· 'Tk~pMb/l Vel,!, fwcfl}. C'fi/ll't ",k/& l't fa~t.r. "nat~ ",katalleke.ladf({(Ij<te.t ek(/J!(/~ t;!'a'a~ MtkatfatelalSatw'fil1fl I(tjkt lir ilal} 011993. llel( km'tis' ati.ea'tf aF fatel~" al(a' l't ka~pl(e b/llfel'!' fwcfl}. !Jut ~OIlfe.M", ",e. !Je IIfM~ to;aef eo((J(tfM~lIfellfol<IM lirtO Me dOI<t~ (/J!(0ff/ tkllf 1((/I(eI'tIa~ eko/'te.,< ~ko",,,, t",o tJ<tj~ to C1ffal(t{ ;!ft«'-Mirtel< CMVel(t/o'O aCIJJ<I'bbeM eJ<w~e. II ",kli<!'",!ira'ekallf;/M~ktj wel(lirj tJ<o/';ea'lir al( efwato,~ Ma'OW< f!i<d IIIC Se[ltembel'/October 1994 The Volume LIV, No.5 The Harmol/izer (USPS No. 577700) (lSSN 0017.7849) is ~al111onizer the oflldlll publication orille Society for the Prcs£'rmtlon and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEllSQSA). II is published inlhe months ofJalluary,l\lnTch, Mil)', Jul)', Seplembl:'T and Nonmher A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF al 7930 Sheridan Road, Kcnosha, Wisconsin 53143. Sec­ ond·c1ass postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin, and al SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY midiliolllli mailing offices. Editorial and ad\'cr!isillg of­ fices are at the in!eTnaliollrtl office. Adverlising rates ll\'allable IIJlon rCfluest. Publisher assumes no responslbil. Ity for relurn of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Poslmlls!C'r: send address changes to editorial offices of Features Tlte Harmonizer, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wiscon· sin 53143 at Icrlst thirty days before the next publication dale. A porlioll ofench mcmbcr's dues is allocated to cover the magazine's subscription pricc. Subscription price to 4 Pittsburgh convention wrap-up 1l01l-lll{'mbcrs is $18 yearly or $3 per issuc; foreign sub· stories and candid photos scriptions arc $27 )'earl)' or $4.50 11er issue (U. S. funds onl)·). ©1994 by the Society for the Presenatlon and 10 Photos of 1994 quartet contestants Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartct Singing in Amcrica, Inc. 21 Complete scoring summaries 25 Photos of 1994 chorus contestants Internalional Office 30 Photos of 1994 college quartet contestants SPEBSQSA 6315 Third Avenue 31 Thoughts about the '94 international contest Kcnosha, WI 53143-5199 first international use of new scoring categories Telephone (414) 653-8440 Toll-rree (800) 876-SING (7464) 42 Memorial plaque dedicated at Harmony Hall FAX (414) 654-4048 or 654-5552 Keep a Melody Ringing fund established Office Hours: 8 a.lIl.• 5 p.llI. ~Ionda}'·Frida)' (Central Time) 50 Infonet chorus sings at Pittsburgh computer pals gct together International Office Staff 50 Lou Perry Scholarships announced two winning arrangers attend Harmony College JOE LILES. Executive Director DAN NAUMANN. Director of Music Educatioa & Services FR,\NK SANTA nELLI, Dm.'CtOfofFmanre & Administmtion (iAn\, STAi\Ii\I, Director ofr-.larketing RUTH BlAZINA·JOYCE. i\luseurn Curator/Archivist Also in this issue DAN DAIL\'. Editor of Publications JIM DEDUSMAN, r-.lusic SpecialistID:o.IE/World Harmony LANI DlInEn, C&J CoordinatorfQuartet Registry RUSS FOHlS, l\'!"din Production CoorJinntor 32 PR Basics WAnREN LEISEf'.It\NN, Manager of Information Systems BRIAN LYNCH, Communications Specialist 36 Marketing the Society BETTY MAOSEN, Merchandise Orders & Shipping nUTH f'.IARKS, Hannon)' Foundation Program Coordinator EV NA U, t\lusic SperialistIP.::rfomwneeiJ\farkeling 38 Letters to the Editor lULL RASfLLEIGH, r-,'lusic SpecialistlYoulll Outreach GREG RISMOEN, Computer Network i\bnnger 39 Charitable Services BunT SZABO, t-.'