WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT #-r WEATHER FORECAST Columbia-"The Mack of Lopes “ Playhouse—"Se Thl» 1» Marriage.” CapUet—"As Man IUOki" For 36 hours ending $. p.m. Friday : Iwmlaloa— ■ turning Through. Victoria and vlcluIty—FrejKh to strong Coliseum—"A Gaiety Otrt." •oofherly 4*. çasteny windaT generally fair and mild with occasional showers. -r ".is.= BBS? PRICE FIVE CENTS ’ VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 —18 PAGES. 66 KO. 79 OPTIMISTIC FOR DIRIGIBLE R-33 NOW INVESTIGATING HOSPITAL INQUIRY TWO AVIATORS OF SEALING QUESTION ICE JAN IN STREAM WEST NEGOTIATIONS IN TERMINAL CITY U.S. NAVY MISSING FUTURE OF WEST; UNDERGOES TESTS J.E. DALRYMPLE IN OLD COUNTRY Vancouver. April 2.—Following San Diego. April 2.—Two small OF PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE IS ON RAIL RATES numerous complaints of inade­ navy seaplanes and two naval iaondon. April 2.—The dirigible quate medical attention and other aviators whose names are if** R-33. of transatlantic flight fame, services» being provided to pa­ known , at the North Island air left her shed at t'ardlngton. Bed- tients at the city smallpox hos­ fordehlre, this morning and after ARE UNDERWAY pital. Mayor 1». D. Taylor to-day st;ition here have Veen missing a flight of three and one-half DYNAMITED .TO CHECK FLOOD announced that an Investigation since 5.30 o'clock yesterday after­ hour» landed at Pu I ham. .Norfolk, Lower Charges on Grain to of existing conditions at the in­ noon. when they left San Diego where extensive flights and testa stitution would be commenced for San Pedro, It was announced will be conducted. It was the first Much Property Damage ia That Region of Manitoba B.C. Coast Among Plans immediately. time the R-33 had taken the air to-day. since 1921 and the first airship Advanced flight In England since the dis­ Caused by Rise of Asainiboin*, Precautions Taken aster to the R-3S. in Winnipeg; Part of Harbor Front at Montreal Is Decrease in Eastbound Rates Major Scott, who piloted the ship across the Atlantic, com­ Underwater While 8t. Lawrence Rises. _ on Cattle Are Discussed in PLEASED WITH CONDITIONS IN manded «-her to to-day » fUgiU. while Corpora! Pctter, one of the Ottawa survivors of the R-3S was at the wheel. Flying condition were Winnipeg. April 2.—Flood conditions in Manitoba along ths From Tim* .Staff Hepreeentatlv# Ideal. Ottawa, April 2—With » draft WESTERN CANADA AND HOPEFUL .Asamibomc River. .were...more, alarming, te^dax AndJirandon. of fh> QÔtfrbfliéntJi new freight the stream bed overMowed it* bank*, tranafnrring th* low-lytng rate Tepufation aTreactv prepared country into a veritable lake. Residents of the flats have aban­ and in the hands of Hon. George Paddy First Horse doned their homes, while others are preparing to leave as the P. Graham, Minister of Railways, swelling waters extend their areas. .... rate negotiations of far-reaehmg Vice-President J. E. Dalrymple of Canadian National In the Spring Cup At Portage In Prairie the situation is becoming increasingly importance to British Columbia critical and much property damage has already been caused. For Railways Satisfied With Prospects of Prosperity HON. F. 4. A. CARDIN are under wav here between rep­ Race at Newbury manv miles west of the town a huge ice jam has formed and resentatives of the Western prov­ in West; Anticipates Heavy Travel to Coast This Minister »f Marine and Fishsriet workers have been dynamiting it in an effort to guard against Ottawa, April 2 (By Times a repetition of the disastrous floods Newbury. Kng., April 2.—Paddy, of two years ago. In many parts inces and the railways. The is- Year and Popularity of Northern Cruises. by Golden Sun out of Shanogun, Staff RepreranUtlve)—That the, lue of rite revision unow under, chn- Gevernment will decide ehertly the surrounding country farmers have owned by Lady Bradford, won the I wen forced to rraort to brats nnd ■id,’ration. It «•> learned, provide» Spring Cup of C1.M0 here to-day. whether sealing shall be returned Jot nr fanning ol the westbound in Pacific waters next year waa rafts as a means of conveyance. "The future drretopnimt of the Dominion of Canada rests Mrs. J. Bancroft's Purple Shade was COUNCIL MAY The grave situation along the west- Crow1» Nest rate» completely and in indicated in the Cbm mans this seconff. trad Sir William Cook.'