188 PRIN CIPES [VOL. 35 in Panama and Tapanti in Costa Rica, C. Surprisingly, much, if not most, of the costaricana attains rather large size. At material in California cultivated as C. cos­ Cerro Punta, we collected material with taricana is actually C. pochutlensis. In stems to 15 meters in height and nearly addition, material in California and Hawaii 8 cm diam. Botanists and horticulturists grown as C. woodsoniana is actually C. have confused these large forms of C. cos­ costaricana. taricana with C. woodsoniana. The soli­ tary habit with even more robust stems, Chamaedorea hooperiana D. R. Hodel lack of persistent ligules at the apex of the Spa nov. (Figs. 6- 8). leaf sheath, heavily nerved, straight pin­ nae, larger inflorescences with longer Subgeneris Chamaedoreae Mart. ex H. peduncles, and elongated fruits distinguish A. Wendl. inflorescentiis masculis solitari­ C. woodsoniana. is, floribus masculis solitariis petalis con­ The presence of the two ligules at the natis apicaliter corollis aperturis laterali­ apex of the leaf sheath is a diagnostic char­ bus. C. graminifoliae H. A. Wendl. et C. acter unifying these forms. These append­ pochutlensi Liebm. affinis sed surcu]is ba­ ages are lanceolate and membranous and silibus propullanibus erectis post vaginas more or less deciduous, at least in their infuscatas persistentes crassas induratas upper portion. The lower or basal portion subligneas, foliis crassis induratas differt. is not as membranous and is often persis­ Typus: Cult., D. R. Hodel 772 (holotypus tent as a triangular tooth or auricle (Fig. BH; isotypi CR, HNT, K, MEXU, MO, 4) long after the upper portion has fallen NY). or rotted away. Since the upper portion is Cespitose, new lateral shoots emerging membranous and rots away rather rapidly, from tops of old dried persistent basal the overall visibility of this appendage is sheaths (Fig. 8), forming fairly dense much reduced with time. Therefore, it is clumps to 3- 4 m across, erect, leaning best viewed on leaf sheaths on the apical with age, to 4- 5 m tall, stems 2- 2.5 cm portions of stems near new, emerging diam., green, ringed, often covered with leaves. old leaf bases, internodes to 15 cm long. Chamaedorea costaricana has been Leaves 5-7, erect-spreading, pinnate; cultivated for ornament in San lose, Costa sheath to 40- 50 cm long, tightly clasping, Rica at least since the late 1800s and obliquely open apically and there splitting probably earlier, the forested slopes of Vol­ deeply opposite petiole with age, rough­ can Barva serving as a ready and acces­ brown-margined, below this whitish and sible source of plants and seeds. Today, longitudinally striate-nerved, old sheaths handsome clumps are found throughout persistent, drying brown, hard, durable, ± the city. It is also commonly found in towns woody; petiole to 20- 35 cm long, lime­ and villages to the north of San lose along green and grooved especially near the base National Route 9 that winds past Volcan adaxially, rounded and pale abaxially; Barva to the Atlantic lowlands. Here, such rachis to 0.8-1 m long, lime-green and as at the towns of Heredia and Barva, it sharply angled adaxially, rounded abaxi­ is seen as a large hedge, screen, or single ally with a green or yellowish band extend­ specimens in many of the yards and res­ ing onto sheath, attenuate apically; 20- idences. From Costa Rica, it has spread 26 pinnae on each side of rachis (Fig. 7), throughout the horticultural world and is these regularly arranged, opposite to one of the more widespread members of subopposite, flat off rachis, elongate-Ian­ the genus in cultivation, being found in ceolate, lower and middle ones longest, gardens and collections in California, Flor­ these to 40 x 1.8 cm, becoming pro­ ida, Hawaii, Australia, and elsewhere. gressively shorter toward apex of rachis, 1991] HODEL: CESPITOSE CHAMAEDOREA 189 4. The short ligule at the apex of the leaf sheath is a diagnostic feature of Chamaedorea costaricana. Compare it with that of Chamaedorea quezalteca in Figure 12. 5. The infructescence of Chamaedorea costaricana is held below the leaves. 6. A large clump of Chamaedorea hooperiana grows at Ingwersen Nursery in Oceanside, California. 