United Nations Eritrea Newsletter “Supporting Eritrea’s Development and Self Reliance” July 2016 Message from the UN RC/HC International Conference on Eritrean Studies Christine N .Umutoni, UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator held in Asmara The beginning of 2016 marked the onset of the new development agenda, the seventeen Sustain- 27 July 2016, Asmara, Eritrea. Over 500 academics, policy-makers, jour- able Development Goals (SDGs), which will spear- nalists and diplomats from Eritrea and around the world attended the Interna- head development for the next fifteen years. The Government of the State of Eritrea (GoSE) has tional Conference on Eritrean Studies (ICES), which was held in Asmara, Eri- endorsed the SDGs, highlighting that the SDGs are trea on 20-22 July 2016. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Minis- in line with the country’s development agenda, and try of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea and the United Nations Develop- these will be built into future programmes between ment Programme in Eritrea. This three-day international conference sought to the GoSE and the UN. 2016 has also seen preparations undertaken be- expand international scholarship on tween the UN and the GoSE for the new Strategic Eritrea, strengthen academic links Partnership Cooperation Framework (SPCF) that between Eritrean and international will cover the period 2017 - 2021. The SPCF is a scholars as well as academic insti- programme document between the GoSE and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) that de- tutions, and increase the provision scribes the collective actions and strategies of the and dissemination of research and United Nations to the achievement of national de- balanced information on Eritrea. velopment. A consultative meeting between the His Excellency Yemane Gebremes- UN and GoSE implementing partners was held in early May in Asmara and a draft version of the new kel, Minister of Information for the joint framework is currently being discussed. State of Eritrea, opened the confer- To enhance partnerships, the UN has also wel- ence and highlighted the im- comed a number of missions this year including portance of the event in furthering Ms. Kyung-wha Kang, the Assistant Secretary- General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emer- research and scholarship on Eritre- Ms. Christine N. Umutoni, UN Resident/ an studies. The ICES in Asmara gency Relief Coordinator, who visited in January Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Representa- and was kindly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign tive and H.E. Mr. Osman Mohammed Saleh, Minister was organised by the Eritrean Na- Affairs. Other missions include those from the Of- of Foreign Affairs @UN Eritrea tional Commission for Higher Edu- fice of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Bank, the International Monetary cation, the Ministry of Foreign Af- Fund, and the Global Fund. fairs, the Research and Documentation Centre and the Eritrean Strategic Further, the UN has established the Eritrea Devel- Studies Centre. Over three days, scholars and policy-makers presented re- opment Partners Forum (EDPF) with the aim of search and policy papers on a wide range of cross-cutting themes including strengthening development coordination and coop- eration amongst partners in Eritrea. The first ses- Eritrea’s foreign policy and regional relations, its post-independence national sion of the EDPF took place in Asmara in May development, arts and culture, Eritrean history and archaeology and the ori- 2016. This year was also a milestone for UNDP as gins and emergence of Eritrean nationalism. it turned 50 and UNICEF as it turned 70. One part- After three days of intense deliberations, the UN’s Resident and Humanitarian ner, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) also celebrated its 25th anniversary. Coordinator and UNDP Resident In this, the second issue of the UN in Eritrea news- Representative, Ms. Christine N. letter, the UN shares news of its events this year Umutoni, addressed the closing including the UNDP at 50 celebrations in Zoba ceremony and congratulated the Anseba, the 22nd Remembrance of the Genocide in Rwanda and drug safety training convened in conference organisers for a suc- April by WHO and the Ministry of Health. This cessful event and thanked partici- issue also highlights some of the projects the UN is pants “for sharing their knowledge implementing in 2016 in Eritrea, as well as commu- and fascinating perspectives on nity impact, for example, supporting livestock pro- duction in Eritrea, establishing early locust warning Eritrea”, which she said had systems and UNICEF support to children by “enriched our appreciation of the providing donkeys for transport to schools. Finally, country”. She supported the idea April saw a celebratory moment for a group of 37 that the ICES be held regularly and Somali refugees upon arrival in Slovakia, on their way to resettlement in the USA, after 16 years in pledged the UN’s continued sup- Umkulu