* courae of the river haa caused return establishmentp lfl romM of lowerch „_,grainr largely with the Pacifie Coast cities. I am pleased with the con­ Hellaster, third. Twenty-two horses afternoon. rates (o the! Pacific Const and cheaper "The question of ending the -^^.fBertiToh Tn winnlbcg àhd pP**- ditions in the West and have high hopes for the prosperity and ran. [Miration* arc being made by the local •emitbound tat* for cattle and dairy The French horse Ta pin. which Pelagic Sealing Treaty will re­ STEEL RITE ls progress of the gateway of the Pacific,” said J. E. Dalrymple, authorities for the onrusblng torrent won the Lincolnshire Stakes, was ceive consideration by the Cab­ I which is expected to follow the re* OF GREAT BENEFIT vice-president of the Canadian National System, who is on a visit not placed. inet," said a formal Government lea**» of the ice barrier. ftuch an arrangement. If finally to Victoria with his party, and who is to spend two days here 9100,090 FIRE TO-DAY The betting was: • Paddy 26 to 1 answer te quratlene asked by A. Improved conditions are reported 'adopted and Incorporated In the Gov­ against. Purple Shade 106 to 12, and W. Neill, Independent member AT NEXT SESSION from the flood districts in Seohaldho- ern meat's rate.legislation, would be before proceeding North and East again, lie is accompanied by IN SOUTH CAROLINA Hellaster 26 to 1 against. for Cemex-Atkami. wan, the waters having subsided ap­ of enormous benefit to British Co- officials of the company, including C. W. Johnston, passenger preciably during the last twenty-four Jumbla In two waya In the first place hours. It would stimulate the westward traffic manager, whose headquarters are in Montreal ; W. O. Clemenson College, 8.C., April 2— Comptroller Macdonald Will FLOOD AT MONTREAL grain movement, and aacpSEy It Menders, freight traffic manager, of Winnipeg; J. B. Rice, secre Fire was discovered this morning Present Final Estimates in ■would put British Columbia produr­ completely destroyed the agricultu­ FIRST SEEDING OF THE 1925 SEASON Montreal. April [i. — The flood» era In a far better position la the tary to. Mr. Mander». J. M.w ---------Home,-------------------------------------------------- ------------ ral building of Clemenson College New Form along the southern border of Monirtal prairie markets by removing the un­ si freight agent for Vancouver; with a loss estimated at more than Island were regarded this morning fair compétition of eastern goods, 5. A. McNtcboll, general passenger EARTH CRACKING 00. The origin of the fire is un as -M better than yesterday, »Pd IE- which now move westward on low agent #w* Vancouver, and W. H. ....City Comptroller Macdonald many places as much worse. Crow's Nest rates. Hart. - - . L-"' . AND DROPPING IN IS. DONE BY FARMERS IN MANITOBA this morning announced his ex­ The entire harbor front from the Prairie representatives are favor­ Mr Dalrymple stated to-day that I .a chin** «'anal eastward to Tarts ing this broad seulement and It la pectation that Monday night's Pier, a dlstarice of approximately five usderstood the three lloveramests Ikeh*A^ETnct'dN.,.'!«:rJ&Z MISSISSIPPI AREA session of the City Council would miles, is under water, Laurier Pier, ■have intimated definitely they would service in Northern Pacific points SECOND SEA LORD Ehere great ocean-going vessel* are be sble to strike the annual mill support It this summer. The St Margaret, he Winnipeg. April 2.—-With the prairies almost cleared of snow wont to clock, is fifteen feet below which would be k-awa a., the FAVORED BY THE «UNISTER» Brookhevs». Miss.. April 1— and weather conditions unusually fsvorahle. farmers at manv rite. the surface. Influential members of the Cabtaet T3^KS$SSrfo*n»*&d^Cmintry isands of curios» ; ■Alpba. th« Hochetasa. arid Malxon- DIED IN LONDON pointa have commenced preparations, of their tatfH "ffiF Mr. Mardotittit nr preparing neuve sections of the river s edge, tn* are visiting lue vicinity ol Union the revised estimates on ù new debris of hugn ice floss clustered Church, a village west of hero. masses of timber, coal and msny out much of the rate discrimination the novelIBStiara— __and________ general ..appear.. , - Where for an undefined reason the Vice-Admiral Sir Michael Where the floods have not been troublesome, ploughing has basis, which will show all con­ other thingslings washed away by the rla- now existing throughout the West, eace of tW craft. It waa altogether earth is cracking and Kinking In nected data on fixed expetiUi _a»d particularly la British Coiuitibia. Cutme-Seymour Was Fifty- started en a email scale, while scattered districts report seeding fng waters makes the tan nr iWTiSMT Bdat aifd an* "wntrh aw* area quarter of a mlTe long lures »Ur-h as by-law tntrrwt and a* though & cyclone had I The Government's rate legislation, would attract notice wherever tt and about forty feet wide. Some operations under way. Manitoba farmers have been the first being In a rough draft state bo far. seven Years Old principal commitments, which hither ly passed over iL went. It wae comfortable and well of the cracks are. described as to report pfogrese along these lines, seeding being well aitvgneed to. .have .been___ ____ scattered_ . ___-.1 around„ e.,11 hit underlindAI does not contain these, provisions, but equipped.
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