contents WOODamagazine June/July2002, lssue 142 PRO JECTS 14 sanding-discorganizer Createsimple storage that helps you install random-orbitdiscs quicklyand easily. 42 ultimatetool chest Show off your woodworkingskills while pro- vidinga home for your favoritehand tools. 58 grand-entrancegarden gate Let this invitingstructure welcome guests to your backyardliving spaces. u good-neighborfence Spice up borderswith a builder-friendly designthat featuresdurable plastic lattice. 74 heirloom hope chest Learnbasic frame-and-panel construction whenyou make this handsome project. 86 space-saving built-ins :V w Addstyle and storage to interiorwalls with ',-t*nq*w' thisbetween-the-studs remedy. gl kids' horseshoe set Puton yourgame face and make somethinggeared for outdoorfun. IQUES 38 signyour work in brass Showpride and class in yourhandcrafted projectswith shop-made nameplates. 52 guide to clear finishes Getthe lowdownon topcoatchoices, 94 includingapplication. --_ FFFYT -*-- Lrltll r|a':r I .. 1 i ffi Itt;l tltrl Cover Photograph:Baldwin Photography rlfll: contents June/July2002, lssue 142 TOOLS AND MATERIALS 16 what makesa greatbrush Discoverwhat finish brushes work best for differenttopcoats and why. 18 price-busting dovetail jigs Checkout two newrouter accessories that combineease of usewith a greatprice. 70 tool test stowablesawhorses Seewhich of the 12tested models lead the packin featuresand versatility. 80 tool test routerlifts Quicklyadjust bit heightin table-mounted routers with one of these eight accessories. 98 productsthat perform Checkout the world's first cordless router, and beefup yourrouter table with a shaper-gpefence. 20 wherewill the wood comefrom? Findout the supplystatus of softwoodsand hardwoodsworldwide. 50 updateon treatedlumber Thedays are numbered for woodwith chromatedcopper arsenate. Catch up on the latestdevelopments. D E PA R T M E N T S 6 editor'sangle 10 short cuts 12 talkingback Better Homes and Gardensa WOODa magazine (ISSN-0743-894X) is published seven times a year in 22 shoptips March, May, June/July, September,October, November, and December by Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309-3023.Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa, and additional mail- ing offices. Better Homes and Gardenstrademark registered in Canadaand Australia. Marca Registradaen frl askWOOD MExico.ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: [].S. anOits possessions,$28; Canada, $41; dther coun- tries,$49. CanadaPost Publications Mail SalesAgreement No. 40069223.Canadian BN 123482887 RT. 112 what'sahead in our nextissue CANADIAN RETURN ADDRESS: Better Homes and Gardens WOOD mas.azine.2744 Edna Street. Windsor. Ontario.N8Y lV2. POSTMASTER: Sendaddress chanses to Better Hbmesand GardensWOOD magazine,P.O. Box 37439,Boone, IA 50037-0439. 4 WOOD magazine June/july 2002 trtrtrffiiiti@ June/July2002 . Vol.19, N0.4 . lssueNo. 142 Editor-in-ChiefBltL KRIER editortsanste ExecutiveEditor JIM HARROLO ManagingEditor MARLEN KEMMEI FeaturesEditor DAVE STONE ProductsEditor DAVE CAMPBELL ProtectsEditor JAN HALE SVEC ProjectsEditor OWEN DUVALL TechniquesEditor JIM P0LLOCK Wafkirng the r r-alL SeniorDesign Editor KEVIN B0Y[E DesignEditor JEFF MERTZ MasterCraftsman CHARLES l. HEDLUND What, exactly,are readerslike Production/0fficeManager MARGARET Ct()SNER tfiAc AdministrativeAssistant SHERYL MUNY0N yourselflooking for in a wood- lllustratorsLORNA J()HNSON, ROXANNE LeM0lNE, TIMCAHILL. MIKE MITTERME]ER working magazine?At ContributingPhotographer MARTY BAIDWIN TechnicalConsultants RICH ER|GHT, JEFF HALI, WOODwe givethat ques- PHILTIPG()()DWIN. GARRY SMITH ContributingCraftsman JIM HEAVEY tion a lot of thoughtevery ProofreadersJIM SANDERS. BARBARA KLEIN ArtDirector TIM ALEXANDER AssociateArtDirector KARL EHLERS day.Fortunately, thousands AssistantArt Director CHERYT A. CIBULA of you havesupplied us with PublisherMABK HAGEN Advertising0tfice: 333 N, Michigan Ave., Suite 1500, answersthrough letters, e-mails, Chicago,lL60601 Phone: 312853-2890 Fax 312580-7906 Salesand Marketing Assistant. IARA KALLAL and face-to-facemeetings. Here's Fromnow on, you'llfind this sealin MailResponse Manager CAR0LYN DAKIS issue WOODmagazine. lt AccountExecutive R()N G()tMINAS every of AccountExecutive NEIL KIRBY how we planto liveup to your servesas a reminderof our centralmis- AccountExecutive J0HN TH0RNBURGH sion:to serveyou with a woodworking Detroit,Phone: 248/356-1149 Fax: 248/356-8930 highexpectations. magazineof unparalledquality. AccountExecutive PAT T0MLINS0N Northeast, Phone: 21 2/55 1-7043 Fax: 2121 551 -7 192 Southeasl:Lagomarsino, Dempsey & Dennis, Inc. as you devoteyour full energyand How do we deliver this quality differ- 2951Piedmont Rd., NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30305 Fr, Phone:404/261-5400 Fax: 4041261-5404 talentsto everyproject that