TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018 (PAGE 2) DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU OBITUARIES OBITUARY/ 10TH DAY TENTH DAY With profound grief and sorrow, we regret to BARKHI / VAHARVAR With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad inform the sad demise of Sh Janki Nath demise of Smt. Ram Pyari W/o Sh. Inder Dass CREMATION Raina S/o Lt Gopi Nath Raina, originally res- Dalotra R/o Gharota Jammu. Tenth Day will be performed on 1st of March, 2018 With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad demise ident of Avil, Kulgam Kashmir A/P Sec 2, of our beloved Sh. Jagmohan Singh Sumbria S/o Late H.No 5-C, Sharda Colony Patoli Brahmna, (Thursday), 2 PM at their residence, Gharota. GRIEF STRICKEN Sh. Janak Singh Sumbria R/o Sec D Sainik Colony Barnaie on 23.02.2018. His 10th Day will be Extension Lane No.1. Sh. Inder Dass Dalotra -Husband performed on March 3, 2018 at Akhnoor Ghat. CREMATION will take place on 27/02/2018 at 3 PM at Son & Daughter-in-law Mandal (Purmandal) Assembly will be held at residence at 11.30 am. Smt. Mamta Devi & Sh. Dwarka Nath Dalotra GRIEF STRICKEN The Mourning will be held at our residence at Smt. Sandhya Devi (Wife) Daughter & Son-in-law Ranvijay Singh (Son) H.No 5-C, Sec 2, Sharda Colony Patoli Smt. Manisha Devi & Sh. Parshotam Lal Sagotra Smt. Ram Pyari Suryadev Singh (Son) Brahmna. Grand Daughter & Grand Son-in-law Brother and Sister in law GRIEF STRICKEN Sh Janki Nath Raina Arti Devi & Rajesh Kumar Sagotra Sh.Randhir Singh Smt Janak Rani -Wife Rahul Dalotra -Grand Son Smt. Trishna Sumbria Mob: 9419802254, 7006443960 Sh. Harmohan Singh & Smt. Veena Sumbria Sh Arjan Nath Raina -Brother Sonika & Monika -Grand Daughters Sh.Yudhvir Singh & Smt. Deepa Sumbria Sh. Jagmohan Singh Sumbria Sh T.N Raina -Brother Brother in law & Sister Daughter-in-law and Son Sister and Brother-in-law Sh.Ravinder Singh Jamwal & Smt. Mohini Jamwal Smt Saroj and Sh Ramesh Raina Contact: 9419184747, 9419103605, 9419134707 Smt Uma Shori and Sham Lal Dhar MAJ GEN B.N. DHAR PVSM (RETD) 10TH DAY KRIYA Smt Pinky and Sh Inder Krishan Raina With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the DHARS OF ZAINPORA IN THE FOND MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED MAJ GEN B N DHAR PVSM Daughter & Son-in-law SAMAST RAINA PARIVAR OF AVIL sad demise of our beloved Sh. Bhag Mal Gupta (RETD), POOJA WILL BE HELD AT OUR RESIDENCE, 165 A/D, GANDHI Smt Jeeta and Sh Ashok Ji Bhat MOB: 9419307136, 9622086147, (Baska Dehra Waley). CREMATION NAGAR, JAMMU ON THE 28TH OF FEBRUARY 2018 AT 11 AM With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the Smt Desha Raina -Daughter 08329614274 Tenth Day will be performed on 1-3-2018 FOLLOWED BY PRASAD. (Thursday) at 11 AM at Raj Palace, Opp. Distt. sad demise of our beloved father Sh. DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY: Hospital Udhampur. Chaman Lal Kachroo S/o Late Shanker TENTH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA GRIEF STRICKEN Nath Kachroo originally resident of KIRAN & VIJAY DHAR Smt. Shanti Devi -Wife Narparistan Fathekadal Srinagar at present With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the PURNIMA & UPENDRA KACHRU PEARL & GAU R AV KACHRU Daughters-in-law & Sons Smt. Chanchla