Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton County News Newspapers 2-9-1940 Fulton County News, February 9, 1940 Fulton County News Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca Recommended Citation Fulton County News, "Fulton County News, February 9, 1940" (1940). Fulton County News. 310. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fca/310 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton County News by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1111,111111P1Mmewir mellow 444.4 Tenn., STRAND THEATRE 4.044 BARGAIN SEASON ioc TO ALL - ALL THE liME ii aiday • lie aged JUST PHONE 479 ilit !Ike ADVERTISING -nt. hut FOR GOES HOME I'm • JOB PRINTING 1 t. I'nd- FULTON COUNTY F74 SERVICE NEWS Prefer 111111t NEW mine In - Your Farm And Home Paper - - Superior Coverage ii sIllua- ad lip VOLUME EIGHT ii I latilaaV It mut 'Om, a, pita NI'MHER THREE. iPrincf Bros. Open , DR. SELDON COHN HEAD Imprortments Made Al Auction Sales lien' OF SWIFT & CO. SPECIAL BOY SCOUT 1 The Strand Theatre FULTON EXPANDS AS 'nit. prince Saks Company have DIED TUESDAY TELLS ABOUT REPORT SERVICE IS PLANNED Ti.' strand Tha.„.. on males.,st purchased the Will Beard Sales LIVESTOCK MARKET -- — lias had a face-lifting, with the out- Dr. Seddon Cohn, 61, well-known Barn and adjoining property, and The meat packing industry will The monthly meeting of vide front the Ful- undergoing redecoration. For years Fulton liss been roiled doctor of Western Kentucky and anounce the opening of regular have more jobs for more men dur- ton Ministerial Association was Other improvements have been as a livestock market, but since the district surgeon for the Illinois Cen- weekly Auction Sales of livestock. ing 1940. held in the study of made to the Methodist the interior Tim sound installation of livestock pens here tral railroad, died Tuesday after- These sales will be conducted by This was indicated by John Hol- ehurch Wednesday morning Rev. and projector equipment has been several years ago by the Illinois noon at three it'd,, It following a an experienced auctioneer each mes, president of Swift & Company E R. Ladd, vice•president, prpesid- riconditioned. Central Syystem, and the establish- heart attack, suffered two hours Wednesday, starting at 10 00 a.m. in a new type lif business unmet i in the ahtienee Of the president, A new bargain season is announc• ment of several live -nick dealers earlier in his office. He had been -Farmers of West Kentucky and issued this week to employes re Rev. Woodrow Fuller. Theodore. ed by Hiram Meeks, manager of here, this ci' has steadily grown in ill health for mime times Tennessee are invited to bring their the local Swift dc Company plant Kramer Jr.. M. L. Parker, James the local theatres, with the ad- as a marketing center. Dr. Cohn was burn Fulton and livestock to Fulton," Mr. Prince as well in as all others of the com- Meacham and Henry Edwards, Boy fillssunn pruee now 10c to all. In Studied medicine Philadelphia, said. "Iliirses, cattle, hogs, dairy Three livestock firms operate at in pany's organization totaling 60,000. Scout officials, were present and making the announcement he St. Louis below retum• cows, sheep. etc.. will be offered at the Fulton livestock yards. Kennett- and Chicago "From an employment standpoint plans were made for a union ser- called attention to the following ing Iart' public auction. We expect to make Murray-Latta, Evans & Companyy, to establish his practice. there is a hopeful note for 1940 be- vice of Fulton churches next Sun- coming screen attractions: "Espion- He was member this a real auction market, and and W B. Davis Itt Sons. Gilson and a of the Southern cause even larger marketings of day. honoring Boy Scout Sunday. age Agent" with Joel McCrea and Meitaal Assiiciation and a charter urge farmers having livestock for hogs Roy Latta, with Paul Boaz book- are expected," said Mr. Hol- The SerVele will be held at 5 o'- Jeffrey Lynn; "Nurse. Edith Cavell" member of the Fulton Elks Club. sale or trade to take advantage of keeper. are in charge of the Ken- mes. "According to the U. S. De- clock at the Methodist church with with Ann Neagle: "Honeymoon in the service we nett-Murray-Latta firm. Neal Ward Surviving him are his widow, offer." partment of Agriculture, the Fed- Rev. W. H. Saxton, pastor, Bali" with Fred McMurray, Made- preach- IS manager of Evans & Co., and W. Mrs Blacnhe Cohn; one son, San- Fulton and vicinity is fortunate erally inspected slaughter will in- ing the sermon. Trops line Carroll: "The Old Maid" with 43 and 44 B. Davis and son. Ben, compose the d. lph Cohn: two hrothers, Charlie Ii, secure an