NILES and MORTON GROVE All 16,000 homes delivoed weekly fl Unco4n Puii I Ridg.\\ Pk r FEB 1 5 2C1 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID .Bugle News 50 CENTS ;'ik% . PER COPY 7400 WAUKEGAN RO, NILES, IL 60714 . FEBRUARY 15,,2001 VOL. 44, NO.34 Thirtyfive municipalities meet Trustee files papers to discuss digital cable woes for Nues incumbents Nues takes charge on AT&T cable problems AT&T Broadband service, or that AT&T was caught without Pat Keenan, vice president of lack thereof, was the topic of a adequate capacity to handle the communications for AT&T meetingFeb.2initiatedby activity generated by the Broadband, said that these prob- Steve Vinezeano, Assistant to changeover. Continued on Page 46 Nues Village Manager. Complaints in the aftermath Trustee Louella Preston af.ipeared before Village of AT&T's Dcc. 20 switch to Clerk Kathy digital service were so Be on guard for Harbfson to file nomination papers for the April3, 200 1 Consoli- widespread that Vinezeano dated Election on behalf of the PresentLeadership With Econo- decided a forum was in order. identity theft my Party for incumbents Mayor Nicholas B. Blase,and Trustees Vinezeano learned that Niles Police are seeing an in-cautions that informationgets Robert M. Caller, Louella Blame Preston,and Andrew Przyby- customers often were unable to crease of identity theft such asintothewrong hands when /o. reach AT&T service representa- the unlawful use of credit cards,wallets or purses are stolen, but tives, but if so, reps didn't have forgery andthe use of a falsealso when mail with bank and New condos re.focus answers to their questions about identity for unlawful gain. credit card information is stolen. programming changes. When Sgt. Jim Zimmerman, Nibs Betsy Broder, assistant Nuesviewerscouldn'treach Publíc Information Officer, saiddirectorforplanning andin- on old building AT&T, they called the village in he has recently seen about sixformation at the Federal Trade Groundbrcaking preparations attentiontoan old building frustration, he saidBy Feb. 2 reports of this kind of activityCommission (FTC).saidthat for the Eagle Pointe Condomini- judged to be roughly 100 years the village had received about withina week. Zimmerman Continued on Page 4,/ UrnS in Nues alongMilwaukee old. 50 complaints, which suggests .-. Avenues condo row brought Andy Przbylo,ownerof White Eagle Restaurant across fromSt.Adelbert's Cemetery, Nues firemen retire with 69years 1NSIDE Continued on Page 46 of combined service rJJjit,1Arj J*i,J Central Avenue . ... -____ . ,IU1ôj,tOJ4ì.'J.Z upgrades to , '. T '0' . cost $1 million !L- . Even with heip from the state, 4' ,'./. J)lilI)I)Cd upgrades in NUes along Central Avenue from Jarvis to l-lvaidwi Il cost an estimated ,An )níorrnationalI s I million. Guide Niles public services Director JunNoriegatells iluit the upgrades willreplLtcc existmng Retirement/ sjl1tl t m ad vayv i Ui comiere IC, Nursng Home install nc' curbing and guttems iuiRi Putifl'lter niains thatvit I Pages 19-30 connect businesses and residenc- C',ctstolI chigh Avenue to Communhy Nmlcs water supply. Calendar 1-leIp Imomii the state to the tune At the January Village Board Meeting, Fire Lt. Calvin Radway (33 