IIONDAT. JDHX I, Iff# '# M ^ iD c n B t Avsrags Dally Nat Praas Run TiMWsatksr ittanrbyatyr gpMtteg Ifgralb r*r am. Mtmtk Stay, issa ffMMSM «t 0. a. lUsthn BipMas will giva the baccalauraaU aarmon. Todhy fuir to pwtljr itoudyt, to­ Walter L. Daudel. son of Mrs. Two local residents were candi­ Thla aarvice la cloaed with the Charles Daudel, of 118 Main dates for degrees at commence-, College Marks 9,924 iiattrtotrr iEurttittg lirntlii night fnirt WedBwdny gMiuilWy ment exercises at Boston Univer­ candlelight procesalon of the aoph- About Town street, has won Valley Forge Mili­ omorea in cap and gown. Mtmlwr of am Audit talri lowMt tary Academy's Intramural Sports sity this morning. Donald A- Knofla of 320 ToUand Turnpike Howell Cheney, chairman of the Bill Mil of Ofieulsaous Manehe$ler —A CUy of Village Charm lUnnhMtf ■ £otta>' Insignia as a member of "B” Com­ Its 10th Year board of truataea, will praaant the will obMiTt Dtatrlet pany's championship swimming was a candidate for the degree Association in Arts, at the Gen­ diplomaa for the Aaaociate of Arta Dnnity Night »t * apaclal com­ team. The spring athletic award and Associate of Science' degrees munication, tomorrow evening at was presented during the annual eral College, and Lee M. Silver- (CtoMlBcd Advertizing on Pngn 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Hartford Institution for at the commencement ceremony. VOL. LXIX, NO. 209 6:30, , In the Naaonlc Temple. Athletic Review, one of the stein of 28 Stephen street, was al­ so a candidate for the same de­ Dean Laura A. Johnson will an­ Oeoige W. Trepp. Jfn of aiaetom school's June Week ceremonies. Women Students Has nounce prizes and awards. The Rev. bury. Deputy of the Sixth gree. Fletcher D. Parker, pastor of the aenio DtaWct, wlU make hla offi­ A daughter was bom in Hart­ Now Graduated 273 cial visit and inspect the work In Winners In last Friday night's Immanuel church, will give the In­ CUSTOM 'FITri ADV-TO-PUT^ON Driver Escapes Flaming Wreck After Upset ford hospital. May 31, to Mr. and vocation and benediction. exempUfylng the Entered Appren­ Mrs. Thomas J. Ferrante, of fil duplicate bridge tournament were A milestone in the history of a tice degree. He will be accompan­ as follow.s: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MacArthur Orders Elation and Defiance Falknor drive. Connecticut educational Institu­ ied bv James Q. Cummings of & s t Ungerer S.'li..,, William Russell and Hartford, associate grand chaplain. St. Bridget’s Mothers’ Circle James L Baker 30, and Don Gus­ tion will be marked June 7, when Epworth League A social hour with refreshments SLIP COVERS will meet tomorrow evening at tafson and A1 Cushing 29',3. A the 10th anniversary commence­ will follow the meeting. eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. master point game will be held ment of Hartford College rounds Officers Seated Purge of Jap Reds Get aid Marskl, 300 Porter street. Wednesday evening at the home Mr. and Mr*. Charles B. Warder out the first decade of its estab­ Mark Dixie Reaction of the director, 3 Brown street. lishment to offer the first two of Honolulu, formerly of this town, Mary C. Keeney Tent, No, 14. East Hartford. James R. McKay, aon of Mr. weiu the guests of Mr. and Mrs. years of college to women of D. U. V. C. W., will meet tomor­ and Mrs. James W. McKay, of 600 After Outbreaks Arthur Knofla of 29 Munro street row evening at eight o'clock at Among the one hundred and Greater Hartford and surrounding ovor the week-end. The Warders Porter street, was seated as preai- In G>rrelated Designs and G>Iorings 47 Maple street. nine sophomore students who re­ h ft this town about ten years ago ceived Associate in Arts degrees communities. dent of the Epworth League of and while here renewed old ac­ The significance of the occasion Plain Color.6, Floral Prints, Floral Stripe Calls for Ejection of To Racial Decisions today at commencement exercises the South Methodist church at an Allies Chilly quaintances. Mr. Warder is em­ The Dorcas Society of the of Green Mountain Junior College, will be observed when Sir Alfred Emanuel Lutheran church will Zimmern delivers the commence­ Installation ceremony last evening. Top Leaders from ploy^ by the Hawaiian Elec,rlcal Poultney, Vermont. were two Mr. McKay siiccceda Godfrey hold a picnic Saturday afternoon graduates of Manchester High ment address. The ceremony will High Court Ruling* company. at 3:30 ip Miss Chapman s lotlgc Gourley who has seiwcd as presi­ Chairs $§.98 Divans Politics; 7 Will Vacate To Federal Hungry W ife Getg Divorce school: Susan Jane Ferguson, John . Berry be held at the Immanuel Congre­ Doubt Any if the weather is pleasant, or at 8 dent for the past two years, Hla When Mate Grnbn Food Order 2 State Univer­ A daughter was bom Sunday In daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles gational church, in Hartford, at associate officers follow: Parliamentary Seats; Hartfoiu hospital to Mr. and Mrs. the church If the weather unfa­ 8 p.m. vorable. Everyone attending is re­ H. Ferguson, major. Retailing, and John S. Berry, son of Mr. and Program rice president, Mias General Likens (Com­ Reich Police sities to Grant Ne­ Richard Klchnet of Maplewood Marion Ethel FounUln. daughter Sir Alfred is director of the Janet Wilson; recreation and en­ Heavy duty long wearing twill—in washfast colors. Indianapolis, June 8.