i CLASS r "* ~ircr% BOOK • "^^^p THE LIBRARY Q,- ." OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE (Haverford, Pa. the gift of c^mo. a 190 ^ Accession No. i"" ^" /\ £"" NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/haverfordianvols1617have V THE HAVERFORDIAN VOLUME XVII MAY, 1895 to MAY, 1896 EDITORS: JOHN A. LESTER, '96, Chairman. T. HARVEY HAINES, '96. GEORGE H. DEUELL, 96. CHARLES D. NASON, '97- ELLIOT FIELD, 97. WM. H. MacAFEE, 97, resigned, and succeeded by GEO. M. PALMER, '97- RICHARD C. BROWN, 97. P. D. I. MAIER, 96, Business Manager. A. G. VARNEY, '98, Assistant Business Manager. Hnuci ioi d (College. 1 8y6. 1 CONTENTS. 116 Alumni Dinner, The, J. A. Lester, Communications—! Continued. 1 " Oration, The, R. C. Broun, ... 40 Francis B. Gummere, 178 Annual Meeting of the I. C. C. A., The. John B. Garrett, 180 J. A. Lester, 95 Professor Jones, ... ... 180 Commencement, G. H. Dentil 42 Alfred Pererea! Smith [Si Eighty-Nine's Reunion, Warner File, . 34 Concerning the Improvement of the Gymnasium Exhibition, The, R. C. Brown, 44 Havekfordia.n: '82, In Memoriam, Robert Huey, George A . Barton. 23 Deuell and Wood, g6, 116 W. W. Comfort 23 Junior Exercises, The,/. A. Lester 172 Stanley Rhoads Yarnall 24 Meeting of the New England Alumni, The, Concerning Foot-ball: W. W. Comfort, 53 Ex-Captain W. C. Webster 56 Ninety-four Class Dinner. The. Dr. 'Thomas F. Branson, 58 W. W. Comfort, 174 Chas. /. Rhoads, 59 Sophomore-Freshman Sporis, The, Miscellaneous: G. H. Deuell, 63 Robert B. Howland, '4}, .... .41 Spring Sports, The, A. Lester 185 J. Prof. A. C. Thomas, 74 Statistics of the Foot-ball Season, The. " Classicns," I. A. Lester 93 G. M. Palmer, 94 Prof. A. C. Thomas, 1 1 Tennis Tournament, The, /. A. Lester, . 63 lames A. Babbitt, 128 Y. M. C. A. President's Report, The, A. M. Charles and A. C. Thomas, . 147 C. H. Cookman, Cricket— Alumni Personals— /. A. Lester 184 T. H. Haines and J. M. Steere 1S2 " 26 25 and R. C. Brown, 43 45 55 Editorials— /i Announcement of Hayerkordian 93 Prize, /. A. Lester, 133 ioX Art Supplements, J. A. Lester, . 17 12S Biological Seminar, The, C. D. Nason, Si 143 for . Case Exchanges, G. H. Deuell, . 133 Collkgk Notes— College Singing, G. H. Deuell, .... 50 Concession of the Faculty to Editors, E. Field, 183 /. A. Lester 17 " " 2 5 Course in Oratory, The, 7". H. Haines, '15 " " 43 Cricket Prizes,/. A. Lester, 82 R. C. Brown, 60 Cricket Season's Lessons, A. Lester, . G. M. Palmer, 72 J. 33 Date for Swarthmore Meeting, 90 A. Lester 104 J. 97 Disputando Discimus, T. H. Haines, . 126 50 Dr. Lyman Abbott, T. H. Haines, . 142 97 Fall Athletics, G. H. Deuell, 66 Communications— Foot-ball Season, The, G. H. Deuell, . 65 Concerning Debating at Haverford: Freshman Advisory Committee, The, Isaac Sharpless, T. H. Haines, 66 CONTENTS. PAGE PAGB Editorials -(Continued. I LECTURES— (Continued. I Harvard Letter, A, /. A. Lester, . • • 33 Oratory, Robert C. Ogdeu, reported by Harvard Letter, The, C. H. Deuell, . 133 R. C. Brown, 129 Haverfordian Prizes,/, A. Lester, . 49 William Pen 11 (First Lecture), Albert Increasing the Haverfordian's Use- S. Bolles, reported by T. H. Haines, . 130 fulness, T. H. Haines 171 Christ and Socialism, Dr. Lyman Abbott, 145 Informal Challenges, T. H. Haines, . 