(form>No. 10-300 REV. ( 9/77) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOMINATION FORM SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN HOW TO COMPLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES - COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS INAME . HISTORIC ffazardville Historic District AND/OR COMMON [LOCATION ^ar^ or a^ °^ Ash, Cedar and Cooper Streets, Dust Hollow Road, Hazard Avenue, North, North Maple, Oak, Park, Randolph STREETS,NUMBER School, South Maple, and Southview Streets; —NOT FOR PUBLICATION CITY, TOWN / CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT _. _,f^Aj^iJLJ^Jf~fJ t&a (ASl^^/j^^ ^X^S-*. ErfWidr- /v &^ VICLNITY OF O"Cn Toby Moffett ; STATE CODE . COUNTY CODE Connecticut Hartford HCLASSIFI c ATI ON " CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE | "^DISTRICT —PUBLIC iOOCCUPIED ^.AGRICULTURE —MUSEUM r _ BUILD ING (S) —PRIVATE —UNOCCUPIED ^-COMMERCIAL —PARK '•> —STRUCTURE X^BOTH —WORK IN PROGRESS —EDUCATIONAL ^.PRIVATE RESIDENCE —SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBLE —ENTERTAINMENT ^RELIGIOUS ':: ' —OBJECT __IN IN PROCESS —YES: RESTRICTED r —YES: RESTRICTED —GOVERNMENT —SCIENTIFIC : , ' ' —BEING CONSIDERED —YES:_ YES: UNRESTRICTED -^-INDUSTRIAL —TRANSPORTATION i j Tf" 1 _NO — MILITARY We^SHfendWe^9S^fend c 1t ' '' -N° r QOWNER OF PROPERTY NAME i ee continuation sheets i STREET& NUMBER 1 j. CITY. TOWN STATE f - __ VICINITY OF HLOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION i 1- COURTHOUSE, 1 REGISTRY OF DEEDS/ETC. Enfl'eld Town Hall [ STREET & NUMBER • „. , -Ehfield Street , r ; CITY, TOWN STATE _Enf?ield . " Connecticut 06082 1 REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS : '' tfriE I ; Stiate Register of Historic Places (Selected buildings) VDATE ' —FEDERAL —STATE —COUNTY —LOCAL DEPOSITORY FOR ( ,, ; SURVEV RECORDS 1 Connecticut Historical Commission L^.^J^..,.,."*Har :iTY, TOWN STATE :tford Connecticut 06106 i ,- - - DESCRIPTION CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE .EXCELLENT —DETERIORATED —UNALTERED ^ORIGINAL SITE —ALTERED —MOVED DATE. _UNEX POSED DESCRIBETHE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Hazardville is a section of the Town of Enfield in north central Connecticut. The village owes its origin to the Hazard Powder Company that operated along the nearby Scantic River from 1835 to 1913. The village grew up on the main street, now Hazard Avenue, that runs roughly parallel to and approximately 1,500 feet north of the river. The powder company site, known as Powder Hollow, and its adjacent 19th-century community are the sub­ ject of this nomination. Together they encompass about 1075 acres, including approximately 260 sites and structures, of which IL! are considered not to contribute to the historic character of the district. The boundary line is drawn to encompass the powder factory site and the exis-ting 19th-century buildings of the community that was associated with it. The Scantic River drops ij.0 £eet as it runs through Powder Hollow on its way to the Connecticut RiverCKo "bams, first of wood and later of ma­ sonry, provided the water power to run the grinding mills for production of powder in about 200 dispersed buildings, many connected by an intricate canal system. The layout as of i860 is shown by the attached picture map. The dams, canals, and almost all of the buildings are gone now. Nothing has taken their place, and Powder Hollow is now a pleasant wooded area along the river. Most of the acreage that is free of buildings is sched­ uled to become part of the state's new 3>000-acre Scantic River Park. A portion of this land, approximately 80 acres (map numbers 83-13* 83-11+)* now owned by the Gordon Brothers interests who bought it when the powder company closed in 1913> is included in the district. These 80 acres are on both sides of the river and encompass one of the principal early dam sites, A-further portion of this land, most of which has changed hands from time to time is included in the district for its potential archae- ; logical interest related to the former powder mills. These 25 parcels are listed separately at the end of item number Ij.. Most of these parcels are wood lots; two are working farms. Sections of Powder Hollow that have been developed into conventional building lots with mid-20th-century houses have been excluded from the district, except along the west side of South Maple Street where they are needed to provide a connector between Powder Hollow and the community. (These houses are designated non-contributing.) The handful of Hazard Powder Company buildings that remain standing are on Dust House Road, in private hands. One is a two-story barn on the south­ west corner of South Maple Street and Pust House Road (8lL-7)\ "A relatively plain structure of vertical boarding with a gabled roof and a gabled-roof cupola, it once housed forty horses used in the business. Anojbhgr mas­ sively-framed, two-story building (83-1) was a packing house.' re was cus­ tomary for Powder Hollow buildings to have the siding lightly attached ..so that in the event of an explosion the blast pressure could escape, dis-) placing the siding on the way, but leaving the frame standing and ready.for rehabilitation. Two small brick buildings are also standing along Dustj House Road (8I+-9, 83-U, the latter displaying s ?