Devi & Sh. Romesh Chander (9469663450) House No. 4, Lane No. 6, Naseeb Nagar sad demise of our father Sh. Hardyal USHA DHAR W/O LATE MAHESH DHAR GAUTAM KACHRU Janipur Jammu on 26-02-2018. Sharma S/o Late Sh. Amar Nath Khajuria Smt. Sudershna Devi & Sh. Om Parkash (9469621802) MADHURIMA & JITANDER LAL KAUL GAYATRI & ADITYA MUKHARJI Smt. Sharda Devi & Sh. Kuldeep Gupta (94196-39366) CREMATION will take place on 27-02-2018 H. No. 186 Shastri Nagar, Jammu. Late Sh. Bhag Mal Gupta TENTH DAY will be performed on S U NA N DA & VIKAS DHAR GEETA & ISHAN DHAR Smt. Sunita Kumari & Sh. Jagdish Gupta (7006924899) at 11 A.M. at Bantalab Cremation Ground SARAH & VISHAL DHAR HITESH KAUL Smt. Sweety Devi & Sh. Rajinder Gupta (9469156057) (19-10-1931 to 20-2-18) Jammu. 01-3-2018 at 11 A.M. at our residence. KRIYA will be performed at our residence on KANIKA & SANJAY SETH SHARIKA DHAR Daughters & Sons-in-law Daughters & Sons-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Kamlesh Devi & Late Sh. Chuni Lal Friday 2-3-2018. Smt. Santosh Devi & Sh. Neeraj Gupta Smt. Rattna Devi & Sh. Kamal Jandial Smt. Neelam & Sh. Sanjay Malhotra Son & Daughter-in-law SH. CHAMAN LAL KACHROO UTHALA will be performed at Ram Mandir Surinder Kachroo and Seema Kachroo Phone No: 94191-34889, Shastri Nagar, Jammu on 3-3-2018 from Rajni Chakoo (W/o Late M.N. Chakoo)-Daughter KRIYA/ UTHALA 0191-2538888 4 .00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. Girja Mam (W/o Late R.K. Mam)-Daughter GRIEF STRICKEN 2nd Death Anniversary With profound grief it is to inform that Noble souls never leave but remains in the Smt. Swarn Kanta-Wife our respected Shri Ramesh Kumar Smt. Jai Devi-Sister hearts of their beloved ones. Days are pass- Salhotra (Resident of 118-B, Sector - CREMATION Sons & Daughter-in-laws ing by but we still feel your presence with With profound grief and sorrow, we regret to inform SH. HARDYAL that our beloved Sh. Brij Bushan Gupta S/o Lt Sh. Mr Chander Shekhar & Smt. Pritma Sharma VII, Channi Himmat, Jammu -180015) heavy heart. SHARMA Om Parkash R/o H.No.180, Sec-11, Nanak Nagar, Mr Abhilash Sharma & Smt. Poonam Sharma left for heavenly abode on 20-02-2018. DEEPLY MISSED BY: Shiva Ji Chowk, Jammu expired on 26-02-2018. Mr Amardeep & Priya Sharma Kriya & Rasam Uthala will be per- Cremation will take place on 27-02-2018 at 12 Noon Daughters-in-law & Sons Mob: 7889337542, 9797349699, at Shastri Nagar Cremation Ground. Mr Sangharsh Sharma formed on 03-03-2018 at 1 PM - 2 PM Rajni & Prashant Mahajan GRIEF STRICKEN Daughters & Sons-in-law 9697245300, 9697124468 at Panch Mandir, Sector-II, Channi Neelam Gupta - Wife Priyanka & Satyan Mahajan Smt. Hari Mala & Mr Kiriti Raina Himmat, Jammu -180015. Smt. Santosh Vikas Gupta & Mamta - Son & Daughter-in-law Smt Sandhya Sharma & Mr Pawan Kumar Grand Children: Shivani & Vishal Mahajan - Daughter & Son-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN Adway, Abijay, Mitangi and Shivoy Gupta Sh. Sharat Chander - Brother Smt Chanchal Salhotra -Wife Shri Ramesh Kumar Brothers & Bhabhis Salhotra Raghubir Krishan & Veena Gupta TENTH DAY KRIYA Atulya Salhotra (Noni) -Son SH. BRIJ BUSHAN Rakesh Kumar & Tripta Gupta TENTH DAY KRIYA of Smt. Leelawati Pandita Amita Salhotra -Daughter-in-law Ramesh Chander & Sushma