FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 PAGE TWO Waco Farm and Labor Journal FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2019 FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2019 Waco Farm and Labor JournalPage 4 PAGE SEVEN influential coalition of businesses Grocery Chain Deploys Financial Focus working to build sustainability throughout the economy, on May Robots as Union Power Rises provided by Richard Wallace Waco19, 2019 organized a day of lob- Farm and Labor EdwardJones Investment Co. By Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO cial intelligence to supplement or bying on Capitol Hill – the so- June 11 – Stop & Shop, a North- even replace human labor. called “Lawmaker Education & east chain of supermarkets, has In its 2018 annual report, the Work Toward Your overlook the day-to-day fluctua- CardinalAdvocacy Day Great (LEAD) Lou on Car Brock,- Who Died Over Labor Day Weekend IATSE ‘Front and Center’ in Seeking Restoration USPS 664-120 – SSN-0889-3233 tions in the market and keep your bon Pricing” – where 75 major Published weekly by Jones Printing Co., 412 S. 16th Street, Waco, TX 76706. deployed robots in its unionized company identified organized labor Subscription rates (postage paid): $6.50 per year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes workplaces to patrol for spills and as a potential risk to the company: Own Financial focus on your long-term goals. AtU.S.-based Age 81, companies Welcomed leaned on the Late Curt Flood Into Club’s Hall of Fame Of Federal Unemployment Benefits in Pandemic • Unleash the potential in your Congress to pass meaningful cli- to WACO FARM AND LABOR JOURNAL, P.O. Box 402, Waco, TX 76703-0402. trash on the floor. “Our brands may not be able to ne- By Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO public schools, local governments and Periodical Postage Paid at Waco, Texas Independence Day retirement plan. Your 401(k) or By Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO effect of being a double hundreds connected to Curt Flood, the star Problem is, if a human did what gotiate acceptable terms for exten- mate legislation, including put- Sept. 8 – The Texas AFL-CIO was the U.S. Postal Service. He called on the Founded by J. M. Pittillo in 1906 DearDear EarthTalk:EarthTalk: I amWhat sickened are Sept. 8 – Lou Brock, the Hall of of times in his career, as he rang outfielder who challenged the “re- these robots are doing, he or she sions and replacements of contracts Once again, it’s time for fire- similar employer-sponsored plan ting a price on carbon emissions. proud to join the International Asso- union to keep up involvement “until we Weekly Standard absorbed in 1919 is a great way to save for retire- Americanby all the death,businesses destruction doing and to FameExelon, baseball Gap, outfielder General known Mills, for up 888 stolen bases; and c) in 21 serve clause,” which essentially Roger Jones, Editor and Publisher would be fired post-haste. The as a result of unfavorable demands works, picnics and parades as the stealing bases and far exceeding World Series games, he batted .391 indentured players to a team for ciation of Theatrical Stage Employees have a government that treats you with ment. You can contribute pre-tax helpmisery the resulting U.S. meet from its Paristhe West cli- Johnson & Johnson, Kaiser Per- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC New Food Economy, a specialized and expectations from unions.” nation celebrates Independence even his usual high level of excel- and stole 14 bases, dominating he life, leaving players no option to Local 205 today as 150 union members the dignity and respect you deserve.” dollars, so the more you put in, the mateCoast accord wildfires, commitments? but aren’t these manente, Levi’s, Nestlé, Nike, Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or publication, reports that all the ro- But, as Ahold Delieze reas- Day. Collectively, we enjoy many blazes actually beneficial to the lence for the St. Louis Cardinals game’s largest stage. test their market value. Flood spent and, in a few cases, non-members To get the flavor, go to: https://bit. corporation, which may appear in the columns of the Waco Farm and Labor Journal will lower your taxable income, and M. Francis Microsoft, PepsiCo, Shell and bot does is announce a “spill” over sured shareholders, the company liberties, but some freedoms can environment? in the World Series, died over the As with the passing of Mets much of his career batting right pushed road cases from the Paramount ly/2ZkoF7R be gladly corrected if it is brought to the attention of the publisher. the public address system, nagging is working on the problem: “We be elusive – and financial free- your earnings can grow tax de- New York, NY weekendTesla were at theamong age of the 81. 