years of seivice) and Sheldon Mik- ut'' I 25 ,Ùu() Iìas been l)m()miSe(l ko/sen (36 years ofservice) were presented with plaques in honor of their retirement. They were (eco g- 'ages 14-17 hum()ov. lyami's ''Illinois Fusi' t u od i ng . lìrt je i put i ( )n i n the pro - nized by Mayor 8/ase and the Board of Trustees for their outstanding contributions and dedication to the CIassfeds g rain k w t h i s proj cet was i n i t i at - Niles Fire Department during theirmanyyears of service. Pages 39-43 cdbyStateRe,).lmlphC. Shown (left to right) Mayor Nicholas B. 8/ase, Calvin Radway, Sheldon Mikkelsen, and Trustee Bart C'1l)l)11e I I i ,I), Chicago. Murphy. PAGE2 TOtE 0UGLE,TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, OWl TICE BUGLE, TCtUO5DAY, FEBRUARY in,2501 PAGE 3 OPEN HOUSE Roosevelt University February Forever Friefld FEBRUARY 20th 4-6:30 p.m. Sugar Plum Tree Preschool and Bette E. (Please R.S.V.P.) MAGAZINES Protessional Rubinson NAEYC Accredited on-line open house Day Care, Inc. registration Dog Grooming by it,D.Benser Botin E. Robinson, danghier of PRESCHOOL ii sand io be n000ssary far grsmas la financial aid in uhan Soosme,' Regitinotino Ptsii ttegistraiieo ube adunaI,1506' Gilhick'Park Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rahinsan praspocavostadentsinnuake roasts bring manead by unison- UTNE READER'S February DAY CARE Tiny Inaginming of Iho fail pro. Ridge, beamed iv Rodaamao Lu. nf Skahie, Itas roceivod meogni- ann nr mare sinus io oallege smnycasitstlnrs.Il'sunknown nanny roparts Chieage is the sen- Tha entomor camp pragrum will begin av Jano t i red end on k'nilnnnvv ill be Augusi 20. Yan von Il tonan Chanch, Crone 4.030 p.vn. liar os Ihn Denn's Lisr foe lbs fall $OQ OFF KINDERGARTEN esunpus befora mcbing any drei- ham many pmaspootive nhndsnhs verh moss nsdrrrsled cuy in Acgasn 17. The sammoonamp for loglmlan inn nil classes on Pobma- PIn.-alec'all Im en os know yao ame semetleras Brodisy University in SUMMER CAMP nions. Now learning shoal coi- will Sariivipalr, bah rarely America. Thm lop ardr,rmtrd city Foil Groornina Ilny 20. The ulasces offoned are; darnring O alcova n have maueniale Peoria, lilienie. logowillbr nosier sed inane 30.000invirelmonshava been ib Mihwsahen feilswnd by Wecs children sges 5.9 will providn ev- Nase Cilento Only Prolessional Staff Klndemganlcn nonmly fonynun peruse' i. To be eligible foe ihr Dran's cvncrnioai es Raosrnrhi Univor- nomi na peamprenies sundonln, ear- Polen Beach, Lasisnilie, Wosh- panirnee le planeing aed carrying far childron 5 With Ad Eep. 3/15/01 Excellent facility with gym List nsisdesi mash achiese amin- lily holds us awn an -lino opon porsiions and libranies all over inglOn, D.0 .,p'ttlsbarg, Spokane 0010 Carnival in Only, swinuming years' aId, We have a fall day Kin- Gymnastics Available onory day an Coelnenial Pool, donganee pragrenn. You env negirmer lar nommer imam 3.5 geade-pairr average for Innata an Tbarsdsy, Fob. 22. llme nen'mnn. Many Cavalry manc- ead Chieoga. mind fall programs or nImmlime, If Ike nemeslee os a4,S seats. - Praschnal EVENING HOURS ComputRr Class Linkingpraspecaurunder- hons and staff are rsprcnnd na ho Sold mips, mpaens Is0000r ned classesMoe.