7. Leaf and pistillate inflorescence of Chamaedorea hooperiana were taken from a plant cultivated in the garden of P. Sullivan in Ventura, California, Hodel 804. ± straight, only slightly falcate, long-acu­ minate with peduncle to 30 cm long, 1.5 minate, slightly contracted at base, ± thick, cm wide at base, erect-spreading, pale durable, a prominent pale midrib sharply green where exposed; bracts 5- 6, tubular, angled adaxially and 2 much less promi­ tightly sheathing, obliquely open apically nent primary nerves on each side of this, and there bifid except largest which is long­ secondaries and tertiaries faint and incon­ acuminate and greatly exceeds peduncle spicuous, midrib prominent abaxially, api­ and often conceals 1 or 2 smaller ones, cal pair of pinnae slightly wider. longitudinally striate-nerved, drying brown Inflorescences infrafoliar, emerging from at anthesis; rachis 20 cm long, light green; tops of dried persistent sheaths, erect. Sta- 40- 45 rachillae, these to 25 cm long, 190 PRINCIPES [VOL. 35 spreading-drooping, light green, 1.75-2 CULTIV ATED. California: La Habra, gar­ mm diam. Pistillate (Fig. 7) with peduncle den of Lou Hooper, Hodel 772 (holotype to 50 cm long, 1.5 cm wide at base, erect, BH; isotypes CR, HNT, K, MEXU, MO, pale or greenish in flower where exposed, NY); Ventura, garden of Pauleen Sullivan, reddish orange in fruit; bracts 6, similar Hodel 804 (BH); San Marino, Huntington to those of staminate inflorescence, brown Botanical Gardens 43001, Hodel 690 and persistent in fruit; rachis to 22 cm (BH). long, green-yellow at anthesis, reddish The epithet honors Lou Hooper of La orange in fruit; 40 rachillae, lower ones Habra, California in whose garden I col­ longest, these to 22 cm long, apical ones lected the type specimen. to 10 cm long, spreading slightly, ± stiff, Chamaedorea hooperiana exists in only yellow-green at anthesis, reddish orange in a few collections in southern California. fruit. Pauleen Sullivan in Ventura, Louis Hooper Staminate flowers spirally arranged, 3- in La Habra, Jack Ingwersen in Oceanside 3.5 mm distant, subglobose, 3-3.5 x 3- (Fig. 6), and the Huntington Botanical 4 mm, highly aromatic, slightly sunken in Gardens in San Marino have mature plants elliptic depressions; calyx cupular, 1 x 2 in their gardens. For years these plants mm, membranous, light green, shallowly were unidentified and their origin uncer­ 3-lobed, lobes broadly rounded, sepals con­ tain. The common story was that the exist­ nate nearly to top; petals valvate, connate ing plants originated from one introduction apically and there adnate to pistillode and by an unknown seaman who collected seeds corolla opening by lateral slits, petals later in a port of call in Central American and apically spreading slightly? but remaining brought them to Southern California. inwardly curved, yellow, 3.5 x 3 mm, In December, 1989, during field work broadly acute, reflexed only slightly at tip, in Mexico, we found it in the wild in the margins ± thickened; stamens 2.5 mm Catemaco region of Veracruz, enabling us tall, filaments 1-1.5 mm long, very pale to provide a known locality for it. Sullivan green, nearly clear-colored, anthers 1 mm has plants of both sexes and produces seeds long, yellow changing to white; pistillode regularly that she has distributed to local columnar, 2.75 mm tall, light green, dark­ palm collectors and hobbyists. I originally ened and narrowed apically. Pistillate flow­ thought that this species was C. karwin­ ers in rather remote spirals, 8 mm distant, skyana and plants of C. hooperiana may globose, 3 x 3 mm, slightly immersed in have been distributed as such. However, elliptic depressions; calyx very light green I have since examined the type of C. kar­ or nearly yellow, 1- 1.5 x 3 mm, prom­ winskyana and realize that it can be inently 3-lobed, lobes broadly rounded, included with C. pochutlensis. sepals connate and/ or lightly imbricate Similar florally to C. graminifolia and basally; petals tightly imbricate, opening vegetatively to C. pochutlensis, C. hoo­ only briefly apically, light greenish yellow, periana can be distinguished in the man­ 2.5- 2.75 x 3 mm, acute; pistil globose, ner in which it sends forth new shoots from light green, 3 x 3 mm, styles lacking, the base of the plant. These emerge from stigma lobes distinct but low, rounded. the tops of the persistent, nearly woody, Fruits black, oblong-gl/?bose, 7- 8 mm diam. basal leaf sheaths (Fig. 8). In addition, C. Distribution: MEXICO. Veracruz. hooperiana has thicker, durable, nearly Dense, wet forest, 1,000- 1,500 m ele­ plasticlike leaves. Rhizomatous stems vation. emerging some distance from the parent Specimens Examined: MEXICO. plant and soft, thin, narrowly liner pinnae Veracruz: Catemaco, D. & R. Hodel 922 also distinguish C. graminifolia. Other dis­ (BH, MEXU); Dressler & Jones 91 (GH). tinguishing characters of C. pochutlensis 1991] HODEL: CESPITOSE CHAMAEDOREA 191 include the staminate flowers with apically on each side of rachis, regularly arranged, spreading petals and broader, softer pin­ elongate-lanceolate, to 40 X 2-3 cm, a nae. prominent pale midrib and 2 submarginal A handsome species of easy culture, C. primary nerves, secondaries and tertiaries hooperiana is a vigorous and relatively inconspicuous. Inflorescences infrafoliar, fast grower. Its eventual size should be erect-spreading; peduncles 30-40 cm long; considered when placing it in the land­ rachises 10 cm long; staminate with 12- scape. With age, it will form rather dense 25 rachillae, these 15-20 cm long, slender clumps several meters across.
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