refugee camp near Massawa. The UN port. Delegates attending the ICES at Asmara palace wishes them well as they transition and settle in His Excellency Osman Saleh, Min- hotel. Credits: ©Eritrea/MoI their new lives. ister of Foreign Affairs for the State As we progress through 2016, I encourage each one of us to reflect on the successes of the MDGs of Eritrea, closed the conference with a final address in which he thanked and to strive to achieve further success with the scholars and applauded the intellectual range of papers presented and un- promotion and implementation of the SDGs in Eri- derlined the importance of academic research in order to reveal fact-based trea. I would like to remind everyone once again, evidence. He concluded by announcing that the Government of the State of that our aim is that “no one will be left behind”. Eritrea would support further conferences and initiatives like the ICES. UN Eritrea Delivering as one UN ‘delivering as one” in Eritrea On 21 and 22 January 2016, UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Representative in Eritrea and Africa I Division of UN Department of Political Affairs, convened a meeting between members of the UN Country Team in Eri- trea and its HQ counterparts from New York and Geneva. The UN Development Group Regional Directors Focal Point for Eritrea also joined via VTC from Nairobi for the opening session. The two-day meeting was hosted by the UNDP in its Regional Hub in Istanbul. Participants Picture: From Eritrea UNCT, participants included Ms. Christine N .Umutoni, UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Representative, Heads of Office of UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR and OCHA. From New York, participants included DPA, UNDP, OCHA, OHCHR, UNICEF and EOSG, as well as the Human Rights Up Front Team via VTC, and from Geneva OHCHR and UNHCR.©UNEritrea The meeting was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Secretary-General, whose message to the meeting was read by Ms. Ayaka Suzuki, Officer-in-Charge of Africa I Division of DPA: "I learned with great appreciation about this meeting bring- ing together the UNCT and UN Headquarters to discuss and strategize on the UN System's engagement with Eritrea." The Deputy Secretary-General encouraged and commended the spirit of cooperation, which enables the UN to mean- ingfully contribute to the Government's efforts of advancing the well-being of people of Eritrea …by drawing on the full breadth of the Organization's mandates: political, developmental, humanitarian and human rights." The meeting is an example of the UN 'delivering as one', and was a culmination of a three year process of ensuring sys- tem coherence in a complex country and regional context. This was acknowledged by Christine N. Umutoni, UN Resi- dent Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Eritrea who noted that "while the peace and development challenges in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea regions continue to multiply, the UN System has grown more able to respond to our requests to ensure that we are able to support the Government in responding to the needs of its people." Highlighting prevention as a key recommendation of the 2015 report of the High Level Panel on Peace Operations, the participants committed to working with all partners and countries in the region to prevent an escalation of conflicts in the Horn of Africa and contribute to resolving the existing conflicts in this volatile region. The participants reflected on the ongoing dialogue and engagement between the UN system and the Government of the State of Eritrea in the context of the 2013-2016 Strategic Partnership Cooperation Framework and discussed how best to support the forthcoming 2017-2021 Cooperation Framework. Mr. Suleiman Braimoh, UNICEF Representative in As- mara highlighted the "need to continue dialogue as partners" to ensure that our engagement meets the country's priori- ties as well as priorities of the UN System of peace, development and human dignity. 2 Kwibuka 22 UN Eritrea United Nations in Eritrea hosts the 22nd Remem- Delivering as one brance of the Genocide in Rwanda The United Nations in Eritrea organized an event on 25th April 2016 in Eritrea’s capital, Asmara to mark the 22nd commemoration of the Genocide in Rwanda. The event was at- tended by Government officials, the cycling “Team Rwanda”, members of the diplomatic community, UN staff, the media and friends of Rwanda. A Kwibuka (remembrance) short film, “Remember, Unite, Renew” was shown, and thereafter guests observed a moment of silence. The 2016 global commemoration is under the theme “Fighting Genocide Ideology”. While presenting her speech, the UN Resident/ Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resi- dent Representative, Ms. Christine N. Umuto- ni said that this year’s theme reminded us that by fighting the genocide ideology and preserving the history of the genocide, we are Cyclist from "Team Rwanda " lighting a candle in honour of victims of Genocide.
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