Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 Vol 31, No 19 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION • SEPTEMBER 27-OCTOBER 10, 2018 ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: FULL COVERAGE: THE FEEL OF FALL | PG. 4 BRONX PRIMARY ROUNDUP | PG. 6 THE REAL ESTATE Editorial: What to Make of Primary HUSTLEDeveloper siege onIN Bedford BEDFORD Park residents intensifi PK. es pg 3 Joker Movie Shoot in Bedford Park pg 8 A Rags-to-Riches Tale in Photo by Adi Talwar Norwood SMALL HOMES LIKE these on Perry Avenue near East Mosholu Parkway South in Bedford Park are becoming something of a rarity in the pg 10 neighborhood thanks to a continuing interest by real estate investors. By JOSEPH KONIG based partner, Emmanuel way, East 198th Street and by limited liability corpora- “Right now, the Bronx Marshall, are part of a larger Webster Avenue--saw 28 tions, a tactic used by devel- is prime real estate. Prime, movement of investors and properties sold between Jan- opers. Over the same period prime real estate.” developers buying up Bronx uary and August of 2018, ac- in 2017, only nine properties Those are the words of Jo- homes, and tearing them cording to data provided by within that same area were seph Governali, a Norwood down to replace them with ATTOM Data Solutions and sold. resident and realty investor tall buildings, exploiting ex- analyzed by the Norwood For Bedford Park resi- who said he recently entered isting zoning laws. News. These include private dents, real estate developer into contract to purchase The section of Bedford homes, duplex, triplex, and interest is hardly new. In four homes in Bedford Park. Park--bordered by Grand quad-plex properties. Many of 2016, notorious developer Pe- pg 18 Governali and his Brooklyn- Concourse, Mosholu Park- these homes were purchased (continued on page 19) 2 • September 27-October 10, 2018 • Norwood News mittee, with the support of the board of directors and sharehold- Vol. 31, No. 19 ers, has made its voice heard to Vol. 27, No. 10 local legislators. The committee NorwoodVol. News 27, No.is published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by has taken up issues including: MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) The disproportionate number Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by Opinion of shelters placed in Community bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation Board 7 and the Bronx. Mosholu Preservation Corporation 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East Fordham Hill Owners Corp.: A Vital Influencer for E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East • Public Safety. Bronx, New York 10467 Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 Growth of Fordham Manor and University Heights • The beautification, mainte- nance, and safety of Devoe Park. Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 Phone: 718 324 4998 By RACHEL MILLER-BRADSHAW • University Heights property Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 The bus was filled with anx- values. E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 SeniorE-mail: Director [email protected] of MPC ious Fordham Hill Owners Cor- Meantime, Assemblyman Jose Melissa Web:Cebollero www.norwoodnews.org Web: www.norwoodnews.org poration (FHOC) shareholders Rivera, who lives in Fordham Executive Director of MPC on the way to the Board of Stan- Hill, acknowledged myself, along Jennifer Tausig dards and Appeals (BSA) meet- with my fellow board members PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodCEO, News Mosholu Publisher CEO, Mosholu MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ ing set to take place that morn- Myrna Calderon and Blandon Mosholu Preservation Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ ing on Sept. 19, 2017. Empowering Casenave for our efforts in keep- AccountsCorporation Receivable Corporation Editor-in-ChiefDawn McEvoy Roberto S. Garcia conversations on what the cor- ing Fordham Hill a nice place to Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia DavidProofreader Cruz poration could do to advocate for Photo courtesy Rachel Miller-Bradshaw live. JudyDavid Noy Cruz improvements to uplift Univer- FORDHAM HILL OWNERS CORPORA- Because of the concerted effort TION opened in 1950. &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJInterns sity Heights was the discussion of the CEC, our local elected offi- DawnChristy&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Rae Ammons, during the ride. cials have taken notice and three JonathanDawn McEvoy Custodio, Joseph Konig Fordham Hill’s Community cation. Before the chairperson board members have been recog- $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy Engagement Committee (CEC) initiated the vote she commented