21 Fortune pitcher Tom Seaver, Brock’s death after Brock in the Cards lineup. Theater to the south gates of the Capitol For video of the entire event, go to: ferred. (With a Roth 401(k), you Not every businessB.T., leaderHelena, in MT the 500 companies participating in until an employee arrives to pick are partnering on technologies that dom is one of them. What actions Some landscapes evolved with When you watched a Cardinals recalls the early days of the Major In 2015, Flood entered the Car- to call attention to the need to renew fed- https://bit.ly/35jH20r up whatever is there. Moreover, are not only helping us make the can you take to help yourself put in after-tax dollars, but your U.S. agrees with Donald Trump homethe event. game onAlong TV, thewith announcers these big League Baseball Players Associa- dinals Hall of Fame, posthumously. eral pandemic unemployment benefits. ‘Good News,’ But the Fight thatperiodic global wildfires warming as anisn’t influential worth THE STATE OF TEXAS the robots can’t distinguish be- customer experience even more eventually declare your own fi- withdrawals are tax-free, provid- wouldplayers, hasten dozens to ofpoint small out and when me - tion, now one of the most success- Brock spoke at the ceremony. The call to restore the $600 a week To any Sheriff or any Constable within the theforce, worry. and Anyonepeople have looking been atusing the For a Fair Contract Continues tween actual spills and a twist-tie, personal and relevant but also nancial independence? ed you meet certain conditions.) “prescribed burns” (the controlled Brockdium sizedcame companiesto the plate, as “Fans,well as ful unions in history and a model From the remarks: payments – credited in many circles with State of Texas – GREETING: among other things. operate more efficiently and man- For starters, you’ll want to deter- But despite these tax advantages, factsapplication realizes of that fire climate under specifiedchange they’reseveral nottrade booing. associations They’re yellspan- - for other sports. The Baseball “Forty-five years ago, Curt took a staving off poverty for workers who YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to cause By Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO wholly-owned subsidiary of Dow The story takes due notice of the age labor shortages in our markets. mine what financial independence your 401(k)’s full potential won’t isweather bad for conditions) most businesses, to restore ex- ingning Louuuuuuu.....” economic sectors Folks joined thought the Reference book estimates Brock’s stand against baseball, and he was have lost their jobs through no fault of to be published, ONCE, not less than ten be realized unless you fund it ade- cept those willing to adapt to new ofeffort. him asAll a told,singles the hitter, companies but a) itin - 1968 salary – mind you, after help- out of the game for 45 years...Forev- their own – coincides with the return to days before the return day thereof, exclusive June 6 – The lockout of union Chemical. The workers will cease context of a CEO who had publicly This includes exciting new col- means to you. Is it the liberty to health to certain types of ecosys- of the date of publication, in a newspaper of meet all your cash flow needs? quately. Try to contribute as much timestems foror millennia.those based But onwhile sustain some- wasn’tvolved really represent true; allwhen 50 Brockstates hitand ing lead St. Louis to the World Se- ermore, Curt Flood will be with us.” work today of the U.S. Senate, which workers at a Dow Chemical plant picketing and be back on the job fretted about the union: laborations in artificial intelligence for nearly four months has refused to general circulation printed and/or published as you can afford each year and ablefires products in some andplaces processes might be from ben- 20more home than runs a million and stole U.S. more workers, than ries title a year earlier – at $70,000. Better late than never? See the in McLennan County, Texas, the accompa- in Deer Park has ended. by 6 a.m. Monday, June 10. Marty is at the vanguard of the and robotics.” The freedom to retire comfortably, take action on HEROES Act legislation Workers represented by United “It’s good to see that the com- robot revolution, normalizing “It’s really not doing much of at the age you choose? The ability increase your contributions as theeficial, get-go. the wholesale torching of 50not bases to mention in the world combined championship annual In 2020, a player of Brock’s caliber speech by Brock: https://youtu. nying citation, of which the herein below is year of 1967, he was the first player might have a four-year package be/26qwQrlfLUs approved by the House. a true copy. Steelworkers Local 13-1 will pany has finally come to its senses automation in everyday spaces.
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