THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1860. 43S7 Bishop's Castle Railway. parish of Lydham, numbered 193 on the tithe (Incorporation of Company. Power to make apportionment map of that parish, and belonging railway from the Oswestry and Newtown Rail- to the Revere.nd Arthur Oakeley,..Clerk, and in way, near Montgomery, to the Shrewsbury and the occupation of Charles Price, passing thence Hereford Railway near Stretford Bridge, with through or into the; several parishes, townships, branches to the Verlon and Bishop's Castle; and extra-parochial, and other places following, power to make arrangements with Oswestry and or some of them, that is to say: Lydham, Bishop's Newtown and Shrewsbury and Hereford Rail- Castle Parish, Bishop's Castle Borough, Lea, way Companies; and to enable the Oswestry Oakeley, and Lea-nnd-Oakeley, all in the said and Newtown Railway Company to subscribe. county of Salop, and terminating "at or near the Amendment of Act3.) gas works, in the said parish of liiihopV Castle, in the said county of Salop, in a field called the "IVT'OTICE is hereby given, that application in " Claypits," belonging to Beriah Botfiekl. Ksqnire, _L i intended to be made to Parliament in the i and Thomas Norton, or one of them, and in ihe next Session, for an Act for all or any of the fol- ^ occupation of Mary Norton. lowing purposes, that is to say : — To take power to construct stations, communi- To incorporate a Company (hereinafter referred cations, works, and other conveniences, in the to as " The Company"; and to enable the Company several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial, to make and maintain the railways hereinafter men- and other places aforesaid, or some or one of tioned, with all the proper works and conveniences them, and also to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, connected therewith, that is to say: A railway whether temporarily or permanently, all such commencing by a junction with the Oswestry and turnpike and other roads, railways, tramways, Newtown Railway near the Montgomery Station streets, rivers, streams, canals, reservoirs, naviga- of that railway, in the parish and county of Mont- tions, or bridges, as it may be necessary to cross, gomery, and in a field or close numbered 34 in stop up, .alter, or divert, by reason of the con- that parish on the plans referred to in the struction, of the said intended railways, and of the Oswestry, Welshpool, and Newtown Railway Act, works connected therewith. 18.55, and belonging to the Right Honourable To take powers to purchase lands and buildings Edward James Earl of Powis, and in the occupa- by compulsion or agreement, for the purposes of tion of Geoi'ge Morris, passing thence through or the said intended railways, and the works con- into the several parishes, townships, and extra- nected therewith, and to vary or extinguish all parochial and other places, following, or some of existing rights and privilegss in any manner con- them, that is to say, Montgomery, Chirby, Wins- nected with the lands and buildings to be pur- bury, Dudston, Timberth, Walcot, Hockleton. chased for the purposes aforesaid, or which would Mar ton, Wotherton, Wilmington, Stockton, Mid- in any .manner impede or interfere with the con- dleton, Rorrington, Priest Weston, Marrington, struction, maintenance, or use of the said intended Churchstoke, Brompton, Rhiston, Brompton-and- railways and works, either or any of them, and to Rluston, Mellington, Hurdley, Weston Madoc, levy tolls, rates, and duties, .upon or in respect of Hyssington, Mucklewick, Snead, Lydham, Aston, the said intended railways and works, and to alter More, Linley, Moreswood, Dinmore, Lydbury, existing tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer ex- Lydbury North, Totterton, Eaton, Eyton, Choul- emptions from payment of the same, and other ton, Plowden, Eyton-and-Plowden, Acton, Brock- rights and privileges. ton, Lower Down, Bishop's Castle Borough, To enable the Oswestry and Newtown Railway Bishop's Castle Parish, Broughton, Lea, Oakeley, Company to contribute towards the Capital and Lea-and-Oakeley, Myndtown, Mindtown, Edgton, hold shares in the undertaking of the Company, Norbiiry, Hardwick, Whitcot, Astertonj Wentnor, and appoint Directors of the Company, and to Home, The Home, Hill End, Church-moor, apply to the purpose of such subscription any Church-more, Old Church Moor, Old Churchmore, funds which they are now authorized to raise, or Prior's Holt, Horderley, Horderley Hall, Hope- to raise further sums for such purpose by creation say, Sibdon, Carwood, Sibdon-and-Carwood, of New Shares in their undertaking, either with Church Stretton, Stretton-en-le-dale, Wistanstow, or without preference or priority, in the payment Longville, Cheney Longville, Wittingslow, Wool- of interest or dividend, and by borrowing on mort- ston, Wooson, Felhampton, Minton, Strefford, and gage or bond, or by any of those means. Stretford, in the counties of Montgomery and To enable the Company and the Oswes'ry and Salop, or one of them, and terminating in the said Newtown Railway Company, and the Shrewsbury parish of Wistanstow, by a double junction with and Hereford Railway Company, or the Company, the line of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway, and either of those Companies, to enter into and one of such junctions being at a point fifteen carry into effect, contracts and agreements in chains or thereabout to the south of the bridge respect of the working, maintenance, and use of carrying that railway over the River Onney, and the said intended Railways, or either of them, or the other of such junctions being at a point ten any part thereof, and the supply of engines, car- chains or thereabout to the north of that bridge. riages, and rolling stock, for the purposes thereof, Secondly, a railway commencing from and out of and the" conduct, regulation, interchange, and the said intended railway in a field called Mill management of the traffic upon or over the said Pool close, in the said parish of Montgomery, be- intended Railways, or either of them, or any part longing to the Right Honourable the Earl of thereof; and also for affording facilities fur the Powis, and in the occupation of Matthew Edward transfer and transmission of traffic passing to and Jones, and passing thence in and through the said from the Railways of the Company, from or to the parish of Montgomery, and terminating at or near Railways of the said Oswestry and New town, and the Verlon, in the same parish, in a field called Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway Companies, the Verlon Close, belonging to the said Right and for the fixing, levying, dividing, and ap- Honourable the Earl of Powis, and in the occupa- portioning of tolls and charges arising from such tion of John George. And thirdly, a railway traffic ; and to enable the said Companies, or commencing from and out of the said first-men- either of them, to levy tolls on the Railways tioned intended railway, in a field adjoining the of the Company, or either of them, or any part turnpike road leading from Bishop's Castle to thereof, and, if necessary or expedient, to provide Norbury, called the Fir Tree Piece, in the said for the appointment by the said Companies of a No. 22449. I.
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