User:-BAJRANGJ0508 :: Product:-NBTL :: Page:-10 :: PubDate:-13-04-2014 :: MahineName:-NBTLKNWS-55 :: ProofTime:-12-04-2014 19:42:04 BISA IIT/IIM PQM for Garg PQ up cast m4 GB vry smart SRIV 25/5'3"/fair slim, B'ful SM4 fair cltd Jat 28/5'5" wkg Slim,Fair /27/5'2'', S/w Engr, NM Madya Nari 30/ 5'2B.Tech B.D.S. seeks Doctor/Govt. MNC Noida, fthr C-1 govt.frm NSIT,wkg GGN, 15Lpa,Father MBA gl wkg MNC Grgn Erng Officer. Father & Brother WUP seeks w'qlfd wkg boy, Top PSU Executive in Delhi. 11 Lpa frm dr's fmly matri Bank Officer # 09670049854, pref.ncr#9999976578,27523789 Email: [email protected] [email protected] / 9837091901 BHP- [email protected] Em:[email protected] BANSAL Slim Fair fair,b'ful,Sanadya Br Tall, Fair, Beautiful, PQSM4 PQM4 SM4 Brhmin girl MA/B.Ed SRI A.Mgk 29/5'4" PO, Natio- PQM4 fair 4.1.85/5'3" MBA SMF 87/5’ Con Edu BVSC MVSC (UP bsd) girl 20.3.85/5'6'',B.E. Homely girl 26/5'9".Graduate, fair, slim Dec 80/5ft upp nalzd Bank slight facial twit- girl father CA frm W.UP Pref (BIOTECH) P’SNG PHD from (CS),wkg in TCS Noida,gotra Nursery Teachers Training, middle class, educated ch while talk'ng.Suit'ble mat- CA/B.Tech/MBA frm Westrn GGN Contact:9837412768 kaushal.#09993411120 , 088007 JBT, presently unemployed. S.Delhi family.Similar NM ch also solicited. 09453005830 UP/NCR/Ghz Mb:9359115135 E:[email protected] 10808, [email protected] well versed in household Delhi/NCR match. Caste no [email protected] E:[email protected] bar. [email protected] works. Educated & Reputed (MDS/MD/MS/ IIT/ Delhite family. Early marr- PQM PQM4 Jpr based Mittal b'ful IIM/Army Offr) 4 very b'ful SM4 Saxena girl 87/5'6" con- iage Delhi/NCR. Contact: OP ’˝ÊrÊÔáÊ MANGLIK Gaur BR Kaus- fair girl 5'4"/June'84 M.Sc. SM4 PB Khatri 36/5'11" br girl Jan 84/5',MDS(Endo) vent edu slim & b'ful MTech 9811232000. Caste no bar. hik girl 10/1/85, 8.40pm Delhi Biotech 9 LPA Father Retired G'uate wrkg as Sr.Mngr in II yr, Caste no bar. 9990722085 working IBM.Subcaste accep- 5'1'' fair wrkg Pet Noida BSC, SM4 Saxena 29/5'3" Fair Sr. Officer. # 09314635665 Em: Top MNC.Seeks PQ well Edu E: [email protected] pted. #9415549583, 9582216094 PQM4 beautiful 25/5'6" MPED, Em: hcsharma.kaus Slim, B.A. Dip. Sect. Pract. [email protected] and B'ful Girl.Send B & P to Em: [email protected] B.tech bank officer jat girl [email protected] [email protected] . 9871680368 (YWCA) working CA Firm E: MD/MS M4 Gaur Br. anshik janvi_saxena18@rediffmail. reputed family W.up pref PQM 4 Kayastha V.B'Ful Govt.Officer M:08791612716 Manglik Delhi born Girl SM4 Vats br. BDS 26/162 com # 9971833036, 9871619199 26yrs/5'1", MBBS(DU), Purs. Gori Slim Girl 25 / 5' / 5Lpa E:[email protected] Antya Nadi Dr. / Govt. / Pursing MBA, Working Delhi MD(Path.) from DU, Pref. PSU MNC workg. settled in SRIVASTAVA