TOBB UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES UNDERSTANDING THE RAISON D'ÊTRE OF URBAN PARKS AND GARDENS MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Zühal EKİNCİ Department of Architecture Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur ÇAĞLAR JULY 2017 Approval of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences ……………………….. Prof. Dr. Osman EROĞUL Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Architecture. ………………………. Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur ÇAĞLAR Head of Department, The thesis entitled “UNDERSTANDING THE RAISON D'ÊTRE OF URBAN PARKS AND GARDENS”, by Zühal EKİNCİ, 144611010, the student of the degree of Master of Architecture, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, TOBB ETU, which has been prepared after fulfilling all the necessary conditions determined by the related regulations, has been accepted by the jury, whose signature are as below, on 04th July, 2017. Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur ÇAĞLAR .............................. TOBB University of Economics and Technology Jury Members: Assist. Prof. Dr. Pelin Gürol ÖNGÖREN (Chair)............................. TOBB University of Economics and Technology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Sağlam .............................. Ondokuz Mayıs University Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Rufayi TURAN .............................. Ankara University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savaş Zafer ŞAHİN .............................. Atılım University ii DECLARATION OF THE THESIS I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. And this thesis is prepared in accordance with TOBB ETÜ Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences thesis writing rules. Zühal EKİNCİ iii TEZ BİLDİRİMİ Tez içindeki bütün bilgilerin etik davranış ve akademik kurallar çerçevesinde elde edilerek sunulduğunu, alıntı yapılan kaynaklara eksiksiz atıf yapıldığını, referansların tam olarak belirtildiğini ve ayrıca bu tezin TOBB ETÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü tez yazım kurallarına uygun olarak hazırlandığını bildiririm. Zühal EKİNCİ iv ABSTRACT Master of Architecture UNDERSTANDING THE RAISON D'ÊTRE OF URBAN PARKS AND GARDENS Zühal EKİNCİ TOBB University of Economics and Technology Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur ÇAĞLAR Date: July 2017 This thesis suggests that the raison d’etre of urban parks as a part of the urban collage are beyond the properties of their physical existence. The main aim of the thesis is to reveal and examine the reason d’etre of urban parks and gardens. In order to examine the causes of the existence of the parks and to discuss the relationship established within the context of the city, four concepts have been defined in the thesis. These concepts are defined as follows; social play, everyday life, revolution, and ideology. In order to explain the associations, Foucault’s book titled Order of Things was examined. The concepts described under the chapter titled "The Four Similitudes” in this book have been transformed and used as reference point in this thesis. The main focus of the thesis is to show that the reason for the existence of urban parks and gardens is dependent on such a relationship which could be defined as the concepts have established with each other and urban parks, along with all of the actions and events that take place in urban parks as open public spaces. In this thesis, the effects of urban parks on everyday life as social playgrounds, the function of play as a revolutionary tool against the point where everyday urban life is stuck, and the relation between the ideology of these concepts and urban space are discussed in detail. v The relationships of the concepts with each other and urban parks, along with the transformations and their effects, are discussed through the urban parks and gardens found in Ankara. The effects of the presence and absence of urban parks on the city have been examined in the framework of such perspectives. Through the relationships revealed in the thesis, it has been discussed that the reason for the existence of urban transcends their physical assets and that urban parks carry an important role within the urban reality. Keywords: Urban parks, Social play, Everyday life, Revolution, Ideology. vi ÖZET Yüksek Lisans Tezi KENT PARK ve BAHÇELERİNİN VAR OLUŞ SEBEPLERİNİ ANLAMAK Zühal EKİNCİ TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniveritesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur ÇAĞLAR Tarih: Temmuz 2017 Bu tez, kent kolajının bir parçası olarak kent parklarının varlık nedenlerinin, fiziksel varlık özelliklerinin ötesinde olduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Tezin ana amacı kent park ve bahçelerinin varlık nedenlerini ortaya koymak ve incelemektir. Parkların varlık nedenlerini incelemek ve kent bağlamında kurduğu ilişkiyi ortaya koymak için, (bu amaçla) tez kapsamında dört kavram belirlenmiştir. Bu kavramalar, sosyal oyun, gündelik hayat, devrim ve ideolojidir. İlişkileri açıklamak için Foucault’ nun Kelimeler ve Şeyler kitabında “Dört Benzeşim” başığı altında inceledeği kavramlardan yararlanılmıştır. Açık kamusal alanlar olarak kent parklarında gerçekleşen tüm eylem ve olayların, kavramların birbirleri ve kent parkları ile kurduğu ilişkilerin, kent parklarının varlık nedeni olduğunu ortaya koymak, tezin ana odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır.Toplumsal oyun alanı olarak kent parklarının gündelik hayata etkileri, kentsel gündelik hayatın tıkandığı noktada oyunun devrimin aracı olarak işleyişi ve ideolojinin bu kavramlarla ve kentsel mekanla ilişkileri ortaya konulmuştur. Kavramların biribirleri ve kent parkları ile ilişkileri, dönüşümleri ve etkileri, Ankara kent parkları üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Kent parklarının varlık ve yokluk durumlarının kent üzerindeki etkileri belirlenen kavaramlarla incelenmiştir. Tez kapsamında ortaya konan tüm bu ilişkilerle, kent vii parklarının varlık nedenlerinin fiziksel varlıklarının ötesinde olduğu ve kent gerçekliği için varlıklarının önemi tartışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kent parkları, Sosyal oyun, Gündelik hayat, Devrim, İdeoloji. viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Tayyibe Nur Çağlar, who guided me with her valuable help and contributions throughout my studies, to the faculty members of the TOBB Economics and Technology University Department of Architecture, and to my family and friends for all of their support. I would also like to extend my thanks to the examining committee members, Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Rufayi Turan, Associate Professor Savaş Zafer Şahin, Associate Professor Dr. Hakan Sağlam and Assistant Professor Pelin Gürol Öngören, for their suggestions and contributions. I would also like to thank Carrie Principe and my dear friend Rüya İpek Balaban, who have made great contributions to my thesis. I would also like to thank TOBB ETU for the scholarship, provided during my postgraduate study. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DECLARATION OF THE THESIS ........................................................................................... iii TEZ BİLDİRİMİ ........................................................................................................................ iv ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. v ÖZET ...................................................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... x LIST OF DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. xii 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Objectives and Methodology .......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Understanding The Raison D'être of Urban Parks and Gardens .................................... 4 1.3 “Relationship Web” of Concepts ..................................................................................... 9 2. CONTACT .......................................................................................................................... 23 2.1 Parks and Gardens as Play Grounds ........................................................................... 23 2.2 Qualities of “Playgrounds” ............................................................................................ 29 2.2.1 Meaning and action ............................................................................................... 29 2.2.2 Aesthetic of daily life ............................................................................................. 30 2.2.3 Pleasure ................................................................................................................ 32 2.2.4 Social construction ...............................................................................................
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