-Fni. frart 9-11:30 unu. Agrs 3.1/2 by yea would like a baro) Ihr faoiIi. graduair and gnsdunnastadenns availabledaringuhr an-lino Chicago is cammesded fer ils bnvnbaill. and niubs iphonogna- We Carry Open 6:45 am. to 6:00 p.m. p11/, gardenieg, filness, myarns, Sepu. 1,4 and 5 ynarolnhe. ny al Orclber lime, coil Men, Mur. wirb Rnacocoli focally end staff, opnur Iraner. bcsniy, ils parks asd irs plelbara The ornomnot ego bonne *SoIid Gold Dog Food * Ages 2-9 years joweiry caking. 01cl. Day Caro/PrerohoolnIasses yelime Walnrs nr 847-823-1979. lino 0er-hirns upen huaso will ho nf nos Imarsets which tITHE raros TIlo school le lecated meo block is the friewds whe tre.' "Tb smurabas fer ublldrom 2./2 by Scptrnmkcr Director Maryellen Waters(847) 823-1978 mold in two srssiens. The firsn ir eesirr Io da ill eslmrmriy reasOrableis prior. Nonub o) Taleoll and ace blech quccl Is. 7511 Milwaukee, 51150 will ho from Il ow. io 2 p.m. collego tundir5 from lnomror - I,3,4,snd5yocrnlds. Ralph Waists Emcreow 1006 Gillick - Park Ridge The summon vamp program loe Aflem Schach Care fon school WenI afCulvborland. 847-647-0002 rad rho second will ha Cram 5 'avonk. Eves ifa praspodninsbin- Oiher UNE rendes criado It block nvrlh of TairaIt and I block Axel si Cavbvrlecd-near Kennedy Cap.) 00S 2-1/2105 wIll rnvlado O erg- muge child ree atlevdieg Ronuovoll Gar program is eoe.srcramiss, In Redeemer L.sstheran Chorsh Rulldiflg p.m. ne 8p.m. dend uvas nan nf sIamo, he nr sIlo Tenus'arais-sporsarodsooca- alenpreneheolprogrampias Prnsprewnn stsdenia dan loam 'will ho able Io aso a comparar la liars, the plrnsamos of ron-Moms Sclnnal swimming ai Soslb Park wading OpeottsosnFebruary2fl CHERRY VANILLA MANGO MOKKA TOASTED ALMOND.UBEaboni line univnnsiiy and ils pro- ask questIons and loare valanble nani-lima p anemia g mrd 5hrssss. peolundhaldrenys. gnannsin lite Cellrge of Arts and mnfnrnmawns foam Ransevnli'a fa- illnrvolstiae injoniar high We will have Opon H anse al Seiendes, WaIler E. Holier Col- cully and siaff,"said Anhur achnanls. Addilinnol arlicles is- lege of Saciaras Administration, Lewis, oscillano dirocior nf sd- (Li elude sisdoels doing belles in Morton Grove 0 Chiosgo Cellego of Prrfnmnning tvhnolswirbtolsirnrollmasr -uArts, Eurlyn T. Stase University "This is ihr wave of Ihe fslarr frann 300 lv 900. Also, sehiclon Collage and Collego of Educa- ne annrnnnnnjig arad reno and worm ruggos ningro daning yoam grocery Historical meeting o lion by lagging glad In he affrning nur own 0010 ne- billn b ystamnin g a baying dab, Ihn The MorIon Gwen Hislaniunl lecllennd,yummlnor irformalien ncww.noosenehn.nda/nprshausa. J innr ayee hoasr forlIre hInan enlinral hrrilagr nf Iba lest 100 Smteioly will nnool al 7 p.m. ne l5arlioiparinu'ill br askrd tosigo can ho ohlcirnad by coiling ho timo." Lrwis said. Far mare in. years in Amarina, Jo pmeeso ari of Tuesday, Pebmuary 25,ivIho MorIon Giace Hisrorieni Ma- ir fan ihn open hansa. larmahion on Ihn ne-lino ayer flalunr arrangirg and "meircalom Envier Room of ihn Mormon Now OPEN! Oreo linkad np, proaprdiivo toniun vi 9h5'02S3, haasr, veli Lencis er 312-341. vibmalions" which may br a hay le z I Grove Pablio Libmory.
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