCavanaugh, University presi­ ly in terms of his having Hayes- items such as bikes, radios, and typewriters.
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