Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Stone-Campbell Books Stone-Campbell Resources 1948 They Went to India: Biographies of Missionaries of the Disciples of Christ United Christian Missionary Society Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, History of Religions of Western Origin Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons Recommended Citation United Christian Missionary Society, "They Went to India: Biographies of Missionaries of the Disciples of Christ" (1948). Stone-Campbell Books. 480. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/480 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Stone-Campbell Resources at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stone-Campbell Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. (_/ /'-fr , ~/ t,.,;f-,., , -1. - - They Went to India ·. BIOGRAPHIES OF MISSIONARIES of the.., DISCIPLES OF CHRIST I Issued by Missionary Education Department THE UNITED CHRISTIAN MISSI .ONARY SOCIETY 222 South Downey Avenue Indianapolis 7, Indiana Price , 50 cents 47-noo-M They Went to India BIOGRAPHIES OF MISSIONARIES of the.., DISCIPLES OF CHRIST Foreword-_..., The sixteenth day of September, 1882, is a date to be cheri shed by Dis­ ciples of Christ, for it marked the beginning of our foreign missiona ry service. Eight missionar ies sailed that day from New York for India , representing the Forei gn Chri stian Missionary Society and th e Ch ristian Woman' s Board oi Missions . Of those first pion eers Archibald McLean said: " They went to India to light a candle in that continent of darknes s that by God's grace shall never be put out ." Through th ese many years others have followed to "bear the light" until there ha ve served in our India Mission 191 men and women, sent out under appointment of our nationa l boards . Th e stories of the se missionarie s, in briefest outline, are given in the pages which follow . There hav e been others who ha ve worked unofficially whose contribution has also been significant . As the gospe l has been preached an d has found fruitage in Chri stian lives, many national Chri stians, too, have joined hands with the missionaries in giving leadership to the building of the church in India . To the share of these national leaders in the work of the Mission all missionaries pay highe st tribute . Mi ss Neva Nicholson hails this fellowship in the Christian task: Rejoi ce, 0 Comrade Build ers of the Royal Hi ghway ! You who through long years have laboured steadily upon its growing length- Rejoice! For day by day, walking in disguise along that slowly lengthening way The King comes! In pr esenting thi s biographi cal record, the Department of Mi ssiona ry Edu , cation expresses its sincere grat itud e to Miss Edith Eberl e, who has been largel y responsible for it, an d to Mi ss Ann Mullin, Mr. and Mr s. H. C. Saum, Mr. and Mrs . W. B. Ale xander , and other missionaries and friend s who have aided in assembling information and writ ing th e sketche s. It is not possible to mention individuall y all who ha ve shar ed generously in this work . Thi s booklet is sent out with the hope th at our people shall see in the story of th ese lives of devotion an d achievement th e continuin g gospel of Jesus Christ , an d th at there shall come to each one a greater recogniti on of his opp ortunit y to help make possible in th e world of his own da y "eve n greater thin gs than th ese." M any dark areas of India an d other parts of the ear th yet await the candle of the Lord . Department of Mi ssionary Ed ucation Page 3 INDEX Page Adams , Jane W akefield____ __________ _____________ _____________________ ____ __ 29 Adams, Mr. and Mr s. Morton D ._________________ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ __ 14 Add ison, Dr. Gail Tall man___ _________ _____ _________ ______________ ___________ 67 Alexande r, Mr. and Mrs. W . B.______ ______ _______________ ______________ ______ 60 An dru s, Ivalu - - -- - - ----- --- - - - ----- ---- ----------- - ---- - -- - - -- - -- - ------ -- 77 Arch er, Mr. and Mr s. John Clark__ ________ ______ _____________________________ 62 Baldwin, Dr. Olivia A.___ ______________________________________· ------- ----- 17 Banks, Mr. and Mr s. Gabriel C._________ _______________ _____ __________________ 83 Bender , Ann a- --- ------- - ----- - - - - - - - - -- - --- ---- ---- -- - -- -- ------- ---- - --- 80 Benlehr, Mr . and Mrs. C. E._______________ _______________ _______ _____________ 52 Bicks, Mrs. Dorothy Menzies- -- - -- ------ --- ---- - - ---- --- - - - - -- -- :-- ---- - - -- ---- 100 Bierma, Mr . and Mr s. John N.________________________________________________ 61 Boegeman, No na-- - --- - --- --- -- - - -- ---- -- - --- --- ------ ----- -- - -- ----- -- -- - - 61 Bonham, Dr. and Mr s. Kenneth W.