Gupta GUPTA (Batnee) W/o Late Sh. Sham Lal Pandita R/o Ritu Sharma -Daughter BARKHI Sanjeev Kumar & Madhu Gupta Deedarpora (earstwhile Badrah Bala) Tehsil Gupta & Company Handwara, expired on 20-02-2018 at Jagti Township Parveen Sharma -Son-in-law BARKHI OF OUR BELOVED SH SAR- 9419141065, 9622046320, 7006857896 (sitting at House No. 34, Sector No. 02, Govind MONARCH MARKETING, MAX INTERNATIONAL, DAR SINGH MANHAS S/O LT. TH. SH Nagar, Talab Tillo), will be held at Akhnoor Ghat on 01-03-2018. JOCKEY SHOP, SEC II, CHANNI HIMMAT, JAMMU SHANTI SINGH MANHAS WILL BE PER- CREMATION PRAYER ASSEMBLY is to be held at Muthi Ghat MOB: 9419191777, 9858000777 FORMED AT OUR RESIDENCE 22A/I With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the (Near Directorate School Education Jammu) at 09.30 VIVEK VIHAR PALOURA JAMMU ON 28- sad demise of our beloved Smt. Kunti Devi hours. GRIEF STRICKEN 02-2018 WEDNESDAY AT 12.00 NOON. W/o Late Sh. Kalu Ram R/o 132/2, Pacca UTHALA GRIEF STRICKEN (Sons & Daughters-in-law) SMT. LEELAWATI PANDITA SMT PARKASHO DEVI -MOTHER Danga Akhnoor, Jammu. Smt. & Sh. Chaman Lal Pandita (BATNEE) With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad SMT ASHA RANI -WIFE SH SARDAR SINGH Cremation shall be held on 27-02-2018 Smt. Basanti W/o Late T.K. Pandita demise of our beloved Sh Yash Paul Nanda S/o Lt Sh MANHAS Tuesday at 11:00 AM at Hari Mandir Ghat, Smt. & Sh. Rattan Lal Pandita Ram Lal Nanda R/o H.No 124, Sector 5, Nanak Nagar, SONS & DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW SMT RANJU & SH VIKRAM SINGH (VICKY) Akhnoor. Smt. & Sh. Ajit Pandita 94191-65500, 70066-55040 Jammu on 16-02-2018. Smt. & Sh. Rajinder Pandita 94193-57495, 94196-16317 Uthala will be performed on 28-02-2018 (Wednesday) SMT SUSHMA DEVI & SH SUDESH SINGH (GOSHI) GRIEF STRICKEN SH TEJINDER SINGH at 05.00 PM at Durga Mandir, Rampura, Gandhi SH PRANAV SINGH Sat Paul Mahajan - Son Nagar, Jammu. TENTH DAY/UTHALA BROTHERS & BHABHIS Grand Sons & Grand Daughters-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN SMT. KUNTI DEVI WITH PROFOUND GRIEF & SORROW WE INFORM SMT CHANCHLA DEVI & SH ATMA SINGH Arti & Sohan Mahajan THE SAD DEMISE OF OUR BELOVED LATE SMT Smt Savitri Devi -Wife SMT RAJ MANHAS & LT. SH PARAMJIT SINGH Swinki & Ashish Mahajan GODAVARI DEVI W/O LATE SH TARA CHAND Sons & Daughters-in-law MOBILE: 9419114923, 9149807393 Great Grand Children: Pranjal, Aastha, Kavya, Aradhya GUPTA (SOHANJANA WALE) on 19-02-2018 Sh Sunil Nanda & Dimple Nanda TENTH DAY ON 28TH FEB 2018 WEDNESDAY Sh Ranjeev Nanda & Renu Nanda Sh Yash Paul Nanda 9419100114, 9622226114 (11 AM) AT MEHRA CATERERS (NEAR TALAB) BARNAI Sh Sanjeev Nanda & Seema Nanda UTHALA ON 3RD OF MARCH 2018 SATURDAY (4 PM) Sh Vikas Nanda & Isha Nanda OBITUARY AT THEIR RESIDENCE -H.NO.145, LANE NO-4 SEC.2 Grand Children: Pooja, Ayush, Suryansh, Aniket, Bhuvan, Akshit, Shranya With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad demise BARNAI JAMMU CREMATION Mob: 9419142608, 9906048046, 9419139717 of our beloved mother Smt. Raj Dulari Zutshi wife of Shri With profound grief and sorrow, we regret to GRIEF STRICKEN Mohan Krishen Zutshi R/o Dhobiwan Lal Pora Tangmarg SONS & DAUGHTERS IN LAW (Baramulla) A/P H.No.17, Lane No.
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