FABULA / FUNNY BALLOONS / WILD BUNCH in association with BULLET PICTURES prEsEnt 4:44 LAST DAY ON EARTH Written and Directed by ABEL FERRARA Starring Willem DAFOE Shanyn leigh 2011 · UsA · 85 min · DCp 35MM · 1.85 · DOLBY SR · COLOUr Download press kit and photos from WWW.WiLDBUnCH.BiZ PRESS CONTACT DURING VENICE FF INTERNATIONAL SALES Phil SYMES - Cell + 39 (0)346 336 3406 Ronaldo MOURAO - Cell + 39 (0)346 336 3407 Carole BARATON [email protected] Email: [email protected] Gary FARKAS [email protected] Vincent MARAVAL [email protected] Gaël NOUAILLE [email protected] Silvia SIMONUTTI [email protected] Peter DANNER [email protected] SYNOPSIS In a large apartment high above the city lives our couple. They’re in love. She’s a painter, he’s a successful actor. Just a normal afternoon - except that this isn’t a normal afternoon, for them or anyone else. Because tomorrow, at 4:44 am, give or take a few seconds, the world will come to an end far more rapidly than even the worst doomsayer could have imagined. The final meltdown will come not without warnings, but with no means of escape. There will be no survivors. As always, there are those who, as their last cigarette is being lit and the blindfold tightened, will still hope against hope for some kind of reprieve. For a miracle. Not our two lovers. They - like the majority of the Earth’s population - have accepted their fate: the world is going to end. ABEL FERRARA ABEL FERRARA Director’s Note Filmography i would like to take this opportunity to quote 2010 MULBERRY ST a passage from our new film 4:44 LAST 2009 NAPOLI, NAPOLI, NAPOLI DAY On EArtH, which has the Dalai Lama speaking, in his inimitable way, on man and 2008 CHELSEA ON THE ROCKS nature: 2007 GO GO TALES 2005 MARY “We human beings are almost like the creator or controller of the world; through 2001 ‘R XMAS technology, through science, we can do 1998 NEW ROSE HOTEL anything, everything… we do not run the nature. I think we human beings believe 1997 THE BLACKOUT ourselves to be something above nature. I 1996 THE FUNERAL think that it is wrong. After all, we are part of 1995 THE ADDICTION the nature and as such, it is very clear, you see, we have the responsibility to take care 1993 DANGEROUS GAME of the environment, of the nature, because 1993 BODY SNATCHERS ultimately, we are part of the nature and its 1992 BAD LIEUTENANT balance and we can dramatically change as a result…” 1990 KING OF NEW YORK 1989 CAT CHASER What i have learned is word for word, fragmented, through different languages, 1987 CHINA GIRL grammatical or not, in or out of context: when 1984 FEAR CITY the messenger is pure the message prevails. 1981 MS. 45 - Abel 1979 THE DRILLER KILLER NYC WILLEM DAFOE Biography in 1979, Willem Dafoe was given a small Oliver stone (BORN On tHE FOUrtH OF role in michael Cimino’s HEAVEn’s JULY, pLAtOOn). GAtE from which he was fired. His first feature role came shortly after in Kathryn Dafoe was nominated twice for the Academy Bigelow’s tHE LOVELESS. From there, Awards® (pLAtOOn and sHADOW OF he went on to perform in over 60 films - in tHE VAMPIRE) and once for the Golden Hollywood (SPIDERMAn, tHE EnGLISH Globes. Among