___________________________________________ 98 Bowers, Mrs. Dorothy Mjller_ _______ ______________ _______ ___________ _________ _ 102 Boyd, Ada __________________________________ ___ ____________ _______________ 10 Brown, Mr. and Mr s. G. W ,- - --- ------ - -------- ---- --- ----- -- ------ - - - ----- -- 44 Brown, Mr s. Kate Lawrence ____________________ _____________ ________ _____ _ _:___ 20 Brown, Leta Mae _______________ _____________ ________ ___ · --- - - ------ -- - --- 87 Bundy, Mr s. Mildred Franklin__ _____ ______ __________ ______ ______ ___________ __ 38 Burgess, Mattie W._________________________________________________________ 26 Clark, Alice - -- ------- - ----- - ---- -- - -- ---- -------- --- --- - - -- -- - ----- --- ---- 96 Clarke, Mar y Louisa______________________ ____________ _______________________ 4 5 Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. George W._____________________________________________ 36 Cowdrey, Anna BelL__ ____________________ ________ __________________________ 67 Cowley, Mrs. Ma rgaret Conkright_ _____ ____ _____ _____________________________ _ 89 Cunn ingham, Mr. and Mrs. D . O ._________________________________ ________ ____ 54 Davis, Mr. and Mr s. E. C.-- - -- - -- - -- ----- --- - - ---- -- - - ---- - - --- -- - -- --- -- - -- 48 Dill, Dr. Osee M .-- ---- - ---- -- ------ --- - --- - - - - - - -- -- - ----- - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - 77 Dra ke, Daisy - - --- --- - -- - - - ------- -- - ------- -- -- - - -- ---- - - --- - -- - -- - -- - ---- 55 Drum mond , Dr. and Mrs. C. C,-- -- - - - -- - ---- ---------- - ------ ----- --- ------- - 36 Duncan, Mr s. Minta Th orpe_______________ ___________ ________ ________ _______ _ 80 Durand, Dr . and Mr s. C. S._________ _____ ___________ ___________ ______ ________ 18 Eicher , Mr. and Mr s. H . A._________________________________________________ 62 Elliott, Vid a -- --- - --- -- - - - - --- ---- -------- --- -- ------ --- - - --- - - - ------ - - -- - 97 Elsam, Mr. and Mr s. C. G._______ _____ ______________ ___ ____________ __________ 39 Ennis, Emma Jan e___ _________ __________ _____________ ____ ___________________ 63 Page 4 Fleming, Jen n~ V. _______ _____ ___ _____ ___ __ __ ______________ _______________ __ 58 For d, Lucile G._______________ __ _____ _____ ____ _____ __ ___ _______ ____ _____ ___ 72 Forrest, M r. and Mr s. W . M .__ _________:... _____________________________________ 46 Fox , Mr s. Or ah H aight____ ______ __ ____ ____ ___ __ _____ ______ ____ _____________ _ 52 Franklin, Joseph a --- --- - - ----------- -- - - ---------------------- - -- - ----- ---- 27 Fra nkl in, Stella -------- - --- -- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- - - ----- -- -- - ---------- - ------ - - 3 l Fros t , Ad elaide Gail_ _________ __ ________________ _____ ______________ __ ________ 30 Furm an M yrtl e _ -- ·------------ -- --- - --------------------------------------- 68 Ga mboe , M r. and M rs. Homer P._________ _____________ ___ ____ __ _______________ 8 3 Ga rt on, Lulu E----------- - - -- ------- - - -- ----- - ----- -- - --- - -- ----- - - -- ---- -- 72 Ghormley, Mr . and Mr s. James C .__ ______ ___________________________ _______ ___ 63 Go rdon, Mr. E . M . and Dr. Ann a_ _______ __ _____ _______ __ _____ ___ __ ____ ________ 2 1 Go rd on, El~ e --- ---- -- -- ------ --- ---- - ----- -- - - ----------------- - ------- - - 32 Gordon , Mr. W . E . and Dr. Ada McNeil_ ___ _____ ____ _______ __ ____ ___________ __ 40 G rainger, M r. and Mr s. 0. 1----- - -- - ------ - --- -- ------------ - ------ - --------- 46 G raybiel, Mar y - - ------------- -- --- ---- ------- - --- - -------- - --- - ---- ------- 11 G riesemer , Dr. Ruth ____________ __ _____ ______ _______ ______ ___ __ ____ __________ 84 Gr iffith , Oli ve V___ ___________ ____ ____ __ __ ___ ________ ______ __ ____ ______ __ ___ 56 H all, M r. and M rs. Keith B. __________________________ ________________________ 104 H all, M r. and Mr s. William D. __________ _____ __ _____________________ __________ 106 H arn ar, Mr. and Mr s. Fr ank E .___ ___ _____ ______ __ ____ ___ _____ __ ____ __ _________ 75 Harn ar, Ruth May _____ ________________ ______ __ ___ ___ ______ __ _______________ 10 5 Harrah , V eda B.____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _____ ___ _________ ___ ______ ___ ___ 9 3 H art soo k, In a - -- ---- -- --- -- ---- - --------------- - ------ ---- - -------- - - -- --- 7 3 Hill, Eli zabeth ---------------- -- ---- - -------- - ---- --- ---- -- - -- ------- - ----- 10 1 Hill , Mr. and Mr s. T . N ._________ ____ __________ __ ___________ ______ _______ ____ 78 Hitt , D r. and Mrs . A. W.____________________________________________________
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