!usie Specialist/Music Publishing PATRICK TUCKER-KELLY, COTSrrvlembership DEE VESEVICK, Assistant to the Executive Director 40 Chapters in Action KEN BUCKNER, t\lanager of Conwmions & t\leetings 43 Craft-care of the voice Louis\'ille, Ky. (502) 893-7288 FAX: 893·6694 CHARLIE GHEEN, Dir.::ctor ofD¢vclopmenl 44 News About Quartets i\linneapolis. Minn. (612) 929·OQ-II FAX: 929-0552 46 The Way I See It ... SOCIETY VISION STATEMENT The Society is to be a widely recognized, ever­ 48 Barbershop Around the World growing, singing fraternity of men, drawn to­ gether by their love of the four-part, a cappella, 52 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers close-harmony style of music known as barber­ shop, whose mission is 10 perpetuate that style by sharing it and their love for it with people of all ages throughout the world; and to be a leader in the cause of preserving and encouraging vocal On the cover music, in our educatioll systems and in our com­ munities, as alifelong recreational activity and an Fronl cover: Ihe 1994 international quartet champion, Joker's Wild, poses wilh Ihe essential element in one's cultural well-being. Ingraham Trophy and individual ASCAP trophies. Back cover: 1994 international Intcrnet: [email protected] chorus champion Vocal Majority and 1994 college quartet champion The Real Deal. September/October 1994 r3farmonizer International Officers Ju(cml/f;ollal E.wcllti\'e Committee President: Ernie Nickoson, 1702 Cameron CI.. Lexington. KY 40505 Vice Pn:sidentffreasur<:r: Dirk Shaw, 35 Vngabond Lalle, Winler Haven, rL 33881 Vice President: Tim Hanrahan, 215 Ht'dgecock Court In "Seventh" Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Vil'C President: Ed \VOlesche, 6 Vista I.<'lnC, Melville, NY 11747 Immediate Past President: Terry Aramian. 47A Dol Avenue, Campbell. CA 95008 Heaven Execlilive Director: Joe Liles ('X officio Il/tert/atiOlw/lJoard Members by Joe Liles C;lnJinal: William Campbell, 8-110 Soulh EN Sl ,Indianapoli~, IN ..\6227 Executive Director C('nlr~1 Sl~t('s: h('d T('lIer, 1520 Cr(',lmoor Dr., IIa,ling>, NF. 68901 Dhi('; Dirk llrlOl~. 732 Gr<·... k), Dr., Na.>h,-ill(', TN 37205 EI·... rg~"n: Bun SINnl• ..\5J I 1"0\ Farm Rd_. Gr ~t Falls. MT 59-W..\ FarW(',t... m: Dkk Girvin, 3..\888 Lyn A".... ,H lTl<'l. C,\ 925..\5 Illinoi~: Eall ~k><:lh, 15611 G1('nd~le Lan(',l<:><:kpor1, n, 6l}.I..\1-3202 Johnn)' AppkS<."('d: Jo.: knkin~, 659..\ StrathronJ, Dublin, 0ll-lJOl7 LInd O' Lak ... ,: Judd Olff, 11.'i E. Lirukn St., Stillwat<."r. MN 55082 ~Iid-Albnlic J:lC1.: Bdlis. 28 O.d:k)' Dr.• HuntinglOn Station, NY 111..\6 N(lr1h ...aslem: Jilll Ki<>;l<."k, r. D. Bo~ 7-15, Ch"pa<."h('t, RI 0281..\-0997 e lay in the road in front of the met as singers in a community chorus OI1I~rio: Rid.; Snooll(,I1, 23 IllOld('nton Dr., Willowdale, ON M2H IY..