Manglik 5'3" Delhi/NCR boy. M: 9650290724 /28 Gori girl Mngr SBI seeks # 09810843635 Send BHP: B'FUL 23, Very fair, 5'3" Delhi/ NCR prfd. #9968286466 E: [email protected] Veg Girl, Seeks-Well Settled Em: [email protected] suitable marriage alliance. ¡Ÿ⁄U‹ HI-Class business family boy Contact Mobile: 09304354746/ SM4 beautiful Goyal Girl, 22- (only), Mob:09450070872, PQM4 fair gaur br girl 26/ 5' 09006506043. SRIV. Bihar bsd 27/5'2" gori, È∑ȧ◊˸ 09450071460.Email: PO,SBH,seeks well S'tld Bank 3-1990, 1:55 PM,Chd ,5'-10", 3"/Adhiya/MCA & MBA(IT), B.Tech (Comp) Wkg soft ware [email protected] 6.3LPA, wkg IT Proff, MNC PO/Govt.Officer/Engr boy. Contact-09430152967. Engg. Mohali/Chd. M. 93552- ‡Ê«KÍÀ«UU ∑§ÊS≈U / Noida, pref NCR match, M: 88 38803,[email protected] SEEKS Pilot Boy for Jat 84172999, [email protected] C.Pilot Girl 24/5.5".Avoid ‡Ê«KÍÀ«U ≈˛UÊßé‚ PQM for Saxena Girl M.Sc Rathi, Singroha, Narwal. PQM4 Gaur Brahmin Fair (DU)/MBA 27/5'3'' fair MNC Contact - 9811693269 Email - B'ful Mnglk girl Adi/July'86/ NCR. Delhi / NCR [email protected] PASI H'some 28/6' B.Tech 5'7"/6:50pm,Assistant Mana- based preferred Email : MBA Marketing Manager ger, 9LPA.Contact:9999941164 [email protected] E: [email protected] WELL EDU. Kayastha 86/ SM for Kurmi girl IES (Rly) Jindal Steel working in NCR 5'3" Wheatish Debari Gan, 14 LPA seeks beautiful tall 25/5'3" b'ful fair seeks Class-I PGT teacher in repd public PQM4 Mathur Girl 27, 5'5 Govt. Officer/ MS/ MD. working girl. # 07607856561, school Gurgaon.#09899259520 Em: [email protected] Renowned Business B+Mtech, IITD, MBA, ISB Contact: 09956840213 E-mail: Family Seeks groom for Eml: [email protected] wkg MNC Ggn 20+LPA. Caste [email protected] their Daughter 82 born, no bar. E: sumneshmathur77 SM4 fair, slim Jat girl, BA, NM SM4 NM 40/6' B.E.LLB 5'3" done DGO wkg in SAXENA, Manglik, Colour @gmail.com M:9414185566 . B.Ed, MBA/29/5'3''/4lpa WUP Advocate Delhi Bsd. Haryana Á‚ãœË b'sd fmly, avoid Tomar, Saran. Mglk BR. Fair, B'ful 22/ Hosp. wants Brahmin Sawala 87-5'3" Qlfd girl-MCA, Ranga Fmly Boy. Father PB4 SM4 ‚Ê„ÍU - Ã‹Ë #9650630672.Email CV, photo: 5/85/ 07:01pm/5',Shamli Mzf. groom Pref. Doctors, Busi- MBA wkg in a private bank as IITIAN BOY FOR IIT-ISB Rtd. Mother Principal SSGGS nessman, Industrialist a Asst. Mgr 35k PM. 09896363- [email protected] Delhi. Contact: 9899784577 SM4 fair Handsome boy 1972 B.tech wkg noida 5Lpa. Pref. KAYASTH GIRL 27/5'2" /5'9"/ B.E. (Incomplete) I'less Engr.Delhi/NCR # 9910245462 from Faridabad, Delhi / 622, [email protected] 15LAC CASTE NO BAR Em: Divorcee NM, Pvt job Delhi, Em: [email protected] NCR only. 09911427052 [email protected] ‚∑¢§«U ◊ÒÁ⁄U¡ 3Lpa, Pref. wkg/non wkg girl .in, Contact:09411219372 ⁄Ê¡¬ÍÍà M: 09953078543, 09654538356 SPB /KKB Mglk, N.Adi 5'8"/ 27 Ph.D, B.tech