nized for their work in the com- Dawn McEvoy had to quickly galvanize and co- that “The board had received all munity. ProofreaderFor Display Advertising ordinate their shareholder com- of the letters from the sharehold- Two current board members JudyCallProofreader Noy Janet Geller at Judy Noy munity after learning that oil ers and local legislators. Ford- now sit on Community Board 3URGXFWLRQ(646) 581-0399 giant BP resubmitted an applica- ham Hill has made their position 7. FHOC, geographically, is on Neil3URGXFWLRQ deMause SupportNeil deMause Your tion to build a gas station at 205 very clear.” the far end of the community’s 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV W. Fordham Rd. With that being said, the vote board jurisdiction. Because of DavidCommunity5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Adi Newspaper! Talwar In addition to getting share- commenced and it was a unani- their participation, FHOC is now TheDavid Norwood Greene, News Adi Talwar is a not-for-profit Internspublication and relies upon the support of aware of initiatives to occur in Interns holders to send in emails before mous vote to deny BP’s applica- Shaylaits advertisers Love, Paolo and readersMossetti, to Justin produce McCallum, a the Monday meeting expressing tion. the district. andqualityShayla Chelsea communityLove, George Paolo newspaper. Mossetti, Justin To support McCallum, yourand Chelseapaper, become George a member and receive a their thoughts about the gas sta- Some might say, 2017 was the Civil rights leader Coretta subscription for one year. tion, FHOC also decided to at- year FHOC, developed in 1950, Scott King said, “The greatness For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. tend the meeting with a prepared awakened from its slumber in re- of a community is most accu- Simply mail check or money order for $40 to: SupportNorwood News, Your 3400 Reservoir Oval East, statement by its Board of Direc- gards to community engagement. rately measured by the compas- Bronx,Support NY 10467. Your tors, which the board president, It’s undeniable that Fordham Hill sionate actions of its members.” Community Newspaper! at the time Myrna Calderon, is the socioeconomic anomaly in The CEC shares this ideology. TheNorwoodCommunity Norwood News News is Newspaper! notLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE responsible for - licationtypographicalThe Norwood and relies Newserrors. uponLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Opinions the support expressed of its - in would present along with the the neighborhood with a commu- Based on the increased support advertiserssignedlication lettersand and relies and readers uponbylined theto producecolumns support a ofrepresent quality its FHOC CEC chair opposing the nity of shareholders whose influ- from the FHOC community in communitytheadvertisers sole opinion newspaper.and readersof the authorTo to supportproduce and yourare a quality not paper, gas station for environmental ence has, is, and should continue joining in the committee’s par- necessarilycommunity newspaper.those of Mosholu To support Preservation your paper, become a member and receive a subscription and traffic reasons. to lead the charge in the socioeco- ticipation in addressing our com- Corporationbecome a member or Montefiore and receive Medical a subscription Center. forEditorials one year. represent the views of the editor The presence of the Fordham nomic uplifting and revitaliza- munity’s issues, it is clear that for one year. only. The newspaper reserves the right Hi l l commu nity was felt as t he i m- tion of the surrounding district. we are united in this belief. Simplyto limit mailor refuse check advertising or money orderit deems for $40 pressive number took their seats In the past two years, the to:objectionable.Simply Norwood mail checkNews, Advertisements or3400 money Reservoir order appearing forOval $40 East, in this paper cannot be used without in the conference room. After ac- FHOC board has increased its Rachel Miller-Bradshaw is Bronx,to: Norwood NY 10467. News, 3400 Reservoir Oval East, theBronx, written NY 10467.permission of the Norwood knowledging Fordham Hill’s at- engagement by instating a pro- chair of Fordham Hill Owners News. Letters to the editor are subject to Norwoodcondensation News and is not editing. responsible Writers for should typo- tendance, the BSA decided to vote ductive community engagement Corporation and the Community graphicalincludeNorwood their errors.News affiliation isOpinions not responsible or expressedspecial interestfor intypo signed -if first on the BP gas station appli- committee. Through this com- Engagement Committee. lettersany.graphical Anonymous and errors. bylined Opinionsletters
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