\ CANADA oncoming school bus. The for a performance ofHandcl's Messiah. Pion...... r: Rosa l"'\li,. 20125 121\lil... Rd., Batik C.-.:... I.:,1\II..\9017 Rock)" 1\Iounlain: Phil H()lfrnan, Jr.. 21-10CIJrk Aw., Billings. 1\IT 59102 driver had no choice but Miff had invited Bill to his chapter S('n.:-.:a Land: Dick B~nnC'r, .n95 L)'dl Rd" Roch~>tC'r, NY 1-1606 H Southwnl...rn: 1l11K<' CI;uk, 2..\69 O,lord A\'o:'.• S:lJ) Angdo, TX 76904 to ... wait a second. l'm getting ahead of many times with no success. One day, Sunshin,·; N...d Fogler, 1..\9211 F~ather COl'': Rd., Ckarwat~r, FL 3..\622 myself. Miff saw Bill driving a school bus past al//i Direcrors-(/f-wrge DID Bahr• .'i25Bdl"<'d,·r~ Dr. 1110, 1101 Springs, AR 11901 [n June, [ had the opportunity to par­ his house. Knowing the route required Fr;'; J.1<:k$on. 202 Howard 51-, Ril'... rlon, NJ 08077 John S,hndd~r. J Rip Van Winkk. Houston, TX 1702-1 ticipate in the Johnny Appleseed the bus to return in a couple of minutes Grorg~ Shidd" I Valk)'brook Or. 11..\00, Don Mill~, O~ ~13R 2S7 CANADA District's Apple Corps, consistently one from the oppositedirection, Miffwaited. of the finest of the district schools. My When he saw the bus on its return trip, he Affiliate Organizations AUSTRAI.I,\N ASSOCIATION OF MEN BARBERSHOP address to the studcnt body included a had a spontaneous, crazy whim. He ran SINGERS {AAMFlS) I).wid Ru<><:l1, Pr(sident, 286 William StIT~t. UathuJ>l, New Soulh Wales 2795. Auslralia description of the events surrounding out into the street, lay down in front of BARBERSHOP IN GERIlIANY (BinG!) Hans-Jiilb~n \\'im~I.:.... P~,idt·nl. M[lhl£:l5'~ 8·12, my own introduction to barbershop har­ the bus and refused to move until Bill 6O~86 Fr..nkrurt am ~Iain, Germ:ll1y URlTISIi ASSOCIATlO:-< OF UARIJERSIIOP SINGERS (BABS) mony and the Society-the persistence would promise to visit his chapter. Un­ Tony St':uk, Chainnan, 1..\ St. 1I1:ugard~ Gro\"C', Great Kingshill. High W)'<."ombe, Bu~ks HPI5 6HP, England of one Beu Binford, a Barbershopper der those circumstances, Bill relented, DUTCH ASSOCIATION OF BARBERSHOP SINGFRS (DABS) whom [had met in a church choir in San agreed to go to the chapter meeting and, IlC'ml:ll1 Feitsma, Pr('si(knt, Kla'·~mlecnlll. Wu:tkl\\)'k 38..\-..\ IlR, Tl1e N~th~d;ul(1) Antonio, Texas, finally convinced me to guess what? He got hookcdjust likc you IRISH ASSOCIATIO:\, OF IlARBERSHOP SIt'\GERS (lABS) Dlga RNI'ne, ChainDJn, 29 ~Iartin~ Court. Sk... ni~,. visit the local barbershop chapter. and me. Bill is now a happy harmonizer, COllnl)' Oublin,/rdand NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF IlARIJERSliOP SINGERS That experience was a major turning thanks to Miff. (N7.ABS) Ro,,-~ Galn,forJ, Pr... ,iJ... nl. 25 Gordon St., ,\\"alon, l.owa HUll. New Z(aland point in my life and led to the discovery I'll bet you remember YOllr first bar­ SOCIETY OF :-;ORDlC BARBERSHDP SINGERS {SNOBS) Kjdl Lindbo.:r~. Pr~,id~nl, Norriings\"Jg(n 5..\, of some of the finest people on bershop singing experience.
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