comes out ence?It's not easy,and it's not cheap,but I GroupMarketing Director CATHY E.SMITH d-fyour shop,our staffprides itself on there'sno gettingaround it: We haveto SeniorMarketing Services Manager ALEXANDER D.CLARKSON Phone:212/55'l -7090 Fax: 2121551-7192 putting our very besteffort into eachissue build everyproject, painstakingly prove SeniorPromotion Desioner SARAH DlBELTA of WOOD magazine.We makeno bones everydimension, redesign and rebuild GrouoPublisher STEPHEN B. LEVINS0N aboutwanting to bring you a woodwork- projectsif necessary,then double-or AssociateBusiness Director CRAIG FEAR ing publicationthat is absolutely triple-checkevery depil. We verify the SeniorProduct Manager RICK GR()W AdvertisingOperations Manager PAT HENDEBSH0TT unmatchedin every way. effectivenessand safetyof every wood- ConsumerMarketing Director KATHI PRIEN To achievethat, we haveto do a lot working techniquehere in our shopby an ConsumerMarketino Manaoer DAVE H0N0LD morethan produce easy-to-read and in-housestaff of designers,builders, and VicePresidenVPublishing Director WILLIAM R. REED insightful afticles,complete with great writers.Each staffertakes ownership of MEREDITHPUBTISHING GROUP photosand detailed illustrations. What we every article he is involved with, and PresidentSTEPHEN M.LACY MagazineGroup President JERRY KAPLAN striveto do, morethan anything, is cap- proudlyplaces his nameat the endof each GrouoSales MICHAEL BR0WNSTEIN ture your unreservedconfidence in the story.When it comesto tools,we never CreativeServices ETLEN DETATHOUDER BusinessDevelooment TINA GE0RGE()U accuracyand achievability of everything write up a productuntil it provesitself ManufacturingBRUCE HEST0N you seein the magazine.Itis this level of worthy of a placein your shopby passing ConsumerMarketing KARLA JEFFRIES confidence,we believe,that creates a our intensivetests first. Financeand Administration MAX RUNCIMAN ,lUleredfth quality differenceamong woodworking It's calledwalking the walk, notjust I co^"o^o,'o" publicationsin today'smarketplace. talkingthe talk. Of course,I want you to WlttlAMT. KERR, President and Chief Executive Officer E.T.MEREDITH lll. Chairman ofthe Executive Committee We considerit essentialthat you can tell me how well we're succeeding.Just oCopyrightMeredith Corporation 2002 build a projectfromWOOD withoutfear drop me a letter at the editorialmailing All rightsreserved. Printed in theU.S.A. Customer Service Information: For service on your sub- thatyou'll be slowedby errorsor stymied addressat ight, or send scription, including change of address, contact us at www.woodmagazine.com./service or call 8001374-9663. by missingsteps. You canput your trust an e-mail to me at wood- Subscription mailing address: Better Homes and Gardens WOOD magazine,P.O. Box 37439, Boone. IA 50037-0439. fully in the techniquesand tips shown [email protected]. Pleaseenclose your addresslabel from a recentissue. Editorial here,knowing that you won't wastemate- mailing address:The Editor, WOOD magazine, l7 I 6 Locust Street,GA310, Des Moines,IA 50309-3023.For questions rials or time. And, we want you to march on editorial,questions about how to reachan advertiser,or to olace an advertisementin our masazine call 800/374-9663. into tool retailerswith the unwaveringcer- To order back issuescall 8fi)/346-9d63.Article reprints, send$5 taintythat you'll get a goodbuy basedon per article (no phoneorders), include issueand nameofarticle, to WOOD Article Reprint Service, P.O. Box 349, Kalona, tA the recommendationsin our tool reviews. E^!Ay^;uv52247.checkor monevorder madeoavable to WOOD maeazine. to tP,t WOOD magazine June{uly 2002 \gvfirc^rt I wrrur I ::6ry short cuts Newsand notes from the woodworking world A rnahogany Iook-alike rnakes #ffiffi .,., its debrrt Ftsff.1*";.tt'. *,n,. Any woodworkerwho haspurchased the Weyerhaeuser's new premiumhardwood Honduras mahogany hybrid hardwood Lyptus servesas a less-costlysubstitute has experiencedsticker shock firsthand. for mahogany. We found it for over $5 a board foot at our local lumberyard.Recognizing the With the productbeing so new, some needfor a lower-pricedsubstitute, indus- dealersmay not know of it. And while its try giant Weyerhaeuserrecently intro- intendeduse includes furniture, cabinets, duceda comparableproduct that sellsfor and architecturalmillwork, Weyerhaeuser around$4 a boardfoot. has not yet manufactureda Lyptus- Called Lyptus, a hybrid of Eucalyptus veneeredplywood to support the hard- grandis andEuc alyptus urophylla, this wood end of the business. hardwoodgrows in mammothsustained- forestplantations in Brazil, as pictured at right. Harvestedin just 10 to 12 years,Lyptus is then brought into the U.S. and Canadaand sold on a special-order basisthrough lumber retailers carrying Weyerhaeuserproducts.
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