- OF— avenue. Eait Hartford. Mrs. quested to bring some dish suit­ Mrs. William P. Berry of 52 Arch Greater Hartford Council for Excise Cuts Mrs. Eknlly Logan testified yes­ of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fountain street was among the 215 students tertainment vice president, God­ Contrasting cord-welt seams. Reversible cushion cov­ munists to Militarists groes Equal Rights Klchnet was the former Miss Ann able for a potluck supper, except of Andover, major, medical sccre- UNESCO, He waa for 14 years terday that her husband. dc.sscrts or breads. w 1h> graduated Friday from St. frey Gourley: secretary, Mias ers. Floral on wine, grey, green and black. Floral stripe Shannon of this town. tarv. professor of international relations Phyllis Sanberg; treasurer. Miss Fear Reaction in West Charles, would eat all the food With Whites; Railroad* Michael’s College, Winooski Park, at Oxford University and was a on grey or green. Solid colors ,in green, wine and grey. Tokyo, June 6.— (/P)— Gen­ This Year on the table, then reach across Vermont. An English major, Mr. Florence Cordher: pianist. Miss The linal meeting of the season Raymond P. Ward, Jr., account­ founder of the Geneva School of Hazel Driggs; publicity, David eral MacArthur, angered by If They Grant Aden­ and spear the food she had on Cannot Segregate of the Regina dTtalla Society will ant. of Fern street, Hartford, and wii (^arcl Parly Berry was active in several campus International Studies. From 1939 her plate. That embarrassed 1^1 organlzatlona, including the Na­ Hutchinson. Japanese Red attacks on auer Plea; See Move Races in Dining Cars;. ho held tonight at 7:30 at the Mary Crossen. registered nurse, of to 1945 Sir Alfred was deputy-di­ Following the candlelight in­ Reg. 49c Starlex 25% Linen Failure to Balance Off her, she told Judge John Nib- ItaUan-Amerlcan club. Refresh­ Manchester, were married Satur­ tional Federation of Catholic Col­ rector of the research department American soldiers, ordered 24 lack, and she wanted a divorce. Gov. Talmadge Mad Plans Otiiipleled lege StudenCs and the'- Debating stallation ceremony which was ar­ Food for Propaganda Proposed Reductions ments win be served. day morning by Justice of the of the British Foreign Office. He ranged by Miss Charlotte Hutch­ top (Communist leaders Charles, Perry Township Peace Stuart J. Wa.sley, in his df- Club. He was circulation manager was a member of the faculty of ins, the group participated in a purged today and the Japa­ Makes Veto Certain­ constable, was agreeable and Mias Bernice Juul. Miss Terr>’ flee at 755 Main street. Most of the Beauty Shop owners of ’’The Michaelman. ” the college’s Trinity College as visiting pro­ Printed Dish Toweling Frankfurt. Germany. June 6 .— Atlanta, June 6.—(fP)— communion service at which Rev. nese government swiftly fol­ (fl>)_Hlgh Allied officials are giv­ commented from the stand, Ivaniakl, Mrs. Harriet 8 . Horan In Manchester and a number of the weekly newspaper and activities fessor from 1947 tq 1949. Fred R. Edgar, minister of the ty; Time Is Short ’Did you ever see a man win Consternation, elation and and Mrs. Stella Kaminski, all local Two local German shepherd lowed his command. The gov­ ing a chilly reception to West Ger- operators attended a meeting last editor of "The Shield, ” the college With the class of IfifiO the college South Methodist church was the an argument?” outright defiance were the beauticians, are attending the dogs won prises at the Framing­ yearbook. He ai.so played two >man government proposals to night at the Weldon Beauty Stu­ will have graduated 273 women speaker. ernment promptly notified Washington, June 8.—(fl5— 'Divorce granted,” the Judge Southland's mixed reaction! lawn party today at the home of ham District Kennel club show dio to formulate plans for the lawn years of varsity football for the the 24 member, of the Communist form a federal police force. Mrs. Adrienne La Brie. Rockledge yesterday. Xavier von Blitz, own­ from Greater Hartford and 37 3 9 « yard The Germans have just tossed Joha W. 81ms crawled from the flaming cab of hls low truck (left) at Kansan Oty, Kas., after the Doubt settled deeper on Capitol replied with the comment: tcxlay to the U.
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