81 reported by R. C. Brown, Intercollegiate Press Association, Christ's Method of Settling Controversy, T. H. Haines, 97 Dr. Lyman Abbott, reported by C. D. Interest in Athletics, G. H. Deuell, . 172 Nason, ...•• 146 New Editors, The, G. H. Deuell, ... 17 Christ on the Treatment of Criminals, Next Year's Haverfordian Prizes, Dr. Lyman Abbott, reported by E. Field, 147 G. H. Deuell, 17 Literary Articles— Oratory at Haverford, /. A. Lester, . .171 Amish, The, M. Clauser, 66 Present Board, The,/. A. Lester, ... 171 Count Leo Tolstoi, A. M. Charles, .99 Skating Pond, The, /. A. Lester, ... 65 Edgar Allan Poe, C. D. Nason, .... 18 Teacher of Oratory, A, . T. H. Haines, 81 Erasmus, T. H. Haines 174 Tenuis Tournament, The. /. A. Lester, 50 Experience Told a Friend in a Letter, Track Athletics, /. A. Lester, 18 An, R. D. IVood, 101 Wurd About the Tour in England, A, Ferdinand Lassalle, E. Blanchard, /. A. Lester, 115 34 Fourteenth Century Mystic, A, Word of Welcome, A,/. A. Lester, . 49 T. H. Haines, 137 Foot- ball— Haverford College Water Supply, M. Clauser, 82 /. A. Lester 61 Hints for Cricketers,/. A. Lester, 1 /. A. Lester, R. C. Brown, j /4 No. 1. The Beginner at the Bat, . 68 I E. Field and C. D. Nason, f No. 2. How to Learn to Bowl, ... 85 Hall and Campus— Impressions of a Walk to Merion Meet- G. H. Deuell, 186 ing House, H.J. Webster 51 " 32 Incidents of Sir Walter Raleigh's Prison E. Field, 64 Life, G. H. Deuell 121 " " 80 John Eliot, E. Field 108 Library at Haverford, " ' The, ' /. A. Lester and M. Clauser, 95 C. D. Nason and C. G. Hoag, 112 Prof. A. C. Thomas, 106 Little Sketches, C. G. Hoag, etc 148 E. Field, T. H. Haines and J. H. Scatter- good 131 Prof. A. C. Thomas, G. H. Deuell, ... 98 Santer, The, R. N. Wilson 119 Harvard Letter— Teacher, The, C. D. Nason, 135 Use of the Library, . IV. IV. Comfort 53 Dr. F. B. Gummere, 134 /-". F. Davis 70 Wesleyan University, /. M. Round, . 83 William IV. Goodman SS Rainey Harper, R. C. Brown, . 92 G. Lippincott 103 Yankee Skipper, A : A Sketch, IV. W. Comfort 125 E. Thomas, 118 F. F. Davis. 140 Verse— Ballade of Cricket, Andrew Lang, ... 31 Lectures— Denials, C. D. Nason 94 Paintings from the Collection of John " Thine Was the Happier Age of Gold," H. Converse, Richard T. Cadbury, C. G. Hoag, 112 reported by T. H. Haines, 1S2 Translation of a Portion of the Seventh The Silver Question, Theo. C. Knauff, Book of the .Eueid, E. Thomas, ... 43 reported ill Cricket . by J. A. Lester. Two Songs, Norman Gale, . 184 AVIL PRINTING CO.. PHILAOA. THE HAVERFORDIAN HAVERFORD COLLEGE. VOLUME XVI. No. u. MAY, 1895. CONTENTS. EDITORIALS— John B. Garrett 180 The Present Board 171 Professor Jones 180 Oratory at Haverford 171 Mr. Alfred Percival Smith . 181 Increasing Haverfordian's Use- Lecture : fulness 171 Paintings from the Gallery of Interest in Athletics 172 John H. Converse 182 The Junior Exercises 172 Alumni Personals 182 The Ninety-four Class Dinner ... 174 College Notes 183 Erasmus 174 Cricket . 184 Communications : Two Cricket Songs 184 Debating at Haverford .... 177 The Spring Sports 185 A Condition and a Theory ... 