other nominations and pAtiEnt, FINDING nEmO, OnCE awards, he has received an LA Film Critics UpOn A TIME IN mEXiCO, CLEAr AnD Award and an independent spirit Award. PREsEnt DAnGEr, WHitE sAnDs, MISSISSIPPI BURNING, STREETS recent projects include Lars von trier’s OF FIRE) and in independent cinema AntiCHRIST, Julian schnabel’s MIRAL, in the U.s. (tHE CLEARING, ANIMAL Christian Carion’s FArEWELL, Werner FACtOrY, BAsQUiAt, tHE BOOnDOCK Herzog’s mY sOn mY sOn, the spierig sAINTS, AmERICAn PSYCHO) and Brothers’ DAYBrEAKERS (co-starring with abroad (theo Angelopoulos’ tHE DUST Ethan Hawke), MR. BEAn’s HOLiDAY with OF TIME, Lars von trier’s mAnDErLAY, rowan Atkinson, paul Weitz’s AmERICAn Yim Ho’s pAViLLiOn OF WOmEn, Yurek DrEAmZ and CIRQUE DU FrEAK, and Bogayevicz’s EDGEs OF tHE LOrD, Wim Giada Colagrande’s BEFOrE it HAD A Wenders’ FAr AWAY sO CLOsE, nobuhiro nAmE (which was co written by mr. Dafoe). suwa’s segment of pARIS JE t’AIME, and Brian Gilbert’s tOm & ViV). Upcoming films include tHE HUntEr, Andrew stanton’s JOHn CArtEr for He has chosen projects for the diversity Disney, Giada Colagrande’s A WOmAn, of roles and the opportunities to work with stephen sommers’ ODD tHOmAs, and strong directors. He has worked in the films Abel Ferrara’s 4:44 LAST DAY On EArtH. of Wes Anderson (tHE LiFE AQUAtiC, tHE FAntASTIC MR. FOX), martin scorsese Dafoe is one of the founding members of (tHE AViAtOr, tHE LAST tEMPTAtiOn the Wooster Group, the new York-based OF CHRIST), spike Lee (INSIDE experimental theatre collective. He has mAn), paul schrader (AUtO FOCUs, created and performed in the group’s work AFFLiCtiOn, LiGHt sLEEpEr, tHE from 1977 through 2005, both in the U.s. WALKEr, ADAm rEsURRECtED), David and internationally. Cronenberg (EXISTEnZ), Abel Ferrara (GO GO tALEs, nEW rOsE HOtEL), David Lynch (WiLD At HEArt), William Friedkin (tO LiVE AnD DiE IN LA), and SHANYN LEIGH Biography shanyn Leigh is a graduate of new York University where she performed in many short films during her matriculation. she is a student of Elizabeth Kemp and susan Batson. she has prominent roles in Abel Ferrara’s CHELsEA On tHE rOCKs, nApOLi, nApOLi, nApOLi and GO GO tALEs, as well as in michael mann’s pUBLiC EnEMIEs. this is her first lead role. CAST WILLEM DAFOE Cisco producers JUAN DE DIOS LARRAÍN SHANYN LEIGH Skye PABLO LARRAÍN Natasha LYONNE Tina PETER DANNER PAUL HIPP Noah BRAHIM CHIOUA DIERDRA MCDOWELL Cisco’s ex VINCENT MARAVAL TRIANA JACKSON JJ Line producer TRUNG NGUYEN Li ADAM FOLK Anita PALLENBERG Diana TRUNG NGUYEN Delivery boy Unit production manager MONA LESSNICK JOSE SOLANO Javi JUDITH SALAZAR Carmen sound Designer JIMMY VALENTINO Karaoke singer NEIL BENEZRA PAZ DE LA HUERTA Girl on street Costume Designer PAT KIERNAN News anchor MOIRA SHAUGHNESSY A FABULA/FUNNY BALLOONS/ WILD BUNCH production CREW in association with BULLET PICTURES Written and Directed by ABEL FERRARA World sales FUNNY BALLOONS & WILD BUNCH Composer FRANCIS KUIPERS Film Editor ANTHONY REDMAN A.C.E. production Designer FRANK DeCURTIS Director of photography KEN KELSCH A.S.C. WWW.WiLDBUnCH.BiZ WWW.funnY-balloons.com.
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