auction market of this crease t about 47 million hogs, id Fulton. and Troop Bette Davis; "TI.e Day the Bookies 45 of Cayce-. remaining firm Kennett-Murray- Cohn of Mayfield and Millard kind. and Mr. Prince deserves the approximately thi• number mar- will attend in Weppt" with Joe Penner; "Mexi- a body. Troop 46. the Latta have a number of associate Cohn of Helena, Ark.; two sisters, support of the entire territory, fiir keted before the drought and the colored troop of cali Rose" with Gene Autry: "Big Fulton, will oc- livestock buyers who purchase live- Mrs. Leora Cratz of New York and this type of service hi:,a long been agricultural control program of cupy the Guy" with Jaekie Cooper and Vic- balcony in the church. in surrounding communities Mrs. Cloche Kart of Louisville; one needed. 1933 and 1934. tor McLagler, At the next meeting of the asso- which are shipped from aunt, Mrs. Sallie Mendel, who re- "We can expect our meat-pack- the local cattinn, which will be held March market sides with him. ing plants to Ix! busier than they 6, plans will be made for a union "No Foolin'" Presented at Funeral services we-re held Thurs- Annual Dinnet Fo; have been for several years.' A survey of the various livestock Good Friday service, and day evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Boy Whether such increased opera- possibly Science Hall Tonight dealers here showed that approxi- Scout Council a sunrise prayer service. One of family residence. Rabbi Fin.-silver tions to handle larger marketings mately 32.800,000.00 worth of live- the memliers suggested that a noon A thris• act comedy -No Foolui.' stock was of Paducah was in charge of the The annual dinner for the Area of hogs, which an• now at their purchased through the day service be held each day dur- will be presented at Oa. Science operations of the services, assisted by Dr. Don P. Coureil of Boy Scouts of America, seasonal peak. will result in a local firms during ing Passion Week and this will Hall tonight (Friday), directed by the past year. It is estimated from Hawkins. The body was taken to including McCracken. Graves, Ful- more profitable year, the Swift also be discussed at the March Muss Carolyn Beadles. The. West,figures available that approximately Louisville for burial today in the ton and Obion counties, was held president did not state. He did in- meeting. Dr. Don P. Hawkins. sec- Fulton P. T. A. is sponsoring the 211.373 pounds of Adath Israel cemetery. at the Irvin Cobb hotel in Padu- dicate that in the industry so de- livestock were retary, will present a paper on play and the proceeds will go into' Active pallbearers were mem- cah Tuesday night. pendent upon the laws of supply shipped from this point. the theme "What the Christian the fund for band uniforms. bers of the local Elks Club. Hon- A portion of the program was and demand, employment depends Hogs led with approximately 167,- Church Has Contributed to Ameri- The following are included in the' arary pallbearers were doctors of devoted as a memorial to the late upon the volume of livestock and 541 pounds bought bringing approx- can Democracy." cast. Lucille Clapp, R. V. Putnam,' the I. C. Hospital, Paducah, local Fred Roth, past *resident of the other raw materials available. Also imately $1,792,256.37; Cattle and Following the business session Nancy Jane Sullivan, Jane Dallas, doctors. L Kasnow, Kasnow Council, who had twenty years of that it was impossible to foretell calves were next totaling approxi- the ministers had J. D. Hales. Mary Hill. Virginia and K. Hoenig. Scouting service. what effect the present European lunch at Lowe's mately 38.085 pounds to aggregate Cafe. Holmes. Earl Sensing, Charles Roy Selbourne, newly-elected (Continued on Page 4) about S835.809.42: Sheep totaled Williams, Mary Ethel Lansders Hugh president of the council, presided Growing interest approximately 26.882 pounds nett- Fulton Theatre to Award is being shown Earle, Doris Parham. Almus Uuder- over the meeting, and Dr. Peter in the work of the assaciation and , mg about 8175.957.71 to the gru-uwers. Ten Free Show Tickets South Fulton Splits wond and Jam( s Godfrey. 1 Livestock H. Plume of Louisville, was the the meeting Wednesday was one is a growing industry principal speaker. Scoutmasters of Twin Bill With Di.vie of tae best some in this section, and with improved See the greatest bunch of Fight- in time REGULAR SINGING WILL l this area and their wives were breeding and feeding practices, in Irish in the cock-eyed world— BE HELD SUNDAY guests of honor On Tuesday night hie South Ful- quality is being raise.
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