178 Hall and Campus 186 AVL PRINTING OO.. PMILADA Josiah S. Pearce, President. The Provident Life and Trust Company Walter W. Hood, Vice-President. OF PHILADELPHIA. R. J. Hamilton, Sec'y and Treas. Office, 409 Chestnut Street. incorporated Third Month 22, 1865. Charter Perpetual. Capital, $250,000. ChartBT PfirDfitlial ' CAPITAL, ', 000,000.00 ASSETS, 36,e08,tOS.7B Insures Lives, Grants Annuities, Receives Money oif Deposit, returnable on demand, for which interest is allowed, and is empowered by law to act as Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian, Assignee, Committee, Receiver, Agent, etc., for the faithful performance of which its Capital and Surplus Fund furnish ample security. ! All Trust Funds and Investments are Kept Separate jpitle and fjirust (;omf>an^, and Apart from the Assets of the Company. Owners op Real Estate are invited to look into that branch of the Trust Department which has the care of this description of property. It is presided over by an officer learned in the law of Real Estate, seconded by capable and trustworthy assistants. ARDMORE, Some of them give their undivided attention to its care and management. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA. The income of parties residing abroad carefully collected and duly remitted. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, President. Allows Interest on Deposits Subject to Check. T. WISTAR BROWN, Vice-President. Titles, as Executor, Administra- Insures Acts ASA S. WING, Vice-President and Actuary. tor, Trustee, etc. Loans Money on Collateral JOSEPH ASHBROOK, Manager 0/ Insurance Deft. and on Mortgage. Takes General Charge and J. ROBERTS FOULKE, Trust Officer. DAVID G. ALSO?, Assistant Actuary. Management of Property. J. BARTON TOWNSEND, Assistant Trust Officer. The new Safe Deposit Vaults of the Company, with the latest •DI-RESTOHS. devices for security and convenience, have been completed and are open for inspection. Boxes rented at $5 and upwards. James M. Rhodes, Richard Hamilton, Jacob Myers, Henry DIRECTORS . Becker, Wm. G. Lesher, W. Henry Sutton. Walter W. Hood, samuel R. Shipley, William Hacker, Philip C. Garrett, T. Wistar Brown, William Longstreth, John L. Carncross, Josiah S. Pearce, Geo. S. Gerhard, M. D. Justus C Strawbridge, Richard Cadbury, Israel Morris, James V. Watson, Allen Chas. A. Warner, H. A. Arnold, B. Rorke, M. D., R. J. Heary Haines, Chas. Hartshorne, Edward H. Ogden, Hamilton. Richard Wood, William Gummere, Asa S. Wing. ^A 1871. 1893. Sta<j>Im.an's Pharmacy, RENNET. This article coagulates 9111k without previous preparation, being most ARDMORE. Penna. convenient for making JUNKET, OR CURDS AND WHEY * » DIRECTIONS. To every quart of milk, slightly warmed, add $500 a tablespoonfiil of Liquid Rennet, stirring only enough to mix it thoroughly. To be eaten when The Collegemen's "Fad" in Cold, with cream sweetened and flavored. MADE BY Shoes is a Heavy Russet, the Heavier the Better. JAMES T. SHIM, Apothecary, Cordovan or , Broad & Spruce Sis. Calf. s,V OUR OWN L*> distinctive '4DEV>j> W. H. Steigerwalt, 1015 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE HAVERFORDIAN. in INCORPORATED !8a6. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $1,000,000.
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