JNU CSIR SRF PQM 4 B'ful slim fair Gaur SM4 OCT'85/5'4" Beautiful SM4 Sindhi 26/8/84 11.15 Fr. DU Prof. seek Sc. IAS, IPS, Br.girl Antya Nadi 5'4", 4.8.85, ª…UflÊ‹Ë AM 5'10" H'Some Boy B.tech IIT/IIM NCR E: tathagattripa 6:30 pm, Baghpat (UP) M.Sc B.Tech S/W Engr. wkng Rptd. S/W Er 15 LPA Seeks Prof [email protected] 9873050032 (Phy)B.Ed,3yrs Teaching exp. MNC Gudgawan, 9LPA, UP, Qlfd B'ful Girl Sindhi/Pub (PGT)KV.Fthr V.Principal KV Sfláʸ∑§Ê⁄U Mo: 09923194621, 08934888888, Prefd #09571454646. E mail: Dli/NCR prfd. # 9560350995 Em: [email protected] [email protected] E: [email protected] ENGR-MBA match from MAHOR Kshatriya swarnk NCR sm 4 Garg manglik di- SM4 b'ful Rajput, CA, Premier Inst. for B'ful fair vorc girl age 23.07.79 bank SM4 I'less div. 35/6'1",h'some KUMAUNI Brahmin ar B'ful girl 5'7"/ 20.8.87 BBM ✔ MBA 30/5'3" wkgn NCR PQM4 Sahiti boy 5'6'' CA CS smart Kayastha girl 29/165 (B'lore) wkg GGN Seeks H'so- 6L+ has 4 years boy Brother Doctor, Bhabhi Pb Khatri,Creative Director LL.B, Mgr PNB Delhi DOB "Shandilya" 5'1"/27 smart, in- MBA, IT MNC. Father Sr Exe Em:[email protected] 12LPA, Small Family. No Bar. telligentt, B.Tech girl work- me/H'edu boy subodhkumar_ IAS. #9950995387, 9711119180 11.01.87 Delhi 23:48Hrs decent CPSU. Caste No Bar. [email protected] #9810022177 Mobile: 07500443210 Em: [email protected] Cont:09873417252,01132966647 family #09650991629 BHP to ing in Delhi seeks alliance #9990300232, 011-26944275 Eml: [email protected] [email protected] from suitable settled h'some, ªÈ¡⁄U E: [email protected] traditional Kumauni boy. SM4 B'ful, fair 5'5"/26, Soni SM4 Miss coll. fresher girl PQM4 Delhi bsd Rajput girl [email protected] girl, PG in Fashion Desig- 33/5'3" Lect. Delhi govt.6LPA 29/5'4",Masters from Univ. of SM 4 Punjabi Issueless Div. Divorcy PH Agarwal goel widow have 5 SM4 Delhi based girl 29years SRIVASTAVA ning, B.Tech Designer@rptd Warwick (UK), wrkg Deloitte Aug'1980 born/5'10" well sett- D, Science 33/5'2" Slim,Gori years son pref. PQ Delhi bsd Ã‹ÈªÈ 5’8''Height,Fair,V.beautiful, brand - 4 LPA. Parents Class-I GGN.#9955019692,E: alamnag led family in Delhi. Wrkg in PQSM4 KKB B'ful,Fair,Slim Girl.Contact-09450521917, Agarwal boy.#09414967535 PQM4 w'edu. slim b'ful kum Educated & self employed. officer (Retd.) . E-mail: [email protected] Dubai. Contact :- 9810259368 31/5'5" BALLB(Hons) Girl, 08874203886 Email - darpan br. girls 34/5'4'' Ph.D Eco(US) Contact:9212710268. [email protected] Eml: [email protected] wrkng Top Pvt Bank Mum, novonordisk@ gmail.com wkg Asst.Prof. & 32/5'4'' M.A 40LPA.Early decent marriage Email: [email protected] PQM4 Saxena Manglik girl Call:9828065148, 09215515786 PROFNL/BZNS M4 30yr SM 4 Rajput fair b'ful girl Eco(DSE) wkg Sr.
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