^is_ticated ^ick w~ '- that includes arched architrave around the doorway, 'At the location east of the intersection of South Maple Street and the Scantic River there is an early 20th-century brick building containing a turbine, stall UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES INVENTORY ~ NOMINATION FORM Hazardville National Register Historic District Enf ield, Connecticut CONTINUATION SHEET Prop. Owner S ITEM NUMBER l± PAGE The attached pages 2 through 22 list the properties in the district, giving the map number, street address, name(s) of the owner(s), owner's mailing address, and brief description with approximate date of con­ struction. There are approximately 2£<? sites and/or structures in the district of which lj.1 are considered not to contribute to the historic character of the district. They are marked "NC n in front of the description. All considered to contribute, Twenty five *' . " . r . properties, of interest for achaeological poten tial, are listed on pages 23 through 25. All address are Enfield, Connecticut 06082 unless other indicated. Ash Street " £3 p-H Ms-o =t. i Strs Owner's Address .! 1870. 2 story, 1] 83-90 : 2 Ash Irma & Robert Bosse 2 Ash Street , Italianate't,v _ J_TO__i_____^i* / *:0 . Gabfe roof "w/ 83-77 4 Ash Chester & Anna FaIkowski 4 Ash Street running dogs. Altered ^^1850. Ell shape^. 83-76 6 Ash Theodore & Agnes Slick 6 Ash Street 2. 1&70. Ell shaped j .———————~.\r7r\ inm .. ngj——--s- clngs.j J ,- J 1860. Tiny, 1^ stoity, 83-75 10 Ash Theodore .& Agnes Slick 6 Ash Street Greek Rev. embell. box 1. I960. Ranch.. 2. 19C, Large barn. 83-78 5 Ash John & Lorina Simmons 5 Ash Street Tiny box w/ 83-79 - 7 Ash Street Verna Felix 7 Ash Street door on side. ~n rri CO COOPER STREET JUN 1 9 1979 MAP & STREET ADDRESS OWNER OWNER'S ADDRESS OWNER/OCCUPIED • Jj Cocper. St. ^i ^ -i r- • 84-13 : Cooper Street John and Alex Gordon j 25 iUdgefield Rd. | 21 acres of land. i| Q ' ; ''^JBt^ " 1 ; ! ••.-•-••.' ! '• ; ' ' :! i John and Alex Gordon j 25 Ridgefield Rd. i 61 acres of land. ji i g 84-14 | Cooper Street j i , • . i i i •-•] - II . i '• -'fife' ... i| 1 -I i ;> c I -^ : ' < : ' ' . '. ' j;k ii ' i -nfx-=:t ~- g i 1 •'*" ' . ?f 3H i. 'i " ]| |1 oi j ' il p.875. Stark, 6 bay, 2 faml John & Emila Skower^;^ 12 Cooper Street . hpus«^with wide porch. • 92-200 Cooper Street .-mf 300 East Street, Suf field P?5 ' Similar- to above bui 32-201 2 Cooper Street Bruno & Victorl^' Kaplan p bay. Brick foundations, i Laurence & Mildred Doreski 3 Cooper Street . ^^^ 2 story, 2 family, 92-177 3 Cooper Street pJiapboard house w/porch. i • 92-178 7 Cooper Street Anna Rich 7 Cooper^ Street , 'U^'p|| (|^K. Rev.2 ^7' w/porch 6i l in. Sha ell?f1 . 92-179 9 Cooper Street John Bennett 9 Cooper-^ Street 1j jH£?'erfialler S^thanilar above.htO bUt 1] i , - .-... .. ^ ^ *""" ' **&* 1ij£' • '£?&*$&&;'*-•• j ^•**V:'-'^ • • . „.,..,. Vr| ! i •• ' Hi ! ! .* 'Sir ^&s9f • I . ' i ' . ••" '.. :' Cedar Street , . _ ! .,...n.i _._.- 1 I..M....I .. __ _. •*- JU1V i v 9/9M ... 3 ( •• J Street Man.ft Street Address Owner Owner's Address Cw n e r /O c c u o i e a \* \ ,\ L 880. Small, 2 sto^, 83-83 4 Cedar Street f Armand & Sever ly Boucher 4 Cedar Street ) i€ble roofed, wor&'itnouse. , \ \ ia^ilar to above bu^ J . 83-82 6 Cedar Street ] Anna Gnap 6 Cedar Street ^lightly larger. [ 1 Implicate of above. j Raymond & Mildred Cormier 8 Cedar Street j j 83-81 8 Cedar Street i; - *._' .. _., f nee a duplicate but 83-80 10 Cedar Street I<f Albini & Julietto Landry 8 Cedar Street \4 }i ow with end. porcA. '{ ——?** — — - — ————— — ' *amilar w/side porcm 14 Cedar Street 83-74 14 Cedar Street il-/ George Bostick i ^^cinder block chimnie^ , '870. 2k story, gable 83-73 lS Cedar Street >\ Louis & Joannie No to 16 Cedar Street •oe»fed, worker's hs^r» i 1 .850. 2 story, ell j 83-71 20 Cedar Street j Edith Hodgins 20 Cedar Street ; c sjar£ped, gable roofed '/ Similar to above but 83-70 22 Cedar Street ; Marilyn Riley 22 Cedar Street , ( i low altered. (» 1 ! i Similar to above. j 83-101 Cedar Street . | Mary & Albert Wence Cedar Street ; L^O. 2 story, oblorig 83-61 1 Cedar Street 1 Hilda O'Brieri 1 Cedar Street ( :DOX w/gable roof.
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