THE PROBLEM OF THE PUER AETERNUS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Marie-Louise von Franz | 288 pages | 06 Mar 2000 | Inner City Books | 9780919123885 | English | Toronto, Canada The Puer Aeternus and the Trap of Freedom and Independence Join Goodreads. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Ordinary sick people follow ordinary patterns, but the shaman cannot be cured by the usual methods of healing. He has to find the unique way, the only way that applies to him. Wikipedia Wiktionary Shop. Puer Aeternus is Latin for eternal child , used in mythology to designate a child-god who is forever young; psychologically it refers to an older man whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level, usually coupled with too great a dependence on the mother. The puer typically leads a provisional life, due to the fear of being caught in a situation from which it might not be possible to escape. He covets independence and freedom, chafes at boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable. In the poem Ovid addresses the child-god Iacchus as puer aeternus and praises him for his role in the Eleusinian mysteries. Iacchus is later identified with the gods Dionysus and Eros. The puer is a god of vegetation and resurrection, the god of divine youth, such as Tammuz , Attis and Adonis. The figure of a young god who is slain and resurrected also appears in Egyptian mythology as the story of Osiris , and is said to be symbolized in Christianity by the figure of Christ. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung developed a school of thought called analytical psychology , distinguishing it from the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud - In analytical psychology often called "Jungian psychology" the puer aeternus is an example of what Jung called an archetype , one of the "primordial, structural elements of the human psyche". The shadow of the puer is the senex Latin for "old man" , associated with the god Apollo --disciplined, controlled, responsible, rational, ordered. Conversely, the shadow of the senex is the puer , related to Dionysus --unbounded instinct, disorder, intoxication, whimsy. Like all archetypes the puer is bi-polar, exhibiting both a "positive" and an "negative" aspect. The "positive" side of the puer appears as the Divine Child who symbolizes newness, potential for growth, hope for the future. He also foreshadows the hero that he sometimes becomes e. The "negative" side is the child-man who refuses to grow up and meet the challenges of life face on, waiting instead for his ship to come in and solve all his problems. When the subject is a female the Latin term is puella aeterna , imaged in mythology as the Kore Greek for "maiden". One might also speak of a puer animus when describing the masculine side of the female psyche, or a puella anima when speaking of a man's inner feminine component. Jung Institute, Zurich, during the Winter Semester, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus by Marie-Louise von Franz As the years roll by, the puer becomes more and more unable to deal with life, and may take refugee in drugs, alcohol or strange behavior, become a member of a cult, or run from one mother figure to the next, ever growing weary from his lack of purpose. If he is lucky, he will find enough trauma to shake him from his slumber and break the spell of his identification long enough to get a glimpse of himself. While trouble and waste of energy can be attributed to those lost in the puer archetype, it has a great advantage for those who can balance it with a disciplined intellect and love for their fellows. The puer's creative energy is behind most accomplishments in art and philosophy, and brings light and song into the drab world of work and decay. As Nicoll pointed out, the divine child within is our intermediary with the eternal realm. He can see both worlds and will shows us the inner one if we wish. The intellect may play its part in manifestation and discipline, but it cannot travel out of the mind, into the realm of the unmanifest, the puer's home. He is merely the archetype of the eternal-youth god, and therefore he has all the features of the god: he has a nostalgic longing for death; he thinks of himself as being something special; he is the one sensitive being among all the other tough sheep. He will have a problem with an aggressive, destructive shadow which he will not want to live and generally projects, and so on. There is nothing special about him whatsoever. The worse the identification with the youthful god, the less individual the person, although he himself feels so special. Puer Aeternus: Wikipedia. Latin for eternal child, used in mythology to designate a child-god who is forever young; psychologically it refers to an older man whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level, usually coupled with too great a dependence on the mother. Puer Aeternus, The Eternal Boy, The Seer: "In a revolt against "the earthly, the conservative, the possessive", he may begin a long ascent into a flight upward and become the ascending son, the Peter Pan or "eternal boy," the moth "mad for the light. Trap: Caught in an ideal. We may think because we believe in an ideal such as the betterment of our fellow man that we are somehow automatically above the fray, that our every action is justified, because the means justifies the end for the chosen few. Trick: Walking the walk. The above thinking will quickly lead everything we do into building up the ego, and keep us from noticing the difference between our ideals and our actions. If we live the life we believe, we must have no glaring contradictions between what we say and tell others, and what we ourselves do. Self-honesty can go a long way in showing us how our fact status and our story may be two very different things. The shock of seeing this could go a long way in waking us up. Progress on the spiritual path can be thought of in terms of value, or love. What is most important to us is what we value the most, what we really love. The path of self-discovery can be seen in these terms. We observe ourselves, and discover what our true motivations are, leading us to see what we value. Another way to see this is by checking our fact status. What we actually do everyday tells us much about what we value, and perhaps shows us the gap between our personal storyline and our actions. If this fact checking and self-observation are carried far enough, we may begin to get a look at something called our 'self' or personality, and begin to see its illusive nature. We may be forced to admit to its exalted status as our real true love, despite our ego's protestations to the contrary. Using this shock as further fuel for the search, we become a bit more honest in our future assessments. The assumption in all of these passages is that human sexuality has a natural course of development, and that success has a single end point, mature heterosexuality. If homosexuality was seen as just an immature stage of development, then there is also an implicit belief that with proper analysis, the trajectory of sexual maturity can be restarted and the homosexual client can be cured. The LGBTQ analysand is not supported in developing a healthy life as a queer person, a goal a therapist would know to pursue today. It should be noted that these examples are also a microcosm of the discussions going on in the larger world of psychology at the time. Thankfully, these theories about homosexuality are being definitively disproven. Gay men have long described a general feeling of being different that started at a young age, and many parents of gay children tell me they suspected their children were gay from as young as age two. Biological research is also teaching us that sexual orientation is biologically innate, constitutional, and fixed. Psychological research demonstrates that attempts to change sexual orientation inevitably fail, and the attempts themselves are psychologically damaging to subjects of change efforts. None of the people cited here were what we would call homophobic today. Relative to the standards of their time, each was in fact fairly progressive and accepting. Many believe that von Franz may have been a lesbian or in a relationship with her long term friend and housemate. Still, Jungian psychology should be more explicit in addressing and correcting past mistakes. Post-Jungian analysts unwittingly played a role in promoting stereotypes and degrading the mental health and well being of LGBTQ people. His lot is seldom what he really wants and one day he will do something about it — but not just yet. Plans for the future slip away in fantasies of what will be, what could be, while no decisive action is taken to change. He covets independence and freedom, chafes at boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable. For this he would need a faithless Eros , one capable of forgetting his mother and undergoing the pain of relinquishing the first love of his life. Common symptoms of puer psychology are dreams of imprisonment and similar imagery: chains, bars, cages, entrapment, bondage. Life itself, existential reality, is experienced as a prison. Puer Aeternus - individunification (mirror) One might also speak of a puer animus when describing the masculine side of the female psyche, or a puella anima when speaking of a man's inner feminine component.
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